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This is a willie wontee thing that I have been thinking about for quite a while.

On my travels I see a fair number of those who are right down the bottom of the social scale, mostly through no fault of their own.

Everything from young unwanted children who have been left with elderly grandparents who are really in no condition to look after them through the blind, disabled, homeless living on the streets, under bridges and in bus shelters to those who are scrabbling in the garbage for anything they can sell, sometimes accompanied by kids.

Then there are those who are in the lowest paid jobs, street sweepers, garbage collectors, farm laborers up to their knees in mud, jobs you and I wouldn't want.

When I see these people the above song always comes to mind and I think how lucky I am.

Had I been born at a different time and in a different place it could so easily have been me in any of those circumstances, heck I have been on the bones of my bum more than once but have always had means and the ability to get back up something these people don't have and never will have.

So my Question : Should I start a topic on this ?

I want some feedback before I post some of the photos I have taken, I hope I have made my feelings on this clear and no one thinks that I am denigrating these people in any way.

Ron's Bike topic has given me a opportunity to post one of these photos I have taken as a sort of test, have a look and give me your opinion please.



I have often thought of a similar sort of thread - but was reticent because I felt it might be interpreted as looking down on folks...but photographically, there were some really interesting shots to be had. I posted at least a couple that would fall into what you are describing in the "Faces of Thailand" thread...the young mother with her two children and all her worldly possessions in her cart and an old hill-tribe woman in a market spring to mind.

IMO, why not post them in "Faces of Thailand", "Up the Workers", "Street scenes", "Every day life in the hills" ("Selfies" w00t.gif )... I am sure everyone would be interested to see them, and that way, you needn't feel that you were starting a thread that denigrates anyone.

C'mon! Stop writing and get 'em up there so we can see 'em....tongue.png


I have often thought of a similar sort of thread - but was reticent because I felt it might be interpreted as looking down on folks...but photographically, there were some really interesting shots to be had. I posted at least a couple that would fall into what you are describing in the "Faces of Thailand" thread...the young mother with her two children and all her worldly possessions in her cart and an old hill-tribe woman in a market spring to mind.

IMO, why not post them in "Faces of Thailand", "Up the Workers", "Street scenes", "Every day life in the hills" ("Selfies" w00t.gif )... I am sure everyone would be interested to see them, and that way, you needn't feel that you were starting a thread that denigrates anyone.

C'mon! Stop writing and get 'em up there so we can see 'em....tongue.png

Yeah agree here.... give it ago.... even under the categories already started .... but I would say that there are some pretty poor people already posted, it does not always show though...wink.png


If we started a "Poor people" -type thread, wouldn't we be in danger of it looking like an inadvertant competition for the worst, scruffiest, most unlucky individual? That would be gross...but if we use existing (and relatively enduring threads, it would be more palatable (at least for me!)

That's my four penn'orth anyway


Before people start posting pictures of this kind ask yourself why. What are you hoping to achieve? If you're a photojournalist bringing to the worlds attention the plight of unfortunates then that's admirable, but any other purpose is immoral IMHO. It's just plain intrusion. These people have enough to cope with without having their lives plastered over the 'net.

Sorry, other than for the reason I've stated, I do not believe such images should even be shot.

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Before people start posting pictures of this kind ask yourself why. What are you hoping to achieve? If you're a photojournalist bringing to the worlds attention the plight of unfortunates then that's admirable, but any other purpose is immoral IMHO. It's just plain intrusion. These people have enough to cope with without having their lives plastered over the 'net.

Sorry, other than for the reason I've stated, I do not believe such images should even be shot.

It's a very tricky subject. Perhaps a thread about inequality would work if we're shooting a photojournalism story. But I have to agree with Fim here, I think this isn't the place for it.

Robby, I know you had the best of intentions with this.



I have so many of these types of shots and I am not proud of any of them.

They were all shot on various assignments, some were published, many

more remain unpublished by my own doing. The organisations who send

us on these shoots have great intentions however in the end, after the

cheque writers & signers have clicked their tongues and made their

promises...nothing ever changes regarding these folks conditions.

Nothing. I feel the pix actually do more harm than any good.

Similar to "doing" war photography, a prior speciality of mine, there

comes a time while even being numb to ones horrific surroundings,

there comes a time when enough is enough. Because it changes

nothing in the end...regardless of what the UN and NGO's vomit up to

the contrary. Yes the world is very unfair and yes it is sad...but that's just

the way it is. I understand your feelings...and why you would like to start

a thread on this...let it slide matey...let it slide.

That said...if you would like some info on the only two organisations who

may somehow do somewthing about these peoples plight IMO, PM me &

I'll gladly give you the contact info.

  • Like 1

Thanks all for your feedback on this one.

The reason I didn't just go ahead and post photos is because I do have doubts, along the lines of those expressed, as to how others would look on this type of photos and your comments have pretty much mirrored my thoughts.

For myself, as I said, it always reminds me how lucky I am to be where I am and be able to do what I want, within limits of course.

I never look down on those less fortunate than myself nor do I envy those who have more....Happy in my own skin.

I will leave it here other than to ask :

Fimgirl; does there have to be an objective as in attempting to achieve something with a topic ?

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Well, I guess the objective in this case was to share such images and this is what I had my reservations about.

Maybe I could have worded it better. My apologies if you are offended which was not my intent.


Well, I guess the objective in this case was to share such images and this is what I had my reservations about.

Maybe I could have worded it better. My apologies if you are offended which was not my intent.

Sorry it is me that should be offering an apology I should have been more precise.

I was meaning an objective in a more general sense as with any topic.


Guess we both got confused.

Actually, this is what I was referring to in my thread "why do we take photographs". i.e what is the eventual objective?

I go along with pretty much all the responses in that thread and the folks varying thoughts of their views towards photography.

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