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Bringing Dell Desktop Pc & Monitor To Phuket


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A few months before we moved to Thailand I bought a nice Dell desktop w/ 19" monitor. I've only looked at a few computer stores in Phuket but what I've seen made me long for my Dell. I couldn't sell it for what it was worth and the prospects of replacing it with similar quality didn't look promising so I decided to bring it to Thailand. I had read on this site about paying excess baggage charges to bring your computer as luggage so I gave it a try.

In May 2006 I brought my desktop to Thailand in 2 hard-side suitcases; computer in one, monitor in the other. My luck, I got stopped at Phuket airport customs and had my luggage searched. First time I have ever been stopped. First time I have ever brought 4 suitcases. The agent got extremely animated when he saw the computer and monitor. Suddenly, I was surrounded by 5 agents and questioned for what seemed like ages. My husband stood there looking at his feet. You would have thought I was a suspected drug smuggler instead of an older lady with 2 extra pieces of luggage. I brought the original invoice with me and they did ask to see it. Then the calculator was whipped out and they started calculating. I had to pay a $500 (US) cash bribe to get it through. They originally wanted over $1,000 but I think it was my respectful demeanor and tears that got them to lower the amount. I had read the custom rules and sincerely thought I could bring a computer into the country if I had the intention of taking it back with me when I left. I don't regret having a nice computer here, but my experience with customs shook me up, and the $350 excess baggage charge plus the $500 bribe made it a very expensive decision. I could have bought a low end laptop for $850. Next trip home I will buy a Dell Latitude notebook and bring only a couple small bags of luggage. I should be able to sail through customs.

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I was always under the impression you were allowed to bring a 'used' personal computer into thailand without having to pay any taxes...

... Did they issue you with a reciept?

You might want to look into this further, you might be able to claim that money back (good luck with that!)

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I always had a laptop with me and never got asked anything (having it in a laptop bag). on my first visit to thailand I tried to declare it and the officer looked at me with boring face and signaled with his hand that I should move away and don't disturb his dreamings.

When we bring in some machine spare parts usually my wife an I talk half of it and walk independent so there is less risk they take us both.

I don't know if this info is uptodate, but before it was often in some countries that you can bring things in with the invoice and they notice it in the passport and you have bring it out when you leave. But maybe thats 20 years outdated.....

Sorry for your troubles, I don't know if it makes sense to ask somewhere if that was right or not.....

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Basically, one can bring along whatever is needed for a trip. A laptop falls easily under this category, a desk top-computer would be stretching the rule extremely. The exact rule, btw, says:

The duty free allowance will be applied to accompanied personal effects up to Bath 10,000 worth if i) the items are intended for your own personal or professional uses; ii) the quantity are reasonable; and iii) the items are not subject to prohibition or restriction.

Thai-customs officers, in my experience, are rather lenient although they do make random-checks.

If you pass through the 'nothing to declare-lane' with dutiable items you can be prosecuted for intented smuggling. If you are above the Baht 10 K-limit and walk through 'red' you are subject to

a flat rate of duty on any dutiable items provided that:

· The dutiable items are intended for personal use;

· They are at a reasonable quantity and not intended for commercial use, business, or

trade purposes;

· The total value is not exceeding 80,000 Baht; and

· Passengers are able to pay taxes and duties in cash on the date of arrival.

There is no rule that allows you to bring a computer into the country without paying duty and taxes, although thre are rules for temporary import which involve a lot of paperwork and def. a declaration to the customs officers.

Remains the question, did the OP get a receipt or was the $ 500-payment just pocketed?

Sorry it happened, but I just point out the legal aspect.

Maybe I once was more lucky. Had declared years ago 'PC' (at that time in writing), went through red, the customs officers requested one carton to be opened, which was one having clothes inside and decided that PC means personal clothing. Free to go with 5 computers, i.e. workstations, keyboards but no monitors.

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