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Yingluck allowed to submit further evidence to fight charges: Rice pledging


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As I understand it the extra witnesses she wanted to produce to the NACC were not witnesses in the true sense but character references who can hardly speak to whether she did wrong or not but only to ' she's too nice,  responsible, wonderful etc. ' to have done so.


If questioned correctly these character witnesses could actually damage her as how do they answer " why do you say she's innocent ? "

Apart from the glowing tributes they may also point out she's not responsible because she didn't know what was going as she rarely attended any committee meetings,  never asked for or received reports and didn't ask questions which proves her total ' hands off ' lack of responsibility and leadership.


The law requires for an official to dishonestly exercise or omit to exercise any of his functions to be held criminally liable. Thus, by legal symmetry one who honestly exercises or omit to exercise any of his functions cannot be held criminally liable. So the charge against Yingluck is in part a matter of subjectiveness as to her character, honesty and trustworthiness. The court must find malfeasence in her actions or lack of actions that she had intentionally planned for the failure of the rice pledging program for political and/or financial gain in order for her actions or lack of actions to be ruled criminal.  

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If WE get stopped walking down the road for any non reason...we are treated guilty and cannot call any witnesses or for help. But she gets whatever she wants. Sounds like the deck is stacked.
My character is above reproach, may I call anyone? NO! Edited by IAMSOBAD
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OK I really don't get it

Your the leader of the county Say like the United States. Then there is Obama. Who is the president ( so sorry) Now if you compare him to Yinluck . (they want to charge her with dereliction of duty) then why is Obama still president. It would seem to me there is massive dereliction of duty on his part so why is he still president.

Because this is democracy. Good bad or indifferent once you elect an official you stuck with them for the term of the office. Here in Thailand if you don't like then charge then with dereliction which come to my point.

Who in their right mind that has a fabric of good in their body will want to be Prime minster of Thailand and have the threat of nebulous legal action hanging over their heads.

There lies the rub

No one with any talent will want to Its that simple so the Thais are designing a system that will only attract less that stellar people.

I wouldn't want to be O'bama either, but in the US you can impeach a president. With YL, she dissolved her own parliament. The systems aren't the same.

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None of what was going on would ever have been exposed if the military hadn't stepped in

There was a pending 2 billion off budget loan which if approved would have been used in part to cover up their financial misdeeds and assisted in their re-election

For obvious reasons and in no particular order - PTP refused to

- Tell the truth at any time during their attempt to run Thailand
- Step down in the face of total incompetence and lies
- be open and transparent

They also openly supported and funded a nationwide terrorist organisation, terrorised intimidated and murdered anyone that stood against them and also removed ministers and heads of departments that did same

It goes on and on - but you get the general idea

Smedly, I have more than the general idea, and it does go on and on. You and I agree completely.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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The main people charged in the largest of losses were....military.  They found warehouse managers fraudulently filed chits for non-existent rice and wrote chits for the same rice more than once.  Then we have the famous 'hollow stacks" found in one warehouse.


The dereliction of duty for maintaining rice stocks is clear.  It reaches back to before the 1950's, and involves 'switching' cheaply purchased foreign rice with Thai rice, then selling the Thai rice after smuggling it outside the country.  Accusing the PM of dereliction retroactively damns every PM since way before Thaksin.


Amazing Thailand and TVF -- people are still trying to scream colors when farangs aren't even entitled to claim transparent as a color.


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Funny to read what Khun Panadda Diskul meekly said now and weeks before. No mention of massive frauds and corruption or even rice loss but just a polite mention that samples will be sent to the lab for quality check and result known mid-sept. Looks like the air has been leaked out of a much inflated oppositions claim.

There's no accountability to what 99% of TV poster say here. All rave on with zero facts suppourting there arguments so as much as I support your arguement I urge your to leave them swilling in their own vomit! 5555 let's wait to see, the rice scheme might even make money after most is found in good condition and with India's increased domestic consumption and Vietnams bad year, the reason for a rice trading scheme can be shown to the naysayers. Only problem is not a single one would admit to it as they are so fixed on their political beliefs facts have no place in this arguement ;)
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It is fair that she can submit further evidences as long as they are true. However, there is a hard evidence that many rice farmers were screwed by the Yingluck administration. I am curious to see how she defends the charges.      

This case has nothing to do with the farmers being paid.   


You sound like a guy who's just fallen off his bar stool in a drunken stupor and that's the first thing that came out of your mouth . . .


This case(s) is about malfeasance, corruption, negligence . . . farmers killing themselves because they didn't get paid would certainly have a LOT to do with how well the Thaksin rice scam was conceived and administered.


But up to you . . . keep those blinders on and keep living in your own little blinkered fantasy world if it helps you get through the day . . .


You live in a Yellow world.   Wake up and see there more colors than just yellow.  Good think people like you don't judge others in a court of law.

Yes, nothing like a good think....

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