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Bear Pit

Pink Mist

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This section really has slowed down lately.

When the gentleman and georgie were going at it the posts were lively and constant, they were the catalysts I'm sure.

Today , one post so far, mine is the second and the rest spanning weeks on the one page.

Come back fellas!!!

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Actually, I am just chilling out, back here, watching the progress that we have made in the Bear-Pit.

Most of the nutty America-Bashers seem to have drifted off elsewhere, and the milder variety that are left, seem quite willing to carry on rational conversations with my boys. Both sides can learn from each other.

Before my vacation, it seemed as every left-over hippie on the planet wanted to argue with me, about...anything.

There I was, arguing about whether Melbourne Australia's restaurants are in the same league with the Big Apple (Sticksville Vs the financial capital and cultural melting pot of the world):D , and whether Hollywood, California has a more successful movie industry than Bollywood, India.

Duh! :o

Anyway, the guys don't need me right now, I'm busy working on my newest business, and besides, things are going fine without me.

However, I am watching, and when you start getting visits from another left-wing nut-job with no logic and no sense, that's when you can expect me to return. Obnoxious, time-wasting losers with no real lives to lead are my specialty! :D

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Before my vacation, it seemed as every left-over hippie on the planet wanted to argue with me, about...anything.

I agree. It seems to me that you were a little bit overworked and overstressed before, resulting in comments that were not always that .....(but always entertaining,... :o )

We welcome back the new Georgie-Porgie :D:D

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Yes, a BIG welcome back Georgie.

We'll make the Bear Pit interesting again as there's a wealth of material out there to address. I've been away 'cause my old machine went "tits-up" but got this new custom mega-gig thing that should be up to the challange!

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Actually, I am just chilling out, back here, watching the progress that we have made in the Bear-Pit.

Most of the nutty America-Bashers seem to have drifted off.

There I was, arguing about whether Melbourne Australia's restaurants are in the same league with the Big Apple (Sticksville Vs the financial capital and cultural melting pot of the world):D , and whether Hollywood, California  has a more successful movie industry than Bollywood,

Well Georgie I gotta take you to task about melbourne, it's a very multicultural city and the variety of restauraunts reflect it.

It has the third highest greek population in the world and you can play a game there called "spot the Aussie".

When you mentioned nutty American bashers, is that nutty bashers or nutty Americans? :o

any way welcome back georgie we just need the other part of the act now. :D

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bronco, no criticism of Melbourne was meant. I go to Australia every chance I get on vacation, and I love it.

I've been to Melbourne once for about 2 weeks and I enjoyed the restaurants, but I thought the food in Sydney was better.

I don't just mean the few best places. I mean, in general.

By the way, someone said that there is no way that I could know anything about Melbourne's restaurants, "because I have only been there once".

I have only been to New York City once, for less than a week, yet I know that the restaurants there outshine San Francisco, another great eating town that I lived in for many years. The quality was simular, but one has to consider number of eating places and variety.

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You can criticise melbourne mate no problems, I do, at every opportunity and my post was slightly flippant. I am a croweater and if you have been here a few times you might know the situation with the mexicans and us. They steal everything from us and the formula one race was the final straw.

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Between Boon Mee's custom mega-computer, his new Avatar, and the ingredients of his washing powder (translated into Latin) at the bottom of each post, I'm not sure that he needs any help down here!

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ulysses G. - I do have to update my Latin scribblings tho...

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Hi Bronco,

The Bear Pit, should be where people can have a go at each other and not be banned/suspended - as long s it doesnt overflow into the other sections, what is the problem??. It also seems it is biased eg. Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o

I have been to this site on a few occasions during my "suspension" and it is boring, I think the majority of members would agree?! - on a business level, I suspect this sites "traffic" has also dropped, which is not a good thing to attract more sponsors or members.

I think there should be a poll set up by "the members" (who actually make this forum popular), to vote on the bear pit being no holds barred - after all, it is the bear pit and as long as it stays in this section and the members are OK with it - it can only mean, more posts, which equals more business for the site.

I also find that the admins/###### are biased to who they ban/who they like as Boon Mee has called me a <deleted> and the judge has flamed me as well - no I dont care really as to me it is just banter between posters over differing opinions, that boil over - it is a natural human behaviour. But if you are suspending people for "flaming", at least be consistant.

Again I will ask ###### to check Ulysses G. Ip and tell us, that he is indeed Georgie and that he had full knowledge of it all along - and why he was allowed to post under a differnet nick, while on suspension????

I also think that admins, should do what they are tasked to do - and not put there own slant on things or change a persons post, by putting a smug line in someones post for there own "power trip", then again maybe IT has only this forum to justify his power.

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Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o




C'mon now, "gentleman"... Aren't YOU "Ulysses TG"? Hmmm...? :D "TG"--as in "The Gentleman"??

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Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o




C'mon now, "gentleman"... Aren't YOU "Ulysses TG"? Hmmm...? :D "TG"--as in "The Gentleman"??

yes I was Membrane, I thought that was obvious - to show the rest of the members, that they are being conned by Georgey Porgy and that he is backing up his posts with himself - very sad!

It seems that there is some traffic in the bear pit now :D Nice to hear from you Membrane :D

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Hi Bronco,

The Bear Pit, should be where people can have a go at each other and not be banned/suspended - as long s it doesnt overflow into the other sections, what is the problem??. It also seems it is biased eg. Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o

I have been to this site on a few occasions during my "suspension" and it is boring, I think the majority of members would agree?! - on a business level, I suspect this sites "traffic" has also dropped, which is not a good thing to attract more sponsors or members.

I think there should be a poll set up by "the members" (who actually make this forum popular), to vote on the bear pit being no holds barred - after all, it is the bear pit and as long as it stays in this section and the members are OK with it - it can only mean, more posts, which equals more business for the site.

I also find that the admins/###### are biased to who they ban/who they like as Boon Mee has called me a <deleted> and the judge has flamed me as well - no I dont care really as to me it is just banter between posters over differing opinions, that boil over - it is a natural human behaviour. But if you are suspending people for "flaming", at least be consistant.

Again I will ask ###### to check Ulysses G. Ip and tell us, that he is indeed Georgie and that he had full knowledge of it all along - and why he was allowed to post under a differnet nick, while on suspension????

I also think that admins, should do what they are tasked to do - and not put there own slant on things or change a persons post, by putting a smug line in someones post for there own "power trip", then again maybe IT has only this forum to justify his power.

Let us say, for the moment, that Ulysses TG...whoops, I mean the gentleman is right. Let's say that I'm Georgie-Porgie. I am not flaming anyone. I am polite. My posts are logical. I bring in newspaper articles to support my point of view.

I'm not doing anything wrong.

Why should anyone ban me?

If you look at ######'s original statement, it says that the gentleman is banned and that Georgie-Porgie is not.

The gentleman had just physically threatened Georgie, and then he was banned. One of many times. Maybe admin had just had enough of that kind of behavior.

Maybe Georgie-Porgie wanted to see if he could get his point across better by being polite.

Maybe, I'm as full of it as the gentleman, but I'm not causing problems, am I?

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Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o




C'mon now, "gentleman"... Aren't YOU "Ulysses TG"? Hmmm...? :D "TG"--as in "The Gentleman"??

I always look forward to posts from Membrane because I am completely unable to figure out the source of his avatar. A 9 year old 34 D (deepest respect intended, but she could ruin my marriage) or excellent video editing? Inquiring minds wanna know :D

And every single one of my TVC posts is attributed to PlanetMan :D


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well I know its you Georgie, the point is - The reason I was suspended was because of my reply to your flame - IT sent me an email saying you were also banned (isnt that why you posted under a different nick anyway?) - but then IT let you keep posting under a different nick - why? - surely if you are suspended, you are not allowed to post under any nick?! After I posted under Ulysses TG. , I was suspended/wiped from that nick as well - why have you been allowed to carry on??

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I posted under Ulysses TG. , I was suspended/wiped from that nick as well - why have you been allowed to carry on??

I wish that Georgie was around. It is against my principles to answer that question directly, however, I will give you a hint: Think about the letter S_____. :o

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sucker? - you have been caught out mate, it might be you, who is the sucker :o

It is great to see that you have started posting some articles this time, instead of backing all your retorts with flames - you have finally learnt something - give yourself an early minute.

I wont stoop to your level by calling your "factual posts", left wing, right wing, facist, propoganda - I will say at least you have done a little research and at least it is something to debate. Well done Georgie boy :D

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I posted under Ulysses TG. , I was suspended/wiped from that nick as well - why have you been allowed to carry on??

I wish that Georgie was around. It is against my principles to answer that question directly, however, I will give you a hint: Think about the letter S_____. :o

That's not even close to the answer.

Try again. You were not allowed to post because you are S____. :D

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However, I am watching, and when you start getting visits from another left-wing nut-job with no logic and no sense, that's when you can expect me to return. Obnoxious, time-wasting losers with no real lives to lead are my specialty! :D

Did admin dump the dummy again, or is my presence required here tomorrow? :o

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adjan jb, you have allied yourself with the likes of gentleman and Butterfly. You have admitted in print that you are glad that 9/11 happened, and so did your buddies, pepe' and Butterfly. It is not surprising that you know what "The Confederacy of Dunces" is feeling. You must be a charter member.

Now show us how clever you really are and go answer some serious questions, in a serious manner.

I left them for you, in the Bear-Pit.

Don't run away, again, now!

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adjan jb, you have allied yourself with the likes of gentleman and Butterfly. You have admitted in print that you are glad that 9/11 happened, and so did your buddies, pepe' and Butterfly. It is not surprising that you know what "The Confederacy of Dunces" is feeling. You must be a charter member.

Now show us how clever you really are and go answer some serious questions, in a serious manner.

I left them for you, in the Bear-Pit.

Don't run away, again, now!

He can't help it. It's embedded in his DNA code... :o

Boon Mee

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