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Will I be refused entry with an Ed Visa?

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Hello everyone,


I was wondering if I may get some information on here. I would really appreciate it as I am very worried.


I currently have 3 back to back Visa exempt entries (visa on arrivals) and am in Bangkok now. I have applied for an Education Visa as I wish to study Thai. The papers should arrive in another 2 to 3 weeks. I receive a weekly allowance from abroad but am not working nor wish to work here in Thailand.


When the papers from the MOE arrive, I will go to the Thai consulate in Vientiene Laos to get my Ed Visa (if they give it, fingers crossed).



Will I have problems at the boarder or airport coming back in to Thailand with already 3 back to back visas exempts but on a fresh Ed visa?


Thanks to all who can give me some advice or information!

Edited by Somtamboopala
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Considering there are any number of posts where people are asking if they'll be allowed through immigration if they haven't been back to Thailand for 2 years, I thought this perfectly reasonable enquiry would have received a repsonse.


Anyway, it's hard to say. 


Assuming you actually receive your ED visa at Vientiane, I would say it's very much up in the air as to whether or not immigration would allow you to enter.


If you had a brand new passport, then you'd probably be OK but with that many stamps, it's uncertain.


I realise that someone will say that a new passport doesn't work but i think that's BS unless, of course, the immigration officer is going to scan the database for previous history every time someone presents a brand new passport

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Why would they deny you entry ?  If you have a valid ED visa and will study language at the school in Thailand , no worries.  Just remember to study , because they will test you after one year.


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I just want to say thanks so much for the quick responses from you guys on here.

As the back to back tourist/exempt visa rule is being enforced, I have been worried about getting back into Thailand from Laos..
But since it's a non immigrant ED Visa should be ok? Even though I have back to back visa exempts and straight after got the Non Imm Ed Visa?
Sorry if this was already answered.

Should I fly into Swampy or go through Nong Khai? Or won't it matter?
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It shouldn't really matter where you fly in from .   If they refuse you entry with a valid ED visa please report back here.

Edited by balo
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I just want to say thanks so much for the quick responses from you guys on here.

As the back to back tourist/exempt visa rule is being enforced, I have been worried about getting back into Thailand from Laos..
But since it's a non immigrant ED Visa should be ok? Even though I have back to back visa exempts and straight after got the Non Imm Ed Visa?
Sorry if this was already answered.

Should I fly into Swampy or go through Nong Khai? Or won't it matter?

It is really about exempt entries not tourist visas. There have been a few cases of long time visa runners getting turned back in the south with tourist visas. You will not have a problem.

You can fly in or cross at Nong Kai it will be the same.

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I already Posted elsewhere but I really would not be surprised if someone in this situation had a hard time at Immigration on entering the Country.


The attitude of the Officer could well be "hmmm - you've been staying in the Country on back-to-back Visa Exempts for several months - how come that now we enforce new Rules you suddenly decide to go to school here??"


That's only a very short step from the attitude they have already displayed when someone with a history of Visa Exempt entries suddenly turns up with a Tourist Visa issued in a neighboring Country.






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Since losing my job last year my non-imm O visa was voided. I did a quick border which gave me 15days here and then flew to vientiane to get a double entry 60 day visa.


I have since been to Vientiane twice to get double entry tourist visas and I am now currently on the first entry of my 3rd consecutive double entry tourist visa.


To activate the second entry of each tourist visa I did in/out border runs. So while there are no consecutive in/out border runs, there are 3 there in my passport now; 1 when I lost my job and then 2 further which were used to activate second entries on the double entry tourist visas.


I also extended the each 60 day visa by 30 days by visiting immigration in Bangkok.


I now want to activate the second entry of my current double entry 60 day tourist visa.


Any problems envisaged with that or any advice woudl be appreciated.

Edited by Gallstone
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Thank you UbonJoe,


My other option is to go to immigration and apply for a Non O on the basis that I am going through a divorce here in Bangkok. That would get me 90 days I think, which is extendable I think?


I have all the documents, have a court hearing date  on 2 September to present them with.


Not sure if anyone has any experience of that.

Edited by Gallstone
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Thank you UbonJoe,


My other option is to go to immigration and apply for a Non O on the basis that I am going through a divorce here in Bangkok. That would get me 90 days I think, which is extendable I think?


I have all the documents, have a court hearing date  on 2 September to present them with.


Not sure if anyone has any experience of that.

You cannot apply for a non-o visa at immigration.

You could apply for an extension based on being involved in litigation or a court case under this clause of police order 777/2551.

 2.26 In the case of litigation or court proceedings:
Each permission shall be granted for no more than 90 days.
(1) There must be evidence confirming that the applicant is involved in a litigation or court 
proceedings as accuser, injured person, accused, plaintiff, defendant, or witness.  
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OK thank you again. I have already extended my tourist visa by 30 days last week at Chaengwattana, Bangkok. Would go back there again and extend the tourist visa by a further 90 days on that basis?

Edited by Gallstone
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got my Ed visa from Vientiene. I did have many back to back visa exempts going years back. I didn't have a problem at Immigration coming back into Thailand. Just smiled and said Sawadeekrup. Applying for the ed at the Thai embassy in Vientiene was long and a little scary but no questions were asked. :) None going through Immigration Nongkhai border too. Happy days and hope its a breeze for everyone else paranoid.

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I'm not currently in Thailand but I had been planning to come back but with all this visa confusion I'm not sure.

I left Thailand just over 2 months ago to deal with some stuff at home. Had been 'living' there for a year initially on a double entry visa then did border runs for 5-6 months.

Not working, Have funds from abroad.

Was going to come back on an education visa in October this year.

Emailed one of the major language schools and explained my situation and they replied saying that because of the length of stay in Thailand + the 5/6 back to back border runs they thought there was a good chance I either wouldn't get the education visa from the ministry of education or immigration at BKK airport might deny me entry.

So I like yourself am not too confident about applying for the visa, paying for the language course and buying a flight to Thailand when it's uncertain I'll get in or at best I'll be under serious scrutiny even though I haven't done anything wrong..

Seems like a lot of potential hassle and some money wasted too if I didn't.

I don't know why some people can be so sure that because you have an education visa you'll definitely get back in when even the language schools themselves aren't sure.

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I'm not currently in Thailand but I had been planning to come back but with all this visa confusion I'm not sure.

I left Thailand just over 2 months ago to deal with some stuff at home. Had been 'living' there for a year initially on a double entry visa then did border runs for 5-6 months.

Not working, Have funds from abroad.

Was going to come back on an education visa in October this year.

Emailed one of the major language schools and explained my situation and they replied saying that because of the length of stay in Thailand + the 5/6 back to back border runs they thought there was a good chance I either wouldn't get the education visa from the ministry of education or immigration at BKK airport might deny me entry.

So I like yourself am not too confident about applying for the visa, paying for the language course and buying a flight to Thailand when it's uncertain I'll get in or at best I'll be under serious scrutiny even though I haven't done anything wrong..

Seems like a lot of potential hassle and some money wasted too if I didn't.

I don't know why some people can be so sure that because you have an education visa you'll definitely get back in when even the language schools themselves aren't sure.

I understand that they want to be on the safe side to not be blamed and having to return money if something goes wrong.

Here there are reports of people entering every day with all kinds of visa history, including cleared overstay of years. One Oil and Gas guy with an ED visa asked to be given a visa exempt entry instead but the officer stamped for 90 days to favor him.

If you think the ED visa is still OK with you (studying and extensions every 90 day) you will not have a problem getting a visa or entering Thailand. Visa history is not a factor , or you can get it on a new passport.

Edited by paz
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I have no problem studying Thai and going to class or reporting every 90 days but I don't fancy investing time and money on something that seems so uncertain.

It's true there's been very few (if any) reports of people being denied and when people can overstay for 11 years then come back a few hours later it seems like they're unlikely to refuse anyone with a valid visa in their passport but you never know.

When I emailed the language school I expected them to say it was no problem, sign up, you'll get in but the fact that even they were not sure made me think they know something I don't, i.e. lots of people applying for their courses are not getting in or having problems.

Then there's also the fact that once you're in are you going to be grilled and scrutinized every time you visit immigration to extend?

It can be a stressful situation at the best of times and last thing you want is some immigration official having a bad day assuming you're up to no good and giving you problems.

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I have no problem studying Thai and going to class or reporting every 90 days but I don't fancy investing time and money on something that seems so uncertain.

It's true there's been very few (if any) reports of people being denied and when people can overstay for 11 years then come back a few hours later it seems like they're unlikely to refuse anyone with a valid visa in their passport but you never know.

When I emailed the language school I expected them to say it was no problem, sign up, you'll get in but the fact that even they were not sure made me think they know something I don't, i.e. lots of people applying for their courses are not getting in or having problems.

Then there's also the fact that once you're in are you going to be grilled and scrutinized every time you visit immigration to extend?

It can be a stressful situation at the best of times and last thing you want is some immigration official having a bad day assuming you're up to no good and giving you problems.

You can still get in on a tourist visa, check and wait for things to stabilize then have the ED visa issued in e.g Laos.

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