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"Ask a lawyer" forum (posting elsewhere since they're not responding)


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TVF has the rule against posting multiple places.  I now find myself needing to find Thai qualified probate attorneys to handle property of an estate, and having legitimate questions regarding probate law of Thailand.   I posted two different questions on the "Ask a Lawyer forum".  The pinned portion says response in 48 hours.  No response from the lawyer.  Furthermore, I cannot post a follow up post to delete the post so I can ask in another section so that I can get a response from someone.  The only posts allowed on that forum are from the lawyer.


So can I just post in general or real estate section since the lawyer is not responding?  I need to start probate proceedings and I want to start ASAP to avoid the property disappearing.  I would like to ask someone to see if anyone has knowledge about this.  I have sifted through that forum and I would say about 40%-50% of the questions are unanswered. 


If the point behind the forum was to potentially drum up business, the way that they're ignoring inquiries on that forum will have the opposite effect.

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Hi George,


Thank you for your quick reply (as always), however it is now over a week that multiple related questions have been posted without any response.  If you click on the second, third, fourth pages you will see a whole bunch of questions--which really should not be that hard to answer as they seem simple enough--totally ignored.


Yes, I know it is a free service with no guarantees.  But so is the rest of the forum, and if the lawyer doesn't respond, the questions should be allowed to be posted on another of the forums where someone might know the answer.   o force someone to only post a legal question in the "ask the lawyer forum" is not feeling quite right to me.  On the one hand TVF makes it clear with their disclaimer that this entire section TVF takes no responsibility for...but on the other hand legal questions are being hearded into this particular forum.  Sorry, it just doesn't feel kosher to me.  And I legitimately need to get the ball rolling because I am concerned that assets are being diverted from the estate (it's a Thai probate problem).

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