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Hi i will be in Bkk next week and intend to apply for a visa for my g/f to come to Ireland in Oct. how hard is it to get and is there any advice on the same.Lek has already been to Finnland to see her aunt in 03 and had got visa ok she now works in resaturant in Bkk at the moment but i have been told its not easy to get holiday visa to Ireland.Thanks in for your help


There are a few members who have successfully sponsored visits to Ireland for their other halves and they'll be best placed to give guidance, but, certainly, that your girlfriend has already visited a European country and complied with the terms of her visa will stand her in good stead.


Hi i will be in Bkk next week and intend to apply for a visa for my g/f to come to Ireland in Oct. how hard is it to get and is there any advice on the same.Lek has already been to Finnland to see her aunt in 03 and had got visa ok she now works in resaturant in Bkk at the moment but i have been told its not easy to get holiday visa to Ireland.Thanks in for your help

Would advise you to get the paper work first as there is quite a lot of detail in it.

If you fufill all the requirements, proof of financial status, proof that she will return to Thailand, proof that you know her a long time, proof of her independant wealth, etc, etc,.......

then you have fairly good chance of getting it.


Hi Blowin,

I have just done it, so I'll dig out the paper work tomorrow and post with more info.

Circumstances are a little different, I did it from UK not Thailand and for a wife not girlfriend.

Very easy to get additional info over the phone, although they are open only for a short time and you can get conflicting info from different people, apart from that its fine.

I'll post tomorrow.



Hi Blowin,

As I said yesterday I would dig out the paperwork.

I found it particularly easy but there are quite distinct differences to our applications.

Without stating the obvious, you can download the application form from the website


or go to the official website www.dfa.ie.

But be aware when I rang the embassy for clarification on a point, someone actually said ' Oh, thats the official website, its not correct', so take that as you will.

She went on to give me incorrect info herself, so that says something, anyway I found them quite easy to contact.

Telephone contact is something like 2.00pm until 4.30 pm Monday-Friday GMT.

The usual info required is stated on the application form and is not onerous, and as previously said easy to contact for clarification purposes.

Whether they are more difficult from outside of the EU I don't know, but from what I can gather the application form is the same, it will be the consideration of whether 'the intention to return' is evident I suppose.

If you get into difficulties, PM me I have a contact name that seemed on the ball.

Good Luck



I remember talking to an Irish friend who got his GF a visa.

One thing he mentioned , and I don't see it here yet , is some proof

she does not have a criminal record in Thailand.

Good luck


/ 02JUL06 / 1151 UTC


Vaccinations not required.

National THAILAND (TH) /Embarkation THAILAND (TH)



Passport (valid for the period of intended stay) required.

Visa required.


if minor is under 16 years old and registered in parent's


visa not required, provided accompanied by (one of) the



- is recommended to hold return/onward ticket;

- must have sufficient funds.

If passport of passenger bears a British inadmissable stamp,

the Irish immigration officer must be convinced that the

passenger is not travelling to the United Kingdom otherwise

entry will be refused.

All visitors to the Irish Rep. must contact the Garda National

Immigration Bureau (GNIB), if stay exceeds visa-free period, or

is longer than the period for which their visa is valid.

Non-compliance with entry regulations for travel from outside

the common travel area with the United Kingdom may lead to

refusal of passenger and fines of EUR 3,000.- per passenger for

the carrier.

I think the UK inadmissable stamp referred to above is the stamp you get in your passport when UK turn you down that is not supposed to mean anything!!!!

Hi i will be in Bkk next week and intend to apply for a visa for my g/f to come to Ireland in Oct. how hard is it to get and is there any advice on the same.Lek has already been to Finnland to see her aunt in 03 and had got visa ok she now works in resaturant in Bkk at the moment but i have been told its not easy to get holiday visa to Ireland.Thanks in for your help



Hi Blowin

Some seem to find it harder than others. The main thing you will have to try and show is that she will leave Ireland before her visa expires. But this is a case of “Guilty until proven innocent“ they (dept of Justice in Ireland) want to see social and economic reasons for her to return to Thailand. Any doc's that you have that can support this will help your case.

Have a happy


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Blowin

I spent 1.5 years trying to get a visa for my Thai BF to get a visitor visa to Ireland...

It has been well documented elsewhere and also on here.

But we eventually got it.

Last week we also successfully obtained his second VV, this time the application took only 9 days!

The most important things in this and all visa applications to Ireland are:

- a reason to go home at the end of the visa...

These should include:

-Good Job (non bar work)

-Letter from reputable school - if they are a student

-Family Ties in Thailand (eg. elderly parents but no wife/husband or Kids - as they will hold this against them - perhaps they is going to UK to earn money to support them)

-Previous Travel History to other countries

-Non Brand-new passport

-Land and/or property in thailand

- No large deposits into their bank account - in last 6 months

-Matching itinerary for all proposed travel

Everything should be translated and stamped where appropriate

In addition you will also need to supply:

-Proof of having previously met you (photos etc)

-Invitation Letter from you to her

-Letter from you to Consulate

-Your Bank Details for last 6 months

-Application form and fees

Note that the consulate in Bkk has not got the right to issue visas and must refer all applications on to the embassy in KL

Unfortunately the 1st time applicants are usually referred to The Dept of Justice in Dublin which can take 8 weeks to processs, so make sure her flight itinerary is for at least 2 months ahead of the application date... if not it will be refused by the time they get around to reviewing the application

If your GF is from Issan you might find that €1000 will go a long way in buying a plot of land... the title deeds for this land (shanoot) when certified and translated would become very valuable as proof of a solid reason to go back to thailand.

As will of course a letter from her employer, stating the exact dates she can have off (these should match the travel itinerary)

Some other pointers:

Apply for a holiday visa for 3 weeks... this seems like a plausible amout of time for someone who is gainfully employed to be allowed to take off

She will then be issued with a 3 month visa by the consulate, so you can change your flights AFTER the visa is granted

Sorry if the post is a bit rambling... but hopefully you'll find some useful tips!

  • 3 weeks later...

I already posted a new topic about this but havent got much reply.any ideas?

1.I have been living here for the past 6/7months. Ive been with my gf for about a year

2.Have evidence , apartment contracts etc.

3.We want to get married here[do i neeed proof of 400000b?] and apply for a fiance visa.

4.I have no job to return to, but will be able to provide a letter from an employer stating that i wll take up enployment on returning.

5.My mam and dad are divorced.They both own 2different successful companies


6They said they will both write a letter of support for us and that they will support us financially.

7.Also my mam said we can live in a house unoccuppied but owned by her and that we can live in her 2nd house where she lives.

8.My dad also said we can live in his house and he will support us.

9.A family friend who is a partner in the business said he would also write the same letter and offer us a house.

10.They can all supply 6months bankstatements, house deeds , company profits , list of assets etc.

11.I have no savings because ive been in thailand for so long

so would all off the above suffice for the means to support your fiance in Ireland??

or should i go home get a job wait for 6months to collect my bankstatements and then apply?

what do u think.? do we stand a chance

Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.Im real stresssed out about this.We just wanna be 2gether.She already has friends from the uk and ireland with proof of contact ,emails etc. and she speaks fluent english.

Thanks a lot


I invited a male friend to Ireland last year and he had no problem getting a visa, even though he just worked in a bar in Bangkok.

If you know any local politician, you could ask him to assist you with your application - i.e. talk to somebody who may be dealing with the application. I did this but it turned out to be unnecessary, so I don't know if it would have worked or not. If the politician knows you personally, I think it should be a help.

It may depend on her age also. If she's very young, they may not be keen to grant the visa.

I already posted a new topic about this but havent got much reply.any ideas?

1.I have been living here for the past 6/7months. Ive been with my gf for about a year (Can you prove it i.e photos, both names on bills?


2.Have evidence , apartment contracts etc. (this I beleve will be good)

3.We want to get married here[do i neeed proof of 400000b?] and apply for a fiance visa.(where do you get the 40kb from, can you tell me, I will try and check?)

4.I have no job to return to, but will be able to provide a letter from an employer stating that i wll take up enployment on returning.( This is good)

5.My mam and dad are divorced.They both own 2different successful companies( This is good, not the divorce bit but the companies, will they write references?)


6They said they will both write a letter of support for us and that they will support us financially.(Just read this bit again, this is good, ignore above!)

7.Also my mam said we can live in a house unoccuppied but owned by her and that we can live in her 2nd house where she lives.( Provide photos of the house and a letter from your mam showing proof of ownership or mortgage)

8.My dad also said we can live in his house and he will support us.( same as above or choose one)

9.A family friend who is a partner in the business said he would also write the same letter and offer us a house.( Crikey you have three possibles you could start your own business as a property finder!)

10.They can all supply 6months bankstatements, house deeds , company profits , list of assets etc.( This is aso good)

11.I have no savings because ive been in thailand for so long

so would all off the above suffice for the means to support your fiance in Ireland??

or should i go home get a job wait for 6months to collect my bankstatements and then apply?( Can't answer)

what do u think.? do we stand a chance ( yes)

Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.Im real stresssed out about this.We just wanna be 2gether.She already has friends from the uk and ireland with proof of contact ,emails etc. and she speaks fluent english.

Thanks a lot

I got a visa very easy but as stated on this thread in vastly differing circumstances.

Ring the embassy they can provide help and are easy to get hold of.

I am not an expert, not even a gifted amateur so I hope others will help or you ring the embassy.

There is also a possibility that too much evidence may work against you.

Sorry, I can't be much help, and don't quote me if any of the info is incorrect.

Good Luck


Hi i will be in Bkk next week and intend to apply for a visa for my g/f to come to Ireland in Oct. how hard is it to get and is there any advice on the same.Lek has already been to Finnland to see her aunt in 03 and had got visa ok she now works in resaturant in Bkk at the moment but i have been told its not easy to get holiday visa to Ireland.Thanks in for your help

Cnt see any problems here done this myself three times before and here is what i supplied to embassy.

6 months bank statements, ie the one with all your standing orders.

letter of invitation from you.

copy of passport.

thats it from me.

her bank statement.


she has parents living.

has also been to Europe before.

They wll look at the stuff you bring and will send you off again if everything is not ok. Actually they are very nice at the CONSULATE in BKK.

good luck


Hi Bizz, not sure if is relevant but you are replying to a quote from Blowin, where as it is MLK who is requesting help on this occasion, having said that I also agree with you and think it is fairly straight forward, in my experience.

One other point MLK, from what I can gather from other posters trying to get a visa to Ireland, you may need evidence or as some might say strong evidence of a desire/requirement to return.

I didn't implicitly state this in my application but then it could well have been implied well enough for them not too question it.

Good Luck



This is not really a reply to anyone in particular...

The following Link details all Visas that have been granted over the last few months.


Of a total of around 8000 applications:-

4700 were granted

300 were granted on appeal

3000 were rejected (refused)

80 were withdrawn

The reasons for refusal are stated against each individual application number

So basically you have a 5/8 chance of getting a visa!

The majority of Refusal Reasons were because of "OB" (Obligation to return to home country)

The second most popular is "F" (insufficient finances)

So as Mossfinn point out above OB and F are the most important things to have.

Also as ponder points out a letter of support from your local TD can also greatly speed things along ifthe visa is referrred to teh Dept of Justice for a decision...


"So basically you have a 5/8 chance of getting a visa!"

To be alittle pedantic Colmx,

5/8 chance would suggest a lottery, this number would actually go up depending on quality of application, so is dependent on, among other things preparation and documentation and perhaps a certain amount of discretion.

I have never had an application refused to either the UK or Ireland, so using this reasoning I'll put another pound or euro on the Lotto.


Great info by the way, it does show a difficulty in achievement though!

Good Luck


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