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Video of Thai police slapping murder-rape suspect causes stir


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one way to get a confession

Regardless of innocence or guilt.

Though in this case it does seem he is guilty.


No argument there but if this video was shown in a civilised western court he would walk free.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Except that the guy is just a suspect!

If he's done what they think he's done, he deserves more than a slap or a 25 years behind the bars, but there hasn't been a conviction yet.

no he confessed and even other cases.....

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Looked like he had gone to sleep.

Wake up you still haven't finished answering the questions.

Wonder at what point in the questioning the slap was delivered ?

If it was after he had told them how he had raped the girl and chucked her out the window then it would be quite understandable for the cop to be disgusted enough to give him a whack, particularly if the cop had girls of his own.

Don't look like it did the rapist any harm.

I've seen worse by Thai teachers, in Thai classrooms.. this is nothing.

Edit: A video of them cropping off his tosser would well be worth distribution.

i understand the feelings of the police officer and the cyber lynch mob, but in many court systems in the western world such treatment and a video to prove it on the internet could lead to this guy walking.

Yep in Australia a good, well a $10 lawyer would have this guy out on bail now and the chance of conviction is totally blown. Confession under duress. Handcuffed behind his back and slapped/beaten.

What is wrong with the BIB and their want to have the media present at everything. Pack of morons.

But it isn't Australia and I guess here no court would care much.......While I am neither a fan of Thai police or Thai courts, I would say letting someone like this out on bail because of a slap is way less professional than the slapping police officer.

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All they need to do is let him read this story : "Sexual assault suspect beaten to death in Thai prison" The Thai translation of course.

Then tell him there is now a vacancy in Trang remand prison which could be a convenient place for him to stay the night.

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for me it looks more like beating on the head, than slapping.

slapping is with an open hand on a skin, this one is violently punching on the back head, so it moves.

surely, a case for an officer dismissal. Firstly, for beating a detainee, secondly for recording it on his mobile and publishing online. Breach of regulations.

defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation

Just a tap to wake him up and get him to pay attention.

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Another reason why these idiotic re-enactments don't need to occur.

The guy is lower than scum. Do what you like to him, just don't do it in public. Get him to court, death sentence and off you go. Bear in mind, aside from the rape. He murdered someone. Murder in Thailand often carries the death penalty. For a country with such a huge sex and prostiutiton industry to be debating the death penalty for rape is a little odd. I think there are far greater social issues to be solved than executing rapists.

Sorry I may be miss understanding you here. Are you suggesting that in countries that have large sex and prostitution industries, and many have just as big and even larger than Thailand, discussing severe punishment for rape is odd?

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Nice to see how many people are out there and crying for democracy but raise their hand for lynch justice, I could probably get everyone to confess a murder with torture even if he or she hasn't committed the crime. Achievements in human rights are going down and society slowly falls back to cavemen style, what a wonderful future.

As opposed to a future where the rights of victims are totally irrelevant as we put all out time effort and resource into understanding the tortures and injustices suffered by the criminals, that drone them to such evil and show them compassion and understanding as we strive to help them rehabilitate to again take their place in society?

Rape, beat and murder a 13 year old girl, and say it was the booze and drugs - you just lost your right to human rights.

Love the bleeding hear liberals. Would they be so forgiving if it was their daughter?

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for me it looks more like beating on the head, than slapping.

slapping is with an open hand on a skin, this one is violently punching on the back head, so it moves.

surely, a case for an officer dismissal. Firstly, for beating a detainee, secondly for recording it on his mobile and publishing online. Breach of regulations.

defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation

Just a tap to wake him up and get him to pay attention.

sleep deprivation is already o torture
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Don't see any problem here!!

Really you do not?

Ever considered confessions may be beaten out of people?whistling.gif and then innocent person spends its life behind bars while the real criminal continues to kill or rape

Oh for <deleted> sake open your eyes

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Is it the Thai court, judicial system who shall punish this guy or is it the Royal Thai Police ? Somebody should think very carefully through this. The policeman did a crime, or in any civilised country it would be a criminal act. Why do so many foreigners think it is ok that the Thai police does crimes against him ? Do the accept if the Thai police does crimes against themselves ? Thailand has the potential to be a civilised country, why <deleted>..k it up like this. Sack the policeman and put him in jail for 3-5 years. That would help the Royal Thai Police`s image.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Except that the guy is just a suspect!

If he's done what they think he's done, he deserves more than a slap or a 25 years behind the bars, but there hasn't been a conviction yet.

He confessed.

Do you mean he confessed after being slapped on the head by police officers, and then be told that he could see his sentence be cut in half if he confesses the murder while showing him 2 live wires connected a welding transformator?

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Looked like he had gone to sleep.

Wake up you still haven't finished answering the questions.

Wonder at what point in the questioning the slap was delivered ?

If it was after he had told them how he had raped the girl and chucked her out the window then it would be quite understandable for the cop to be disgusted enough to give him a whack, particularly if the cop had girls of his own.

Don't look like it did the rapist any harm.

I've seen worse by Thai teachers, in Thai classrooms.. this is nothing.

Edit: A video of them cropping off his tosser would well be worth distribution.

i understand the feelings of the police officer and the cyber lynch mob, but in many court systems in the western world such treatment and a video to prove it on the internet could lead to this guy walking.

Yep in Australia a good, well a $10 lawyer would have this guy out on bail now and the chance of conviction is totally blown. Confession under duress. Handcuffed behind his back and slapped/beaten.

What is wrong with the BIB and their want to have the media present at everything. Pack of morons.

Agreed in the west he would be walking free with damages free to rape again. I don't often say it but its just as well the Thai system is as messed up as it is in this case.

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That computer key board brings out the animal in people, and their balls hang to the floor. Most would squeal like a girl if they could actually do what they say they will do. They caught the guy got a confession and he will go to jail leave the posturing at home boys.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Really you do not?

Ever considered confessions may be beaten out of people?whistling.gif and then innocent person spends its life behind bars while the real criminal continues to kill or rape

Oh for <deleted> sake open your eyes

Oh for &lt;deleted&gt; sake start to use the brain

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Attention getter..

Looked like he had gone to sleep.

Wake up you still haven't finished answering the questions.

Wonder at what point in the questioning the slap was delivered ?

If it was after he had told them how he had raped the girl and chucked her out the window then it would be quite understandable for the cop to be disgusted enough to give him a whack, particularly if the cop had girls of his own.

Don't look like it did the rapist any harm.

I've seen worse by Thai teachers, in Thai classrooms.. this is nothing.

Edit: A video of them cropping off his tosser would well be worth distribution.

i understand the feelings of the police officer and the cyber lynch mob, but in many court systems in the western world such treatment and a video to prove it on the internet could lead to this guy walking.

... however, given the current outrage, one feels that he wouldn't manage to walk very far, and those would probably be his very last steps...!!

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Seriously you just can't do that, it's stupid and unprofessional. People saying "well you cant blame the cop if he just heard the guy confess...." really! Would you then say its ok if the case goes to court and is thrown out and the guy walks free, because of that cops actions?

Think I am joking? I'm not, this happens all the time in the US and the UK. The cops have to be above that sort of behaviour and actually apply professional interrogation techniques to get answers. Cases have to be locked down and water tight leaving the scum no room to wriggle out of the charges! Sure we would all like to be in a locked room for an hour or two with this guy. However would we then want to face the family when he walks on a technicality? Yet again this is the BIB showing lack of professionalism, lack of training, and stupidity on then posting it online. I hope the forensic evidence is strong enough to convict without having to reply on ehem....'confessions'

By the way- I fully accept the Thai courts wont care if the confession was under duress'. I still think its wrong though! I am also not a bleeding heart liberal. Trust me his immediate future in prison is going to be a lot worse than what the TV keyboard army would actually do to him!

Edited by ScouseTommy
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Put him in a cell with big bubba, let him enjoy the time together, then choke him and toss him out the wondow.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Bad time for jokes like that...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Thorgal
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I doubt there's a sane person here that wouldn't want this scumbag put down IF he is guilty, but this is just stoopid and immature from the RTP, who have likely gone this route for their own agenda and not because they're upset at the crime. Thai police at their best, zero discipline, the army should take over wholesale.

Not that it's unique of course, anyone see the Yube vid doing the rounds of the US cop beating the crap out of a defenseless woman on the street because she was walking near the highway?

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2 things amaze me about this thread.

1. Some posters saw a " Beating " in this 5 sec clip. All I saw was a couple of slaps on the back of the head.

2. Some posters making comparisons between the West and Thailand.

If a couple of slaps constitute a beating, perhaps you should get out more. If Thailand is so bad and the West is so good, go home.

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defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation ...

thai police can be total idiots...never thinking of what if, stupid thing to do

spot on

Defense lawyer will use it to petition the accused's confession be thrown out.

In that eventuality a smack on the head by a dumb policeman could set a guilty man free.

Somebody please give that cop a swift hard smack to the side of his head.

Then find the cop who was in charge of the interrogation who allowed the video to be leaked, and the cop who made the video, and smack both of then on the side of the head as well.

They should all be smacked and then sacked.

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2 things amaze me about this thread.

1. Some posters saw a " Beating " in this 5 sec clip. All I saw was a couple of slaps on the back of the head.

2. Some posters making comparisons between the West and Thailand.

If a couple of slaps constitute a beating, perhaps you should get out more. If Thailand is so bad and the West is so good, go home.

I think you have misunderstood what people are saying. I don't believe anyone is against the guy having an attitude adjustment as he may very well deserve it. The real issue is that they filmed the adjustment and it has been leaked thus making the defence lawyers salivate and it gives them evidence to have the confession thrown out as it was probably obtained under duress/by force. No one wants to see this guy walk.

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2 things amaze me about this thread.

1. Some posters saw a " Beating " in this 5 sec clip. All I saw was a couple of slaps on the back of the head.

2. Some posters making comparisons between the West and Thailand.

If a couple of slaps constitute a beating, perhaps you should get out more. If Thailand is so bad and the West is so good, go home.

I think you have misunderstood what people are saying. I don't believe anyone is against the guy having an attitude adjustment as he may very well deserve it. The real issue is that they filmed the adjustment and it has been leaked thus making the defence lawyers salivate and it gives them evidence to have the confession thrown out as it was probably obtained under duress/by force. No one wants to see this guy walk.

I understand what people are saying. They are applying Western logic to the subject.

I agree, that leaking the video might not have been the brightest idea in the world.

However, with the uproar on Thai media that this case has caused. I cannot see any lawyer in Thailand " Salivate " over trying to get this case thrown out of court.

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Yesterday i saw a video emerging from a cop beating a suspect in public, whom by the way was so upset that he refused to follow the cops orders, beating and eventually drew a gun on the young man, who claimed the cop had no reason whatsoever to apprehend him , let alone beating him up and pointing his gun at him.

Channel 7 around 10 in the morning yesterday.

the 'wake up push' of this officer is to pathetic to mention compared with the 'street fighting cop' yesterday

Oh the victim just walked away in the end.........

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