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Official Thaivisa Pattaya Meeting - Pissup

Jai Dee

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An excellent summary Kerryd and a big thankyou to everyone who turned out for the night. It was good to put a few more faces to some names.

Thanks in particular to George for his sponsorship (I phoned in my report to him on Sunday morning), DaveThailand for providing a separate area for us to gather and also for the buffet (arroy mak), Buckwheat for those fantastic ribs (arroy mak mak), Sunny Valentine for the free drink and tacos at Lennies... and let's not forget Britmaverick... who's idea this was in the first place.


Unfortunately for me, the missus gave me a few digs in the ribs after 11ish... saying she was getting tired and wanted to go home to sleep. I brushed them off a couple of times, but after the 4th time I figured that I'd better comply or risk her wrath, so we left just after midnight. (Sorry I left before you came back Kerryd... but you will disappear on mysterious errands hey? :o )

Unfortunately for George (who wanted to know all about any scandals), everyone was very well behaved, and seemed to enjoy the night. I for one enjoyed the sight of LC and Scoopyboobies dancing away out front... Brit was doing his best to keep up, but he couldn't quite getting his hips to move in the same fashion as the lovely ladies... :D

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Brit was doing his best to keep up, but he couldn't quite getting his hips to move in the same fashion as the lovely ladies... :o

It took Brit a good 15 minutes to get his hips moving, unfortunatly it took a good 15 minutes after he sat down for them to stop again. :D:D:D

Thanks for a good night Thaivisa :D

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Wow!...what a great night.......special thanks to George for the kitty and to Dave for his generous hospitality......Also a big thanks to Sunny...the tacos were great...and as I arrived at 5.40p.m. (just a little early) the video of Mr Bean which you kindly put on had me in stitches.

Buckwheat, where did you learn to cook such great ribs?..absolutely delicious..well done.

It was good to meet people who I had not seen before as well as the regulars....we have some great members.........Many thanks to everybody for contributing to a very enjoyable evening.

George the only possible bit of scandal was when Kerryd went missing for a long time....and rumour had it that he had gone to Jennies to look for Kurgen :o

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Sad I missed this one ... between BritMav and Firefan they were the life of the party at the party in Phuket!

i'll try and make it around for the next one there in Pattaya ... and we are thinking of doing small monthly gatherings in Phuket on the 1st Sat of the month ... one month in Patong and the next off someplace else

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Brit was doing his best to keep up, but he couldn't quite getting his hips to move in the same fashion as the lovely ladies... :D

It took Brit a good 15 minutes to get his hips moving, unfortunatly it took a good 15 minutes after he sat down for them to stop again. :D:D:D

Thanks for a good night Thaivisa :D

Youre a lot shorter than i thought you would be :o:D

Edited by daleyboy
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My memory kind of died

Pisshead? :o

Well, well, well, look who's calling me a piss 'ead! :D

... Brit was doing his best to keep up, but he couldn't quite getting his hips to move in the same fashion as the lovely ladies... :D

Maybe it's a good thing that I don't remember some bits of the event. :D

George the only possible bit of scandal was when Kerryd went missing for a long time....and rumour had it that he had gone to Jennies to look for Kurgen :D

Was Kerryd just using kurgen as an excuse to go to Jennie's though? :D

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Brit was doing his best to keep up, but he couldn't quite getting his hips to move in the same fashion as the lovely ladies... :D

It took Brit a good 15 minutes to get his hips moving, unfortunatly it took a good 15 minutes after he sat down for them to stop again. :D:D:D

Thanks for a good night Thaivisa :D

Youre a lot shorter than i thought you would be :o:D

and you sir are a lot "bigger" than i thought a man could be with only 2 legs to support him , until I met Doleyboy, who definately fell asleep in a green house full of hamburgers :D:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Britmav's Summary of the Debauchery

Well hop on a motor taxi and scoot to soi diamond - Lennies Bar, where I meet up with Sego. She happened to be running 10K the next morning, so as hard as I tried to convince her to stay out with us, she declined. Second to introduce himself was the revered Pattaya Fox. I had a great convo with him and smashing lad, pretty much what I thought of him prior. Not too long LovelyCutie appeared with Scoopyboobies who are good mates from BKK. I left them back at the hotel (same hotel/dufferent rooms you dirty buggers :D ) - figured wasn't prudent of me to be late, and knowing ladies they'd be a while getting ready.

Next met up with Sunny - great lad and cheers for throwing in the free drinks and tacos. I inhaled about 3 and they were very tastey. It seems Kerry had done prior damage on them unknown to me at the time. Anyways Sunny runs a great place and I highly recommend that people stop by if they are in the area.

I got chatting with Pattayafox and the ladies for a faire bit of time. Then Pattayafox neglects to tell me the next tables to the left us - happen to be ThaiVisa members. Well fk me I thought we were the only ones at that point. Met Daleyboy +Mrs , KerryD + Katoey (only winding Kerry disappears to Jenny's later), and Jai Dee +Mrs and few others.

Let me comment Jai Dee is quality lad. I had a great convo with him and have to say he'e everything I thought he was and more. He certainly lives up to his nick. It certainly was a pleasure meeting you and I look fwd to future occassions. Jai Dee tried ringing George so I could have a quick word with him, but alas we couldnt get through. Good try mate - perhaps next time meet George/Huski/Dr in person!!! :D

Daleyboy - lot bigger than I thought. I dare say he could single handedly become TV's enforcer if necessary. Actually think we might of run across each other in Blighty at some stage and no he never chucked me out of a nightclub. :D

News that the food spread at Blues Factory was ready cleared out Lennies and believe it or not there were still tacos left. :D Sego has departed by now and that leaves LC/Scoopy, so I say let's do tequila. So we all do the tequila shot and make our way down to Blues Factory.

Well make it the Blues Factory and let me say smth the food spread is enormous - ribs, sandwiches, pork, salad. (enough grub to feed an army) Everyone seems to be eating their fill and their still is heap of food left. Monty - those ribs were outstanding.

The drinks kept coming and no bin. I want to thank George personally - not every often you can say that a forum kept you on the piss all night. I think Daleyboy was getting worries at one point - what if I get stuck with the bin? :D Well done George and TV and all the rest of those who contributed to the success of this official pissup. :D

Yes I did manage to dance me arse off with LC/Scoopy - mind you I'm shi*e compared to those two lovely ladies. Rumour has it even Dboy snagged a dance with me - getting in touch with my gay side. :o

Met Kurgen finally - must admit bit shorter/smaller than I expected. (no competition for Daley thats a certainty) Complete piss taker which I admit I'm a big fan of. Rumour has it tried to make me think his gf was a katoey. I think he's been hanging out at Jenny's too long and doesnt know the difference between a real woman and a katoey. BTW your lady is very lovely - lucky lad to have her dote over you as she does.

Best Rib eater - Jai Dee. (action photo for proof)

Dboy - close mate of mine. Maybe a sweaty sock, but love ya to bits mate. Luckily the video your missus took - well was too dark to make out the pair of us. :D

KerryD - hmmmm great lad, obviously that contract didnt pan out, still stuck in paradise. KerryD gave me the finer points of GoGos. He's resident expert on Polo(s) which I happen to frequent with my lady. (normally put on a good show) Anyways great lad and I'd go on the piss with him anyday - not too shabby for a Canadian. :D He departed early and last seen in Jenny's with a pair of errr ladies. (use the term loosely)

Met a quite a few others, and I must admit I can't recall names properly. All were superve and couldnt meet a friendlier bunch of people. One thing I can say for a fact - everyone I have ever met through TV had been first class quality. Cheers again for TV for making this all possible.

Sad to report Dave and I were the last to leave the pissup. Prob would have been later, but Dave's missus wanted to shoot home. Faire enough, but cheers again dave for making your venue a regular meetup spot. You are a STAR. Lam was tremendous per usual, as Mary and the rest of the band.

So I ended up making my way back down to the hotel - think it was close to 3am? Funny enough heard my name being called at the top of walking street beer bar. A lady named Poo who my mate took a few times was there. I hadn't seen her in a year or so. I stopped took a photo and then heading on my way. I stopped at the Den Bar for a nitecap - bit thirsty. I think I called it a nite around 5am???

Good nite all and all and cheers again to TV for providing the dosh. I don't think anyone who was there can doubt that TV takes care of its members.

I'll post photos at some point and email the link out to a select few. :D

Edited by britmaveric
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Nice write up Brit, and wasnt it great that kurgen managed to drag himself away from Jennies to meet us :D A link to the pics would be great also, would be even better if there was a way of making them so they couldnt be copied off here then posting them but i dont think it can be done, shame there are a few ######s out there that spoil it for the rest of us :o

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

As for photos mate - I'll give the link out to a few people including yourself, but sure as hel_l not going to post it on the forum. :o

Yeh lets see some pics.

I should demand compensation, host a TV party on saturday, bellyache on monday, on the slab tuesday, wednesday stitched up minus my appendix. :D


Martin the best rib man in pattaya, please pm me with the address of your bar. :D

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

As for photos mate - I'll give the link out to a few people including yourself, but sure as hel_l not going to post it on the forum. :o

Well ? We are waiting for the links to the pics ? What's the delay ? :D

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

I was on my way out of the Peppermint A-Go-Go after enjoying..........a cold beverage............and look what I found on a ledge as I was coming down the escalator:


Must have slipped out of his pocket :o

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

I was on my way out of the Peppermint A-Go-Go after enjoying..........a cold beverage............and look what I found on a ledge as I was coming down the escalator:


Must have slipped out of his pocket :o

:D Kurgen will be happy you found that, i think he was worrying he was going ot have to start pying full price again, he might even give you a small reward :D

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Thanks Jai Dee.

Ps, i still need to settle up the difference :D

You mean we didn't manage to drink it all ? There is some left over ?

Or did britmaveric/LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies drink too much ? :o

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Thanks Jai Dee.

Ps, i still need to settle up the difference :D

You mean we didn't manage to drink it all ? There is some left over ?

Or did britmaveric/LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies drink too much ? :o

No LC/Scoopy were fast asleep while Dave/I were still knocking them back. :D

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So you and Dave are responsible for the outstanding amount !

But is it a credit or a debit ?

If it's a credit, I'll come down, when the RAIN stops, and help to finish it off. :D

If it's a debit, well then, I've never heard of any of you, or the Blues Factory. :o

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

As for photos mate - I'll give the link out to a few people including yourself, but sure as hel_l not going to post it on the forum. :D

We (some of us) are still waiting............ :o

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

As for photos mate - I'll give the link out to a few people including yourself, but sure as hel_l not going to post it on the forum. :D

We (some of us) are still waiting............ :o

Can you PM us a link to a Photobucket album or something Brit?

I'd like to see that shot of you, Daleyboy and Kurgen... from the pose(s) it looked like it was going to be a classic!!!


And Dave, I'll check with George re the balance.


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You mean we didn't manage to drink it all ? There is some left over ?

Or did britmaveric/LovelyCutie and Scoopyboobies drink too much ? :o

No LC/Scoopy were fast asleep while Dave/I were still knocking them back. :D

Oi!!! I ain't a lightweight!!! :D

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Daley - yeah Kurgen does have to keep Jenny's in business - he is afterall their best client.

As for photos mate - I'll give the link out to a few people including yourself, but sure as hel_l not going to post it on the forum. :o

where's the pics ??? :D

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Oi!!! I ain't a lightweight!!! :D

Looked pretty light to me. :o

(but then so did everybody that was standing next to brit !) :D

Think you meant Daley!!! Oh right he doesnt drink. :D

As for the photos - need shrink them/upload. No worries get it done this week. :D

Edited by britmaveric
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