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Exercises for the not so young


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My treadmill has packed up again and I don't want to spend money, again, on repair work - it's over five years old anyway. Does anyone know a utube or other internet site which suggests in reasonably clear fashion that I could do daily, regularly, in the interests of health etc? (I'm 66).

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Am somewhat 1 could call a heavy smoker but don't wanna lift weights or risk injury on me bike so i try to daily amble along to my stairway and sometimes i go down,good excuse to grab a beer and a fag break,then up again maybe then walk the length of the passageway and gradually increase the distance seems to be working but darn it expenditure for cigs has increased lol.

Good luck with the sexercices oh dear i meant excercises you could try the former though it might kill ya though so stick to a similar plan which you are comfortable with.wink.png

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Qigong is an ancient and fairly simple movement routine that stimulates the blood, immune system, and allows stretching- vital. There are videos online such as, Lift Qi up, Pour Qi down or Mind Body Method. You can watch and practice and in no time you have your own memory. Then, you can proceed do practice this while observing and using your breathing. These exercises are very useful and productive for older folks. They really do promote health and energy. I know qigong sounds complicated, but it is not. If you contact me directly I can personally send you actual videos, etc. Good luck.

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Reading recent reports of exercise especially for over 50s,staying on the treadmills and crosstrainers for up to an hour a session does no good,it took 20 mins at least to get the HR up to 140.

The intense method suits me fine,two minutes of high intensity (flat out) gets the HR up to 160 in no time at all,rest for few mins then off again for a dozen or so times,feel better than just plodding on getting the hour out of the way

As for swimming forget it PS almost 68 years old can do the intensive exercises on stairways etc no gym equipment needed

Edited by loppylugs1
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I've always been a fan of Zuzka Light's HIIT videos (note: she's changed her name many times and is no longer with Bodyrock.tv).

Many of her exercises use only bodyweight and require minimum equipment. I'm a big fan of the dynamic squats - great leg exercise.

She's also very pleasant to watch and has a lovely Eastern European accent.


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Interesting Topic- some useful web-links and some good advice.

Incidentally, I find those Resistance Bands are useful bits of kit and can be chucked in a suitcase when traveling to allow you to get some isometric or resistance based exercise when when on the road.

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The treadmill you were using successfully using (I guess) kaput lowe and you're to keenio to replace. I assume everything I buy here is a cheap piece of crap and on the verge of breaking down. I know it's going to need replacing.

I walk the beach everyday. I walk fast. Like I'm catching a bus. About an hour of walking. Seems to work.

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I'm 76. My daily (except odd day when I go to the city) routine is based on the old UK army efficiency test. I do 10 press-ups; 10 sit-ups (feet tucked under the patio table), 20 step-ups (just below knee height bench), 5 chin-ups on a door frame, then arm extensions on a pulley I've fixed to the wall - then, on the bike, 4k (approx) round the villages (no hills, level road), 16 minutes on a good day - 17 if I'm off a bit. I have to recognise that all my life I have the kind of carcass that needs hard work, I'm short and stubby, with heavy bones. Lots of folk my age can keep fit just by walking a few k, - me,? - no, I have to do the hard work. Good to get the heart rate over 100 on the bike for a few minutes.The big thing is the mental attitude to do it, so easy for "I'll give it a rest for a bit" to creep in. Go for it.


Well there are a lot new generation who couldn't do that with 30......

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I use to exercise regularly at your age...my physical therapist loved me...kept him in beer and chips...now days when I feel the urge to exercise...I lye down on the couch and close my eyes...until the urge passes...

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Okay young fellow,You don't need an treadmill,,, just put on some good tunes and walk up and down stairs slowly or fast up to you,,,much better effect even you can do this on hands and feet,head up or head facing going down I am 68 and works for me :))

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I'm 76. My daily (except odd day when I go to the city) routine is based on the old UK army efficiency test. I do 10 press-ups; 10 sit-ups (feet tucked under the patio table), 20 step-ups (just below knee height bench), 5 chin-ups on a door frame, then arm extensions on a pulley I've fixed to the wall - then, on the bike, 4k (approx) round the villages (no hills, level road), 16 minutes on a good day - 17 if I'm off a bit. I have to recognise that all my life I have the kind of carcass that needs hard work, I'm short and stubby, with heavy bones. Lots of folk my age can keep fit just by walking a few k, - me,? - no, I have to do the hard work. Good to get the heart rate over 100 on the bike for a few minutes.The big thing is the mental attitude to do it, so easy for "I'll give it a rest for a bit" to creep in. Go for it.

You nailed it perfectly, that is whatever you do make sure you like doing it even if its not the most effective thing to do. Doing something that is not the best way to exercise (maximum results) but is something you keep on doing is better as doing something that will yield maximum results but you get bored of quickly and stop it. Consistency is the key so it really is better to do something you like that might be less intense / effective but you keep doing it.

I lift weights and I like it but there are days that i absolutely don't want to lift. In general i still drag my lazy ass up to my gym room and do my exercise because once you start skipping it gets easier to skip the next time. Dicipline has to be trained just like a muscle. The same actually goes for eating better to be strict and almost never stray because once you start you keep doing it (though its normal to have some cheat food once in a while)

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A lot of good recommendations above. Try and find a park wherever you are in Thailand where there are other exercise walkers and the dogs don't bother them. I also notice that in some of these parks they have volunteer instructors for group aerobics. If your'e an early riser, and feel inclined then join them. Even twenty or thirty minutes, three or four times a week, is better than nothing.

People scoff off diet and exercise because we're all going to die some day. It's not about dying, it's quality of life before death. Your choice.

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To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

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To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

Depends on your age and physical condition, I workout hard and hope to do so for a long time but it will get harder when I get older for sure.

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To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

I don't agree, two aspects. Because I exercise regularly I am very rarely out of breath, I push myself but there's a sensible limit to how far, OK if you're 18 years old, I'm not! If I can fast walk at 7.5 kph at an incline of 3 for thirty minutes, I'm real happy, young thugeries/thugettes can sprint away as much as you want, bet you slow down when you get to my age!

Diabetics need to exercise but only lightly is the latest advice otherwise the damage caused worsens diabetes. But diabetics need cardio also, again it's all about balance.

So no, not a waste of time at all.

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To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

I don't agree, two aspects. Because I exercise regularly I am very rarely out of breath, I push myself but there's a sensible limit to how far, OK if you're 18 years old, I'm not! If I can fast walk at 7.5 kph at an incline of 3 for thirty minutes, I'm real happy, young thugeries/thugettes can sprint away as much as you want, bet you slow down when you get to my age!

Diabetics need to exercise but only lightly is the latest advice otherwise the damage caused worsens diabetes. But diabetics need cardio also, again it's all about balance.

So no, not a waste of time at all.

I exercise regulary and to get the maximum benefit.

I want to be out of breath and sweating at the end,take no notice of press reporting of chugging along at 6 or 7 mph or whatever is "recommended" I am all for the other reports of taking exercise,two minutes flat out,resting 3 minutes,then off again,all high intensity,push the HR

I am 68,can push the HR up to 160, resting about 75 ish,swim like a fish,and have sex as though its going out of fashion.

Yes get medicals etc etc etc,but I do feel damned good at the end of a session Just felt it was a total waste of time climbing off the machines in the past,without feeling anything,just felt like climbing back on again after hurtling along at 5mph for the last hour

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