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My neighbor is building a rental house along my back fence, right up against it 10" away with windows looking into my back yard and into my house, is there anything I can do to stop him? Legally or otherwise? My fence is 3m high, so only second floor windows will be a problem. Its already very high, I dont want to have to build higher if I can avoid it.


You dont say where you are?

Ten foot from your fence aint a problem, how many stories is he building.

Just as a side note, what is the legallity of your 3m high fence?

Where will you get planning pemission from your local OBT or ket (if in BKK) to legally build a fence higher than 3m?


He actually says 10 inches.

Sorry, my bad eye sight, totally illegal, suggest he heads to his local Or Bor Tor or ket if in Bkk, immediately,

Every house I have seen built has a white piece of paper outside with the local planning permission.

Someone somewhere has signed off on this, ask to see the certificate, if none is offered head to the local OBT.


The neighbour can build up to the wall/property line only if there are no openings (windows and doors) on the facing wall. If there are windows, then he has to be 1m from the property line. I reckon you have a legit bitch here but depends on where you are and how much he may have already paid for the approval, if any. If the construction is advanced, you better get jiggy with the complaint filing.


Thats interesting. OK I will check out the Or Bor Tor. He is only on the first floor so enough time for him to make changes. Thanks


The neighbour can build up to the wall/property line only if there are no openings (windows and doors) on the facing wall. If there are windows, then he has to be 1m from the property line. I reckon you have a legit bitch here but depends on where you are and how much he may have already paid for the approval, if any. If the construction is advanced, you better get jiggy with the complaint filing.

I believe you can't build up to the boundary line - only to within 30 cm of it if there are no windows, and 2 metres if there are windows. (Glass bricks don't count as windows it appears.)

Sounds like it's legal and there's nothing that can be done about it.

I have a similar issue with a neighbour who's built a breezeblock structure completely blocking all view from my dining room. Nothing I could do about it. I was told the only possible grounds for complaint would be if the rain draining from the structure falls onto my properly.


The neighbour can build up to the wall/property line only if there are no openings (windows and doors) on the facing wall. If there are windows, then he has to be 1m from the property line. I reckon you have a legit bitch here but depends on where you are and how much he may have already paid for the approval, if any. If the construction is advanced, you better get jiggy with the complaint filing.

I believe you can't build up to the boundary line - only to within 30 cm of it if there are no windows, and 2 metres if there are windows. (Glass bricks don't count as windows it appears.)

Sounds like it's legal and there's nothing that can be done about it.

I have a similar issue with a neighbour who's built a breezeblock structure completely blocking all view from my dining room. Nothing I could do about it. I was told the only possible grounds for complaint would be if the rain draining from the structure falls onto my properly.

The OP states states there are windows. OP go to the Tessabhan and request an immediate inspection. Different, araes, zones, provinces have different interpretations. A guidline is, one meter from boundry wall on side road and two meters on main road.


Plant some trees.

totster smile.png

Ideally Pyrus calleryana - which i am lead to believe emits a smell like semen when in flower!!- Just make sure the wind is blowing in the right direction! Nice flowers though.


Plant some trees.

totster smile.png

Ideally Pyrus calleryana - which i am lead to believe emits a smell like semen when in flower!!- Just make sure the wind is blowing in the right direction! Nice flowers though.

It SMELLS like semen... well I never.

I had lunch with some girls from the office once and one of them commented that someone had told her that semen tasted like mayonnaise. One of her friends causally commented that she didn't know as she had never tasted mayonnaise.


More of a salad cream girl

Nah, fritessaus :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


If you do make a complaint or request assistance from the local tessabahn frame the inquiry in the terms of safety, not invasion of privacy

No one cares about your privacy but they will be concerned about an illegal wall falling down and injuring someone

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