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Found a fine house to rent but neighbours have 3 barking fluffy rat dogs

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The wife and I have been looking for houses to rent and there are not so many options to be honest.

After much searching we recently found a good option. The first thing I noticed after parking the cars were the 3 barking fluffy small rat dogs with their high pitched tone. During the 20min we were inside the house the dogs did not stop.

We have been back 2 nights in a row to see what the situation is and both times the little buggers were barking non stop. Last night the 3 owners were sitting outside the front door step eating dinner and when we drove past I noticed the 3 neurotic dogs were in their cages. They were barking non stop and the owners dont seem to mind. Its like it is relaxing to them or maybe they do not notice. I have nothing against obese thai's but the 3 of them were '3 fat ladies' and they look like morons who have no idea about their surroundings.

I asked the wife it this would bother her if we moved into the house and she replied 'so so'.....

I dont know what to do. When we were walking around the streets there were 4 other dogs sitting in the middle of the road and another neighbour has 3 dogs but they dont seem to bark.

thanks for your opinion

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Well, in my experience once the dogs start to recognize you they may stop barking. BUT, as you saw, anyone they don't recognize they will bark at. I have one bigger dog that lives next door to me and she barks at anybody she doesn't recognize as well as runs after you acting like she's going to bite you (she's never actually bit someone), but my house is sealed pretty well so it doesn't bother me. I kinda of like having an "alarm" that may scare aware thieves. Little yappy dogs I can't stand, especially ones that bark at *everything*. My advice, don't do it. Thais are much better at ignoring annoying noises than most foreigners. One thing you should do, tell the owner of the house why you aren't moving in. Maybe she can do something about it...

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Pomeranians? Ghastly little dogs. Bark at the slightest provocation and keep barking. They should deport them all back to Pomerania.

However, I would also be concerned about the dogs roaming free in the street. Sounds like a down market location to me and best avoided.

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Keep looking, if the dogs are bothering you now imagine 6 months hence.

And a substantial deposit to lose!

Plus there is a good chance bad feeling will have developed between you and these neighbours, sounds like you dislike them already.

Neighbour's dogs and soi dogs are a constant source of aggravation. I recently had to remove a dead cat our 'friendly' pack took care of!

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Maybe I don't get this post? How can you have no idea what to do? If the roof were falling in, it would be better - you can patch it, repair it. If the dogs are annoying now and you don't live there, imagine how you will feel after 2-3 sleepless nights.

I have no idea what the neighbor's weight has to do with the situation other than you seem to be taking a nasty shot at that and their mentality. I hope you don't move in next to someone skinnier or smarter than you and have to deal with insults.

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I would be inclined to talk to the owner of the house you are interested in renting and advise them of your desire to rent, but the dog problem must be fixed before you sign the contract. If this is not possible, keep looking.

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I know what it is like. I have the same problem. they keep them in a cage and do not even live on the property. They had their water disconnected months ago.too. She also had a boyfriend who had fighting cocks kept under a wicker type basket out side their gate. Its a pity there is not a R S P C A here.

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What exactly are you hoping to find out by posting your experience here. What appears to me is that you are asking us if YOU can live beside three barking dogs.......how can we tell you what you are able to live with if you yourself do not know.

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How dare there be fat Thai people living next door to a house a foreigner chooses to live in.

And in Thailand no less!

Move to a gated community full of foreigners - they all eat at their dining tables and their dogs don't bark.

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