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If not retired - How have you funded living in Thailand?


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You cant make money building websites or copy writing especially if you are just getting into it. Same with programming at 30 years old. Forget it. If you are making money on Google ads, you're gonna have a bad life. Same with porn. No money.

The only way to make money online is to sell products or services.

You can affiliate for other people's products or services. No need to handle products yourself or deal with any of the logistics. E.g. Amazon affiliate sites out there, 100% 'set and forget' sites relying on just ranking well in Google for a niche. Don't have to build sites yourself either, just buy a site second hand on Flippa with proven revenue and take it over.

There is less money in pure ads (adsense / Chitika etc.) than there used to be but it definitely is still a way to make money if you have enough traffic.

A certain method being harder than it used to be ≠ 'can't make money doing it anymore'.

Anyway we're talking about making a living in Thailand, probably the cheapest country in the world to offer a high standard of living, so one doesn't need to make much.

Edited by jspill
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Online Membership Sites, it does not take many members signing up at $37 a month to make a considerable sum of money that comes in month after month you can drip feed content and once you have set them up the maintenance is minimal.

I have several which I wont reveal the subject but a friend of mine has one teaching people how to use the Iphone 5 & 6 for Photography he make over $15,000 a month just on that site

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If you can get a gig in the home country and get assigned to Thailand, that would be the best possible scenario. However, getting harder and harer to do. Most places are just hiring locals because (1) it's cheaper (2) lot of locals well qualified (educated in West)

Trying to earn money while living in Thailand...that's hard part. I think most are retired, have funds from the West. Then you have the other expats who work in boiler rooms, "investment schemes", and other dubious stuff...

You forgot the trust fund babies. We have quite a few of them. Also not familiar with the ways and means but a lot of missionaries.sad.png

I work for a Thai company, and not with an expat package. I do OK with it. I also publish books and am doing more than OK with them. Between the two and along with some rental property back in the US, I am doing fine, and my retirement kicks in in 3.5 years.

Does your work permit cover the book publishing?

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^ There are dozens of old threads debating whether or not you need a work permit for something that isn't being employed by a Thai entity, isn't taking jobs from Thais (like painting your house), is done remotely offshore (if he publishes online on Amazon), doesn't involve Thai Baht in any way, etc. etc. Many don't think you do, there has never been a clear answer given. The alien labor act refers says working is 'working' and refers over and over again to having a Thai employer. Even if you do need one, zero enforcement or risk in his case, and who in their right mind cares enough to even ask him the question.

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^ There are dozens of old threads debating whether or not you need a work permit for something that isn't being employed by a Thai entity, isn't taking jobs from Thais (like painting your house), is done remotely offshore (if he publishes online on Amazon), doesn't involve Thai Baht in any way, etc. etc. Many don't think you do, there has never been a clear answer given. The alien labor act refers says working is 'working' and refers over and over again to having a Thai employer. Even if you do need one, zero enforcement or risk in his case, and who in their right mind cares enough to even ask him the question.

there are many that are jelouse of the people that can live here doing what ever they do,

when i mention my wifes pig farm, i always get one or two asking if ive got a work permit,,lol,, some are a joke, they cant think outside the box,

im 55 next month, not that cleaver on a computer like some of you young guns, but ive got a web site now, i didnt find it to hard to get started, and im already getting people contact me through the site,

i have learned a lot from listening to some of the young guns on here,

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It is possible to make money on the internet, but you need to have MAD coding skills and a very good understanding of SEO. If you can generate good traffic to your website then you can live on passive income from affliate sales, adsense etc etc.

But probably only like %0.1 of the general population has what it takes to do it.

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Originally from Serbia, I arrived to Canada in 1992... completely broke. The university years were fun, but Canada turned out to be a real disappointment job wise and you just can't make a decent above poverty level if you have the average useless degree. So, I visited Thailand in 2004 with my ex and decided one day I am going to live there (well, here). Being completely broke and not wanting to teach English I realized that this would be a challenge. So, I used a bit of creativity on my part and since 2 years ago I have been living in Thailand full time and manage to have a decent income.

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^ There are dozens of old threads debating whether or not you need a work permit for something that isn't being employed by a Thai entity, isn't taking jobs from Thais (like painting your house), is done remotely offshore (if he publishes online on Amazon), doesn't involve Thai Baht in any way, etc. etc. Many don't think you do, there has never been a clear answer given. The alien labor act refers says working is 'working' and refers over and over again to having a Thai employer. Even if you do need one, zero enforcement or risk in his case, and who in their right mind cares enough to even ask him the question.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment can I point out that painting your house is taking work from a Thai...

Watch the Canadian TV Border control program for the lecture you should be receiving...

Edited by JB300
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It is possible to make money on the internet, but you need to have MAD coding skills and a very good understanding of SEO. If you can generate good traffic to your website then you can live on passive income from affliate sales, adsense etc etc.

But probably only like %0.1 of the general population has what it takes to do it.

Zero coding / programming is needed, for many years now, thanks to easy-to-use content platforms like Wordpress.

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment can I point out that painting your house is taking work from a Thai...

Watch the Canadian TV Border control program for the lecture you should be reviving...

Yeah, I meant that it is taking work from a Thai, maybe I worded the sentence unclearly. Posters on here had problems with that, or other home renovations.

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment can I point out that painting your house is taking work from a Thai...

Watch the Canadian TV Border control program for the lecture you should be reviving...

Yeah, I meant that it is taking work from a Thai, maybe I worded the sentence unclearly. Posters on here had problems with that, or other home renovations.

No problem, I (like most others) would rather do our own work where we're qualified (I'd pay somebody to stand next to me if it was important to me)..

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment can I point out that painting your house is taking work from a Thai...

Watch the Canadian TV Border control program for the lecture you should be reviving...

Yeah, I meant that it is taking work from a Thai, maybe I worded the sentence unclearly. Posters on here had problems with that, or other home renovations.

No problem, I (like most others) would rather do our own work where we're qualified (I'd pay somebody to stand next to me if it was important to me)..

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I worked for a mining company for 20 years and got paid good money. I was a saver and just about put every cent into my parents business and Family Trust. My father was a property developer and he did real well and retired a multi-millionaire just recently. At the age of 38 I fell very ill and was forced to retire from work. Since I was broke I was put unto disability and at 38, I moved to Thailand.

I have been here now for 7 years and for the last 6 years I have lived with my girlfriend (whom is Transgender) and we live a very good life. My disability pension is for life and I cannot spend anywhere near what I get per month. I have since built a house and we have a successful business running that my girlfriend controls 100% but I am really the brains behind it all and I just have guided her in how to run it properly. She now understands how to run it well and I don't have anything to do with it an she has such drive, it's just getting better each year. Our first years profit bought us a new car, so I thought she did well.

Anyway, I am the only son, so I will at a later stage gain the Trust Fund from my parents, so I am not really worried about money later in life. For me, I just try to stay well most days and be happy with my partner. That is all that matters to me.

There are millions of ways to make money in Thailand. I see heaps of ideas most days and with a little bit of mouse about you, I am sure you could capitalize upon them. You got to have a pretty trusting relationship and here in Thailand, I feel that is the most dangerous part about it all, but sometimes is does work out.

I was planning to retire here in Thailand at 45 originally but life twisted me in a different direction. At 45 I would have been able to use Funds I planned from the Trust for a income as a benefit from my parents and lived a nice life.

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i agree with the above post, there are many things you can do,

some on here snigger at me and say you moved all the way to thailand to shovel <deleted>,pig farming,

yep and i love it, my wife and our children have a good life here the pigs make us good money and i love being on the farm,

i have started a web site,, thaifarmlife.com and we have built 2 guest rooms, something else to try,

many come here and want to settle in the village, this is were im hoping i come in, with help about many things,

no matter what you end up doing be happy in what you do, your dead a long time, be happy while your alive, money isnt everything,

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You tube is full of old geezers putting up "retirement survival videos" about thailand any hyping membership sites where they give more info.

What they do is basically just lecture about a lot of the topics you can find in this forum or parental type old hand knowledge you have probably heard by now for free.

Know well that if your doing vids here thats working and you need a permit. One guy i knew was even shooting films and trying to get them screened as a documentary film. Of course, the subject sucked, just the same old backpacker stuff. Not likely to generate ticket sales or sell as a DVD, but if you have the right connections anythings possible.

Edited by fey
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I work online as a digital nomad doing part time work . I pay my tax and earn my income in Europe . Still lives in Thailand. Nothing wrong with that. Can I live on it ? Around 30k is enough for me.

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I moved to Thailand at 43 years old after selling my mobile phone software business in the UK. Used some of the money to build my first small hotel in Phuket, and then used funds from that business to build 3 more little hotels.

My financial needs nowadays are not great, (cold beers, nice Thai food, occasional slapper), and are easily funded by my business in Thailand. From time to time I work in neighbouring countries as a school Headmaster/Principal or teacher. The salary is quite good, but I don't really do it for the money - rather as a way of 'giving back' for my luck in life. I have also worked for quite a few years as a TPV at Phuket Airport.

I love that part "occasional slapper" hahahaha

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^ There are dozens of old threads debating whether or not you need a work permit for something that isn't being employed by a Thai entity, isn't taking jobs from Thais (like painting your house), is done remotely offshore (if he publishes online on Amazon), doesn't involve Thai Baht in any way, etc. etc. Many don't think you do, there has never been a clear answer given. The alien labor act refers says working is 'working' and refers over and over again to having a Thai employer. Even if you do need one, zero enforcement or risk in his case, and who in their right mind cares enough to even ask him the question.

there are many that are jelouse of the people that can live here doing what ever they do,

when i mention my wifes pig farm, i always get one or two asking if ive got a work permit,,lol,, some are a joke, they cant think outside the box,

im 55 next month, not that cleaver on a computer like some of you young guns, but ive got a web site now, i didnt find it to hard to get started, and im already getting people contact me through the site,

i have learned a lot from listening to some of the young guns on here,

There are very few young guns on here.

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OP, I'll tell you a story about a man I met when I was living in hospital accommodation some years ago.

He was a Filipino, about 35, and was living with another nurse.

That man, had spread around that his father was a 3 star general in the US army, his mother died and he was waiting for an inheritance of 300million Baht to come to him.

He had the life of Ryan, as they say in Ireland, holidays paid for him, pocket money every day, a free account at the local restaurant for his beers and food.

That lasted for about a year, still waiting for the inheritance and the nurse making dreams about the super house they would buy.

And she kept spending money for him...........

One day, another woman appeared in the hospital, from Udon Thani, looking for him.

Thai soaps are not enough to describe you what happened there.

They had to call the police to separate the 3 of them.

What we learned later, is that this is what he was doing in Thailand for the past 10 years.

Going around places finding naïve women and living from them as long as he could.

I was just trying to answer your question as to how some people fund their living in LOS.

PS. Police was not interested to prosecute him......he left to find another victim.

I guess it is no more appalling when a Thai woman does the same to a foreigner. Police are less interested in arresting them. What's good for the goose is good for the gander?

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I don't work in Thailand not even charity work. I came to retire meaning I have the funds to live here from good hard work and financial planning from the past 20 years since 19 years old. Yes that means I'm not 40 yet. I rather have my investments and businesses in USA verses an expats salary package or working for low wages. Bring two debit cards, two credit cards and a western union online account for cash withdrawals. You don't have to be Einstein to figure out how to legally live here pre 65. Your friendly immigration officer will point you in the right direction if you can't figure it out for yourself. I say power to those who want to work, have munchkins and a slapper in Thailand. Just don't come here stealing or robbing from those of us in Paradise.

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