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Activists plan anti-shark fin protest at THAI check-in counters worldwide


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I'm split on this.


Shark Fins should go the way of the Ivory trade.


A (almost) world wide disgust of the trade.



But, to focus on the average traveller using Thai Airlines is wrong ... I hope the Airport Security Staff are nimble and nip that protest quickly.


Both is stupid.......

Ivory: why banning the trade of ivory from elephants that die of old age????

Shark Fins should be of course banned, because there is no natural way a shark looses its fins. But it is not the airline which should make laws.

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I'm split on this.


Shark Fins should go the way of the Ivory trade.


A (almost) world wide disgust of the trade.



But, to focus on the average traveller using Thai Airlines is wrong ... I hope the Airport Security Staff are nimble and nip that protest quickly.


Both is stupid.......

Ivory: why banning the trade of ivory from elephants that die of old age????

Shark Fins should be of course banned, because there is no natural way a shark looses its fins. But it is not the airline which should make laws.



blink.png  Seriously, this has to be among one of the dumbest posts here on TV. And you have a lot of competition coffee1.gif

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I used to go to Taiwan couple times each year and the business owner we dealt with took me for dinner at the Hilton in Taipei he ordered sharks fin soup but I said no thank you but he insisted so I tried it first time to be polite it was shit horrible tast had couple spoons and left it he finished it off after his.

They believe it is afridisiac gives them big dick.

Ban it world wide.

It's not an aphrodisiac. It is a traditional food for big events. How would the Anglo-American imperialists feel if Asians demanded the ban of turkey for Christmas due to the cruel treatment of the birds, which in most cases are locked up in tiny cages or overcrowded pens. The birds suffer from the day they are hatched to the day they are brutally taken away. Ban!!
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Is it that they taste so good or they have some kind of "magical powers" that many Asian people believe in? licklips.gif

Apparently is totally tasteless. People like the texture, but the soup itself would taste the same with or without sharks fin actually in it. Because it is expensive the Chinese in particular serve it to honoured guests as a way of showing respect.

No it's not without taste, especially the higher grade shark fin soup. I have had it numerous times. The cheap ones may not even contain a single gram of shark fin, and therefore should not be banned.
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Can't see this getting anywhere out at Suvarnbhumi...certain that the guys with the M16s will be there to greet the protestors.......
Anyway.....stupid to target Thai....and I think I read (maybe I'm wrong) that they've taken it off their 1st class menu....!...But carrying it as freight may be pretty stupid of them......but then again,,they're not too smart at present!!

Thais should practice what they preach, if you are a foreigner it is illegal to protest, so do it in your own country
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I'm split on this.


Shark Fins should go the way of the Ivory trade.


A (almost) world wide disgust of the trade.



But, to focus on the average traveller using Thai Airlines is wrong ... I hope the Airport Security Staff are nimble and nip that protest quickly.


Both is stupid.......

Ivory: why banning the trade of ivory from elephants that die of old age????

Shark Fins should be of course banned, because there is no natural way a shark looses its fins. But it is not the airline which should make laws.



blink.png  Seriously, this has to be among one of the dumbest posts here on TV. And you have a lot of competition coffee1.gif



you just won over me.....

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I used to go to Taiwan couple times each year and the business owner we dealt with took me for dinner at the Hilton in Taipei he ordered sharks fin soup but I said no thank you but he insisted so I tried it first time to be polite it was shit horrible tast had couple spoons and left it he finished it off after his.

They believe it is afridisiac gives them big dick.

Ban it world wide.

It's not an aphrodisiac. It is a traditional food for big events. How would the Anglo-American imperialists feel if Asians demanded the ban of turkey for Christmas due to the cruel treatment of the birds, which in most cases are locked up in tiny cages or overcrowded pens. The birds suffer from the day they are hatched to the day they are brutally taken away. Ban!!


You seem to have missed the point. Turkeys, have been domesticated and bred for meat for centuries and it is big business. The turkeys are raised, not always in ideal conditions, then at an appropriate point, they are slaughtered and their whole body minus guts is de-feathered and frozen. People utilize the whole bird.


Shark finning on the other hand is disgusting because the shark's fins are cut off while the fish is alive and then the sharks are thrown back in the ocean to slowly die or be eaten by other luckier survivors.. No comparison whatsoever. If the shark meat was being utilized for food, I might find some agreement with their catch. 

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I tried it once and thought it was pretty good (someone else ordered it). Yes it seems to be largely about the texture but in fairness texture is a really important part of Chinese food culture. I wouldn't ever order it myself. Can't imagine craving it myself but can imagine others craving it. Yes I can see that status is a big part of the appeal too. 

Edited by Jingthing
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I used to go to Taiwan couple times each year and the business owner we dealt with took me for dinner at the Hilton in Taipei he ordered sharks fin soup but I said no thank you but he insisted so I tried it first time to be polite it was shit horrible tast had couple spoons and left it he finished it off after his.

They believe it is afridisiac gives them big dick.

Ban it world wide.

It's not an aphrodisiac. It is a traditional food for big events. How would the Anglo-American imperialists feel if Asians demanded the ban of turkey for Christmas due to the cruel treatment of the birds, which in most cases are locked up in tiny cages or overcrowded pens. The birds suffer from the day they are hatched to the day they are brutally taken away. Ban!!



True enough, but at least the birds are bred specifically for the table. We know they're not endangered, and supplying large quantities for market will not harm the rest of our environment.


The problem with "finning" sharks and over-fishing generally, is that no-one can see what damage we are doing undersea, to the immediate marine eco-systems and our own long-term future.

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If they try and ban it completely it will become more expensive  and will cause more people to go hunting sharks for bigger money, and as for rhino horn being crushed into a powder to give you a hard on and it is made up of the same compound as toe nails so gather them up don’t let them go down the bath plug hole or just pop to the chemist he has some Viagra for you rather than the crushed rhino horn.   

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Start a protest at Yaowarat. It's a really stupid predilection - shark fins have zero nutritional value and taste. You can have the broth, withouth the shark fins, and it will taste the same. I believe it's the food of chinese emperors, and when it became available to the masses, it probably is a status symbol to be seen as being able to afford eating shark fins soup. It's all to do with 'looking good'... not that different to the Thai's obsession with 'saving face'. Yup, again it's the Chinese. More specifically the Mainlanders. This stupid, prehistoric and damaging practice has to stop.

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Shark fin soup should be banned worldwide....it is a truly disgusting and totally unnecessary  practice.


What is the mentality of those that order and eat/drink this? Are these the same cruel, senseless, vile idiots who believe that the bones of the snow leopard, the tiger penis, rhino horn, etc, etc will give them magical powers and prowess? 


It is the Chinese market that eats most of the worlds endangered species and they don't give a toss. Perhaps they will turn their attention to their beloved Panda? What about panda soup. crushed panda bones and maybe even their paws for ash trays?


Wait till there are even more middle class Chinese (and to a lesser extent, other Asian peoples) who can afford such "luxuries".


God....I shudder for these poor animals.



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Perhaps activists should focus their attention on the high-profile Chinese restaurants that dish-up this rare delicacy rather than pointlessly target air cargo carriers.  

Bangkok - Ambassador hotel upstairs Chinese refs truant has the largest Shark Fin I have ever seen. It's in their lobby showcase before being seated.
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If they try and ban it completely it will become more expensive  and will cause more people to go hunting sharks for bigger money, and as for rhino horn being crushed into a powder to give you a hard on and it is made up of the same compound as toe nails so gather them up don’t let them go down the bath plug hole or just pop to the chemist he has some Viagra for you rather than the crushed rhino horn.   


Well, if a hotel in Thailand offers it: Put the chef, waiter, kitchen-staff, manager and customer who ordered it into jail for 1 week. Hotel will be seized.

If it is promoted also keep all other guests a few hours for questioning.


After that proceed with the fees.


Every boat that has any part of shark on it will be made into an artificial reef. All the crew will be in jail 1 week.


Still some will eat it but the price will be very high and surely less will be consumed.

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Is it that they taste so good or they have some kind of "magical powers" that many Asian people believe in? licklips.gif

Apparently is totally tasteless. People like the texture, but the soup itself would taste the same with or without sharks fin actually in it. Because it is expensive the Chinese in particular serve it to honoured guests as a way of showing respect.

No it's not without taste, especially the higher grade shark fin soup. I have had it numerous times. The cheap ones may not even contain a single gram of shark fin, and therefore should not be banned.



I've eaten it in the past - 25 years ago. Had it several times as Thai-Chinese clients liked to go to a posh SF restaurant in Bangkok. It was extremely tasty and very good. 


I wouldn't eat it now. But I wouldn't eat foie gras, whale meat (never tried, never will) or any product that is produced in such an appallingly cuel way.

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If they try and ban it completely it will become more expensive  and will cause more people to go hunting sharks for bigger money, and as for rhino horn being crushed into a powder to give you a hard on and it is made up of the same compound as toe nails so gather them up don’t let them go down the bath plug hole or just pop to the chemist he has some Viagra for you rather than the crushed rhino horn.   


Well, if a hotel in Thailand offers it: Put the chef, waiter, kitchen-staff, manager and customer who ordered it into jail for 1 week. Hotel will be seized.

If it is promoted also keep all other guests a few hours for questioning.


After that proceed with the fees.


Every boat that has any part of shark on it will be made into an artificial reef. All the crew will be in jail 1 week.


Still some will eat it but the price will be very high and surely less will be consumed.



Shall we do the same with those who "hunt" wild boar, deer, pheasants, grouse, partridge, wild geese etc?


We all love to slag off the Asians but forget our own "cultural heritages". 

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Shark fin soup should be banned worldwide....it is a truly disgusting and totally unnecessary  practice.


What is the mentality of those that order and eat/drink this? Are these the same cruel, senseless, vile idiots who believe that the bones of the snow leopard, the tiger penis, rhino horn, etc, etc will give them magical powers and prowess? 


It is the Chinese market that eats most of the worlds endangered species and they don't give a toss. Perhaps they will turn their attention to their beloved Panda? What about panda soup. crushed panda bones and maybe even their paws for ash trays?


Wait till there are even more middle class Chinese (and to a lesser extent, other Asian peoples) who can afford such "luxuries".


God....I shudder for these poor animals.




Yeah, and stop all those loonies with shot guns blasting birds out of the sky. No reason for it and it certainly ain't "sport"

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Shark fin soup is not some centuries old Chinese traditional meal that they must carry on. It is actually a fairly new delicacy and one that is reeking more havoc on the environment than any other single food in the world. Once the largest natural predator in the ocean, you know that thing that covers 70% of the Earths surface, is gone we are all screwed.


If anyone thinks they can EVER defend shark finning you need to educate yourself. This also goes for the needless slaughter of dolphins, whales, seals, etc...


"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
- T.S. Eliot



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I used to go to Taiwan couple times each year and the business owner we dealt with took me for dinner at the Hilton in Taipei he ordered sharks fin soup but I said no thank you but he insisted so I tried it first time to be polite it was shit horrible tast had couple spoons and left it he finished it off after his.

They believe it is afridisiac gives them big dick.

Ban it world wide.

It's not an aphrodisiac. It is a traditional food for big events. How would the Anglo-American imperialists feel if Asians demanded the ban of turkey for Christmas due to the cruel treatment of the birds, which in most cases are locked up in tiny cages or overcrowded pens. The birds suffer from the day they are hatched to the day they are brutally taken away. Ban!!



Fine, start farming sharks then and we'll ban the "cruel treatment of turkeys"! I won't give an F about the conditions shark farms and I sure as hell wouldn't protest, just leave the oceans alone!! Slash-and-burn is traditional too, why don't you try that in a park in Shanghai?! crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>





Shark finning is truly the worst thing humans can do to the environement and the ocean's eco-system. Sharks are prehistoric animals and were around long before we were.


Stop the madness already...


OMG that is truly shocking



I read a paper in the last year that put the figure at 100 million sharks a year are finned and thrown back in the water. This just satisfies the appetite of China and places like Thailand. 100 Million a year!!! The oceans will be empty soon!

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If they try and ban it completely it will become more expensive  and will cause more people to go hunting sharks for bigger money, and as for rhino horn being crushed into a powder to give you a hard on and it is made up of the same compound as toe nails so gather them up don’t let them go down the bath plug hole or just pop to the chemist he has some Viagra for you rather than the crushed rhino horn.   


Well, if a hotel in Thailand offers it: Put the chef, waiter, kitchen-staff, manager and customer who ordered it into jail for 1 week. Hotel will be seized.

If it is promoted also keep all other guests a few hours for questioning.


After that proceed with the fees.


Every boat that has any part of shark on it will be made into an artificial reef. All the crew will be in jail 1 week.


Still some will eat it but the price will be very high and surely less will be consumed.



Shall we do the same with those who "hunt" wild boar, deer, pheasants, grouse, partridge, wild geese etc?


We all love to slag off the Asians but forget our own "cultural heritages". 



Which one of these is endangered? Enough said...

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Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia. The meat is very firm and they make it into a very hot curry which they mix a little with a lot of rice . . The sharks fins are a bye product which gives the shark fishermen  a little extra income. Shark meat is often used in Autralia and New Zealand to make "fish and chips". So you who think that sharks fins should be banned. Do you agree that the fins should be thrown away and the fishermen deprived of a little extra income?

The real culprits in this business  of shark finning are the richer countries who don't eat shark meat. No real fisherman in poorer countries would do this kind of thing.because they can sell the shark meat. The raw fins have less value than the meat because 90% of the finished cost of sharks fin is in the processing.

Very severe penalties should be imposed on shark finners.

Just in case any of you "armchair critics" dispute my facts. I operated two shark fishing  trawlers in south Asia for over two years. .

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Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia. The meat is very firm and they make it into a very hot curry which they mix a little with a lot of rice . . The sharks fins are a bye product which gives the shark fishermen  a little extra income. Shark meat is often used in Autralia and New Zealand to make "fish and chips". So you who think that sharks fins should be banned. Do you agree that the fins should be thrown away and the fishermen deprived of a little extra income?

The real culprits in this business  of shark finning are the richer countries who don't eat shark meat. No real fisherman in poorer countries would do this kind of thing.because they can sell the shark meat. The raw fins have less value than the meat because 90% of the finished cost of sharks fin is in the processing.

Very severe penalties should be imposed on shark finners.

Just in case any of you "armchair critics" dispute my facts. I operated two shark fishing  trawlers in south Asia for over two years. .


Gamini, i understand the point you are making, and i dont think anyone would begrudge people who are near subsistence fisherman take sharks that are caught, fins and all.


There is a big difference between that though and large commercial fleets operating out of less policed country who, with modern netting equipment go out and purposely target sharks for the fin trade. 

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Shark meat is the staple diet of tens of millions of poor coastal people in South Asia. The meat is very firm and they make it into a very hot curry which they mix a little with a lot of rice . . The sharks fins are a bye product which gives the shark fishermen  a little extra income. Shark meat is often used in Autralia and New Zealand to make "fish and chips". So you who think that sharks fins should be banned. Do you agree that the fins should be thrown away and the fishermen deprived of a little extra income?

The real culprits in this business  of shark finning are the richer countries who don't eat shark meat. No real fisherman in poorer countries would do this kind of thing.because they can sell the shark meat. The raw fins have less value than the meat because 90% of the finished cost of sharks fin is in the processing.

Very severe penalties should be imposed on shark finners.

Just in case any of you "armchair critics" dispute my facts. I operated two shark fishing  trawlers in south Asia for over two years. .


Gamini the point here, as I see it, is the cutting off of the fin and then unbelievably dumping the poor creature back to the ocean to slowly die.


Cruel and unforgivable.


Shark for food for locals and small fishermen? ....no problem for me.

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No it's not without taste, especially the higher grade shark fin soup. I have had it numerous times. The cheap ones may not even contain a single gram of shark fin, and therefore should not be banned.



Absolute shame on you.


You are one of the reasons this despicable trade goes on. No demand....no slaughter.

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It's not an aphrodisiac. It is a traditional food for big events. How would the Anglo-American imperialists feel if Asians demanded the ban of turkey for Christmas due to the cruel treatment of the birds, which in most cases are locked up in tiny cages or overcrowded pens. The birds suffer from the day they are hatched to the day they are brutally taken away. Ban!!




You may have a point if the "imperialists" ... (how stupid a remark) ....chopped off the turkey wings and then left the bird to die a slow painful death.


Maybe you know something the "imperialists" do that we don't?


Enlighten us.

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