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Move Clinic


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I'm no expert on this, but I think you would be looking at registering a company, and to apply for a work permit would have to hire a number of Thais and invest a fair amount of money. It would all be quite a major undertaking. My company has complained several times about the money they have to tie up to get me a work permit.

Then your profession might be a problem. It may not be recoginized, and even it it is, only certain ones qualify for work permits.

If you don't go through this, and just start a practice, then it is only a question of time until the police and/or immigration pick you up.


I am a Dr. of naprapahty ( a kind of chiropractik) who is planing to move my clinic to the Pattaya area.

What should a think about. workpermit.........................

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I'm no expert on this, but I think you would be looking at registering a company, and to apply for a work permit would have to hire a number of Thais and invest a fair amount of money. It would all be quite a major undertaking. My company has complained several times about the money they have to tie up to get me a work permit.

Then your profession might be a problem. It may not be recoginized, and even it it is, only certain ones qualify for work permits.

If you don't go through this, and just start a practice, then it is only a question of time until the police and/or immigration pick you up.


I am a Dr. of naprapahty ( a kind of chiropractik) who is planing to move my clinic to the Pattaya area.

What should a think about. workpermit.........................

A company with a couple of million in it should be enough to get you a work permit, provided your profession is a permitted occupation for a foreigner.

Get some good legal advice.

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