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Court of Appeals sentences Sondhi Limthongkul to 20 years prison

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Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

Classifying them all as "brain dead" might be a bit hard, but it does go to prove that anyone seriously thinking of uprooting corruption in this country has a massive uphill battle in front of them....if they are serious about it, of course.

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They say "Every dog has his day..." Well this dog has just had one... There's a certain amount of latitude granted to people for slight indiscretions... and there's..... blatant shake-downs... I guess this guy falls into the latter category and has now been handed his "just desserts..." as most folk here seem to think, and I concur, he probably wont eat them!


Sonthi and the third defendant received
42 years and six months, while the second defendant gets two ears and six months, and court defendant get
32 years and six months.

If he got two ears, he might wane sell one to van Gogh and become rich and famous...


" Sonthi and the third defendant received 42 years and six months, while the second defendant gets two ears and six months....."



it would be nice to see AT LEAST 1 person from the 'yellow shirt' camp do some jail time, we have seen the reds goto prison but the other 'elite' side seems to get away with it since their friends run the courts.

I expect you don't realize this jail sentence has nothing to do with the yellow shirts (hint: "1996-1997") as that would require actually reading the the threads' articles.coffee1.gif

Similarly, I expect you don't realize that there are yellow shirts in jail as that would require actually reading other articles.



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Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

"The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin!" Well said.

Hopefully both will receive appropriate suitable jail time if found guilty. (Yellow or Red).

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But of course he won't spend a single day in jail...In the words of the song...."Thai justice what is it good for?" "Absolutley *******"


So he thought 85 years was unfair because all 17 charges were for the same crime committed albeit on 17 different occasions. The next serial killer arrested must try that as a defence. Sondhi thought it was 'unfair'. I wonder if he thought it unfair when he was raping investors of their money!


One would guess a line is being drawn in the sand and a warning of fairness to all

and being on one side or the other means nothing.

How long he serves will be interesting to see, but 20 reduced from 85 is not leaving a lot of wiggle room.

Certainly there were those who would have moved heaven and earth in the last 8 years

to see him charged with something he couldn't wiggle out of...

revenge being a dish often served frigid in Thailand.

He who lives in glass houses etc.

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Will he serve time in jail?

Do you know any rich in Thailand, no matter from which political side, who ever served time in jail?

Do you know any who didn't deserve to?


A severe sentence is warranted but neither should it be forgotten that this guy cost the Thai economy hundreds of billions of Baht through his self-serving wickedness over the airport and associated acts


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Convicted on security violations,but a royalist.

Dear me the times ARE really changing!

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