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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hmmmm good question. Chinese definitely louder, but for me (as I do not speak any Chinese dialect) Americans more obnoxious because most of what comes out of their mouths is rubbish even after you edit out every second word which is 'like'. "It's like way better in the states cause it's like we do it like this way like real like".
For those of you with a bias toward Americans, if you travel, consider taking a trip to the US. Start in Los Angles, travel up the coast to Washington State, then across the North to the Great Lakes, drop down and tour the interior, then down to Texas and across to Florida. From Florida travel up the East Coast to Maine. After you're finished, recheck your biases. America is an incredibly diverse place with a multitude of different dialects and attitudes. Generalizations are just that - generalizations.

And the excessive use of the word 'like' is a dialect. One of many, and it's one that has developed relatively recently in a certain sub-culture of Americans.

I've done that trip you talk about.

and there are a helluva lot of ignorant people when you come off the coasts.

And there are a helluva lot of ignorant people here spewing hatred and outrageous misinformation here also.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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last year found a French couple lost in Bangkok. I guided them to their destination (a ferry stop on the river) and on the way mentioned I'm from USA. They responded, "We are from France, it is in Europe, a continent which is made up of many different countries. France is one of these countries."

Sounds like they were either ignorant or thought you were. Don't see any tie to the USA.

Likewise I recently came across an older Middle Eastern man drinking alcohol and accosting local (scantily clad) passersby on the street. I confronted him and said this was unacceptable, and later was told by a Kiwi neighbor that I had better mind my own business and return to the US.

Should the neighbor, upset by your behavior, have told you to return to Canada or China instead of your homeland?

Your perceptions of things are way off and the treatment you get almost surely has little to nothing to do with you being from the USA. Even the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who hate the US don't hate all the individual people but rather the government's policies.

If you really are finding you are running into problems with people because you are from the US, then you may want to take a close look at yourself and not blame your homeland ... or is this your way of bashing America by blaming your problems with people on the USA????

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A great link that sums up many of the answers to the OP.

Imagine turning on the news and hearing....

  • America commends whistleblower for exposing corruption and crimes against humanity.
  • America uncovers extensive IT spy ring and brings them to justice for mass infringements of privacy.
  • America signs treaty and pledges total support to stop global production and use of land mines and other unconventional weapons.
  • America initiates widespread changes to assist disadvantaged nations in developing infrastructure, health, education and primary production to mitigate political instability and improve global quality of life.
  • "Coalition of the willing" declares war on biggest offenders, providing massive aid and support in the fight against global warming and environmental devastation.

The common thread I'm reading in these posts is that "most" people will give "most" people the benefit of the doubt no matter what nationality they are, the only caveat seems to be that one like arrogance. The other common thread is that almost everyone doesn't like American foreign policy. If someone is going to declare themselves the new sheriff in town then their actions need to be consistent with the moral and ethical expectations of the people in that town and this is where America fails.

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"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

actually it was 1941
Wasn't it September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, when Britain declared war on Germany ? But it is so that the US came in on 7th December 1941 after the unprovoked Japanese attack in Hawaii.


Rounded up by three weeks...smile.png

(But see below)

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"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

actually it was 1941

See above (i.e., I rounded up by three weeks). That said, the first offensive action by the US following the declarations of war was in January 1942 (US attack on the Japanese-occupied Marshall Islands).

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Another thing is what alot of people from other countries don't realize is that within my country there is still a feeling of resentment from those that live in the south towards those in the north. (redneck vs. yankee) Believe it .

Nah. Northerners may be regarded as outsiders in rural towns. But they are in fact anyway, and it makes no practical difference. The cities are filled w/ Northerners who've migrated, often working for companies headquartered in the North.

And you're forgetting the large populations of black people living in the South.

Of course there are always the nutters, but you find those everywhere. wink.png

The people in the north, i.e New York have absolutely no resentment to those who live in the south .We don't even think about them really.

I've known a few Southerners who moved to New York and Boston and encountered quite a bit of discrimination, regarded as hicks and rubes, their accent mocked. Hollywood perpetuates the stereotype (latest, "Duck Dynasty") and Northerners lap it up.

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The bigger issue, in my opinion, is the isolationistic mentality that is taking over this country. You would be amazed how many people don't (and have no desire to) know anything about the rest of the world.

Considering you're moving to Thailand, you just have no idea how funny is the irony of that statement.

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I don't think this helps. It is funny though.


This isn't just funny, it's scary......

But then there's

Yawn. Next.

They are Scottish and only eat deep fried Mars bars.

Sorry for your sense of humour failure, bigger yawn.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You've missed the point, which wasn't humor.

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I'm Scottish, i absolutely despise 99% of Scottish people and i hate Scotland as a country. We have a huge chip on our shoulder, we seem to think "everyone loves us" yet we are ignorant, unhealthy, violent vermin.

We like to tell everyone how nice we are before stabbing them, we tell everyone we invented everything when in fact we didn't, other did before us, we just lie.

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A great link that sums up many of the answers to the OP.

Merely another artsy-fartsy actor and director who can't spell, hardly a political scientist. Hollywood types follow the liberal party line. Huffington Post, subsidiary of the Tehran Times (JUST JOKING). I'm all for free speech, however.

Edited by JSixpack
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A great link that sums up many of the answers to the OP.

Merely another artsy-fartsy actor and director who can't spell, hardly a political scientist. Hollywood types follow the liberal party line. Huffington Post, subsidiary of the Tehran Times (JUST JOKING). I'm all for free speech, however.

yet another example of the answer to the OP

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"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

actually it was 1941

See above (i.e., I rounded up by three weeks). That said, the first offensive action by the US following the declarations of war was in January 1942 (US attack on the Japanese-occupied Marshall Islands).

it was 1941

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I'm Scottish, i absolutely despise 99% of Scottish people and i hate Scotland as a country. We have a huge chip on our shoulder, we seem to think "everyone loves us" yet we are ignorant, unhealthy, violent vermin.

We like to tell everyone how nice we are before stabbing them, we tell everyone we invented everything when in fact we didn't, other did before us, we just lie.

Really? Scots I've met have been pretty nice. Friend of mine just got back from an extended tour and loved the country, would like to live in Edinburgh except for the weather. So you'd agree w/ Samuel Johnson: "But, Sir, let me tell you, the noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!" Should get a round of applause here on this forum.

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I'm Scottish, i absolutely despise 99% of Scottish people and i hate Scotland as a country. We have a huge chip on our shoulder, we seem to think "everyone loves us" yet we are ignorant, unhealthy, violent vermin.

We like to tell everyone how nice we are before stabbing them, we tell everyone we invented everything when in fact we didn't, other did before us, we just lie.

Really? Scots I've met have been pretty nice. Friend of mine just got back from an extended tour and loved the country, would like to live in Edinburgh except for the weather. So you'd agree w/ Samuel Johnson: "But, Sir, let me tell you, the noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!" Should get a round of applause here on this forum.

Trust me, we are a nasty pile of poop

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The OP asked why Canadians hate American but have not seen much response. I will try and explain it in a car analogy.

If you ever talk to a Porsche boxster owner about their car they will immediately tell you the reasons why they bought it instead off a 911. They will tell you all of this even if you say nothing about the matter.

Everyone knows that the 911 is a superior automobile, and that if they could afford it 100% of the boxster drivers would own that instead.

Canadians are the same way about their country and the USA. A huge portion of their population are all living very close to the American border talking about how great their free health care is or whatever else Canada has to offer.

For the record, I like Canada and the Canadians I have met. I wouldn't mind living in Vancouver for a while. I am just pointing out what I have observed.

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The OP asked why Canadians hate American but have not seen much response. I will try and explain it in a car analogy.

If you ever talk to a Porsche boxster owner about their car they will immediately tell you the reasons why they bought it instead off a 911. They will tell you all of this even if you say nothing about the matter.

Everyone knows that the 911 is a superior automobile, and that if they could afford it 100% of the boxster drivers would own that instead.

Canadians are the same way about their country and the USA. A huge portion of their population are all living very close to the American border talking about how great their free health care is or whatever else Canada has to offer.

For the record, I like Canada and the Canadians I have met. I wouldn't mind living in Vancouver for a while. I am just pointing out what I have observed.

you trying to suggest canadians would rather live in america? lol

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The OP asked why Canadians hate American but have not seen much response. I will try and explain it in a car analogy.

If you ever talk to a Porsche boxster owner about their car they will immediately tell you the reasons why they bought it instead off a 911. They will tell you all of this even if you say nothing about the matter.

Everyone knows that the 911 is a superior automobile, and that if they could afford it 100% of the boxster drivers would own that instead.

Canadians are the same way about their country and the USA. A huge portion of their population are all living very close to the American border talking about how great their free health care is or whatever else Canada has to offer.

For the record, I like Canada and the Canadians I have met. I wouldn't mind living in Vancouver for a while. I am just pointing out what I have observed.

Hummm. I lived smack on the US-Canadian boarder for a number of years. Often traveled back and forth between countries (excellent skiing in BC). I never perceived any 'hatred' of Canadians for Americans or vice-versa. Where the heck do folks come up with this type of vitriolic BS and what purpose does it serve? Same thing for Aussie-American relationships. I have good friends from Canada and Australia. I have no idea how the OP is forming that opinion.

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The OP asked why Canadians hate American but have not seen much response. I will try and explain it in a car analogy.

If you ever talk to a Porsche boxster owner about their car they will immediately tell you the reasons why they bought it instead off a 911. They will tell you all of this even if you say nothing about the matter.

Everyone knows that the 911 is a superior automobile, and that if they could afford it 100% of the boxster drivers would own that instead.

Canadians are the same way about their country and the USA. A huge portion of their population are all living very close to the American border talking about how great their free health care is or whatever else Canada has to offer.

For the record, I like Canada and the Canadians I have met. I wouldn't mind living in Vancouver for a while. I am just pointing out what I have observed.

you trying to suggest canadians would rather live in america? lol

Yes, If there was a hockey rink in every town. That is the only thing that is keeping all Canadians from immigrating to the US.

Maybe they would rather live in the US, maybe they wouldn't. I just know they like to live close to the US and talk about how great it is on the other side.

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The OP asked why Canadians hate American but have not seen much response. I will try and explain it in a car analogy.

If you ever talk to a Porsche boxster owner about their car they will immediately tell you the reasons why they bought it instead off a 911. They will tell you all of this even if you say nothing about the matter.

Everyone knows that the 911 is a superior automobile, and that if they could afford it 100% of the boxster drivers would own that instead.

Canadians are the same way about their country and the USA. A huge portion of their population are all living very close to the American border talking about how great their free health care is or whatever else Canada has to offer.

For the record, I like Canada and the Canadians I have met. I wouldn't mind living in Vancouver for a while. I am just pointing out what I have observed.

you trying to suggest canadians would rather live in america? lol

Yes, If there was a hockey rink in every town. That is the only thing that is keeping all Canadians from immigrating to the US.

Maybe they would rather live in the US, maybe they wouldn't. I just know they like to live close to the US and talk about how great it is on the other side.

lol! they live close to the US because that is where their agricultural land is, where the east-west rivers ran and where the railways were built! it has nothing to do with wanting to live near the border!!

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actually it was 1941

See above (i.e., I rounded up by three weeks). That said, the first offensive action by the US following the declarations of war was in January 1942 (US attack on the Japanese-occupied Marshall Islands).

it was 1941

USS Enterprise attack on Marshall islands in 1942 (see http://cv6.org/1942/marshalls/default.htm). Rather than repeating three words, please provide an example of an earlier planned/coordinated offensive action. Repetition does not a debate make.

BTW, you're still missing the point, which is that in the 'American mind', WWII began in 1942 (or 3 weeks earlier if you want to be a stickler). Anyway, if you want to argue that the US was engaged in WWII in 1941 because the entered the fray in the final three weeks of the year, I'll give it to you. Better (very) late than never....

Edited by Docno
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actually it was 1941

See above (i.e., I rounded up by three weeks). That said, the first offensive action by the US following the declarations of war was in January 1942 (US attack on the Japanese-occupied Marshall Islands).

it was 1941

USS Enterprise attack on Marshall islands in 1942 (see http://cv6.org/1942/marshalls/default.htm). Rather than repeating three words, please provide an example of an earlier planned/coordinated offensive action. Repetition does not a debate make.

BTW, you're still missing the point, which is that in the 'American mind', WWII began in 1942 (or 3 weeks earlier if you want to be a stickler).

So what?! They stayed until the end.

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Hummm. I lived smack on the US-Canadian boarder for a number of years. Often traveled back and forth between countries (excellent skiing in BC). I never perceived any 'hatred' of Canadians for Americans or vice-versa.

Me, neither. I did hear a long and passionate rant one night by a French Canadian from Quebec about all the other Canadians. smile.png We got along fine, however. He was a great Starbucks coffee fan, too, (SHOCK SURPRISE) and made a point to serve me a cup from his closely-guarded stash.

Where the heck do folks come up with this type of vitriolic BS and what purpose does it serve?

Shit-stirrin', my man. Sport we love! Overall, merely part of the daily grind of our little anti-americanistas.

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So what?! They stayed until the end.

That was a good thing, too, though I wish they'd stayed out entirely. Later, now, they stopped stayin' until the ends--leaving messes instead of accomplishing the good, still very possible, originally intended. But this is only for those not believing in conspiracy theories. BTW, though we've had the laundry list of usual demons, we haven't yet heard mentioned the puppeteers behind it all, none other than The Illuminati . . . .

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

It's kind of a superficial "nice" though, innit?

Just visit their country.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

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actually it was 1941

See above (i.e., I rounded up by three weeks). That said, the first offensive action by the US following the declarations of war was in January 1942 (US attack on the Japanese-occupied Marshall Islands).

it was 1941

USS Enterprise attack on Marshall islands in 1942 (see http://cv6.org/1942/marshalls/default.htm). Rather than repeating three words, please provide an example of an earlier planned/coordinated offensive action. Repetition does not a debate make.

BTW, you're still missing the point, which is that in the 'American mind', WWII began in 1942 (or 3 weeks earlier if you want to be a stickler). Anyway, if you want to argue that the US was engaged in WWII in 1941 because the entered the fray in the final three weeks of the year, I'll give it to you. Better (very) late than never....

the original claim was the war STARTED in 1942. wars start with a declaration of war. they dont start with the first offensive action by one side. it started in 1941

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So a lot! This line of argument began when I facetiously said that Americans believe that world history started in 1776 and that WWII started in 1942.

But I will move beyond that to also point out that many Americans feel that they are responsible for winning WWII, not considering the sacrifice that Russia made bleeding the Nazis dry on the Eastern Front (there's a reason that German soldiers were fearful of being posted east) or the fact the Britain and the commonwealth had to withstand twin pressures from Japan and Germany years before the US actively joined in. By the time the US joined the cause with its fresh soldiers and equipment, the other belligerents had been much ground down by years of heavy fighting. This is not to take away from the American contribution, but the Americans should not act as if they were the saviours of the west either.

how was britain forced to withstand years of japanese pressure before december 1941?

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