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Duel rear wheels on ford 6610 v small dozer

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There doesn't appear to be any duels running around in my district.

Has anybody seen them where they are or know of a company thats sells them.

I'm trying to set up for 2 crops per year and would go this path before exploring getting a small dozer.

And on that does anyone have experience as to what dozer horsepower would equate to tractor horsepower.

IE would a 40 horsepower dozer pull the same as a 85 horse tractor.


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I do not think they any duel wheels in Thailand, some thing I have never seen the nearest thing I have seen for spreading out the weight,on the the land helping to avoid compaction,is the wide metal wheels that the rice farmers use,on there small tractors, if they are available for a Ford 6610 I would not know, seems like a job for the tractor dealerls near Rangsit or Chonburi.

As for the dozer I would say your assumption to be about right,many years ago we where harvesting sugar beet ,to say it was wet,was an under statement,tractors and trailers getting stuck all the time ,so the boss dragged out an old Track Mashall crawler ,we used that to pull out the stuck tractors and trailers,the Track Marshall was rated about 45 HP pulling out MF 135's and MF 165/175 with about 4-5 ton of beet on ,for an ordinary tractor,you would need at least 80-90 HP,the old crawler did ok ,could not see where it had been almost.

Our next door neighbour uesd one to pull a sub soiler,singal leg, heavyish land, going up hill to lot of smoke and noise pity the poor bugger driving it all day, he wore ear muffs, made a good job to.a wheeled tractor would not have made half a good job,and needed twice the HP, the sub soiler was a trailed one, pulling on a pice of rope,from the cab, at the end of the row to lift it out of the ground,pulling on the rope to drop it in again.

As for a dozer in LOS, a guy near me got a very second one ,a Kobulter, D1 I think,with a bucket on about 90,000 Bart ,again from Rangsit.

But the few dozer's I have seen have no 3-point linkage on them, or spool valves for hydraulic implements ,so unlees you can find some old fashioned trailed implements,unlikely,for our use in agricultue,a dozer would not be a lot of cop.

But I have thought about it my self, the ground pressure is I think less than half that of a wheeled tractor,which would mean a lot less compaction,and I would have thought it would use a lot less fuel.

Yours Regards.


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Just had a look at duel wheels on the net and up come TV .TV's Slapout put a post in about flotation tyres and a contact nom in BKK,could be an idea ,TV dual wheels 2008-3-14.(do not think they are for lawn mowers)

A farm I worked on in the UK we had JD tractor with a set of flotation tyres,used them on the corn drill and the sprayer they worked well,but we where told not to put a lot or weight on them. ie a trailer load of corn,would burst the tyres, should not be a problem here in Thailand.what I can remember thay fitted on standard rims ,the rep selling them said you could run over some one's foot with his flotation tyres,and it would not hurt ......no one ventured to try ,but they where a very low presure tyres.

The bigest problem was having to swoop over wheels for diffrent jobs.

Yours Regards.


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