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Non imm O Multiple....... back to back border run... is it ok?

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Hi I have read a lot of threads recently about the back to back tourist visa runners. I am clear on that and know it's no longer possible, but I have a non immigrant o multi-entry visa and to extend that I have been doing "border runs" with the other guys on tourist visa's.

This is still an in and out process so will I be effected by this clamp down on in/outs. Or should I have been visiting the immigration instead of doing the runs.

I can't seem to find the answer here so please excuse my ignorance. My next run is the last week in August.

Thanks in advance.

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Persons with non-immigrant category visas are not affected by the new rules. In/out is OK.

Note to the OP: If you need to, don't forget to utilize your visa to the maximum by doing an in/out on the last day before the visa expires. This date is shown on your visa sticker in your passport and is different from your "admitted-until" date. Afterwards your visa will be expired but you will be admitted to stay for 90 more days to sort out your affairs.

If you are still not sorted you can buy an extension of stay for an additional 60 days at Thai immigration. (Applies to marriage possibly others as well.)

Good luck.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Just remember your 1 year stay starts on the day your visa was issued, NOT the day you entered Thailand.

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Just remember your 1 year stay starts on the day your visa was issued, NOT the day you entered Thailand.

Thanks for reiterating that point. I posted that very information last night.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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AussieSteve ... Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' visa holders (to the best of my observations and readings here on TVF) do not have a problem making 'in and out' border runs - yet. I did read a report on here recently where one fellow felt he was hassled a bit. The current focus now is on those with too many extensions from a visa on arrival at Bkk (as it is often called) and / or back to back Tourist Visas.

If you have remaining months on the one year validity of your Non 'O' Multi Entry visa then you can proceed as normal making border runs to get a new 90 permission to stay... this Visa is as stated 'Multi Entry'. The Thai Immigration Authorities may in the future limit use of the Non 'O' Multi Entries or push such visa holders to convert to an Extension of Stay based on Retirement - we have no way of knowing at this time.

In your passport - from your last Border Run (exiting Thailand and re-entry) you should have a stamp that gives an "Admitted Until" _______ Date... Which is also on your Departure Card that should be stapled to - or at least folded inside of your passport.

You must Exit and Re-Enter Thailand on or before that date. You can - if you wish - take a short excursion inside the border country that you are making the Border Run to... or as most do - you can do a turn around at the Border Checkpoints in what ever processing time it takes ... often less than 30 minutes - maybe a little longer (as you have already experienced).

In Summary: With a Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa you must exit Thailand and re-enter at least every 90 days from the last date stamped in and out. Your Non Imm 'O' visa expires on the 'Enter Before Date' stamped on the Visa page ... which is 12 months from the date of issuance of your Visa -- not from the day of your first entry into Thailand. Check your passport for these dates and make sure you have a current departure card properly stamped. In counting 90 days Thai Immigration uses actual days in sequence - not rounded off months.

With a Non Imm Multi 'O' visa you can convert to an 'Extension of Stay based on Retirement' (EoSR) in any of the 90 days permissions of stay that you have - when meeting the required personal finances, etc. If you need the details of how to apply for an EoSR (my shorthand for) Extension of Stay Based on Retirement ... then post it here on this thread or on another thread.

I hope this answers your questions... if not - there are other very knowledgeable TVF members who can answer your questions.

Hello, i am almost in the same case.

I would like to have more details of how to apply a Extension of Stay based on Retirement' (EoSR) based on income. I have actually about 94 000 baths of income every months.

My current and last extension on my Non-O multiple finish on september 26. It is my 3rd Non-O and would like to really stop this. I am 58 yo, french.

What paperwork have i to present ?

Thanx for help.

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For an extension based on retirement you must show an income of 65,000 a monht. If from within Thailand you show tax papes, if from abroad you need a letter from your embassy confirming you income. The embassy decides what they will accept as proof. Often they have info on their webiste.

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For an extension based on retirement you must show an income of 65,000 a monht. If from within Thailand you show tax papes, if from abroad you need a letter from your embassy confirming you income. The embassy decides what they will accept as proof. Often they have info on their webiste.


So i just go to my nearest immigration with the letter from my embassy and ask for it ?? Does this letter must be translate in thai ?

What other paper must i provide ???

Thanx for your help, i am a bit confused...

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Your time in Thailand will start from your entry stamp in your passport. Enter before date is what it says, if you try to enter after this date your visa is nul and void. Your visa will run from your date of entry.

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AussieSteve ... Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' visa holders (to the best of my observations and readings here on TVF) do not have a problem making 'in and out' border runs - yet. I did read a report on here recently where one fellow felt he was hassled a bit. The current focus now is on those with too many extensions from a visa on arrival at Bkk (as it is often called) and / or back to back Tourist Visas.

If you have remaining months on the one year validity of your Non 'O' Multi Entry visa then you can proceed as normal making border runs to get a new 90 permission to stay... this Visa is as stated 'Multi Entry'. The Thai Immigration Authorities may in the future limit use of the Non 'O' Multi Entries or push such visa holders to convert to an Extension of Stay based on Retirement - we have no way of knowing at this time.

In your passport - from your last Border Run (exiting Thailand and re-entry) you should have a stamp that gives an "Admitted Until" _______ Date... Which is also on your Departure Card that should be stapled to - or at least folded inside of your passport.

You must Exit and Re-Enter Thailand on or before that date. You can - if you wish - take a short excursion inside the border country that you are making the Border Run to... or as most do - you can do a turn around at the Border Checkpoints in what ever processing time it takes ... often less than 30 minutes - maybe a little longer (as you have already experienced).

In Summary: With a Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa you must exit Thailand and re-enter at least every 90 days from the last date stamped in and out. Your Non Imm 'O' visa expires on the 'Enter Before Date' stamped on the Visa page ... which is 12 months from the date of issuance of your Visa -- not from the day of your first entry into Thailand. Check your passport for these dates and make sure you have a current departure card properly stamped. In counting 90 days Thai Immigration uses actual days in sequence - not rounded off months.

With a Non Imm Multi 'O' visa you can convert to an 'Extension of Stay based on Retirement' (EoSR) in any of the 90 days permissions of stay that you have - when meeting the required personal finances, etc. If you need the details of how to apply for an EoSR (my shorthand for) Extension of Stay Based on Retirement ... then post it here on this thread or on another thread.

I hope this answers your questions... if not - there are other very knowledgeable TVF members who can answer your questions.

Question: I have a "RETIREMENT NON O", admitted till 6 May 2015, and a "NON-IMM RE-ENTRY PERMIT" with number of Entries "MULTIPLE". Do I have to leave every 90 days to keep my "NON-IMM MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY PERMIT" VALID???

Did my 1st 90 day ""report"" at the immigration office

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Question: I have a "RETIREMENT NON O", admitted till 6 May 2015, and a "NON-IMM RE-ENTRY PERMIT" with number of Entries "MULTIPLE". Do I have to leave every 90 days to keep my "NON-IMM MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY PERMIT" VALID???

Did my 1st 90 day ""report"" at the immigration office

You do not have to exit to keep your RE-ENTRY PERMIT.

Your RE-ENTRY PERMIT lets you leave and enter without losing your current permission to stay.

As ubonjoe will probably chime in there is no "RETIREMENT NON O"

There is a NON O-A which you have or had. Your permission to stay shows that you entered on May 7th 2014.

Depending on the issue date of the NON O-A and your entry dates it is good for almost 2 years.

Edited by sometimewoodworker
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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

I don't have an answer for you - but I want to jump in on your enquiry because you raise a point similar to my own worry.

My original visa says ""O-A", but I had let the time limit on it run out and resorted to a 15-day entry at Tachilek and a flght to KL and back for a TR and then they let me extend that to a regular one-year visa at Immi. The most recent date, under a stamped "NON-O", is 19 MAR 2015.

BUT on the old Departure Card they gave me at Mae Sai the date "23 DEC 2013" is stamped on the "admitted until" line.

At the Immi. in CM they ignored this paper. So I am confused about this discrepancy. Will they disregard this date when/if I leav the country - or will they make an issue of it? I guess they don't issue these Departure Cards at Immi. offices, but then why don't they take them out of the passport, if they are no longer pertinent?

Thanks for your thoughts.

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Your time in Thailand will start from your entry stamp in your passport. Enter before date is what it says, if you try to enter after this date your visa is nul and void. Your visa will run from your date of entry.

" Your visa will run from your date of entry." Do you have a reference source on that... a published Thai Immigration rule - or something? If so please post the link or a copy of the referenced paragraph or ... something ... thank you...

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For an extension based on retirement you must show an income of 65,000 a monht. If from within Thailand you show tax papes, if from abroad you need a letter from your embassy confirming you income. The embassy decides what they will accept as proof. Often they have info on their webiste.


So i just go to my nearest immigration with the letter from my embassy and ask for it ?? Does this letter must be translate in thai ?

What other paper must i provide ???

Thanx for your help, i am a bit confused...

For an extension of stay based on retirement from Thai Immigration, you have 3 ways of meeting the financial requirement:

1. 800,000 baht or more on deposit in a Thai bank account, and needing to have been there for at least two months prior to your initial application, and 3 months ahead on subsequent renewals. That's typically called "seasoning" your funds. To satisfy Thai Immigration, you bring them an account balance letter from your Thai bank, your updated Thai bank book showing the required balance, and sometimes they want to see an ATM slip from the same day you apply also showing the balance.


2. 65,000 baht or more in monthly income, as documented by an income affidavit obtained from your home country's consulate in Thailand. Different countries' consulates have different rules for what kind of documentation/proof they will require to issue the affidavit. With that affidavit in hand, normally, Thai Immigration will accept that alone as proof of meeting the financial requirement.


3. A combination of a Thai bank deposit and monthly income equaling at least 800,000 baht per year. Using the combo approach, you still have to follow the steps listed above in 1 and 2 for those respective components. But, with the combo method, generally there's no advance seasoning of funds required..

More broadly, to apply for a retirement extension of stay, there's a specific set of things you'd need to bring to Immigration in order to apply:

--a filled out one-page, two-sided TM 7 retirement extension application form with a proper size color photo pasted on the back side, and your phone number written in.

--Documention you meet the financial requirement, as explained above.

--Photocopies of your passport face page, most recent entry and visa or permission to stay stamps, and your airport departure card.

--1900 baht fee

If you expect to travel out and in to Thailand during the year of your extension, you'll also want to apply for either a single use or multiple-unlimited use re-entry permit, which has its own application form and can be done at the same time as your extension application. 1000 baht for the single use, 3800 baht for the multiple/unlimited permit, both valid for the same one year as your extension.

If you leave the country on a retirement extension of stay and try to return without a valid re-entry permit, your extension of stay will be voided.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

I don't have an answer for you - but I want to jump in on your enquiry because you raise a point similar to my own worry.

My original visa says ""O-A", but I had let the time limit on it run out and resorted to a 15-day entry at Tachilek and a flght to KL and back for a TR and then they let me extend that to a regular one-year visa at Immi. The most recent date, under a stamped "NON-O", is 19 MAR 2015.

BUT on the old Departure Card they gave me at Mae Sai the date "23 DEC 2013" is stamped on the "admitted until" line.

At the Immi. in CM they ignored this paper. So I am confused about this discrepancy. Will they disregard this date when/if I leav the country - or will they make an issue of it? I guess they don't issue these Departure Cards at Immi. offices, but then why don't they take them out of the passport, if they are no longer pertinent?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Kondiao: The date on the stamp on your departure card should be the day you last entered Thailand.

It's likely that it was stamped on the Admitted Until line by mistake....

My departure card has a stamp of 19 May 2010, which is the last time I entered Thailand.

Hope this helps

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So when I get my Non Imm O visa (I am married to a Thai) every 90 days I must leave the country to get a stamp, correct?

When I leave the country is their a limit (other than the 1 year validity of the visa) on to how long I can be out of Thailand and not re- entering?

I might have work in Indo and I would like to come back on the same visa?

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So when I get my Non Imm O visa (I am married to a Thai) every 90 days I must leave the country to get a stamp, correct?

When I leave the country is their a limit (other than the 1 year validity of the visa) on to how long I can be out of Thailand and not re- entering?

I might have work in Indo and I would like to come back on the same visa?

There is no limit on how long you can be out of the country. As long as you enter up to the date the visa expires you will get a 90 entry.

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So when I get my Non Imm O visa (I am married to a Thai) every 90 days I must leave the country to get a stamp, correct?

When I leave the country is their a limit (other than the 1 year validity of the visa) on to how long I can be out of Thailand and not re- entering?

I might have work in Indo and I would like to come back on the same visa?

To the best of my knowledge ... on a non imm multi 'O' you are only required to exit Thailand and re-enter 'at least every 90 days'. I have not heard of any restriction to how long one can be gone from Thailand. I tend to believe there is no restriction as to how long you stay out of Thailand on a non imm multi 'O' except that the visa will eventually expire.

I believe from everything I have read here on TVF that you could exit Thailand and stay for - say for example ... 100 - 150 days (or how ever many days you want) and come back to a land border checkpoint or airport ... process in - get the passport stamped as usual detailing the new 90 day permission to stay with an Admitted Until Date 90 days from the process in date - as usual.

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

I don't have an answer for you - but I want to jump in on your enquiry because you raise a point similar to my own worry.

My original visa says ""O-A", but I had let the time limit on it run out and resorted to a 15-day entry at Tachilek and a flght to KL and back for a TR and then they let me extend that to a regular one-year visa at Immi. The most recent date, under a stamped "NON-O", is 19 MAR 2015.

BUT on the old Departure Card they gave me at Mae Sai the date "23 DEC 2013" is stamped on the "admitted until" line.

At the Immi. in CM they ignored this paper. So I am confused about this discrepancy. Will they disregard this date when/if I leav the country - or will they make an issue of it? I guess they don't issue these Departure Cards at Immi. offices, but then why don't they take them out of the passport, if they are no longer pertinent?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Your departure card will have the same date until you leave, return and get a new one. They don't change the date on it when you do an extension.

I have one that has a date of entry for May 2008 and a permit to stay date of Aug. 2008.

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Over educated ?

Visa: Date of issue ( when they granted you the Visa sticker ) and enter before date ( one year after date of issue )

Entry-exit stamps: any date "entry" should be before the "enter before date" on the visa sticker...

Exit Thailand, always before the "Admitted until date" on your entry stamp. ( also can stamp out on that day )

Always check your stamps when getting your passport back ...

If you re-enter Thailand on the last day ( enter before date ) on your Visa sticker, you'll be granted another 90 days.

Leaving the country during those 90 Days, voids your visa, new visa needed to re-enter...

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My Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' Visa sticker has three dates... Date of Issue, Enter Before Date and my Birth Date ... I have examined it closely ... there is no other date written or stamped on it...

I have an entry date stamped on a passport page... which is 33 days after my Date of Issue... there is not any sort of expiry date except the 'Admitted until date' on my Visa sticker nor anywhere else in my passport. I suppose my Visa sticker and passport stamps is different than others.

Over educated ?

Visa: Date of issue ( when they granted you the Visa sticker ) and enter before date ( one year after date of issue )

Entry-exit stamps: any date "entry" should be before the "enter before date" on the visa sticker...

Exit Thailand, always before the "Admitted until date" on your entry stamp. ( also can stamp out on that day )

Always check your stamps when getting your passport back ...

If you re-enter Thailand on the last day ( enter before date ) on your Visa sticker, you'll be granted another 90 days.

Leaving the country during those 90 Days, voids your visa, new visa needed to re-enter...

There is really no necessity for snide remarks...

You posted: "Visa: Date of issue ( when they granted you the Visa sticker ) and enter before date ( one year after date of issue )"

Are you saying that this is the duration of the validity of the of the Visa? and that it expires one year after date of issue - which in the same as the Enter Before Date?

If that is what you are saying, then I said as much in a post prior to the one you are replying to.

The Visa Sticker in my passport has a Date of Issue of 16 Dec 2013 and a Enter Before Date of 15 Dec 2014.

My first entry into Thailand was 18 Jan 2014....

According to what the Honorary Consul General told me when he issued it, I believe that the one year length of my Visa (year of validity) began on 16 Dec 2013 and ends on 15 Dec 2014 (the Enter Before Date).

Do you agree with this?

My post you replied to was in response to another poster who had said that the one year validity of the visa begins on the date of the first entry into Thailand and that there was a date stamped on the Visa Sticker and / or a visa page showing the ending date - and that it was not the Enter Before Date.

Please note: Your reply is based on what I posted in just one post ... if you had read my ear;ier posts in this thread you would see that I already have a good understanding of what you posted and basically agree with your statements.

I request your studied opinion on what I just now posted. If you please - answer my question... Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm about to apply for my one year extension (using my non-imm O, 90-day visa). Can I apply the same time for a

multiple entry (3800 baht) by just handing in another form or must I return later? In Chiang Mai it is a pain to have

to re-vist the new Thai immigration office.

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I'm about to apply for my one year extension (using my non-imm O, 90-day visa). Can I apply the same time for a

multiple entry (3800 baht) by just handing in another form or must I return later? In Chiang Mai it is a pain to have

to re-vist the new Thai immigration office.

As soon as you have your new extension stamp you can apply for a re-entry permit by completing and submitting a TM8 form. You will need copies of your passport including the extension stamp when you apply for it.

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