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Russian Tourists Down 30% In Pattaya


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And they say that one never hears good news on the media !

As for the statement that they spend more money than any other tourists here, I find it hilarious. Yes, some Russians are massively rich and spend a lot but most of them are middle class, they spend little and when they do they bargain like crazy. Ask any Thai vendor, restaurant or shopkeeper and they'll tell you the same thing. So I don't know where that guy got his information from but he needs to check his sources !

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It would be nice to see this statistic in relationship of overall tourist numbers declining.

When immigration stops border runners the tourist numbers will decline as those people will leave or get long term visas.

I think Russian gangsters and mafia have destroyed the reputation of genuine decent Russian tourists.

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Not only the Russians do shop, eat and drink more so than others, they do it in more places, with more smaller businesses benefiting. They are more individualistic than say Chinese tourists, so many more small merchants are affected. Most are indistinguishable from other western tourists, you don't notice them until they speak. The few hoodlums get noticed because they sure know how to turn up a town.

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I can hear the applause from up north.

Outstanding news..clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

I wonder if it has to do with the crackdown on the Russian mafia. Personally I'm fine with the sex, guns, drugs, and absence of Buddha in Pattaya,...as long as it stays in Pattaya. I haven't considered Pattaya to be part of Thailand. Maybe change is afoot. Sex, guns, drugs, and the absence of Buddha does not promote Happy. If it does, I may go back someday.

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1/ Russians have indeed chased away other tourists,

2/ Russians never cease to bargain for everything and spend very little money on the whole (except for a few rich ones),

3/ Russians are rambunctious, aggressive, noisy and generally impolite with Thai people and other tourists (including other Russians).

4/ The number one Russian 'activity' once they are on a beach is getting drunk.

Yes, these are generalizations and again, some Russians are nice, well behaved etc but the majority are not and the effect on Pattaya tourism is both undeniable and easy to monitor.

I agree with all 4 points. I sure hope those attitudes don't migrate up north.

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I have known 3 Russians in SAMUI (neighbours) The 3 of them working without work-permit !

So of course with Visa runs, so maybe "working-tourists" Russians will be down 30% in Samui too?

Please note I do not add any comment tongue.png

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yep when i lived in Spain, lots of places i use to frequent went downhill when they moved into the area, never come across such a load of uncouth drunks as the ruskies,( and i wont get onto the women, ha ha) peace and quiet went out of the window, SPAIN has gone the same way in many resorts.

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They tighten up visa regulations specifically targeting Russians along with a couple of other nationalities and then complain when tourist numbers drop.

It's hilarious and it's just getting started, assuming they keep up this crackdown the real change will only be seen during the high season and it will of course be too late by then to do anything about it by then.

It's going to be an interesting to see what happens this high season.

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It is good news if not one foreigner group dominates demographically. Now to find a replacement for the lost Russkies. I propose MEXICANS.

I like that. Mexicans are kind, courteous, friendly, warm, hard working, open, creative, and clever. And the women can be gorgeous. And they speak Spanish, which sounds like gorgeous music compared to the warlike sound of Russian. And that would encourage a proliferation of Mexican food. But, how do we get them here?


Seriously, that would be a marketing challenge but I think TAT should at least try!

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Looking at the business perspective, this meant less income for the hotels and restaurants, less food, drinks, cleaning materials etc. Ultimately it affects the economy. Combine this with the drop in Chinese tourist due to the clampdown on zero dollar tours, and the damage done by all the travel advisories, many long suffering hotels and businesses will close down in the coming months if tourist numbers do not increase.

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Looking at the business perspective, this meant less income for the hotels and restaurants, less food, drinks, cleaning materials etc. Ultimately it affects the economy. Combine this with the drop in Chinese tourist due to the clampdown on zero dollar tours, and the damage done by all the travel advisories, many long suffering hotels and businesses will close down in the coming months if tourist numbers do not increase.

I wonder about 10 or so years ago............no Russians and the hotels were all full like they are today.......think again !!!

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