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Special Report: TAT to launch new campaign to boost tourism industry

Lite Beer

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Don't you worry, TAT will never ever miss an opportunity to spend (waste?) its huge yearly budget, I didn't say 'wisely', did I...?

Anyone remembering the cost (paid to a 'befriended' advertising agency after a 'very transparent' bid) for adding one (useless, implicating it was not 'true' before) little adjective to the slogan: 'Amazing Thailand', how many tens of millions, and is TAT still using the, expensive, adjective...?

IMO a bunch of useless, very expensive, know nothing, self centered airheads, appointed among the in-crowd by you-know-who, NCPO, don't reform TAT, replace it, all knew faces, true professionals, ears pointed to what the tourist organisations OUTSIDE Thailand need and want.

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Oh, and TAT's stats are fake too, what is a 'tourist' for them? A non-Thai entering the 'country' by air-sea-road-rail (and the odd bicycle), no matter whether he spends two hours at swampy before his next flight outside Thailand, he's a tourist, or he lives here with a work permit ot a long term non-immigrant or business visa, he's a tourist, or he travels through from/to Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia asap, to escape from the reknown Thai drivers' skills, maybe a truck driver, he's a tourist, all tourists! The aim? Legitimise TAT gargantuesque budget! (Take Samui f.i.: take the numbers from TAT, and sum up all the available places on airplanes and ferries, there are no bridges, thank god, and it's too far to swim too, consider they're 80% full, all year through, what is far from true, especially in low seasons, and that as good as no Thai citizens would be on board, while I guess they make up for above 40% average, and you would still have to conclude a massive load of 'tourists' must have been 'beamed up' to Samui, by Scotty, or by TAT...)

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"the new marketing plan is targeting to generate an estimated 1.4 trillion baht in revenues from foreign tourists".

Right, so when they come here for a two week holiday, that's great, they're contributing to that 1.4 trillion baht. But, but if they come here and stay for seven months or more in a single holiday, well, no, Thailand does not really want their money.

You know, if they strip away the 'tourist' revenue from the 'tourists' who are here for more than seven months per year, well, is that going to reduce the 1.4 trillion baht revenue ? Are those 1000 baht notes from people who are here for a seven month stretch not as good as the ones from the two-week tourists ? I really wonder !

In my observation living on KPG, most of those long-stayer 1,000 baht notes are spent in farang owned bars and restaurants, with little regard to the benefits they are bringing to "the country". Many of the nationalities prefer to congregate in their favorite national's place of business, with little regard to legality of said business...

In my opinion these are the people responsible for pushing land and property prices out of reach for common Thais. Few Thai bar/restaurant owners drive 4x4 and SUVs and live in even 2 million baht homes, let alone 10 million baht condos.

Lets face it, if there was no exchange rate benefit most farangs would have to live a more realistic lifestyle and would not afford most things they consider cheap here. Most would not come here.

''most of those long-stayer 1,000 baht notes are spent in farang owned bars and restaurants'' terrible and somewhat inaccurate generalisation there. Even the heavy drinkers spend a good portion of their budget on the other necessities, food rent etc this all goes into the local economy

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They still don't get it. If TAT wants to promote Thailand you have to promote Thailand in foreign countries, not in Thailand.

What they are doing now is the same as promoting your own (disco)club in your (disco)club. This does NOT boost your visitors !!!

To gain more visitors in your club you need to promote it outside your club !!! This might boost your visitors !!!

Thailand and marketing, don't go together.....cheesy.gif

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He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization. The TAT is striving to make this ranking higher in 2015. It will follow the guidelines set in the 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2012-2016) and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports’ National Tourism Development Plan, as well as the policy of the National Council for Peace and Order.

BULL$#!T !!!

I can count at least 7 countries in Europe having more than 26 million tourists in 2013.

Amsterdam itself already has received more visitors than Thailand in 2013, not even talking about the countries.

Holland has daily 5 million border crossings !!!

Maybe Thailand is visited with virtual $€x tourism on internet as 6th in the world ???

Edited by FredNL
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"One of there core concepts is promoting happiness"

They should change there slogan, Come to Thailand you have to be happy!

right... and those "thinking" that tourists from developped and civilized country's go for holidays

in a place under MARTIAL LAW.. must be sick in the head...

It is not a proplem of the borderrunners who scream about can not anymore stay under wrong

reason - it is the Problem that soon the REAL tourism industry in Thailand will get down the ChaoPraya River...

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They are promoting happiness ($$). Come on TAT, promote thailand as a beautiful and stop thinking bahts. When you take care of tourists the baht will come automatic. You seem to piss me off every time you do a promotion.

Time for a total clean up at TAT.

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He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization.

Another lie by TAT !!!

Top 10 countries on international tourism receipts 2013
1. USA 156,2 million visitors
2. Spain 97,9 million visitors
3. France 93,7 million visitors
4. China 75,0 million visitors
5. Macao (China) 63,7 million visitors
6. Italy 61,2 million visitors
7. Germany 58,1 million visitors
8. UK 56,4 million visitors
9. Hongkong 42,1 million visitors
10. Australia 41,5 million visitors
14 Indonesia 36,5 million visitors
15 Switzerland 35,8 million visitors
16 Netherlands 33,9 million visitors
21 Singapore 30,1 million visitors
25 Thailand 26,1 million visitors
Source: World Tourism Organization !!!!
How comes that WTO has other figures than TAT ??? Answer TAT is lying !!!
Edited by metisdead
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everybody happy ...

happyness with ...

everybody all over the world that can read or watch tv, knows what is going on

but there is that certain type of tourist that just afther landing heads to pattaya or flies directly to phuket

so they can be 2 week millionaire and feel like a real man

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He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization.

Another lie by TAT !!!

Top 10 countries on international tourism receipts 2013
1. USA 156,2 million visitors
2. Spain 97,9 million visitors
3. France 93,7 million visitors
4. China 75,0 million visitors
5. Macao (China) 63,7 million visitors
6. Italy 61,2 million visitors
7. Germany 58,1 million visitors
8. UK 56,4 million visitors
9. Hongkong 42,1 million visitors
10. Australia 41,5 million visitors
14 Indonesia 36,5 million visitors
15 Switzerland 35,8 million visitors
16 Netherlands 33,9 million visitors
21 Singapore 30,1 million visitors
25 Thailand 26,1 million visitors
Source: World Tourism Organization !!!!
How comes that WTO has other figures than TAT ??? Answer TAT is lying !!!

It's not called TAT for nothing,, it's just Thai spelling,*hat. wink.png

Edited by metisdead
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"the new marketing plan is targeting to generate an estimated 1.4 trillion baht in revenues from foreign tourists".

Right, so when they come here for a two week holiday, that's great, they're contributing to that 1.4 trillion baht. But, but if they come here and stay for seven months or more in a single holiday, well, no, Thailand does not really want their money.

You know, if they strip away the 'tourist' revenue from the 'tourists' who are here for more than seven months per year, well, is that going to reduce the 1.4 trillion baht revenue ? Are those 1000 baht notes from people who are here for a seven month stretch not as good as the ones from the two-week tourists ? I really wonder !

In my observation living on KPG, most of those long-stayer 1,000 baht notes are spent in farang owned bars and restaurants, with little regard to the benefits they are bringing to "the country". Many of the nationalities prefer to congregate in their favorite national's place of business, with little regard to legality of said business...

In my opinion these are the people responsible for pushing land and property prices out of reach for common Thais. Few Thai bar/restaurant owners drive 4x4 and SUVs and live in even 2 million baht homes, let alone 10 million baht condos.

Lets face it, if there was no exchange rate benefit most farangs would have to live a more realistic lifestyle and would not afford most things they consider cheap here. Most would not come here.

I would hope that you are not referring to retirees. We are worth very much more to the economy than tourists or longstayers. We give employment to many Thais as domestics. All our money goes into the economy and most of us would not want to be seen "dead" in a foreign owned bar. If we eat out we go to good Thai restaurants. We retire here because we like Thailand and the Thai people . The last thing we want to do is congregate with "Farangs"

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"The core concepts will be to restore visitors’ confidence in Thailand by promoting Thai culture, happiness, and sustainability, as well as balanced and sustainable growth." Buzz word of the day: sustainability? happiness? They still don't get it. Amazing Thailand: happiness within (because what's without side of you may not do the trick, in reference to rip offs, crime, pollution, farangs seen as ATMs not people, rotten infrastructure, corrupt police). You'd better hope you find your happiness within! This is a Buddhist country, and the Buddha said "All life is suffering" it is true, but do you have to rub our faces in it? Major attitude adjustment by general culture would go a long way, not some preoccupation with social media.

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Hello !

"Lets face it, if there was no exchange rate benefit most farangs would have to live a more realistic lifestyle and would not afford most things they consider cheap here. Most would not come here."

Yes, this is true, but it doesn't take away the point that farang who stay here for a seven or eight month stretch ARE putting money into the Thai economy. Or does it ? After all, Thailand still wants to welcome the two-week tourists, and some of those two-week tourists might be here, because, because Thailand is cheaper than other places.

As for pushing up land and property prices, well, us foreigners "can't actually buy or own land, unless through a legal loop-hole". The vast bulk of Thailand's real estate is owned by Thais (most of the prime real-estate in Bangkok is owned by rich Chinese-Thai families), and surely, a real-estate boom benefits the Thais who have got real estate. They, after all, are smirking at the value of their properties rising. Yes, Thais who can't afford to buy because of the rising prices have a problem. Well, in other places, London and Melbourne, the local government might build government housing, and allow locals to live in such housing, at a below-the-market rate.

And those long-stayers who spend most of their money on farang owned bars and restaurants. Well, surely, the two-week tourists (in Pattaya and Phuket), they also spend a lot of their money in places owned by farang ? Most of us (who have been here for more than a year) do know right, that the bulk of the farang-owned bars and restaurants in Thailand actually make a loss or break even. smile.png And they do employ local Thais or Cambodians to work in such places.

The point I'm trying to make, the long-stayers are still drawing out cash at the ATM, they're still bringing in foreign currency. The only difference is, is that the two-week tourists spend about four or five times more money per day. The long-stayers are spending the same money, it's just that they're spending it more slowly ! smile.png

Hello. Excuse me. What?

I can assert you have not lived here for long, nor do you own any property here, based upon what you assert.

I came here for the love of the ethos, aside from the assumed rights and wrongs. I earn money here, am paid in baht, and pay tax same as any Thai; I also do it legally.

You can make as many assumptions as you desire but I, for one, do not spend money in places you again 'assume' are owned by 'farang'. Are you really so naive? I withdraw from my BANKS what I have honestly earnt here, and not a jot from a foreign country. I spend as I need, buy what I need, and live comfortably as I need. I assert that you have no idea what it is like to live here long-term, and nor do you know much about the culture here in its reality; I also assert you know little about what you believe you know about living in Thailand long-term. Stick to your 8 month stays, until you really have some idea what your essence contains. You might make it long-term. Until then, good luck with your further assumptions.

Until then, keep naive assumptions to yourself, and make the same assertions after you have lived here for at least 10 years.

In addition, you wrote, 'well, us foreigners "can't actually buy or own land, unless through a legal loop-hole" '. Then you wrote, "Most of us (who have been here for more than a year) do know right, that the bulk of the farang-owned bars and restaurants in Thailand actually make a loss or break even." You contradict yourself in 1 post; the post full of misunderstanding, as you clearly display.

Ubonratch, you silly person, YOU have miss-understood my comments !

I was answering directly to the previous post (from ParadiseLost). This thing about assuming that fahrang spend their money in fahrang owned bars and restaurants. I was responding to the original point about how 'Paradiselost' had said about how the long-stayers spend their money in such places, and my response was basically "the two-week tourists are actually just as likely to spend their money in such places" (the SAME places as the long-stayers !).

What did I write ? You agree right, that the difference between the two week tourists and the eight month guys is, is that the two week guys spend about four or five times as much money on a PER DAY basis ? We're talking about the average two week tourist, and the average eight month tourist (or two year tourist).

Did I make any assumptions about YOU, Ubonratch ? No, I did not. smile.png

But you have assumptions or miss-interpretations about my writing.

So YOU think I contradicted myself with the land ownership comment. Look, it's been mentioned constantly, on Thai Visa, about how Thais can go to America or England, they can legally buy land with no problems. But we, as foreigners, we can do it, BUT we need a legal loop-hole. We're NOT in the same situation as the Thais are when THEY go to England.

And when you see the fahrang-owned bars and restaurants, you do know about the owner-ship of the vast bulk (or most) of those bars, don't you ? Things like, Mr Foreigner has bought a bar, he hasn't got it 'freehold', he's bought the contents of the bar (the fridge, television, chairs,etc), he's now paying the rent every month, and his bar just about breaks even. I do actually know a stack of Pattaya bars, most of those bars make a loss or break even. And I know a few bars outside of Pattaya as well, it's the same story.

So you earned YOUR money here in Thailand. Well, good for you. You accept that the vast bulk of the eight month (or longer than eight months) guys earned their money outside of Thailand ?

Let's get back to what the OP was. So what's the difference between the two week 'genuine' tourists and those who stay for longer than seven months in one stretch ? My original post was about how it's strange and funny for TAT to want to boost tourist revenues from the tourists (they mean the two-week tourists, the 'genuine' tourists), but at the same time, Thailand appears to be wanting to remove the tourists who stay for long periods. Did you read my original post before you shot your mouth off ?? smile.png

And YOU, don't assume that I am one of those who comes here for eight months, and then goes away, and comes back later !! Just because I am writing to support them, that don't mean to say I'm one of them.


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"the new marketing plan is targeting to generate an estimated 1.4 trillion baht in revenues from foreign tourists".

Right, so when they come here for a two week holiday, that's great, they're contributing to that 1.4 trillion baht. But, but if they come here and stay for seven months or more in a single holiday, well, no, Thailand does not really want their money.

You know, if they strip away the 'tourist' revenue from the 'tourists' who are here for more than seven months per year, well, is that going to reduce the 1.4 trillion baht revenue ? Are those 1000 baht notes from people who are here for a seven month stretch not as good as the ones from the two-week tourists ? I really wonder !

In my observation living on KPG, most of those long-stayer 1,000 baht notes are spent in farang owned bars and restaurants, with little regard to the benefits they are bringing to "the country". Many of the nationalities prefer to congregate in their favorite national's place of business, with little regard to legality of said business...

In my opinion these are the people responsible for pushing land and property prices out of reach for common Thais. Few Thai bar/restaurant owners drive 4x4 and SUVs and live in even 2 million baht homes, let alone 10 million baht condos.

Lets face it, if there was no exchange rate benefit most farangs would have to live a more realistic lifestyle and would not afford most things they consider cheap here. Most would not come here.

I would hope that you are not referring to retirees. We are worth very much more to the economy than tourists or longstayers. We give employment to many Thais as domestics. All our money goes into the economy and most of us would not want to be seen "dead" in a foreign owned bar. If we eat out we go to good Thai restaurants. We retire here because we like Thailand and the Thai people . The last thing we want to do is congregate with "Farangs"

Perhaps it is different on this island; KPG is pretty small and eventually you get used to seeing the same faces in the same places. For example, French bar/restaurants here are mostly full of French speakers, with French music and movies. Many are retirement age but by no means do I point a finger at retirees - the long term "tourist" that many claim are 'improving the lot of the Thais' is the point here.

Of course "normal" tourists go to these places but many more choose authentic Thai restaurants for the holiday feeling, not seek out their fellow countrymen. Few if any of these places have four Thai employees - some none at all.

The long term tourists are more likely to spend money on basics, not tourism related activities. They live mostly in their own or rented properties so the hotel industry loses out as well. Hardly a boon to the tourism market now is it.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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It just may be hard for Thai officials to understand that many farang are tourists as a lifestyle. They may not be ready to retire in 1 country but they spend their lives as tourists because they have the money to travel. If they like Thailand and wish to spend more time here as a tourist (and spend more money here also) they are kicked out every 60 or 90 days to go spend their money in another country. I have met so many farang though the years who are constant tourists (both young and old) traveling the world, but Thailand seems to only really want the short term tourists. I just cannot understand the logic of kicking paying customers out of thier country every 60 days....go away farang go spend your money somewhere else.....

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He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization. The TAT is striving to make this ranking higher in 2015. It will follow the guidelines set in the 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2012-2016) and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports’ National Tourism Development Plan, as well as the policy of the National Council for Peace and Order.

BULL$#!T !!!

I can count at least 7 countries in Europe having more than 26 million tourists in 2013.

Amsterdam itself already has received more visitors than Thailand in 2013, not even talking about the countries.

Holland has daily 5 million border crossings !!!

Maybe Thailand is visited with virtual $€x tourism on internet as 6th in the world ???

Border crossings are not just tourists.

In 2013 Holland had 12.7 million tourists, 4% more than the previous year. Just google some. Amsterdam having over 26 million tourists in 2013???????? Utter crap. Google.

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"When tourists are happy, they usually forward messages to friends on their social networks, the Governor pointed out."


And the same goes if they are not Governor...

My exact thought. People are much more likely to forward messages and write up bad reviews if they are unhappy about something! The Internet is a two-way street.

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