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Getting Fed Up Of Thailand


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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

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Oh my god, he's upset about having to carry ID. The Sky is falling.

I have to carry an Id in my home country.

This rule might make all those lazy expats get a Thai DL.

Carry an I.D. or Drivers license in Thailand isn't a problem.

It's small & it's laminated.

Passport not so much...

Also the huge issue is replacing a lost,

worn or torn up Passport.

Much easier to replace an I.D. though,

and what about all those people that paid extra for the mini passport card thing?

Sorry it has to be an official passport; I can just hear the official saying,

while we plead that the card is supposed to also be official, no?

Sure, but the officials won't want to think about that the IF,

it's not a passport period. It can't show my visa hidden somewhere in the 50 pages.

That's what they now what to see at all times...

They should be thinking about how to issue mini visa cards,

so we can present that with our I.D. card and if the two match,

we can be good to go.

Nah that would be to good of an idea,

stick to the old way, it's always the best way.

Passport it is!

Must have or you pay!

Not just the 2,000...no no no, you also have to go now and get it!

Bring it to me, with this escort police, that you too will have to pay for.

I can just see it now. I night on the town, showing your friends why your not crazy to live abroad,

and a random search is being done for what at your favorite watering hole???

Any guesses?


Great it will be just like Russia now.

How far we have traveled from this once peaceful land.

Where as long as we didn't travel around butt naked,

all was well.

Though there's nothing we can do about it.

I have yet to see anyone list counties that they know require you to carry your passport at all times,

and report every time you travel away from your home and stay longer than 24 hrs?

I unfortunately don't know any country that does,

but it might of been in their law books;

other countries just don't throw it in tourist face upon arrival,

as they are now doing with the waiver signing form as an issue for example.

The expats on TV seem to be real haters of visa violators,

but do they even hum a word about it in their home country?

Nah, they might even consider hiring these aliens in their home country...cheap labor wright?

But here on TV is all about down with the guys that came here legally,

or at least through the boarder with a Passport,

and are now overstaying their welcome or working some menial job for little pay without a work permit.

I think the tax voucher scheme was better to sort out upon departure.

Pretty much the same as the thousands of Mexican & South of the boarder people do,

without even a Passport, and yet the people try to protect them, hire them, bare children,

all the while not saying a thing about how they got to these developed countries.

UK, US, Canada ring to mind as an example.

While we are all singing the praises about the ruling party.

Just wait till they get around to investigating all the shady land purchases,

and businesses that are owned by foreigners,

but are not exactly by the letter of the Law.

Then this site will truly be exciting,

as the once bickering, visa, law abiding; singing fools,

will to be scrambling for cover.

For the Retirees, we salute you guys / gals,

this is the place to live IMO,

but not to going to own anything legally in real estate, except a condo,

which you're paying dearly for these days; as you buy all your utilities from the land owners.

What made this country special some 15 years back, was how it wasn't governed by tons of Laws.

They where there for the hard headed and truly difficult visitors that wish to sample Thailand

on occasion.

For the low keys people, this was a place of heaven, enjoying the fact that you could on occasion,

slide to the side and bend a few rules, and be perfectly except able.

Fast forward to today, and people are looking to create this mess of guidelines & rules they left behind in their home countries,

but wish to bestow onto the peaceful shores of Thailand.

If people don't park within the car parking lines, or tow the fine and ever changing immigration we all so love to praise, or how about drinking alcohol in public, or smoking outside a shopping center, then there are plenty well wishers that will say saylavee with a quickness.

Because while Thailand has been attracting or trying to get more upper class citizens...

the results can been seen; it's just more snobs, and self proclaimed expats protecting their own secrets on how they personally bent the system,

to favor them; for their house, or business needs.

The bottom-line, it's getting harder in this day to abide by every single law that's on the books,

but the days long past; no body bothered with all of that,

and everyone just got along, and enjoyed what was here to enjoy...

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Another one who can't read properly.

Where did ATF say that he built the country?

I used the word "you" in reference to the plural sense since, the way ATF was talking, his demographic - namely "senior expats" - built the country.

I hope that clarifies the matter for those whom, perhaps owing to advancing years, may be less agile of mind.

Obviously, one man didn't build the country, did he?

You guys aren't going to win any mental dexterity prizes, are you?

Again learn to read.

ATF did not state anywhere that he had any part of building this country.

Obviously you think that you are the only person who is ever correct and if anyone does not agree with you, they are wrong.

Seriously, if you are any indication of the <deleted> that is now turning up on the streets of Thailand, it is no wonder that the rules of immigration are being enforced.

Once people like you have been deported, Thailand's IQ level will increase rapidly. alt=biggrin.png>

Yes he did.

The contribution of which he is sssssooooooo proud is that he worked in construction of a couple of buildings. LOL !!

You, "sir", and the rest of the more smug retirees resident here are the Thaivisa equivalents of Kim Kardashian - wringing out privilege for the most insignificant of talents/achievements . . . namely popping out of the womb more than 50 years ago.

BIG achievement, hobo.

It is you and your ilk that are the <deleted> here.

It is you with your ilk with your intractable and obstinate attitudes; your hypocrisy and your unwillingness to consider the opinions of others that must be removed from the country.

It is you and your ilk who complain vociferously as more and more young Thai women find gainful employment outside an industry that caters to lascivious lecherous old men.

It is you and your ilk who would prefer that new opportunities bypass these women so they are left with little option but to service your disgusting appetites in return for a pittance.

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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

I was hoping he would stay and jump from the 'balcony' at Suvarnabhumi

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another one who can't read properly.

Where did ATF say that he built the country?

I used the word "you" in reference to the plural sense since, the way ATF was talking, his demographic - namely "senior expats" - built the country.

I hope that clarifies the matter for those whom, perhaps owing to advancing years, may be less agile of mind.

Obviously, one man didn't build the country, did he?

You guys aren't going to win any mental dexterity prizes, are you?

Again learn to read.

ATF did not state anywhere that he had any part of building this country.

Obviously you think that you are the only person who is ever correct and if anyone does not agree with you, they are wrong.

Seriously, if you are any indication of the trailer trash that is now turning up on the streets of Thailand, it is no wonder that the rules of immigration are being enforced.

Once people like you have been deported, Thailand's IQ level will increase rapidly. alt=biggrin.png>

Yes he did.

The contribution of which he is sssssooooooo proud is that he worked in construction of a couple of buildings. LOL !!

You, "sir", and the rest of the more smug retirees resident here are the Thaivisa equivalents of Kim Kardashian - wringing out privilege for the most insignificant of talents/achievements . . . namely popping out of the womb more than 50 years ago.

BIG achievement, hobo.

It is you and your ilk that are the trailer trash here.

It is you with your ilk with your intractable and obstinate attitudes; your hypocrisy and your unwillingness to consider the opinions of others that must be removed from the country.

It is you and your ilk who complain vociferously as more and more young Thai women find gainful employment outside an industry that caters to lascivious lecherous old men.

It is you and your ilk who would prefer that new opportunities bypass these women so they are left with little option but to service your disgusting appetites in return for a pittance.

Is there a specific point your trying to make dear boy or is this just a juvenile hissy fit and will you be stamping your little feet at some point and taking your ball home ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

I was hoping he would stay and jump from the 'balcony' at Suvarnabhumi

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I love these "I'm Fed up With Thailand" type of threads. Yeah, I figure the OP is a troll but it is so easy to jerk the collective chains of the 'Thailand- Love it or Leave it' crowd. Both groups need each other to work them selves into self righteous hissy fits, supporting their black and white positions of: A, Thailand is terrible or B. Thailand is perfect.

You guys are joined at the hip, smile.png

Edited by Lancelot
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A few OTT posts and flames removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

Also, please use English not Thai script, as that will be deleted too.

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I can't understand Robes phonetic Thai. Never bothered to learn. I do have a question though half a decade in Thailand, fluent in Thai (just like Andrew Briggs- ask a Thai about that one), but no understanding of how to talk to Thais. In your own words you used a Thai slur.

When I was young (17) I told a policeman in London to f@@@ off. He and his partner grabbed a beat me. I ended up in hospital and was told I press charges they would charge me with ABH on a police officer by on two counts.

Grow up you f@@@ up.

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I can empathize with OP. It is frustrating enough and I am on a retirement visa. The idea of starting a business or work here.... nope, no way. I imagine the requirement for carrying visa is just straw that broke the farang's back.

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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

I was hoping he would stay and jump from the 'balcony' at Suvarnabhumi

Tell you what, I will give the OP another USD 100 if he takes Cypress Hill with him to Cambodia and feeds him some happy pizza, I will even pay for the pizza

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A member for 20 minutes...... thank for sharing your complaints robes----you be happy to know I am in complete & utter agreement with you.......... You should go......................coffee1.gif

Yeah and only alive on this Earth for 25 years. Let us all listen to the youthful lad so that he may lead us on the path to "Beentheredonethatville".

Hey kid, yeah you OP. Why don't you take your skills and put them to use in a country that needs or wants them? You claim to have specialized training but claim not to be able to use it here between brushes with the law and apparently doing nothing. So why don't you put some of that hard spent tuition to use and go to work somewhere and stop screwing around. Not trying to knock you down, I just think you are so young and have some skill so go build an empire while the cards are stacked in your favor.

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What is this thing with Cypress Hill and retirees?

I think he's just full of hate for the world in general. I have come across a few embittered people on this forum, but he takes the cake.

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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

I was hoping he would stay and jump from the 'balcony' at Suvarnabhumi

Tell you what, I will give the OP another USD 100 if he takes Cypress Hill with him to Cambodia and feeds him some happy pizza, I will even pay for the pizza

You might need to get the pizza blended for Cypress Hill might be easier for him to eat then Edited by mrtoad
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What is this thing with Cypress Hill and retirees?

What "thing" with retirees?

I'm fine with retirees but the propensity for the more cantankerous retirees on this forum for gloating, crowing and rolling out the time-honoured "if you don't like it, piss off out" refrain tends to mark them out for ridicule.

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I love these "I'm Fed up With Thailand" type of threads. Yeah, I figure the OP is a troll but it is so easy to jerk the collective chains of the 'Thailand- Love it or Leave it' crowd. Both groups need each other to work them selves into self righteous hissy fits, supporting their black and white positions of: A, Thailand is terrible or B. Thailand is perfect.

You guys are joined at the hip, smile.png

So you have no view on the post then,,

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A few OTT posts and flames removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

Also, please use English not Thai script, as that will be deleted too.

Mr CharlieH,

It would appear you missed post #229 where the OP admitted holding more that one TV account.

It must be a full moon soon, standby we are expecting a confession for the wanda beach murders next ;)

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Very big pensions in some cases

Get yourself a Cambodian passport, only 500,000 us dollars, peanuts realy

Very very small pensions in some other cases

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What is this thing with Cypress Hill and retirees?

What "thing" with retirees?

I'm fine with retirees but the propensity for the more cantankerous retirees on this forum for gloating, crowing and rolling out the time-honoured "if you don't like it, piss off out" refrain tends to mark them out for ridicule.

Which ones in specific?

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Your answers are right there; immortalised

I'm happy with my life you are not. As I said before we move in different circles.

Baron Munchausen was happy with his too by all accounts

Did you ever meet Rolf Harris as a child?

It would explain a lot.

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Am I right in thinking that The OP was pissed up, was going to ride his bike home, couldn't find his bike, went to the BIB, got a bit choppy with the BIB, got a slap and now is moaning about it, and is going to leave Thailand?

I'll throw in a hundred baht towards his bus ticket to Cambodia, anyone else?

I will give him USD 100 if he stops posting and whinging on TV and buggers off over the border tonight thumbsup.gif

I was hoping he would stay and jump from the 'balcony' at Suvarnabhumi

I hope you have a stoke or heart-attack soon. You like that?

There is a bit if a difference, ones a choice the other isn't. How do you feel about that?

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What is this thing with Cypress Hill and retirees?

What "thing" with retirees?

I'm fine with retirees but the propensity for the more cantankerous retirees on this forum for gloating, crowing and rolling out the time-honoured "if you don't like it, piss off out" refrain tends to mark them out for ridicule.

Well what do you expect people to say, "Stay and whinge, ruin ur life, don't leave"

What would you say to the constant flow of knob jockeys that constantly moan because they didn't get their way ?

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