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'itunes' has to be the most incompetent software ever created


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I'm a confirmed Mac lover over decades, but on that point about iTunes, I definitely have to agree.  It's screwed up my collection more times and made me spend hours getting everything back to the organization I want, not the bloody app.

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I recently got a new ipod but to download stuff from my itunes libary i had to upgrade which i had successfully avoided doing for a few years. Result is i can put tracks onto my new ipod but i have to put up with a "upgraded" version which lacks the features available in the previous versions. It seems to be an apple trait to tell you it is an upgrade when really it is a downgrade. My  new ipod is shit compared with early ones i have. The battery lasts a little over an hour (sure it is small) and it turns itself on when i am not using it so 6 out 10 times the battery is flat when i go to use it. I will go back to the "clumbsy " Classic but i am sure the predetermined redundancy event is fast approaching when the battery or some other part will require replacing or repair (at great cost). I also have a work provided i phone which is also crap so i have tried and tested apple well and as a result  i am not a apple fanboy , just because of experience.

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yeah, I agree with much of the above posts  ^ .... as much as I  like Mac computers, some of Apple's programs are a real pain to work with ! bah.gif 


Perhaps we all needs to be real "nerds" tongue.pngfacepalm.gif

Edited by samuijimmy
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hahah I have to agree & confess I basically hate all that is Apple

But yes Itunes sucks especially bad


I would never have had to deal with Apple products but my wife

use to have an Iphone  until it broke  (thank gawd :) )

I ran right out & bought her a nice Android based phone lickety split :)


With Apple you basically never own the device fully. Always a middle man





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iTunes software is designed for one thing only. To get you to buy content online. Everything else is secondary. For you guys with Macs there isn't much choice. I used to suffer in the past just to manage my iPod. Then came Winamp5 that could do that so much better. But now Winamp is gone.... sad.png

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If Im playing music and want to change albums it will still play the old song even though I have clicked on the new song. I actually have to right click and select play now. Its got to be the most annoying application. 



doesn't double-clicking work to change the song playing?   



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For the life of me i can't understand why Apple has succeded with such awful software.

Apple succeeds in spite of their awful software because they are very good at designing and marketing glossy hardware. Everything the company does is specifically intended to encourage you to buy more hardware and services from them. Functionality is entirely secondary.

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I had a pristine, perfectly functioning original i-phone that did everything I wanted to do.

Apple then rendered it obsolete and unusable by disabling every app, upgrading them all to an IOS that the original couldn't run.

They also terminated repair support...basically "Fu*k you!! Buy a new one"


Thanks; but I will forever pass on anything Apple.

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You should try Samsung Kies, phone sync software.


You don't need it, my Android links to all my PC's ( i have 3) Using WIFI and i can sync my contacts, Download/ upload pics, and can even send texts and make voice lalls through my PC. The software is free, Airdroid

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iTunes software is designed for one thing only. To get you to buy content online. Everything else is secondary. For you guys with Macs there isn't much choice. I used to suffer in the past just to manage my iPod. Then came Winamp5 that could do that so much better. But now Winamp is gone.... sad.png


Windows 8 and 8.1 is also unuseable also because they have started down that road of all about selling you apps 

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I don't understand either, and don't care to. I used to type in a search and what I wanted came up immediately. I dont even bother anymore. I just use it to put music on my device, and dont want anymore to do with it. 

Edited by isawasnake
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Use VLC Player or MPC-BE I prefer the latter but both are good. I Tunes is just a pile of dog poo or bloatware that like all things Apple are designed to rip the money out of you.


I use Windows but would prefer to use Linux but I find it hard to find an OS that I am comfortable with. Looks like Windows 8 is starting to go down the same path as Mac, sell you something glossy and then make you pay for evermore. I only used a trial version of 8 but went back to 7 within a week. Not sure if I can say on this blog but www.freewarefiles.com is a great site for free applications including many media players, legal and virus free have used it for years.

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I find all software that tries to organise your music to be over complicated bloatware. Call me crazy but I like to have a folder named Music, then inside that folder are folders containing a music album each, these are automatically arranged by any operating system to be displayed in alphabetical order. Anything else is nonsense.
Why do they try to over complicate something so straight forward? All this syncing, cloud nonsense.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


Yeh, thats it really. Simple way to do it I find.


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I am SHOCKED to read all of this heresy from Apple users. I've always been in the PC/Android camp, and not always happily so. From afar I have admired the beauty and apparent ease of use of Apple hardware, but am too cheap to pay the premium prices. It seems like a closed, proprietary system, as opposed to so called "open source." In so many forums, whenever a user talks about a problem with their "Windoze" gear, there's always someone chiming in about how "I got a Mac and have been happy ever since."


This is especially true for the legendary IPhone. I thought these were universally loved by everybody who owns one; that it's still the standard by which all "smartphones" are judged. Now some of you guys are saying it ain't necessarily so.


This isn't a putdown. If I had the money, I'd probably buy a top of the line Mac, and all the software. It's lovely  gear, from what I can see. Next life!

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