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Thai police shooting at student's car 'can be construed as attempted murder'


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"He said if Apisada thought she was affected and if the remedial measures were not enough, she could seek legal help from the council to proceed with criminal, civil and administrative lawsuits."

In other words: "if you have a problem, come to us, we're not gonna come to you to assure your safety"...
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I seriously doubt that it will be construed as attempted murder. That would require a conscious decision to try to kill. That shots were fired to stop the car, that the car was the wrong car, etc, are all criminally negligent or contravening police and criminal codes, real dumb, but not attempted murder.


Rich law student, VP of Lawyer's Council.......I bet Dad is a friend of VP. Make an outrageous claim, and settle for less, which would be more than if it had been an unconnected engineering student.


Any gun shot not directed up to the sky is an attempted murder. If not to the target, could be to the unsuspecting onlookers. That is why you could hear that a straying bullet killed someone.



If that is the case, where does the round fired into the sky land and how many are at risk from the laws of gravity??

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quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:


Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:


BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:

For once Thailand looks good. In the US they'd have given the cop a medal.

I fail to see why such foolish comments, like this, are allowed. Can you provide any evidence to back up your ridiculous comment.


While they may not be given a medal, they are rarely punished either legally or administratively. Swat teams are out of control in the USA and are being routinely used where it's not necessary. 


I do not know what you say is true or not, what I do know is that there have been numerous instances where, if the police miss-use their powers they have been dismissed, charged, fined and/or jailed. I find your comment, "Swat teams are out of control" a bit far fetched.



Not the least bit far-fetched. It is a very rare week indeed when there are NOT a couple of no-knock

swat team raids at the wrong address. Several elderly men and women have been killed by berserk

police. Recently in the U.S. this nonsense resulted in flash-bang grenade being thrown into the

CRIB OF AN INFANT--a raid which should have never happened in the first place, since the person

they sought to arrest had not lived there for months. That is only a very small sample of what is now

happening in "the land of the free."


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