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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Actually I think the reasons for this anti-Americanism are dated now. Americans in general are waking up to the fact that it is NOT number one in most things, except for things like obesity, incarceration rates, and gun mania.

Now, this, I can agree with. We are definitely number one in those areas, unfortunately.

I'm not sure I agree that more Americans are starting to realize it, though. There's just as much "We're #1!" chanting as there has ever been. However, Americans are getting fed up with our government. The approval ratings for Washington prove that. I'd like to optimistic and think that will change anything, but I just don't have it in me. Maybe it's a start, though.

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

If they were so many wouldnt vote for people like george bush and sarah palin and the rest would insist obama stop the drones. but they dont. its easy to be nice on the surface. its a bit tougher to have some courage and quit voting for murderers

This time around, we were given two choices. Obama and Romney. Trust me, the lesser of the two evils was elected. And Palin is the biggest political joke in the country. She'll never get elected for anything higher than the school PTA.

Surely people don't REALLY hate Americans because of the things our government does. I have to assume that most people are smart enough to know the difference between the regular people and the politicians. People are not really that naive are they? That would be like saying I hate Brits because of something Tony Blair or David Cameron did. I would never presume that you agree with the governmental body of your home country just because you live there. In fact, I would assume most people disagree with their own government a good portion of the time.

you dont have to vote for those two in the primaries. the reason the system continues is because americans support it. you are judged by the people you elect to represent you. americans have supported a murderous foreign policy for decades and it doesnt let you off the hook to say you had no choice. like it or lump it, the world looks at your country's behaviour and judges u for it

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


most americans supported the vietnam, laos, nicaraugua, cuba, chile, iraq, grenada etc etc invasions too. dont worry, there is more than the drone program to disgust the world!

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The world got it wanted...a President just like them. Europe and the rest of the world, it seemed, couldn't stand the "Cowboy" Bush and now they got a leader who politically and ideologically leans THEIR way. Guess what, what they saw wan't pretty. They now see what happens when you take a super power that once stood for a moral high-ground, even if you didn't support it, now take over by a group of people who hate U.S. power just as much as you do and is doing everything they can to destroy it. Good job, world, you got what you wanted and now the world is safer than it has ever been before...right? The bad guys are running scared, the allies of the U.S. are walking tall and don't have to worry that the U.S. won't be there to support them and know full well that the U.S. has their back and won't spy on them....They now see what happens when a liberal ideologue has control of the most powerful Intelligence apparatus on earth with all of its spying capabilities. What they see now in the U.S. is what their country would been ramped up on steroids, destroying itself, not supporting its allies and letting the baddies of the world free reign...Come on Europe, get in there and stop Putin....Libya and Iraq are democratic paradises, Syria..get in there and do your thing EU...Iran...the U.S. has the EU's back...way back...you should probably note that Afghanistan is much closer to Europe than the U.S. so when the terrorist camps start up again (because Obama said the world is a safer place and told everyone he is pulling out), well don't expect the U.S. to help you when the shat hits the fan because, well, you got rid of the Cowboy who would come to your aid at the drop of a hat and now have a U.S. president has doesn't believe in the concept of a military victory, only a diplomatic victory..just...like...you....hope everything works out for you.

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


So you invented a new way to kill people. Awesome. I guess if it finds its way into the wrong hands, we'll applaud you for that too.

Don't worry, Obama will make sure just to do the minimum...no worries, if you ever need help, he will end his support and then...well, that is it....remember which country is always first after a natural disaster...yeah, that is gone. Obama thinks the U.S. should take a back seat now, so take over and good luck. if you need help, Obama will be playing golf or his wife will back in Paris shopping again. Yeah for detente!

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The world got it wanted...a President just like them. Europe and the rest of the world, it seemed, couldn't stand the "Cowboy" Bush and now they got a leader who politically and ideologically leans THEIR way. Guess what, what they saw wan't pretty. They now see what happens when you take a super power that once stood for a moral high-ground, even if you didn't support it, now take over by a group of people who hate U.S. power just as much as you do and is doing everything they can to destroy it. Good job, world, you got what you wanted and now the world is safer than it has ever been before...right? The bad guys are running scared, the allies of the U.S. are walking tall and don't have to worry that the U.S. won't be there to support them and know full well that the U.S. has their back and won't spy on them....They now see what happens when a liberal ideologue has control of the most powerful Intelligence apparatus on earth with all of its spying capabilities. What they see now in the U.S. is what their country would been ramped up on steroids, destroying itself, not supporting its allies and letting the baddies of the world free reign...Come on Europe, get in there and stop Putin....Libya and Iraq are democratic paradises, Syria..get in there and do your thing EU...Iran...the U.S. has the EU's back...way back...you should probably note that Afghanistan is much closer to Europe than the U.S. so when the terrorist camps start up again (because Obama said the world is a safer place and told everyone he is pulling out), well don't expect the U.S. to help you when the shat hits the fan because, well, you got rid of the Cowboy who would come to your aid at the drop of a hat and now have a U.S. president has doesn't believe in the concept of a military victory, only a diplomatic victory..just...like...you....hope everything works out for you.

MORAL HIGH GROUND???? what a joke. ask the vietnamese, laos, cambodians, cubans, chileans, congolese, nicaraguans, grenadians, panamanians , dominicans ete etc about your moral high ground!

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


That poll was based on the responses of 1020 people. If you think that is a good representation of all 317 million Americans, feel free to believe it's true. I don't hate anyone for what they believe. It's your right to think whatever you like.

Of course, Gallup didn't ask for my opinion. wink.png

Actually, yes, I believe professional polling organizations provide reasonably accurate results.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that the poll is correct. That means 35% of the population (or roughly 111,000,000 people) are against it. I'm just saying, don't throw us all out with the bath water. There are a lot of sane people here, too.

until the sane people quit giving their votes to the two wings of the American Corporate Party, they dont deserve respect

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

If they were so many wouldnt vote for people like george bush and sarah palin and the rest would insist obama stop the drones. but they dont. its easy to be nice on the surface. its a bit tougher to have some courage and quit voting for murderers

This time around, we were given two choices. Obama and Romney. Trust me, the lesser of the two evils was elected. And Palin is the biggest political joke in the country. She'll never get elected for anything higher than the school PTA.

Surely people don't REALLY hate Americans because of the things our government does. I have to assume that most people are smart enough to know the difference between the regular people and the politicians. People are not really that naive are they? That would be like saying I hate Brits because of something Tony Blair or David Cameron did. I would never presume that you agree with the governmental body of your home country just because you live there. In fact, I would assume most people disagree with their own government a good portion of the time.

you dont have to vote for those two in the primaries. the reason the system continues is because americans support it. you are judged by the people you elect to represent you. americans have supported a murderous foreign policy for decades and it doesnt let you off the hook to say you had no choice. like it or lump it, the world looks at your country's behaviour and judges u for it

I'm an independent. We don't have a primary. Do you enjoy being judged because of people you had no part in electing? Yeah, I don't either. I'm not saying it doesn't occasionally happen, but I hope that most people are intelligent enough to realize that we didn't all vote for the people you hate. Why assume that we did?

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I'm an independent. We don't have a primary. Do you enjoy being judged because of people you had no part in electing? Yeah, I don't either. I'm not saying it doesn't occasionally happen, but I hope that most people are intelligent enough to realize that we didn't all vote for the people you hate. Why assume that we did?

then dont tell us you only had two choices. the vast majority of your country votes for the two wings of the american corporate party and as such endorses the murderous behaviour of american foreign policy over decades. the OP asked why the anti- americanism? . folks are telling you why. unfair to you personally? thats life, get over it.

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I'm an independent. We don't have a primary. Do you enjoy being judged because of people you had no part in electing? Yeah, I don't either. I'm not saying it doesn't occasionally happen, but I hope that most people are intelligent enough to realize that we didn't all vote for the people you hate. Why assume that we did?

then dont tell us you only had two choices. the vast majority of your country votes for the two wings of the american corporate party and as such endorses the murderous behaviour of american foreign policy over decades. the OP asked why the anti- americanism? . folks are telling you why. unfair to you personally? thats life, get over it.

Ok, fine. Judge me. You have that right. I won't lose any sleep over it. The optimistic part of me hopes that most people are not quite that narrow minded, though.

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I'm an independent. We don't have a primary. Do you enjoy being judged because of people you had no part in electing? Yeah, I don't either. I'm not saying it doesn't occasionally happen, but I hope that most people are intelligent enough to realize that we didn't all vote for the people you hate. Why assume that we did?

then dont tell us you only had two choices. the vast majority of your country votes for the two wings of the american corporate party and as such endorses the murderous behaviour of american foreign policy over decades. the OP asked why the anti- americanism? . folks are telling you why. unfair to you personally? thats life, get over it.

Ok, fine. Judge me. You have that right. I won't lose any sleep over it. The optimistic part of me hopes that most people are not quite that narrow minded, though.

i dont judge you, i judge america and those who support her foreign policy

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Sad to see how many people here hate Americans .I expect it from the french.. but the Brits and Aussies....sad really

.As an American from NY. I've lived and traveled pretty much all over Central and South America. I've met alot of people from all over the world. Now let me say that the first country I moved to was Honduras , naturally I sought out other Americans and was disgusted . I'll admit most were rude abnoxious and arrogant.Now I am no saint but when I meet someone I'm polite, courteous and friendly, not loud or a smart ass Yes I 've read some of the posts here and and know the type.

I also know about ''taking the piss out of someone''Back here in the states we just call it being an ahole. But it's ok once you become friends and get to know each other a bit.You know tht's just a freindly ribbing.

But when you come off with that #$%^ right out of the gate that can be construde as an insult. That goes for anyone from anywhere. I mean I meet you and within the first 5 minutes you're talking sht about me, my accent, my country and you think you're being cute , clever and witty? I don't know you ,I never met you so how do I know that you're joking..Start that $%^$ and I'll knock you on your %^&. I treat people I meet with respect and demand the same in return. As anyone should.

As far as the french...Any french I have met lived up to their slimy reputation , in fact in the last 15 years I've never met a frenchman who was anything else but garbage. Sarcastic, hateful ,jealous, rude, arrogant... And speaking of WW2 where would they be now Without the U.S.?? their national dish would be wiener schnitzel. But not to waste any more time on those ahols. America and England bailed there sorry weak ases out of TWO wars...To the OP- that's what you should have told that sarcastic mutt and his bich after his ''geography'' lesson.

Another thing is what alot of people from other countries don't realize is that within my country there is still a feeling of resentment from those that live in the south towards those in the north. (redneck vs. yankee) Believe it . The people in the north, i.e New York have absolutely no resentment to those who live in the south .We don't even think about them really.BUT you travel south and they hear your accent it's yankee this and yankee taht..southerners still resent us because of the civil war. Yes a war that 's been over for 150 years!. So there's that.

Living in Colombia I steered away from Americans they were vulgar and out of line with women .The expats that lived there were mostly hormongers it disgusted me.

Now most of the friends I 've had over the years were usually British. I find them to be more polite and laid back . They don't meet you in the first 5 minutes and start talking s#$t. Maybe I get along with them better because I served in the U.S embassy in London when I was a marine in the '80's.

As far as the Dutch, always very friendly towards Americans and very nice people .And seem to be grateful for us and WW2.

The people I got along with all the time were Australians. Never met an Australian I did'nt like. Maybe just met the right guys (and girls ) along the way.

Canadians are hit and miss , for the most part they don't like Americans . So screw 'em.

As far as my government...I 'm no fan. ESP. obama...can't stand him.Evil.But the same countries that piss on us are some of the same ones that take our aid when they are in trouble. America gives alot of help thruout the world. When there's a crisis we're there. And I can't believe that now we are being criitcized for our participation in WW2 ?! That's a new one.

And then you wonder why French are anti-Americans after posting such hateful garbage. whistling.gif

First of all, French are probably not more anti americans than other europeans. They loathe america's foreign policy and an economic imperialism like pretty much every other country in the world, but individuals, as long as they don't treat them as laquais should be well received. Even when France took a stand against USA against the Iraq invasion, which resulted in a French bashing wave orchestrated by american medias on a scale unseen before, there wasn't so much of an anti american sentiment in France. On the other hand, France and French were mocked and made fun of without any limits. To this day french bashing is still prevalent in every english forum I frequent, for some reason.

And then, you except French to be anti-americans, and you feel that they should be grateful to YOU for something that happened decades ago. Something tells me that French are anti-you, not anti-americans.

Also, I'm sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over "if it weren't for us you would be eating schnitzel". Actually, if it weren't for the allied forces, we and probably all of Europe would be eating borsch and drinking vodka. Some "details" of history seems to be swept aside on the other side of the Atlantic. Anyway, it may be relevant for the diplomatic relations between our countries, but if you behave like a douchebag, you will be treated accordingly, even if you grand father fought in Normandy (or bombed the shit out of some cities like Caen for no specific purpose).

Caen WAS bombed for a purpose. Unfortunately the bombers bombed the wrong area and the SS divisions were barely touched. and it was the british as well as american bombers

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Caen WAS bombed for a purpose. Unfortunately the bombers bombed the wrong area and the SS divisions were barely touched. and it was the british as well as american bombers


Whoops... My bad, wrong area!

75% of the city was demolished.

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Caen WAS bombed for a purpose. Unfortunately the bombers bombed the wrong area and the SS divisions were barely touched. and it was the british as well as american bombers


Whoops... My bad, wrong area!

75% of the city was demolished.

I know, they bombed the wrong area completely. the germans were dug in on the outskirts of town.

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I know, they bombed the wrong area completely. the germans were dug in on the outskirts of town.

Yeah anyway that was just a sarcastic comment (as it seems mr DKNY77 doesn't like sarcasm).

My grand parents lived in normandy and brittany and the bombings were really harsh for all of them, but in the end they were all very grateful for the liberation.

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I know, they bombed the wrong area completely. the germans were dug in on the outskirts of town.

Yeah anyway that was just a sarcastic comment (as it seems mr DKNY77 doesn't like sarcasm).

My grand parents lived in normandy and brittany and the bombings were really harsh for all of them, but in the end they were all very grateful for the liberation.

my uncle flew mosquito figther bombers over normandy

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If any American has been paying attention, they should realize that by far the biggest reason for anti-Americanism has been the war in Iraq. When 911 happened, the entire world was in mourning with the USA but when George turned it into an opportunity to invade Iraq, the whole world knew the war was wrong. Iraq was bombed into the stone age during the 1st Gulf war and never recovered. There were no WMDs and the US knew it...they were told by weapons inspectors. There were many lies told to try to convince the world to join the coalition.

As the truth slowly came out about the Iraq war based on lies I thought the American people would finally wake up and protest against the war. They did the opposite! Anyone who questioned was called a traitor...even the mass media was complicit. Haliburton made lots of money. Anywhere from 200,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis were slaughtered as a result.

How dare you ask why people are upset with Americans! You already know why. Most of the world refused to join in your illegal war and you had the opportunity to make it right. You all put the blinders on and swallowed the bullshit from your mass media. But you didn't care because it was people "over there" being killed.

How would you feel if some foreign country invaded the USA over complete lies resulting in the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of US citizens? That would be terrible wouldn't it. Then why was it OK to do it to Iraq?

The arrogance of Americans is amazing! They should be apologizing profusely for their illegal, evil war, but they actually feel insulted when you express your anger about it! Shame on you. You wonder why people are angry? How can you be so arrogant?

What happened to the the great country that once was the USA? If the Iraq War had happened during the 60s, the people would have stormed capitol hill and removed the government. The protests of the 60s were the last gasps of the dying American conscience. You are a bunch of sheeple now, living in a police state and slaves to the corporations.

Great post. That is why I hate Bush's lap dog Bliar and I truly do feel shame for my country's complicity in the whole sorry affair. So much so, that I became so disillusioned with the pathetic political class I actively sought a way out and hence the main reason I am now here with no intention of returning ever.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What's very scary to me is how both Blair and Bush are very religious. How they could ever imagine they were doing God's will is beyond me.

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If any American has been paying attention, they should realize that by far the biggest reason for anti-Americanism has been the war in Iraq. When 911 happened, the entire world was in mourning with the USA but when George turned it into an opportunity to invade Iraq, the whole world knew the war was wrong. Iraq was bombed into the stone age during the 1st Gulf war and never recovered. There were no WMDs and the US knew it...they were told by weapons inspectors. There were many lies told to try to convince the world to join the coalition.

As the truth slowly came out about the Iraq war based on lies I thought the American people would finally wake up and protest against the war. They did the opposite! Anyone who questioned was called a traitor...even the mass media was complicit. Haliburton made lots of money. Anywhere from 200,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis were slaughtered as a result.

How dare you ask why people are upset with Americans! You already know why. Most of the world refused to join in your illegal war and you had the opportunity to make it right. You all put the blinders on and swallowed the bullshit from your mass media. But you didn't care because it was people "over there" being killed.

How would you feel if some foreign country invaded the USA over complete lies resulting in the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of US citizens? That would be terrible wouldn't it. Then why was it OK to do it to Iraq?

The arrogance of Americans is amazing! They should be apologizing profusely for their illegal, evil war, but they actually feel insulted when you express your anger about it! Shame on you. You wonder why people are angry? How can you be so arrogant?

What happened to the the great country that once was the USA? If the Iraq War had happened during the 60s, the people would have stormed capitol hill and removed the government. The protests of the 60s were the last gasps of the dying American conscience. You are a bunch of sheeple now, living in a police state and slaves to the corporations.

Great post. That is why I hate Bush's lap dog Bliar and I truly do feel shame for my country's complicity in the whole sorry affair. So much so, that I became so disillusioned with the pathetic political class I actively sought a way out and hence the main reason I am now here with no intention of returning ever.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What's very scary to me is how both Blair and Bush are very religious. How they could ever imagine they were doing God's will is beyond me.

their god doesnt like non christians

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I'm an independent. We don't have a primary. Do you enjoy being judged because of people you had no part in electing? Yeah, I don't either. I'm not saying it doesn't occasionally happen, but I hope that most people are intelligent enough to realize that we didn't all vote for the people you hate. Why assume that we did?

then dont tell us you only had two choices. the vast majority of your country votes for the two wings of the american corporate party and as such endorses the murderous behaviour of american foreign policy over decades. the OP asked why the anti- americanism? . folks are telling you why. unfair to you personally? thats life, get over it.

Ok, fine. Judge me. You have that right. I won't lose any sleep over it. The optimistic part of me hopes that most people are not quite that narrow minded, though.

i dont judge you, i judge america and those who support her foreign policy

Hasn't your country supported US foreign policy many times?

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I don't dislike Americans as a whole, just as I don't dislike anyone else. I just take individual people as I find them. I grew up in awe of America. As a young child Walt Disney, Tom & Jerry, Looney Toones, Little Rascals, Laurel & Hardy, John Wayne etc fantastic. It all seemed so innocent back then. England, was still England. We had the TV programmes, but still didn't know that much about America until cheap travel and aggressive corporate expansionism. Now it seems that everything American is taking over. An example or two? Halloween and Christmas. What happened??? It's the whole excess over the top thing. The lack of environmental policy or thinking at an individual level. The sheer amount of vulgar consumerism is staggering. Images of obesity and wastefulness can't sit well with areas of the world that are starving. America championed globalisation, but closely regulates competition from abroad, but it created its worst enemy with 24 hour news media. CNN, ABC, FOX News everywhere anytime. Nowhere to hide, intelligent people around the world have had their eyes opened, to the detriment of the US of A it seems.

You make your bed...you gotta lay in it.

Oh yes. Let's not forget that green eyed monster...jealousy.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by watso63
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Hasn't your country supported US foreign policy many times?

many times and i never vote for a party that does. and if someone despises me for it, I wont wonder why.

I save my disgust (and vote) for elected officials who have deceived their voters (and bow to special interest groups).

Edited by rijb
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Hasn't your country supported US foreign policy many times?

many times and i never vote for a party that does. and if someone despises me for it, I wont wonder why.

I save my disgust (and vote) for elected officials who have deceived their voters (and bow to special interest groups).

They ALL deceive their voters and bow to special interest groups. They would never be elected if they didnt

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The world got it wanted...a President just like them. Europe and the rest of the world, it seemed, couldn't stand the "Cowboy" Bush and now they got a leader who politically and ideologically leans THEIR way. Guess what, what they saw wan't pretty. They now see what happens when you take a super power that once stood for a moral high-ground, even if you didn't support it, now take over by a group of people who hate U.S. power just as much as you do and is doing everything they can to destroy it. Good job, world, you got what you wanted and now the world is safer than it has ever been before...right? The bad guys are running scared, the allies of the U.S. are walking tall and don't have to worry that the U.S. won't be there to support them and know full well that the U.S. has their back and won't spy on them....They now see what happens when a liberal ideologue has control of the most powerful Intelligence apparatus on earth with all of its spying capabilities. What they see now in the U.S. is what their country would been ramped up on steroids, destroying itself, not supporting its allies and letting the baddies of the world free reign...Come on Europe, get in there and stop Putin....Libya and Iraq are democratic paradises, Syria..get in there and do your thing EU...Iran...the U.S. has the EU's back...way back...you should probably note that Afghanistan is much closer to Europe than the U.S. so when the terrorist camps start up again (because Obama said the world is a safer place and told everyone he is pulling out), well don't expect the U.S. to help you when the shat hits the fan because, well, you got rid of the Cowboy who would come to your aid at the drop of a hat and now have a U.S. president has doesn't believe in the concept of a military victory, only a diplomatic victory..just...like...you....hope everything works out for you.

Brilliant, thanks for the laugh.

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