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Hello. I'm taking my GF back to England for a couple of weeks. I don't have a fixed address in the UK as I have been here for 11 years, however my sister is going to sponsor her application.

GF sells kanom/ice cream at local food court. She doesn't earn much (its really more for something to do for a few hours a day than about the money) and because of this obviously pays no taxes or has an employer. Is this going to totally bugger us up for the application? I'm assuming they much prefer to hand out visa's to people with a real job to come back to? Or will my Sisters sponsorship be enough to guarantee?

I guess I could maybe find a friend with a company to hmm... put together a letter of employment but I would much prefer to apply for this visa being 100% truthful. I think it would be a shame to have to lie just to get a good honest person over to UK on holiday for a couple weeks when we have boat loads of undesirables going to the UK every day and being housed for free! But I digress....

Any help on this point appreciated. Many thanks in advance!


It would help if she did have a letter from an employer , but if she owns any land or a house that could help. You could be honest and tell them the truth , that you are her bf and you going back for a two week visit and see what happens , but if I was you I would go for the letter from a so called employer , I've done this but I'm sure there be others on here to advise as well and also bring gloom and soon :) ps I'm looking forward to doing the spouse visa soon .... Not

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Just tell the truth, don't ask your gf to tell a lie to an official, she will probably tell them the truth, then the application will be denied due to the initial lie.


The above is right but the problem is the uk border are a right pain in the ass even if she gets her visa they will still question her when she turns up make call to your sister and be well a bunch of w.@k,r on a power trip

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


If only our borders weren't open to the hole of the EU things would be better on every level including this spouse visa nonsense , which is still to have the outcome from our courts .

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Its more complicated than I thought looking at the sticky guide. Apparently she needs to prove her relationship with her sponsor (my sister) but they have never even spoke, so they dont have a relationship! I cant sponsor her as I have no UK address.

Surely I could just argue that her relationship with the sponsor - my sister - is by proxy through me, her brother?


Why aren't you sponsoring her? If you live in Thailand and will be returning (presumably to your job) with her, it shouldn't be a problem. You don't need a UK address, just confirmation that you can stay at your sister's house.


Why aren't you sponsoring her? If you live in Thailand and will be returning (presumably to your job) with her, it shouldn't be a problem. You don't need a UK address, just confirmation that you can stay at your sister's house.

Yes exactly that - I live in Thailand and have done for many years. it seems though that the sponsor has to have a relationship with the applicant? That's what it says on the sticky guide on this forum anyway....

I would prefer to sponsor her, but it says pretty clearly on the sponsor form that I need to supply various identifications to prove I live at the address I give, such as utility bills, morgage or title deeds to the house etc etc. Again, I don't even have a UK address. If I put my sisters address down, they will ask for proof that I live there. And I dont.


Why aren't you sponsoring her? If you live in Thailand and will be returning (presumably to your job) with her, it shouldn't be a problem. You don't need a UK address, just confirmation that you can stay at your sister's house.

Yes exactly that - I live in Thailand and have done for many years. it seems though that the sponsor has to have a relationship with the applicant? That's what it says on the sticky guide on this forum anyway....

I would prefer to sponsor her, but it says pretty clearly on the sponsor form that I need to supply various identifications to prove I live at the address I give, such as utility bills, morgage or title deeds to the house etc etc. Again, I don't even have a UK address. If I put my sisters address down, they will ask for proof that I live there. And I dont.

Read Theoldgit's advice.

If you live in Thailand you can sponsor your girlfriend as YOU have a relationship with her, which you will need to prove. Your reason to return to Thailand, with her, will help your application. You will need confirmation from your sister that you can stay there. Why would you need a UK address?


If you are living with your girlfriend in Thailand then make the point in the application and provide evidence.

Yes I am, lived together for 2.5 years. I cant see how I can prove this though? We have photos together in the 3 different houses we have had in those 2.5 years. I cant think of anything else that will prove we have lived together? We also have photos together of various holidays over the years in Samui,

If your girlfriend works part time sell ice cream then give the details of that, if she's paid cash in hand say so, don't try and elaborate or get the employer to write a fictions letter, or even worse somebody else, you will more than likely get caught out and your girlfriend will face a ban of ten years for applying for a visa.

Ok, good advice then and I will do that. Pointless lying.

Provide evidence of your life in Thailand, and if you live together say so, if you have been living together for a while then provide evidence.

I think I can do that. I have a truck here worth around a million.... A few motorbikes worth around a million.... All in my name. Furniture, appliances, 2 pedigree dogs. This all sounds silly writing this here but I guess this is proof that I have a life here as aposed to a guy renting a room, living out of a suitcase and able to leave Thailand with one days notice? I guess?

Provide evidence about how your girlfriend supports herself, if you are supporting her then show so and prove it's affordability.

She earns a little each week from the market and yes I do support her every month. I wasnt going to mention this to them but if you think I should, I will.

Of course if you girlfriend had property, which I doubt, then of course it would be simpler, but many girls don't, and still get visas.

She has no property. She does have a car worth around 600,000 Baht.

If your sister is going to provide financial support, then she needs to provide evidence of affordability and provide a note as to why she's doing it.

My sister Is not going to provide financial support - I am. Should I supply bank statements? My statements are all quite 'clean' always with a reasonably healthy minimum balance and lots of revenue going in and out. Does that count for anything?

The main stumbling block is always a reason to return, but if you can convince the ECO and provide realistic evidence of your life in Thailand, then you're in with a shout.

I guess it is all about proving we do indeed have a life here - and we do. Bloody hell its tricky proving that though isnt it....

Many thanks for the detailed reply


Why aren't you sponsoring her? If you live in Thailand and will be returning (presumably to your job) with her, it shouldn't be a problem. You don't need a UK address, just confirmation that you can stay at your sister's house.

Yes exactly that - I live in Thailand and have done for many years. it seems though that the sponsor has to have a relationship with the applicant? That's what it says on the sticky guide on this forum anyway....

I would prefer to sponsor her, but it says pretty clearly on the sponsor form that I need to supply various identifications to prove I live at the address I give, such as utility bills, morgage or title deeds to the house etc etc. Again, I don't even have a UK address. If I put my sisters address down, they will ask for proof that I live there. And I dont.

Read Theoldgit's advice.

If you live in Thailand you can sponsor your girlfriend as YOU have a relationship with her, which you will need to prove. Your reason to return to Thailand, with her, will help your application. You will need confirmation from your sister that you can stay there. Why would you need a UK address?

Hi Brewster thanks for the feedback. Its like i have said a few times - the form clearly states that the person sponsoring the applicant MUST prove that they live at a UK address. Its really black and white and I cant see how that could be interpreted in any other way. I could have my sister put together a letter confirming we are staying there (we are not, we will be staying in hotels and I can provide booking confirmations for that if they need them instead) but the bottom line is that I as a sponsor am not able to provide proof that I live at the address I will give them.


Hi Brewster thanks for the feedback. Its like i have said a few times - the form clearly states that the person sponsoring the applicant MUST prove that they live at a UK address. Its really black and white and I cant see how that could be interpreted in any other way. I could have my sister put together a letter confirming we are staying there (we are not, we will be staying in hotels and I can provide booking confirmations for that if they need them instead) but the bottom line is that I as a sponsor am not able to provide proof that I live at the address I will give them.

Well I got a UK visitor's visa for my TGF and I've lived and worked in Thailand for 8 years and have no UK address! Plenty of people living in Thailand get visas for their wives or girlfriends. I think you must be misreading the form.

I just want to reiterate that this is just a 2 week trip, should that make any difference

Yes it will help.


Hi Brewster thanks for the feedback. Its like i have said a few times - the form clearly states that the person sponsoring the applicant MUST prove that they live at a UK address. Its really black and white and I cant see how that could be interpreted in any other way. I could have my sister put together a letter confirming we are staying there (we are not, we will be staying in hotels and I can provide booking confirmations for that if they need them instead) but the bottom line is that I as a sponsor am not able to provide proof that I live at the address I will give them.

Well I got a UK visitor's visa for my TGF and I've lived and worked in Thailand for 8 years and have no UK address! Plenty of people living in Thailand get visas for their wives or girlfriends. I think you must be misreading the form.

I just want to reiterate that this is just a 2 week trip, should that make any difference

Yes it will help.

Well, I think I must be yes. if you got a visa without a UK address im obviously wrong. Do you mind me asking what address you put down on the form then? Did you put down a family members address or something? Or did you use your Thai address?


Is it possible to go and consult with the visa agency before I apply, just to make sure I do everything right and ask these kind of questions with them? Im guessing they don't allow this?


Well, I think I must be yes. if you got a visa without a UK address im obviously wrong. Do you mind me asking what address you put down on the form then? Did you put down a family members address or something? Or did you use your Thai address?

I used my Thai address. I included a letter from my mother confirming we could stay with her at her address in the UK, copies of my Thai bank books showing I had enough money to finance the trip and a letter from my employer in Thailand confirming my annual leave and date of return to work. My TGF had no job and no money! I also wrote a detailed sponsor's letter outlining my relationshp with her and included photos of us together.

Good luck. It is really quite straightforward as long as your relationship is genuine and you don't lie!


Is it possible to go and consult with the visa agency before I apply, just to make sure I do everything right and ask these kind of questions with them? Im guessing they don't allow this?

You could, but in my opinion there is no need to spend the money on an agent for a simple 2 week visitr's visa!


There is no requirement for a sponsor to live in the UK.

What form are you looking at? If you're looking at the Form SU07/12, it's not needed just put everything in a letter.

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Indeed, the application form does not ask for the sponsor's UK address.

If all visitors needed a UK resident sponsor than the UK would receive virtually no visitors or tourists!

Most visit visa applicants are simply tourists and don't have a sponsor at all.

BTW, your sister is not the sponsor; she is the person providing accommodation for you both while you are in the UK. Obviously you need to put her address in answer to the question about where you will be staying.

You are the sponsor.

I am glad that you have decided to ignore the dangerous advice to lie about and present false evidence of her employment posted earlier in this topic.

As said, if this lie and or use of false documents were to be discovered, which as they usually phone employers for confirmation it almost certainly would be, then she could face a ban from the UK as a visitor for the next 10 years, or even, were it considered serious enough, which the use of false documents easily could be, a ban from entering the UK in any category for life.

Plus, of course, such a UK ban would seriously effect her ability to enter other countries.

  • Like 1

Just tell the truth! You have a life in Thailand together and that is the best reason to return that I can think of!

Don't panic about the details in the application form because you can refer to your covering letter. Write this carefully, explaining where you will stay, get a letter of invitation from your sister giving information about the accommodation available.

You do not need to bend the truth at all! Cover the basics especially reasons for visit, demonstrate affordability and explain the personal circumstances which covers reasons to return!

Never, ever lie or falsify. If you feel inclined to then go to an expert or don't apply! An adverse judgement for attempted deception is going to be a heck of a lot worse than a rejection especially if you have a perfectly sound application in the first place!

  • Like 2

The issue at hand is the old chestnut of "reason to return" best to establish her relationship to you and your reasons/commitment to return, reason for the visit and what you(she) intends doing on your(her) visit, a letter from your sister offering accommodation.

To me she is your girlfriend of more than 2 years, you live now in Thailand and will be retuning to meet your family in the UK for a short holiday, you would like her to come with you to meet your family and see some of the UK, to me that is good reason and little risk of her not returning, I hope the ECO would see it that way too.

Most important thing is not to lie.

Best of luck with your girl friends application.


Sorry for the late reply

Thanks so much to everyone who gave advice and sorry for the late reply Brewster, Old Git, 7 by 7, Bob Russell, Basil B thanks again.

Its not as daunting as i figured then and by the sounds of it all we have to do is just be honest. Like you say, we just have to prove that we are a genuine couple for a couple years which should be easy enough and the covering letter will carry most of the weight. If we can just prove we have a life here, which we do, that will supersede the fact that she has no job to return to.

Ill use my Sister's address as a place to stay while we are there and she will sign off on this. I will be the Sponsor, not my Sister.

Can I finally just ask does anyone have any experience of how long this actually takes? Obviously it changes month to month depending on how busy they are and the checks they need to do but a rough indication would be great. I need to book flights and hotels etc so a good idea of when I should book for would be great. I was hoping for Late August is that going to be too soon?

Im not 100% certain but it looks like I can book with Eva (my usual airline) and claim a full refund less 4000 Baht if i need to - if she does not get her visa.

Thanks a million much appreciated


The checks will be minimal or non existent, they make the decision on the evidence supplied, that's why it's so important to submit a robust application.

Applications seem to be taking two weeks to a month, that could of course change.

They do advise against buying a ticket until the visa is issued, always a gamble. I returned to the UK at short notice for a funeral earlier in the year and picked up an Emirates flight for 32K, even got upgraded on one leg, but that was in February.



The checks will be minimal or non existent, they make the decision on the evidence supplied, that's why it's so important to submit a robust application.

Applications seem to be taking two weeks to a month, that could of course change.

They do advise against buying a ticket until the visa is issued, always a gamble. I returned to the UK at short notice for a funeral earlier in the year and picked up an Emirates flight for 32K, even got upgraded on one leg, but that was in February.

Thanks Old Git. If it hasn't changed then that isn't too bad at all time wise.

I figured if I show them proof of return journey it may help the process. Ill wait until visa is issued though (IF)

Prices are high right now. Business Class return for 2 with EVA is coming out to 237K with taxes. I usually fly Biz on my own for around 90K. Obviously 237K is way to much dough. Premium Economy is showing 126K for 2. Still pretty expensive I feel. I thought this was supposed to be low season?

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your help, much appreciated. You may see another post or two over the next week from me..... Either way I will report back in a month or so let you know how I got on. Cheers!

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