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US and European airlines halt Israel flights


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US and European airlines halt Israel flights

LONDON: -- US and European airlines suspended flights to Israel's Ben Gurion airport after a rocket landed one mile (1.6km) away.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ordered three US carriers that fly to Israel - Delta, United and US Airways - to halt flights for 24 hours.

Europe's aviation regulator is also urging airlines not to fly to Tel Aviv.

The suspension prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to ask the US to renew flights to Israel.

Mr Netanyahu asked US Secretary of State John Kerry for help lifting the FAA ban, which comes amidst heightened scrutiny over flights near conflict zones.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-28427236

-- BBC 2014-07-23

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stop all trade as well

Yes, I suppose that would be one's feeling....IF one believes that the current pro-Palestinian propaganda is 100% factual, with no distortions of the truth or outright lies. And, IF one ovelooks the stated goals and historical methods used by each to attain their stated goal.

I, personally, have greater ease in believing Israeli statements as to their intentions, motivations and "what really happened" than I do in believing a sources within a Palestinian government currently headed by President Mahmoud ABBAS who has no political rival, and who to all intents and purposes, is a Yassir Arafat in a suit and tie! Follow that with the accompanying powerful influence of, and likely successor HAMAS parlimentarian Aziz Dweik, who apparently under "Palestinian basic law" is stipulated to be ABBAS's successor in the event of his being unfit or unable to carry out his duties. (see: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/04/19/slow_death_palestinian_democracy_fayyad_abbas), and perhaps you can understand why I am more liable to believe that many of the photos and video clips proclaiming atrocities allegedly commited by Israelis, are staged events, specifically designed to inflame anti-Israeli public feeling.

HAMAS is an organization whose sole goal is the "destruction and erradication of Israel". It is an organization designated by the United States, Canada, the European Union, Jordan , Egypt and Japan as a terrorist organization, while others, such as Iran, Russia, Turkey and China as well as many Arab nations claim them to be non-terrorists in spite of their tactics! Whatever you believe them to be, they openly state their sole goal is the total destruction and erradication of Israel. They have shown themselves to be absent of any morality by way of their historical terroristic tactics of plane hi-jackings, suicide bombings (in many cases using children as the 'bombers") in civilian locations (the more densely populated, the better, locations that included schools and playgrounds) and the continued rocket attacks which replaced suicide bombings after 2007-08 (but only AFTER it became apparent that to continue these suicide attacks would be to bring absolute condemnation from their own people as well as the world!)

ISRAEL is a UN recognized and democratically ruled country whose sole goal is "peace within their borders" Name me one instance of Israel carrying out a plane hijacking, a suicide bombing or a rocket attack, provoked or unprovoked, on any area other than an area from which unrelenting attacks designed to intimidate, demoralize and kill as many of the Israeli populace as possible have been and continue to originate!!

The populace of the Gaza Strip, occupied, governed and used by HAMAS as a launching area for its unapologetic and unrelenting war on Israel are undeniably victims. But just who is their oppressor AND the root cause for their sad plight? HAMAS gets my vote 100%!! Which is why I continue to align myself on the side of Israel while at the same time hoping that a solution to the continued victimization of both Israel and Palestine can be discovered.

Is it possible that you have similar hopes? If so, is it possible that any such hopes would be better realized through convincing all countries that HAMAS is a terrorist organization and therefore not deserving of any direct or indirect support?

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stop all trade as well

Yes, I suppose that would be one's feeling....IF one believes that the current pro-Palestinian propaganda is 100% factual, with no distortions of the truth or outright lies. And, IF one ovelooks the stated goals and historical methods used by each to attain their stated goal.

I, personally, have greater ease in believing Israeli statements as to their intentions, motivations and "what really happened" than I do in believing a sources within a Palestinian government currently headed by President Mahmoud ABBAS who has no political rival, and who to all intents and purposes, is a Yassir Arafat in a suit and tie! Follow that with the accompanying powerful influence of, and likely successor HAMAS parlimentarian Aziz Dweik, who apparently under "Palestinian basic law" is stipulated to be ABBAS's successor in the event of his being unfit or unable to carry out his duties. (see: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/04/19/slow_death_palestinian_democracy_fayyad_abbas), and perhaps you can understand why I am more liable to believe that many of the photos and video clips proclaiming atrocities allegedly commited by Israelis, are staged events, specifically designed to inflame anti-Israeli public feeling.

HAMAS is an organization whose sole goal is the "destruction and erradication of Israel". It is an organization designated by the United States, Canada, the European Union, Jordan , Egypt and Japan as a terrorist organization, while others, such as Iran, Russia, Turkey and China as well as many Arab nations claim them to be non-terrorists in spite of their tactics! Whatever you believe them to be, they openly state their sole goal is the total destruction and erradication of Israel. They have shown themselves to be absent of any morality by way of their historical terroristic tactics of plane hi-jackings, suicide bombings (in many cases using children as the 'bombers") in civilian locations (the more densely populated, the better, locations that included schools and playgrounds) and the continued rocket attacks which replaced suicide bombings after 2007-08 (but only AFTER it became apparent that to continue these suicide attacks would be to bring absolute condemnation from their own people as well as the world!)

ISRAEL is a UN recognized and democratically ruled country whose sole goal is "peace within their borders" Name me one instance of Israel carrying out a plane hijacking, a suicide bombing or a rocket attack, provoked or unprovoked, on any area other than an area from which unrelenting attacks designed to intimidate, demoralize and kill as many of the Israeli populace as possible have been and continue to originate!!

The populace of the Gaza Strip, occupied, governed and used by HAMAS as a launching area for its unapologetic and unrelenting war on Israel are undeniably victims. But just who is their oppressor AND the root cause for their sad plight? HAMAS gets my vote 100%!! Which is why I continue to align myself on the side of Israel while at the same time hoping that a solution to the continued victimization of both Israel and Palestine can be discovered.

Is it possible that you have similar hopes? If so, is it possible that any such hopes would be better realized through convincing all countries that HAMAS is a terrorist organization and therefore not deserving of any direct or indirect support?

I don't think that your apologetic propaganda is going to sway the sentiments of too many people on this thread. Actually we all know who the real terrorists are, and it is not as you would like to beleive.

What is your excuse for the continued confiscation of land, through Israeli settlements, and the blatant murder of women & children. I don't doubt that there are many in the middle east that would like to see the backs of the Israelis, or even their total destruction. Maybe you should ask yourself why, if you haven't figured that out yet.

"Apologetic propaganda"? To give one's opinion together with some supporting evidence falls under your definitiion of "apologetic propaganda"?

"Actually we all know who the real terrorists.....like to believe"? Pray relieve me of my ignorance and tell all of us readers just exactly who "we all know who the real terrorists are" to be? I breaththessly await your omniscient proclamation in this regard.

What is my "excuse for continued confiscation of land.....settlements"? Ahhh, there you have what I believe to be a two-sided coin! I can understand that a country, whose very existence is threatened by certain groups (nortably HAMAS, but also any fundamentalist Muslim Arab) feels the need to protect themelves from unknown but potential HAMAS sympathisizers who have been seen to, through their proximity to HAMAS occupied lands, give access to HAMAS militants who subsequenlty carried out attacks against the Israeli population. I am not necessarily in agreement with that because innocents end up being hurt, but undoubtedly you, NoBrainer, have the answer! Please provide it....the world awaits!!

"Blatant murder of women and children"? Now, who is spouting apologist propaganda? Tell us, the reader and, more importantly, provide your evidence for that statement to the Israeli courts, who have been seen to deal harshly with any unjustified attacks by members of the IDF against civilians, let alone "women and children"!

That there are many who "would like to see the backs of the Israelis, or even their total destruction" is a known fact! We are in agreement on that fact...and I offer that as an explanation....not excuse...an explanation for a state of mind that lends itself to no small degree of paranoia. That you can't see that as being an explanation for such paranoia on the part of any Israeli speaks possibly to an unreasoned bias on your part?

Somewhat off topic, but I will let you be the judge: I lived for sometime in a land where the murder rate rose to the horrendous level of 150 persons per 100,000 population. This contrasts with a homicide rate in most civilized cities of anywhere from below 1 to 9 persons per 100,000. Despite the high rate in my country of residence at that time, I felt that I had control and I also knew that these homicides were not directed at me personally nor did they have the intention of destroying my country of residence. My point is that: I know what my mind-set was, living there at that time, and I recall vividly the steps I and others resorted to in order to feel "somewhat safe". No, I..we didn't launch preempitive strikes against those unknown potential killers. Afterall, they were unknown and not orginating from any particular area, inside or outside our country. But I can assure you that we for damn sure armed ourselves and carried our weaponry everywhere we went. This being necessary for us to, at least have the semblance of feeling that we could protect ourselves. Not at all a comfortable existence, I can tell you!! I didn't need to see another person actually being murdered in front of me...the ongoing reports of those murders, week in and week out, was enough to put me into a whole different realm of thinking from that I had been accustomed. That said, I cannot imagine existing day in, day out, as a perceived target (suicide attacks and then incessant rocket attacks) of an organization whose self-admitted goal is for my destruction as well as my country's!!

It is for those reasons that I hold HAMAS personally responsible for the victims on both sides of this ongoing Palestine-Israeli conflict. Remove the threat of annihlation from the board....demonstrate a willingness to co-exist in some manner to be decided upon, lawfully and peacefully while keeping in mind, articles such as written by Shaykh Professor.Abdul Hadi Palazzi re who should reside in the "Land of Israel and what constitutes the "Land of Israel", according to "What the Qur'an really says. Source: http://www.templemount.org/quranland.html Decry Prof Palazzi as being guilty of "apoligetic propaganda" but cite your sources.

Back to you, NoBrainer.....but please, no UNSUPPORTED opinion as to my presenting "apologetic propaganda". If I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion? Before damning the Israeli government, their IDF and the Israeli people...??... actually walk in their shoes over the tides of history.... and then tell me how YOU would act differently!! More importantly, offer concrete solutions for this dilemma, if you must insist on a blanket condemnation! We are both entited to our opinion without such childish epithets! I neither apologize for my opinion, nor do I accept my comments to be propaganda.

Edited by Tingtau
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stop all trade as well

ISRAEL is a UN recognized and democratically ruled country whose sole goal is "peace within their borders"

They ignore a lot of UN resolutions:


Here some nice reading too:


Edited by FritsSikkink
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There is a tragic active war on now between Israel and Hamas.

The missiles of Hamas get more wide ranging every time there is fresh war of this kind.

Alan Dershowitz makes some strong points about the possible significant long term meaning on this attack on Israel's airport.

I realize the predictable demonizers will discount his comments as coming from a Zionist.


Even more importantly, Hamas' actions in essentially closing down international air traffic into Israel, considerably reduces the prospect of any two-state solution. Israel will now be more reluctant than ever to give up military control over the West Bank, which is even closer to Ben Gurion Airport than is Gaza.
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The Israeli government justify their bombing of Gaza and the killing of civilians by blaming the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas.

Yet at the same time seems to be saying to the world's airlines that flying into Israel is perfectly safe; that their planes wont be hit by Hamas' rockets.

Very strange.

To avoid accusations thrown at me in another topic, I'd like to make it clear that I think the indiscriminate killing of civilians is wrong; no matter who is responsible.

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The Israeli government justify their bombing of Gaza and the killing of civilians by blaming the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas.

Yet at the same time seems to be saying to the world's airlines that flying into Israel is perfectly safe; that their planes wont be hit by Hamas' rockets.

Perfect. thumbsup.gif

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The Israeli government justify their bombing of Gaza and the killing of civilians by blaming the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas.

Yet at the same time seems to be saying to the world's airlines that flying into Israel is perfectly safe; that their planes wont be hit by Hamas' rockets.

In case you haven't noticed, the terrorists aim is terrible and Iron Dome helps a lot too. That is why Hamas just fling the rockets towards the masses of civilians that they hope to murder and hope for the worst. bah.gif

The chances of these evil clowns hitting a specific airliner is practically nil.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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stop all trade as well

ISRAEL is a UN recognized and democratically ruled country whose sole goal is "peace within their borders"

They ignore a lot of UN resolutions:

So do the Arabs. About those unfair resolutions piled on Israel by a bunch of hypocrites.

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I don't think it's nil.

I think the rockets are a threat.

Israel won't tolerate being shut down by terrorists.

I think as far as future trust, Hamas targeting the airport does indeed give a stronger case to Israel that they can't really EVER expect to totally give up all West Bank lands and expect to survive as a nation state.

Hamas doesn't want a two state solution anyway.

They only want the destruction of Israel.

If you blame Israel for resisting that, that's pure hypocrisy.

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In addition to all US airlines:

A representative of Germany’s national airline, Lufthansa, told Fox News at its ticketing office in London’s Heathrow Airport Tuesday that all of its flights to Tel Aviv have been canceled.

Air France, Swissair, Austrian Airlines and Air Canada also canceled flights to Tel Aviv over safety concerns, according to The Associated Press. Dutch airline KLM also cancelled Flight 461 from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv because of the unclear situation at and around the airport.

For so many reason this is the right decision.


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It will only mean that Israel feels justified in going even HARDER against Hamas missile capability during this current war. Indeed they will and indeed they are FULLY JUSTIFIED.

Agreed. Once the International community has recognized the danger from those rockets, no one but the most dishonest can blame the Jewish natiion for defending themselves. Israel have every justification to crush Hamas completely.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Israeli government justify their bombing of Gaza and the killing of civilians by blaming the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas.

Yet at the same time seems to be saying to the world's airlines that flying into Israel is perfectly safe; that their planes wont be hit by Hamas' rockets.

In case you haven't noticed, the terrorists aim is terrible and Iron Dome helps a lot too. That is why Hamas just fling the rockets towards the masses of civilians that they hope to murder and hope for the worst. bah.gif

The chances of these evil clowns hitting a specific airliner is practically nil.

I did not say that Hamas are trying, or will try, to hit any specific airliner. As far as I know, no one is.

The accuracy of the Hamas missiles is terrible; so the chances of one deliberately hitting a specific, aimed for airliner, in the air or on the ground, is very low; but for the same reason the chances of hitting one by mistake is as high as it hitting anything else!

Flying into or even over a conflict zone is risky, very risky; as the tragic event in The Ukraine shows.

Do you really want the same thing to happen over Israel; even though if it did it would be by accident?

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Well, I don't think they can or especially want to crush Hamas completely. That wouldn't be worth the price on either side. The idea now is to castrate their current missile capability. They'll be back in one form or another, and yes this is an endless cycle for the foreseeable future. There is no magic peace solution for this mess.

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Castrate their current missile capacity by killing hundreds of innocent civilians!

A missile capacity which does not seem very effective anyway; 31 Israelis killed in the last 15 days; 649 Palestinians.

Why can the Israeli government, and their supporters, not see that their current actions only increase support for Hamas among Palestinians.

Currently, the people doing the most to recruit new members to Hamas is the IDF and the Israeli government.

Gaza conflict: Abbas backs Hamas ceasefire demands

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has backed calls by Hamas for an end to the economic blockade of the Gaza Strip as a condition for a ceasefire.

Why wont the Isreali government agree to that?

Edited by 7by7
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If you wish to get a suspension, continue to post off-topic. This thread is VERY specific. It is about flights being suspended.

Let's keep in mind that airlines are a little jumpy right now after the latest Malaysian air disaster.

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I don't think I would want to land at an airport where there are rockets being fired, either the incoming kind or the outgoing kind that are to shoot down the incoming ones.

It's probably a big inconvenience for a lot of people who live, work, do business in the area, though.

I also don't think it is going to help with the fighting situation.

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Israel will have more resolve than ever to go after the rockets which are now being launched at their vital airport. I don't blame the countries cancelling flights out of concern for passengers. It's the rockets ... and the people shooting the rockets. It's got to be stopped.

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