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US prepared to broker Gaza ceasefire, says Obama


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Sad, but the head of the household was Hamas and the Israelis issued a warning first. The terrorist's family left right away and were safe, but other Palestinians rushed into the house with children, to act as human "martyrs", and were killed when the missile hit. That has happened in several other cases as well. Hamas bears the responsibility for encouraging this behavior.

"Hello, this is the Israeli intelligence calling, We are bombing your house; you must evacuate the house immediately."

Can we have a source for this insightful piece of info?


One source is the Palestinian Ministry of Information's Facebook page. It is not exactly a secret. I'm surprised that you have not seen it already. laugh.png


"Mohammad Kaware adds ““Our neighbors came in to form a human shield, some of them even stood on the roof to try to prevent a bombing. Some neighbors were in the stairway before I left the house with my wife and children, as I hit the street."



I checked out the Palestinian Ministry of Information Facebook page, I am glad you read it. Did you miss the first paragraph of the first post? 

"Gaza, the world's largest open-air prison, has 1.7 million virtually defenceless people living under permanent Israeli siege and now being bombed by one of the world's most powerful militaries" Keep reading you may be enlightened.
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You need to read a few books before coming up with such ridiculous stories. Israel did not "steal" anything. The UN gave it to them and the Palestinian Arabs refused their portion of land or they would have had their own country for the first time in history. The Arabs started the conflict, started the terrorism, started all the wars and lost every single one. 


Dig a little deeper UG...  Israel is a Rothschild creation which is filling it's role as a pawn to inflame the entire ME... When the time comes Israel will cease to exist, of course all for the greater good...  Everything else is Kabuki theater...  Before the knee jerk crowd lights the torches, do a bit of research... 


Typical Jewish global control conspiracy inflammatory garbage. When does it end? And people wonder why most of the world's Jews feel the NEED for a strong Israel to continue to exist ... ??? 



Some of us are students of history and others, well, believe the tripe fed to you by the mass media... The details of my assertion are there for all to read, all you have to do is want to and no, I'm not going to spoon feed you links...


As far as Jewish persecution, Israel has much to answer for... Israel would cease to exist if or when it loses financial / military support from the US, and your guy in the white house is seeing to that... 


As far as Jewish influence in US affairs, all you have to do is examine their control over media, banking, finance and government in the US... Keep on denying, but of course you are a self-proclaimed zionist... Or are you going to deny that too, forcing me to dig out your posts here on TV... 

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Obama couldn't broker peace between to first graders fighting over a King Dong.

Has anyone been successful in bringing peace to these two?


Would you agree to a "peace" when your homeland was occupied by an illegal force and you were routinely subject to unreasonable harrasment, or would you want to fight back?


The problem is that they don't have a "homeland". They have refused every offer that would have given them one. They are being "harassed" because they have elected a terrorist group to represent them and refuse to make peace.



Once again you obfuscate the truth... Where was the homeland of the Jews prior to 1948? coffee1.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...
Given the israeli conditions for a ceasefire, it is not surprising that Hamas has rejected a ceasefire extension. Kerry is looking terribly impotent right now.

Watch Al Jazeera for the truth about what is happening in Gaza.
What is happening is nothing more than a slaughter of the innocents and 57 seconds does not count as a warning to evacuate. Could you get out of your house and far enough away not to be killed in 57 seconds?
If israel thinks it can kill it's way to "quiet" it is mistaken. For every child, woman and elderly person killed, 10 or more will become enemies of israel and the israelis will never know peace till they start talking to the Palestinians as equals.
The Irish fought England for 600 years till Tony started a real conversation with the IRA.

Over 1,000 dead, mostly children, women and elderly, none of whom are "terrorists".

Check out what happened in Shejaiya neighborhood.
Even the BBC is showing the destruction and the world is turning against israel for it's use of air, sea and artillery/ tank fire against civilian targets.
israel might be winning the battle, but it is losing public opinion and that will count for more in the long run.
Demonstrations against israel will only increase as long as israel carries out indiscriminate slaughter- they are happening all over the world.

No doubt israel has been taken by surprise by the Palestinian resistance- 40 dead israeli soldiers so far.
The west bank is beginning to revolt and perhaps the Lebanese will join in.
israel has sewn the wind, and now it might be seeing the hurricane starting.
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I think Israel did expect to take casualties in case of a ground operation. So I don't think "taken by surprise" is exactly accurate. I also think it is clear that the Hamas tactic of using their civilian dead to further demonize Israel is working well for them. But on the other hand, at this point "PR" is not at the highest priority for the majority of the Israeli public. 

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I think we can dispense with constant criticism of different sources.   If it is a legitimate news source, it can be used.   Al Jazerra may have a different perspective as does the BBC, CNN and numerous other sources.  


Feel free to dispute the information given rather than attack the source, please.  

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 So if US does broker a permanent ceasefire  will take into consideration the beliefs of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the outgoing head of the Defense Intelligence Agency?



A top Pentagon intelligence official warned on Saturday that the destruction of Hamas would only lead to something more dangerous taking its place, as he offered a grim portrait of a period of enduring regional conflict. "If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse. The region would end up with something much worse," Flynn said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.





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I think Israeli leaders are aware of those concerns and arguably are not interested in completely ending Hamas, but rather to greatly weaken them so they stop with the rockets and tunnels for at least a few years. Nobody in their right mind thinks the problems are permanently addressed by the current war.

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Given the israeli conditions for a ceasefire, it is not surprising that Hamas has rejected a ceasefire extension. Kerry is looking terribly impotent right now.

Watch Al Jazeera for the truth about what is happening in Gaza.
What is happening is nothing more than a slaughter of the innocents and 57 seconds does not count as a warning to evacuate. Could you get out of your house and far enough away not to be killed in 57 seconds?
If israel thinks it can kill it's way to "quiet" it is mistaken. For every child, woman and elderly person killed, 10 or more will become enemies of israel and the israelis will never know peace till they start talking to the Palestinians as equals.
The Irish fought England for 600 years till Tony started a real conversation with the IRA.

Over 1,000 dead, mostly children, women and elderly, none of whom are "terrorists".

Check out what happened in Shejaiya neighborhood.
Even the BBC is showing the destruction and the world is turning against israel for it's use of air, sea and artillery/ tank fire against civilian targets.
israel might be winning the battle, but it is losing public opinion and that will count for more in the long run.
Demonstrations against israel will only increase as long as israel carries out indiscriminate slaughter- they are happening all over the world.

No doubt israel has been taken by surprise by the Palestinian resistance- 40 dead israeli soldiers so far.
The west bank is beginning to revolt and perhaps the Lebanese will join in.
israel has sewn the wind, and now it might be seeing the hurricane starting.


There are two Al Jazeera feeds on the Gaza Strip, and they do not always carry the same story or commentary.  Guess you are referring to Al Jazeera English.


Warning times - are longer that quoted on many occasions. Some are tiered, with the time quoted relevant to the last stage,

after several prior warnings were given. The IDF repeatedly called on Gazan's to evacuate certain areas, Hamas called them to stay. For those that are going to shout that they have nowhere to go - this is only partially true, most of the fighting is being carried out on the north part of the Gaza Strip and to a lesser degree along the the border with Israel (east). Obviously, the warning times for Israeli civilians of an impeding rocket attacks are just as short, sometimes even less than that.


Agreed that it doesn't matter much how right or wrong Israel is, there is no way global public opinion will not lent its support to the Palestinians when such images of death and destruction flood the media. Reasoned arguments, correct as they may be, do not stand a chance against dying children and wrecked homes. The Israeli effort on this front would be (or should be) more about damage control, less about claiming moral high ground.


And of course, the results of this current clash will fuel the conflict for years to come. Same old.


The point is, it seems that the Israeli government (or rather, the dominant right wing element), which is not too keen on getting anywhere with the peace process anyway, does not expect anything different. As far as I can tell, the rational is that as there is no viable way to cut a peace deal favorable to Israel, and as chances of getting the Hamas to play nice like the PA are slim, the present reality of repeated clashed is what we're in for. As long as this is kept on something considered a manageable level it will go on. As for global public opinion and global diplomatic pressure - the first is seen as inherently biased by most Israelis (doesn't matter if its tagged as anti-Israel, pro-Palestine or anti-Semitic), so no big loss there, and the second is deemed as manageable as well (whether this is a correct assessment is another matter). And, of course, the Palestinians themselves are playing a major part in ensuring this mind set is so hard to change - kicking the bucket is an art when it comes to their side, so does supplying the Israeli right wing with reasonable justifications for oh so many things.


The Israeli casualties were taken into account, not much surprise there. A couple of incidents where groups of soldiers were killed, yes - but more from an operational point of view. There is still, relatively, less public pressure from Israelis as far as the IDF death toll goes, very different from reaction during the last Lebanon incursion.


The West Bank does not get as much coverage as the Gaza Strip, but things are certainly boiling and may come to a head.  If the situation does get out of control there, than this would definitely spell trouble for Israel and the Israeli government. At the same time this also touches on the PA's and Abass's standing, so might hold even more dire consequences for the Palestinians themselves.


Could be wrong, but so far the Hezbollah is not very involved (previous sporadic shootings from Lebanon were Palestinian), probably to do with the current mess in Syria, where it is neck deep supporting Assad's regime. Don't expect this to be much different in the near future.

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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic





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Obama couldn't broker peace between to first graders fighting over a King Dong.



Very, very true. When will his supporters, and his apologists just admit the man is completely in over his head, and completely incompetent? I always said that he would have been a great leader of the Illinois boy scouts chapter. Or maybe even a CEO of a company with under 100 employees. But, as the "so called" leader of the free world he is so out of his depth. His ability to broker a deal is almost non-existent. Neither side trusts him. Especially Israel. Actually his treatment of Israel is one of the few things he has done that I admire. He has stood up to the them. They hate him for that. Nobody stands up to Israel, much less an American leader. Not with the $US2,000,000,000 per year they spend on lobbyists. Not with a Congress and a Senate that is completely bought and paid for, and populated by $35 street whores. Obama is a nincompoop. He is a sold out corporate schill. What makes him so dangerous, is that he appears quite intelligent, and he pretends he is a centrist democrat. All this is coming from a life long democrat that voted for him. The first time. By a year into the first term I knew who he was. Most of my friends still do not acknowledge who he is. Sometimes I think he is more conservative than Tiny King George (Bush) II was. 


The reality is that time and again, Netanyahu has demonstrated he does not want peace. He is not a man of peace. He wants to be a warlord. He is a freak. He wants peace as much as Pakistani extremists wants peace. 


"Nincompoop" is a very serious allegation, do you have a source for that?


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I am pretty sure that he was being sarcastic about Obama. No one who is paying attention, thinks that he is a friend of Israel, but he can not completely ignore his own party and many democrats as well as most Americans - including lots and lots that are not Jewish - support Israel over the Palestinians by a large margin.


I, for one, do not think Obama is a friend to Israel. I think he would very much like them to simply go away. Just one person's opinion.

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Wasn't this gigantic cock up caused by the British who,during WW II, promised the land to both the Arabs and the Jews?

Common British tactic, lying to people to get them to join in and then stabbing them in the back after it was all over. Lawrence told the Arabs in WW1 that that they'd get their land if they fought the Turks, and we know how that worked out.


Not to forget that they also betrayed the Turks in the 1800's when they had a war with the Greeks,instead of disembarking them as agreed the royal navy received orders from London to leave the Turkish army where they were,the politics had changed.Thousands were slaughtered. My country was an empire builder, that doesn't go hand in hand with honesty and principals. 



Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour


This is a copy of the Balfour agreement. I don't see any promises in the text other than the declaration of sympathy. Many drafts of this document were rejected by Lord Balfour before this one which was written by the Jewish contingent headed by justice Brandise. Brandise was a Rothschild agent charged with the job of bringing the USA into the war on the allied side.


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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic





Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.

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I am pretty sure that he was being sarcastic about Obama. No one who is paying attention, thinks that he is a friend of Israel, but he can not completely ignore his own party and many democrats as well as most Americans - including lots and lots that are not Jewish - support Israel over the Palestinians by a large margin.

I, for one, do not think Obama is a friend to Israel. I think he would very much like them to simply go away. Just one person's opinion.

He is the least popular American president, in Israel, in their history. Last I heard, his approval rating over there was 12%. But, I give him credit for that. I am not a supporter. However, this is one thing he gets right. Standing up to Israel despite their massive lobbying budget is gutsy. They are an aimless society when it comes to a plan to resolve this current conflict. They do not deserve American aid. And I say this as an American Jew.

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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.
The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.
America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.
Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 
We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.
And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.
The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 
The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic

Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.

China does not do peace brokering. That would be charitable. The only aid they offer, is aid with financial strings attached. Do not look towards the Chinese government for any sort of moral authority. Only authoritarianism and rhetoric.

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 So if US does broker a permanent ceasefire  will take into consideration the beliefs of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the outgoing head of the Defense Intelligence Agency?



A top Pentagon intelligence official warned on Saturday that the destruction of Hamas would only lead to something more dangerous taking its place, as he offered a grim portrait of a period of enduring regional conflict. "If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse. The region would end up with something much worse," Flynn said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.





Quite right too. The US removed Saddam and the ISIL has now taken over. They are many times worse than Saddam ever was. Even Al Qaida is frightened of them.


The US can never broker anything permanent, as they are openly one sided and do not treat the Palestinians as equal to israel.

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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic





Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.


If you expect the Arab states to support the Palestinians, you obviously don't understand the Arabs. They are not a united group of nations. The only thing they have in common is language.

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I think Israel did expect to take casualties in case of a ground operation. So I don't think "taken by surprise" is exactly accurate. I also think it is clear that the Hamas tactic of using their civilian dead to further demonize Israel is working well for them. But on the other hand, at this point "PR" is not at the highest priority for the majority of the Israeli public. 

If world opinion turns against israel, they will regret losing the PR campaign.

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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic

Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.



Are you suggesting the Arab dictatorships also provide an equivalent amount to fund Palestinian arms purchases? BTW combined EU countries provide more funding to Israel than the US.


At one point I believe it was mooted that a 'Marshall Plan' was proposed upon Palestinian recognition of the right to exist for the State of Israel. This deal has gone down the drain with the rise of Hamas.


Maybe a very good incentive is to fund, retrain and re-equip PA Fatah forces to destroy Hamas, a civil war that would be very bloody, but maybe could bring an end to the endless circle of death and destruction. It has been alledged, with Israeli support, arms have previously been supplied by Egypt to Fatah.


“The shipment included 2,000 AK-47 rifles, 20,000 magazines and two million rounds of ammunition. The arms and ammunition were transferred from Egypt to Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing, in coordination with the Israel Defense Forces and with the government's authorization. The four trucks carrying the weapons were accompanied by IDF Military Police to the Karni crossing, where they entered the Gaza Strip and were received by PA security personnel”




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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic

Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.



Are you suggesting the Arab dictatorships also provide an equivalent amount to fund Palestinian arms purchases? BTW combined EU countries provide more funding to Israel than the US.


At one point I believe it was mooted that a 'Marshall Plan' was proposed upon Palestinian recognition of the right to exist for the State of Israel. This deal has gone down the drain with the rise of Hamas.


Maybe a very good incentive is to fund, retrain and re-equip PA Fatah forces to destroy Hamas, a civil war that would be very bloody, but maybe could bring an end to the endless circle of death and destruction. It has been alledged, with Israeli support, arms have previously been supplied by Egypt to Fatah.


“The shipment included 2,000 AK-47 rifles, 20,000 magazines and two million rounds of ammunition. The arms and ammunition were transferred from Egypt to Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing, in coordination with the Israel Defense Forces and with the government's authorization. The four trucks carrying the weapons were accompanied by IDF Military Police to the Karni crossing, where they entered the Gaza Strip and were received by PA security personnel”





And after the Palestinian civil war is over, who do you think the arms will be used against?


The US armed and trained the Afghanis to fight the Russians, and after the Russians left they got used against the US.

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"The Americas will broker a peace deal" - Don't know if to laugh or cry.


The Americans are dishonest brokers - they, or should we say their AIPAC puppet masters make sure that the Americans will do nothing except push the Zionist line, when they are instructed to do so.


America became irrelevant to the Palestinian perspective long ago, due to the systematic installation of Zionist 5th Columnists, in all American power structures. From the State department, to the Pentagon, from the World Bank to the New York Times, America is another Zionist Occupied territory.


Don't believe me? Simpy look at how Bloomberg, one of the most powerful men in USA, was bitch slapped by the Zionist lobby to fly to Occupied Palestine, in defiance of a aviation warning. 



We have seen this play out time and time again, when  the ROI on the Zionists extermination reaches the point that there are so few targets left, they roll the Americans in to 'broker' a peace deal.


And what is the meat of the 'deal' from the Palestinian perspective? Return to the daily humiliation and collective punishment being handed out by the Zionists, and we will stop sending cluster bombs and F16s at your children.


The entire world sees this sham for what it is, and the protests around the world attest to this. There is no justice possible for the Palestinians under the Americans - unless they care to provide the Palestinians the same 3 billion USD in aid and weapons. 


The Palestinians will never get justice on the basis of sympathy or international law, they need might - but that's a separate topic

Every country has its allies and takes sides. The Americans give Israel 3 billion dollars in aid wouldn't it be reasonable to expect the Arab states to give the Palestinians 3 billion as well ? I don't understand why everyone expects America to bleed for the whole world. America is biased so they aren't a good broker for a peace deal,but who would be ? Perhaps Switzerland or Finland but the Muslims have, due to extremism,terrorism,middle aged type laws for their own people, destroyed any sympathy that they could have reaped in the west,China perhaps but they have Muslim problems as well, the Dalei Lama might be a good choice.



Are you suggesting the Arab dictatorships also provide an equivalent amount to fund Palestinian arms purchases? BTW combined EU countries provide more funding to Israel than the US.


At one point I believe it was mooted that a 'Marshall Plan' was proposed upon Palestinian recognition of the right to exist for the State of Israel. This deal has gone down the drain with the rise of Hamas.


Maybe a very good incentive is to fund, retrain and re-equip PA Fatah forces to destroy Hamas, a civil war that would be very bloody, but maybe could bring an end to the endless circle of death and destruction. It has been alledged, with Israeli support, arms have previously been supplied by Egypt to Fatah.


“The shipment included 2,000 AK-47 rifles, 20,000 magazines and two million rounds of ammunition. The arms and ammunition were transferred from Egypt to Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing, in coordination with the Israel Defense Forces and with the government's authorization. The four trucks carrying the weapons were accompanied by IDF Military Police to the Karni crossing, where they entered the Gaza Strip and were received by PA security personnel”





And after the Palestinian civil war is over, who do you think the arms will be used against?


The US armed and trained the Afghanis to fight the Russians, and after the Russians left they got used against the US.



Off topic:


Err didn't the US invade Afghanistan. However, it's disputed whether US actually armed the Taliban (more like Pakistan?), many of the non Pashtun ethnic groups, who were equipped by the US, actually fought the Taliban.


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I think Israel did expect to take casualties in case of a ground operation. So I don't think "taken by surprise" is exactly accurate. I also think it is clear that the Hamas tactic of using their civilian dead to further demonize Israel is working well for them. But on the other hand, at this point "PR" is not at the highest priority for the majority of the Israeli public. 

If world opinion turns against israel, they will regret losing the PR campaign.



I'm sure that Israel would prefer that public opinion was on its side, but there are plenty of countries that have done just fine without it. I don't see why Israel would be any different.

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