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Hundreds of food shops in Bangkok to start charging between 25-35 baht a dish on Friday


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Hundreds of food shops in Bangkok to start charging between 25-35 baht a dish on Friday



BANGKOK, 6 August 2014 (NNT) – The Ministry of Commerce is looking to gain the cooperation of at least 1,000 food shops in Bangkok in selling reasonably-priced dishes at between 25 and 35 baht, in an effort to reduce the cost of living.

Department of Internal Trade Director-general Chintana Chaiyawannakan said on Tuesday the pilot project, which will be expanded to cover other provinces if proven successful, will be launched on Friday. About 300 food shops have already entered into collaboration with the department. The aim is to increase this number to no less than 1,000 by the end of this month.

Under the collaboration, food shops will be supplied with raw materials that are priced lower than those in the market; the shops, in turn, will be able to reduce their selling prices thanks to the lower cost. The shops that partake in the scheme will sell ten dishes at prices between 25 and 35 baht.

The Internal Trade Department is looking to implement this project in areas outside Bangkok next month.



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I wonder if they are using the rice from the stockpile from the rice scheme.


I hope not.. its the most expensive rice ever and old too. 


But as others have said its all smoke and mirrors if the government pays for the raw materials its nothing more as subsidizing food. Just as bad (but cheaper) as the rice program. 

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I wonder if they are using the rice from the stockpile from the rice scheme.


I hope not.. its the most expensive rice ever and old too. 


But as others have said its all smoke and mirrors if the government pays for the raw materials its nothing more as subsidizing food. Just as bad (but cheaper) as the rice program. 



No No, the rice scheme was populism governing, while this is called happiness governing.


Its the same thing.. but i guess this has been budgeted unlike the rice scam. 

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I wonder if they are using the rice from the stockpile from the rice scheme.


I hope not.. its the most expensive rice ever and old too. 


But as others have said its all smoke and mirrors if the government pays for the raw materials its nothing more as subsidizing food. Just as bad (but cheaper) as the rice program. 



No No, the rice scheme was populism governing, while this is called happiness governing.




With not one satang of it getting anywhere near a farmer.  

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This is really stupid. If the military through the various ministries insist on price controls for foods, one of two things will happen.

Either portion sizes will get smaller for the same price making no savings at all for consumers. OR, the vendors will use substandard foods like rotten meat or food tainted with chemicals or products from unnatural farming practices - which is worse.

Let the market decide the prices and the people will decide what they want to consume.

When I hear all of these stupid changes the military are doing it's like roll back to 2006 all over again!

Edited by Time Traveller
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Seem to remember Thaksin Shinawatra introducing a similar 15 baht scheme when in office
I really miss his forward thinking ideas
I'm sure the country would be in a far stronger position in every way if he had not been illegally forced out
OK he was corrupt. Pretty well every politician Worldwide is guilty of some form of corruption
It's whether the net benefits to the country outweigh the cost of the corrupt practices
This scheme looks superficially laudable, but I'm sure operating it will be fraught with difficulties
Let 'the market' determine the cost of a meal.
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these raw materials that they talk of are from government stockpiles which have been paid for by TAXPAYERS.....so it is TAXPAYERS who are subsidising thai food shops etc , it is all smoke and mirrors

Give it a rest TerryP looking to stir the shit again. It is a good project that they do it is in a way giving something back to the people.
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You would think that the program was here for the farangs to save money.   It's for the poor Thais people not you old grumpy men.  If 5 baht makes a different to you, you got serious problems.   Worry about things that are important like if YL will return on Sunday.    

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You would think that the program was here for the farangs to save money.   It's for the poor Thais people not you old grumpy men.  If 5 baht makes a different to you, you got serious problems.   Worry about things that are important like if YL will return on Sunday.    

35 bt a dish.. never ever for me and I even cook at home. Though i like Thai food i prefer healthy meals prepared by myself.

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Does it really need to be a government project? Here in Chiang Mai there are already plenty of places to eat a meal for 25 to 35 bath (even 15 and 20 B is possible).

Yes agreed, in Lampang this will result in price increases


I thought there was some rule against populist policies, oh wait. Now I remember, just populist policies from the wrong people

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