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Thai editorial: Death penalty is not the solution to rape


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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Personally i am not in favour of the death sentence, but do feel that all convicted rapists should be surgically castrated.

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

Are you a Thai ! ha ha ha , only a Melburnian would bother with St Kilda aerial ping pong club.

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Do you mean ...take a life for a life...?

How uncivilized you are?

how uncivilized was this crime and what would your preventative measure be?

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

Don't you know? Thailand already has the death penalty. They shoot you through the back. (Not through the chest, because the shooters don't want the spirit of the dead man to remember them and find them. Really, this is the truth.)

People have been executed for the rape of children.

For me, cold blooded murder is probably enough to warrant your death. For sure, raping and killing a child warrants the death penalty.

And, I agree with the headline; The death penalty does not solve the problem of rape. But it certainly solves the problem of the the monster who does it.

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The article is putting the emphasise on rape when in fact it was a rape/murder or murder/rape. I think to murder someone is enough for the murderer to be executed, but when there is rape involved the rapist/murderer needs to have pain inflicted upon him before the execution.

In another post I said this guy is an animal, I thing that maybe a disservice to animal's. This guy is scum and deserves no pity.

Yes, but they castrate animals without anaesthetic, so why not do the same to him before he has to spend the rest of his life in jail.

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The bigger the case the more people want to be in the photo op including the higher ups..

I guess that is why they holding this one in the carpark, no room to fit in everyone indoors.

When are the Australian police going to "wake up" and start having these fantastic photo sessions.

Be sure to get them to have the victims point at the suspect in the picture.

A student just told me a joke about the whole pointing thing; He said, if not someone pointing, then the picture is a fake.

Edited by kleelof
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"Death penalty is not the solution to rape"

But Chemical Castration is!! and would send a serious message to the serial rapists in this country who think that rape is a normal part of Thai culture and accepted through the male Thai society.

Stuff Chemical Castration. Just tie him down on the table and take out his balls with a scalpel, just like they castrate young bullocks, no pain killing shots first. Chemical castration is drawn out with consideration, he does not deserve that.

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The bigger the case the more people want to be in the photo op including the higher ups..

I guess that is why they holding this one in the carpark, no room to fit in everyone indoors.

When are the Australian police going to "wake up" and start having these fantastic photo sessions.

Be sure to get them to have the victims point at the suspect in the picture.

A student just told me a joke about the whole pointing thing; He said, if not someone pointing, then the picture is a fake.

Kinda worried about my wedding pictures now rolleyes.gif

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While Mr. Wanchai’s actions — if his confession proves to be genuine — are indeed deplorable

Says it all...

"If his confession".................This is exactly why i am opposed to the death penalty, especially having seen how Thai Police get confessions.

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Good job Khaosod!

Anyway it's never a good idea to speak about this subject the day something so horrific happened.

Do not relate your opinion to a special crime, just tell: "Are you in favor of the death penalty or are you abolitionist?"

IMO, there are two kinds of people on this planet (the pro death penalty and the cons) and these two kinds can drink together, can make love but CANNOT discuss the topic, they CANNOT understand each other.

I'm against the death penalty and I will NOT try to convince you. Just, don't try either.

The death penalty is a deterrent hopefully to prevent such horrible crimes against innocent victims.forgiveness is a wonderful thing so is rehabilitating.but these are given to people who have commited the crime.the victim has their life ended. and the impact is far greater on their respective loved ones. to achieve balance in society if a life is taken one should be prepared to give theirs, for it is an insult to a victim and there families to see a murderer live and receive at great cost a chance to one day see freedom.it would also help all those who live in fear of this happening to them that society and justice do recognize that as free citizens have a right to be protected by our laws against such crimes.and in countries where the death penalty is invoked there is a lot less despicable crimes committed. and on another note how would you feel if this was your daughter.

Reading the posts here, i do not see the required death penalty as being a deterrent, but rather an act of revenge and hatred.

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In India after they past the death sentence to the people who gang raped a schoolgirl, the rape cases dropped by almost 40%. How can you say that the death penalty is not the solution? It’s the ONLY solution.

Rape dropped by 40% ! But it did not stop, so whats the point in it. No i firmly believe that castration would be a better

solution plus life in jail..................Plenty of time to reflect !

Edited by oldsailor35
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"The death penalty has not been proven to be an effective deterrent against crime. "

Really? I believe execution has proven to be 100% effective in preventing executed criminals from committing additional crimes. In fact there has never been a case of a dead criminal committing any form of crime after this form of rehabilitation has been exercised. If anyone can show facts to the contrary I would be happy to be shown that I am in error.

OMG ! you are brilliant !

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This blows my mind,

This was rape and murder.

Bring him into a crowded town and let anyone who wants to volunteer kick the living sht out of him until he's dead and that will send a message to these animals.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

I think you mean "loosely based" and then VERY loosley based

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"The death penalty has not been proven to be an effective deterrent against crime. "

Really? I believe execution has proven to be 100% effective in preventing executed criminals from committing additional crimes. In fact there has never been a case of a dead criminal committing any form of crime after this form of rehabilitation has been exercised. If anyone can show facts to the contrary I would be happy to be shown that I am in error.

OMG ! you are brilliant !

Thats not right , according to Thai culture he will come back .

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First, the topics headline talks about the death penalty for rape, yet the article refers to a rape of a 13 year old girl that lead to her murder, rape is a terrible crime to inflect on anyone but murder is even worse.

I do not believe taking someone's life for murder to be right, at times when you read stories like this one of a 13 year old girl it is hard to stand by my convictions but I do.

One thing that stands out is the way that the RTP seem to in high profile cases very quickly get a suspect and confession, yet I believe there have been a number that the confessions have been disputed because the were obtained under duress.

Life is something that no one can put a value on, and even executing many of the most horrible murderers is just not worth the life of one person that was innocent.

There is also justice to life imprisonment...where the scumbag will wake up to hell thousands of times.

Well said CC wai2.gif

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My reply is for the editor, its YOUR opinion that the death penalty is not a solution to rape you forget thjis was a rape /murder. You say Oh its been proven that the death penalty is not a deterant to violent crime. Its my opinion that I don't care if deters anyone else I know that this scumbag won't be comitting any more crimes and since they have DNA proof and confession why waste time paying for his immprisonment for next 50 years where he could break out kill guards or other persons again just rid us of the threat of this lowlife.

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Death penalty is not the solution to rape...

Another dogooder's dream blahblah - <deleted> hellyeah is the death penalty an absolutely beautiful solution to rape and murder as it protects possible future victims and it should be implemented worldwide, so that each and every one of those lowlifes know they already are half dead as soon as they put their dirty hands on an innocent victim. Best make it mandatory that the corpse of the culprit is to be disposed of in a pit of liquid manure.

If I'd be the father of that litle girl, I would hand down the sentence personally myself.

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Good job Khaosod!

Anyway it's never a good idea to speak about this subject the day something so horrific happened.

Do not relate your opinion to a special crime, just tell: "Are you in favor of the death penalty or are you abolitionist?"

IMO, there are two kinds of people on this planet (the pro death penalty and the cons) and these two kinds can drink together, can make love but CANNOT discuss the topic, they CANNOT understand each other.

I'm against the death penalty and I will NOT try to convince you. Just, don't try either.

The death penalty is a deterrent hopefully to prevent such horrible crimes against innocent victims.forgiveness is a wonderful thing so is rehabilitating.but these are given to people who have commited the crime.the victim has their life ended. and the impact is far greater on their respective loved ones. to achieve balance in society if a life is taken one should be prepared to give theirs, for it is an insult to a victim and there families to see a murderer live and receive at great cost a chance to one day see freedom.it would also help all those who live in fear of this happening to them that society and justice do recognize that as free citizens have a right to be protected by our laws against such crimes.and in countries where the death penalty is invoked there is a lot less despicable crimes the word deterrent committed. and on another note how would you feel if this was your daughter.

Reading the posts here, i do not see the required death penalty as being a deterrent, but rather an act of revenge and hatred.

retribution could be the word your looking for. as it would be just! revenge and hatred is such an ugly description and it has not been used. the word deterrent was the word used. why have you chosen to change its meaning ..are you perhaps feeling vengeful and full of hatred by this vile crime!

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Working on a pipe line in Burkina Faso a few years ago, there was a crew of Thai men that were working there as Trades Assistants, doing all of the shit work that no one else wanted to do.

At night when we were in camp we could here them from there side of the camp beating up and raping the younger boys in the work crew, this went on for about two weeks, they thought it was all good fun and were very proud and happy to do this, until I informed the camp security and then they were them selves beaten to a pulp with AK47 rifle buts and army boots.

We didn't hear any more night time raping of young boys in that camp again.thumbsup.gif

Spot-on clap2.gif

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I would torture him for a long period time until he wished he was dead, I'd then point blank blast the scums brains out! that's being of service to the public!

I would torture him for a long period time until he wished he was dead, Then tie him to an ants nest, then send what is left of the body to his parents so they can loose face and bring disgrace to their village

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How many more rapes this vile specimen has actually carried out?

Death penalty prevents it happening again

he's admitted another two

again I say &lt;deleted&gt; the deterrent factor he deserves to die it's that plain and simple

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Here's a better idea: why not legalise prostitute, some drugs: including marijuana, coke & hallucinogens (but not meth), gambling etc. This will free up police time from the usual undercover money making activities and allow them to do real police work. That won't prevent all rapes, of course, but I'm sure the number of perpetrators caught and subsequent convictions would go up.

As for the death penalty, apart from the obvious objections that it doesn't prevent any crimes and there's always a chance that an innocent person is convicted and put to death, what about guilt? Because it seems to me that living with the guilt of having committed a horrific crime would be far worse than being killed for it (after all, when you're dead, you're dead and that's that). Of course, a lot of these people don't feel guilt - many rapists and the like often also have psychopathic personality disorders etc - and that's precisely why they're able to commit the crimes they commit. But there's always hope that with a few decades of sitting in a cell, the realization that they've taken someone else's life away from them will eventually hit them hard and crush them.

Also without checking, I'd hazard that rates of rape and murder tend to be lower in countries without the death penalty than those with it. Plus Thailand already has the death penalty for murder, and it obviously hasn't prevented this killing, amongst many others.

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

The state cannot and should not decide whether someone should live or die. If the state kills him, then they are no better than the murderers themselves, whether they deserve it or not. If anything life imprisonment would give him hell for the next 60 years, prisoners don't really go easy on child rape and murderers.

Doctor, your belief that if the state kills him then the state is no better than the murder is, I put it to you, and TV readers, your way of thinking is only from the last, maybe, 40 years, compare to the 10's of thousands of years of mankind, I put it to you, maybe your "modern" thinking is wrong.

I see where you're coming from, but I'm from a school where I think once artificial protein growing can match the quality of real meat and is indistinguishable, then killing any animal should be illegal and humans should only consume artificial meat. It is time to move on and advance, especially if we are thinking about moving on from planet earth.

So, if a dog attacks a child, and kills it, then the dog should not be put down, even though it has, without provocation, previously attacked.

Edited by Rorri
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Death penalty is not the solution to rape...

Another dogooder's dream blahblah - <deleted> hellyeah is the death penalty an absolutely beautiful solution to rape and murder as it protects possible future victims and it should be implemented worldwide, so that each and every one of those lowlifes know they already are half dead as soon as they put their dirty hands on an innocent victim. Best make it mandatory that the corpse of the culprit is to be disposed of in a pit of liquid manure.

If I'd be the father of that litle girl, I would hand down the sentence personally myself.

23 years in Thailand and no awareness of the vagueries of the Thai judicial system, the innocents convicted, the defendants set up by the police and military, confessions extracted under duress and torture ( to be later contradicted by evidence ), arbitrary extra-judicial killings, the list goes on.

Personally I think it's quite nice to have the "do gooders" dream of a judicial system that can be relied on, but sadly, there is no such system in the world, anywhere !

They are all fallible and grave mistakes are made in astonishing proportion. ( pun deliberate )

Nice to see the right wing here have such confidence, but as another poster queried, what will your reaction be when you are falsely accused ??

Still in favour of the lynch mob ??

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The death penalty is not a solution but it curtails repeat offenders.

The rapist had a choice, why not let the victims and their families choose the punishment?

Edited by BadBouy
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Possibly the reactionary idea of passing the accused over to the victims family might well be an innovative idea, one would no doubt see a dramatic drop in the crime of rape if this course of judgemental action was to be followed..

This is just revenge, which is good for that short time, but will NOT prevent more crime.

This has been proven again and again all over the world.

99,9 % of all educated in the subjects agree upon the fact that to educate the people, in order to prevent it from happen, is the best solution.

The Thai (and Indian) society is rotten to the core, in regards to this, and the population must be educated from very young age.

Not saying punishment should not be dished out. Discipline in the society is a must, of course.

But punishment alone will never do anything.

Same as the drug and murder sentences, etc. It never reduced the crime rate.

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