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Ousted Thai ministers meet first time after military takeover


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Yingluck Shinawattra was not ousted by the military. She was ousted by a court for acting illegally for nepotistic reasons.

Thaksin Shinawattra was not the PM or even the lawful caretaker PM when he was ousted following his illegal seizure of power.

Interesting how many chose to say things differently or suggest a different scenario.

There you go again Bb, you big party-pooper. Ruining an otherwise perfectly good story with the truth. clap2.gif

Made my day.clap2.gif
Two idiots congratulating each other on their insight into something that is nothing to do with them and about which they know nothing.
You gotta love these know all farang on here. Good for a laugh but that's about it.

If they live in Thailand and have family here it does have something to do with them.

Based on your theory there would be no non Thais on the this news forum.

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Love the "armchair editorial" on topics like this. Lest we all forget, when losing a friend or former colleague, we go and pay our respects to him/her and the family. I'm going to take the high ground and believe that no one came with a political agenda. They came to pay their respects.

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Yingluck Shinawattra was not ousted by the military. She was ousted by a court for acting illegally for nepotistic reasons.

Thaksin Shinawattra was not the PM or even the lawful caretaker PM when he was ousted following his illegal seizure of power.

Interesting how many chose to say things differently or suggest a different scenario.

What drivel !

As I recall it Thaksin won 2 elections with an overwhelming majority. In fact he was the first Prime Minister to achieve an overall majority in free elections (in 2001). He would have won a third time had not the Dems decided to they didn't want to play and decided to boycott further elections, thereby helping to precipitate the 2006 coup.

So in what way was Thaksin's seizure of power illegal? Or do you just define free elections as illegal per se?

And before you squawk about me being a Red Shirt, I personally disliked the Thaksin government intensely, but I'm not Thai and it's not up to me to tell them who to vote for.

Certainly, my then girl friend and her neighbours down in Chantaburi province, not up in Isaan, thought he was wonderful, regardless of what the Farang might say!

Yes, you do write drivel.

Many people initially thought Thaksin would be good for Thailand, drive through the social changes so badly needed and create a fairer society. They believe the comment the he was already so rich he didn't need to be corrupt. He proved otherwise.

Look up how he dissolved parliament and the reasons for it, how he resigned and moved out of office (but you can't resign according to his sister) and then returned and re-appointed himself PM. (Never approved).

I couldn't care less who you support, where your girlfriend comes from or who she supports. But do check on what really happened then you won't post drivel.

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Yingluck Shinawattra was not ousted by the military. She was ousted by a court for acting illegally for nepotistic reasons.

Thaksin Shinawattra was not the PM or even the lawful caretaker PM when he was ousted following his illegal seizure of power.

Interesting how many chose to say things differently or suggest a different scenario.

There you go again Bb, you big party-pooper. Ruining an otherwise perfectly good story with the truth. clap2.gif

The article does not say that Yingluck was ousted by the military. Brush up on your reading skills before trumpeting about the truth...

BANGKOK, July 4 -- Members of the Pheu Thai Party including former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, ousted in the May 22 military takeover, met for the first time Thursday at the cremation ceremony of a former minister.

I copied this from the article. Read it very slowly.

Maybe your anxiety to discredit disables your reading comprehension.

I await your apology which will no doubt be not forthcoming.

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Yingluck Shinawattra was not ousted by the military. She was ousted by a court for acting illegally for nepotistic reasons.

Thaksin Shinawattra was not the PM or even the lawful caretaker PM when he was ousted following his illegal seizure of power.

Interesting how many chose to say things differently or suggest a different scenario.

There you go again Bb, you big party-pooper. Ruining an otherwise perfectly good story with the truth. clap2.gif

The article does not say that Yingluck was ousted by the military. Brush up on your reading skills before trumpeting about the truth...

Technically, correct. She appointed a person to office. She then replaced him with her brother's ex wife's brother.. Nepotism..or a bullshit excuse to remove the PM?

Is my Brother's Ex Wife's brother my family? I don't even know their names!! Honestly.

You also don't know much about how Chinese families and their very extended family network work.

She broke the rules governing the movement of civil servants. She was then found to have done this to promote and extended family member into a position of influence and control.

PM's in democracies would be expected to resign when found to have acted like this, Yingluck, under instruction, was clinging on at all costs.

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The article does not say that Yingluck was ousted by the military. Brush up on your reading skills before trumpeting about the truth...

Prbkk - please read the first line of the op -

"Members of the Pheu Thai Party including former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, ousted in the May 22 military takeover"

Kinda sounds like Yingluck was ousted by the military, at least to me.

I must admit I thought it might be wrong although not a serious error but on reading it again I think I'm going to have to side with Prbbk.

It says members of the Pheu Thai Party, of which Yingluck was still one at the time, were ousted in the takeover and also mentions that she was a former prime minister. It might have added clarity if there were a comma after 'party'.


Isn't it nice to agree when someone finds a way to interpret something the way you want it interpreted.

You must be an expert on English grammar and sentence construction. As demonstrated in your previous posts.

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Love the "armchair editorial" on topics like this. Lest we all forget, when losing a friend or former colleague, we go and pay our respects to him/her and the family. I'm going to take the high ground and believe that no one came with a political agenda. They came to pay their respects.


They went for the photo op, they needed to show that they are still around and to make it look as if the US is taking their side, recognizing them, supporting them by inviting them.

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Strange how both Prbkk and fab4 appear at the same time, multiple name posters perhaps?

or multiple personalities

Come on guys, give them a break.

There aren't many of them left and at least they're still in there kicking and screaming when most of their fellow red fighters have long since taken a powder.

Please stop gloating for it is only the lack of 'freedom of speech' not only from the coup masters that allows such an annoying trait. You know that with a level playing field, the ability to call it as we see it and not having to tiptoe around some topics that are central to the issue we would truly spank your mard <deleted> all the way back to the barstools you came from.

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Yingluck Shinawattra was not ousted by the military. She was ousted by a court for acting illegally for nepotistic reasons.

Thaksin Shinawattra was not the PM or even the lawful caretaker PM when he was ousted following his illegal seizure of power.

Interesting how many chose to say things differently or suggest a different scenario.

There you go again Bb, you big party-pooper. Ruining an otherwise perfectly good story with the truth. clap2.gif

The article does not say that Yingluck was ousted by the military. Brush up on your reading skills before trumpeting about the truth...

BANGKOK, July 4 -- Members of the Pheu Thai Party including former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, ousted in the May 22 military takeover, met for the first time Thursday at the cremation ceremony of a former minister.

I copied this from the article. Read it very slowly.

Maybe your anxiety to discredit disables your reading comprehension.

I await your apology which will no doubt be not forthcoming.

Don't hold your breath waiting Bb, Fab4 Prbkk has probably gone off trolling another topic by now. thumbsup.gif

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