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I doubt you could find a single Thai in the entire country to do what one of my friends does online.. He's one of a handful of people worldwide with a certification that enables him a very high income lifestyle..

So yes, these people do do something many Thais cannot do, provide a global derived income without Thai clients or employers.. How many Thais live that way ??

So if there is only a handful worldwide then he most likely the only one in Thailand period. So proves nothing about all the others working here online.
Anyway this is so off topic, the topic was options for young and with money. Not i work or my friend works online.
To the OP you can get job, get married, Elite card or investment visa.

Always my friend. Also I doubt he is one of only a handful in the world. That would mean there is a school out there that only has certified a handful of people to do what he does. I dont believe that. Schools market and promote their programs to get students enrolled that's how they make money and if this very high qauilified person makes so much money schools would be telling students their potential wealth making capabilities and students would be lining up. I bet you have friends that used to be Navy seals, special ops, CIA etc. too.
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The majority of guys I know with online income streams do not want to be tied down to one place, don't want an office or staff, have no plans to spend the rest of their lives in Thailand and move around often to travel or 'live' in new places for a few months at a time.
They enjoy the freedom and the simplicity of it all.

I don't see how Thailand is interfering w/ that enjoyment. Our nomads can get a tourist visa, spend a couple months here, then travel or 'live' in new places for a few months at a time per the chosen lifestyle. It only makes sense that a nomad should be a nomad.


In the end, though, it doesn't matter a whit if they happen to want what they can't have (visa running), so the discussion is academic--a word that seems highly inappropriate for the ol' TV barstool. wink.png



JSix 100% on the money. Nomads are nomads because no one wants them. Get nomading!


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The majority of guys I know with online income streams do not want to be tied down to one place, don't want an office or staff, have no plans to spend the rest of their lives in Thailand and move around often to travel or 'live' in new places for a few months at a time.
They enjoy the freedom and the simplicity of it all.

I don't see how Thailand is interfering w/ that enjoyment. Our nomads can get a tourist visa, spend a couple months here, then travel or 'live' in new places for a few months at a time per the chosen lifestyle. It only makes sense that a nomad should be a nomad.


In the end, though, it doesn't matter a whit if they happen to want what they can't have (visa running), so the discussion is academic--a word that seems highly inappropriate for the ol' TV barstool. wink.png



JSix 100% on the money. Nomads are nomads because no one wants them. Get nomading!




So your in Thailand because your not wanted back home?




JSix 100% on the money. Nomads are nomads because no one wants them. Get nomading!


So your in Thailand because your not wanted back home?



I have lived in Thailand probably longer than most of these Digital Nomads have been alive and since I have two wives, children, land and several properties without wheels on them I would not consider myself a Nomad. As regards back home it could be wiped off the face of the Earth and I wouldn't lose a minutes sleep. I chose to leave because I didn't want to live in a Police State.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




No Visa options for the ones who are young and have money?


yep that was me 30 years ago. Had to do many a visa run before being allowed to retire at 50.





Be careful there Keesters that you aren't accused of living in the past.....................wink.png


@ LivinLOS
"I doubt you could find a single Thai in the entire country to do what one of my friends does online.. He's one of a handful of people worldwide with a certification that enables him a very high income lifestyle..
So yes, these people do do something many Thais cannot do, provide a global derived income without Thai clients or employers.. How many Thais live that way ??
Then your friend could easily afford an "elite" card or a work permit to live here...He's lucky.

He can.. He has many options available to him..

The point of what I quoted was the statement that they are not doing a job that cannot be done by a Thai.. In many cases that's factually incorrect, they are doing jobs that Thais cannot do, and in doing so do not present the threat to the Thai labor pool.




JSix 100% on the money. Nomads are nomads because no one wants them. Get nomading!


So your in Thailand because your not wanted back home?



I have lived in Thailand probably longer than most of these Digital Nomads have been alive and since I have two wives, children, land and several properties without wheels on them I would not consider myself a Nomad. As regards back home it could be wiped off the face of the Earth and I wouldn't lose a minutes sleep. I chose to leave because I didn't want to live in a Police State.


And digital nomads affect you and you 2 wives and properties without wheels on them in what way? Do prey tell enlighten me as to the cause of your resentment?


I've been here for 7 years since I was 26 I moved here because I rather like the place not because I'm unwanted elsewhere, and until I started reading TV I wasn't aware that my presence here caused such distress to other expats.


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I've just sent my application form for the elite card, time to move on to better things than shitpost and circlejerk on visa issues. have fun retirement visa geezers wai2.gif


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And digital nomads affect you and you 2 wives and properties without wheels on them in what way? Do prey tell enlighten me as to the cause of your resentment?


I've been here for 7 years since I was 26 I moved here because I rather like the place not because I'm unwanted elsewhere, and until I started reading TV I wasn't aware that my presence here caused such distress to other expats.



It doesn't cause any distress at all for expats. What causes the distress is your failure to get with the program.


Thailand has laws much less strict than your own country but you can't and won't get your head around it.


These visa rules have always been in place but now they are being enforced strictly due to the amalgamation of Asean labor laws next year. Get it?


Falungs have not been singled out.

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JLCrab is annoying me right now with his sensible, measured comments. I'd really like to argue in favour of freelancers, but this guy is just being too darn reasonable in his opposition. Stop it at once tongue.png
Fortunately AYJAYDEE is available to play the antagonistic Mr Hyde to JLCrab's sensible Dr Jekyll.
AYJAYDEE, the immigration policies of your home country don't matter in the slightest, unless you happen to hail from a country with exactly the same economic circumstances as Thailand. It's probably safe to say that most of the posters here are from developed western nations, which naturally have more stringent rules for long term stays. You can compare apples and oranges if you want, but it's not a valid argument - if it was, you'd also be arguing against the availability of visas for retirement (does your home country offer a retirement visa to anyone over 50 with a modest pension?). This debate is about Thailand, and the only sensible way to frame the debate is with reference to past, present and potential Thai immigration policies.
The fact is that Thailand cheerfully tolerated freelancers for many years (I'm including everything from copywriters to web designers to semi-retired authors like me in this definition), most likely because these grey economy workers brought a net benefit to the economy at very little cost. Even the poorest beach bum who scrapes a living writing web copy at $5 a page earns - and spends - much more than the average Thai, and most individual westerners would struggle to support themselves on much less than the average income of an entire Thai household (~25,000 baht per month as of 2013). Personally, I earn the equivalent of maybe 7 or 8 average Thai households each month, and when I'm in Thailand I spend it all in country. That's a direct, no-strings-attached injection of capital from overseas.
The point I'm making - and I'm well aware that this sounds so painfully arrogant that there'll be an echo as the words escape from my own rear end - is why wouldn't Thailand want people like me? Why wouldn't any country clamour to welcome a law abiding long term visitor who brings with him the economic benefit of several families' earnings, but without the associated social costs of several families? In purely economic terms I'm all upside (though it's worth pointing out that I don't actually live or work in Thailand; I only visit 5 or 6 months a year). As arrogant as it sounds I'm a catch for the Thai economy, and if the world worked according to cold logic I'd be offered a lifetime unconditional visa at the border (though I won't hold my breath).
The answer is either: 
1) The authorities really didn't consider this particular group when they decided to make staying in Thailand more challenging, and ousting them is an unintended and undesirable consequence, or;
2) They did consider them, and either don't know or don't care how much free money they inject into the economy, or;
3) As JLCrab suggested, there's some unknown social factor that makes freelancers an undesirable group.
Of course the authorities can do what they please and no amount of whining will have the slightest effect on national policy, but I think it's important, if only to counter the annoyingly smug retiree crowd who love to lecture on the subject, to point out that freelancers are a positive force for the Thai economy, and are really no different from the retirees themselves but for the fact that there isn't a dedicated visa category for such people. If freelancers sound like 'crybabies', as AYJAYDEE put it, when they complain that the world doesn't bend over to suit their needs, it's only because they know that it did once bend. It's sad to see a good thing come to an end, especially when you know that nobody will benefit from what comes next. 

because they dont think youre worth the trouble involved in having you live permanently in their country. and with your arrogant me me me attitude I cant say as I blame them. and they didnt bend to your needs pal. dont give yourself any credit that thailand was lax with everyone right down to the low life druggie in the gutter. you were just one of the herd that happened to have an occupation. and you got swept out with the same broom that was used to get rid of all the undesirables. live with it.
All your doing is stating YOUR OPINION, there is no statement from Thai officialdom stating that people working in the multitude of industries are undesirable if there is please post a link. Your personal opinion means nothing and frankly referring to people as "druggies" "Undesirable" "crybabies" is childish.
I don't comment on threads about retirement visa's as it doesn't affect me, fair play to them I hope they enjoy the retirement they've earned good luck to them. How ever I do read the threads that pertain to me and it's irritating when they get subverted by cretins like you who for reasons that I don't understand feel the need to proverbially try and kick a man whilst he's down. These visa rules don't affect you, your not special, and your certainly no expert on Thai governance so shhhhhhhhhh!
for a start I would advise you to watch the personal attacks . and secondly the thai government has certainly stated who can work in thailand. they have set out the conditions, if you can meet them they are only too happy to allow you to work. if you cannot and continue to work, you are , by definition, undesirable.

They may have stated who can and cannot work in Thailand, but what they have not truly stated is what they actually consider work..

Answering the phone to discuss a job you leave Thailand to perform part of the tendering process ?? How about if you write a formal proposal, or prepare your invoices once the work is done ??

Please don't claim it's black and white because it isn't.
  • Like 1

I doubt you could find a single Thai in the entire country to do what one of my friends does online.. He's one of a handful of people worldwide with a certification that enables him a very high income lifestyle..

So yes, these people do do something many Thais cannot do, provide a global derived income without Thai clients or employers.. How many Thais live that way ??

So if there is only a handful worldwide then he most likely the only one in Thailand period. So proves nothing about all the others working here online.
Anyway this is so off topic, the topic was options for young and with money. Not i work or my friend works online.
To the OP you can get job, get married, Elite card or investment visa.

Always my friend. Also I doubt he is one of only a handful in the world. That would mean there is a school out there that only has certified a handful of people to do what he does. I dont believe that. Schools market and promote their programs to get students enrolled that's how they make money and if this very high qauilified person makes so much money schools would be telling students their potential wealth making capabilities and students would be lining up. I bet you have friends that used to be Navy seals, special ops, CIA etc. too.

What he does involves sports certification.. He's one of 2 westerners in Thailand I know with this qualification and one job this summer for 2 or 3 months will net him about 150k usd..

The point is, there is not a Thai who can do it.. Yet he won't get the specialized visa mentioned earlier. He doesn't need to.

He has options, including the elite card.. But a lot of what people spout is factually incorrect.


I've been here for 7 years since I was 26 I moved here because I rather like the place not because I'm unwanted elsewhere, and until I started reading TV I wasn't aware that my presence here caused such distress to other expats.



Lol exactly this. It's like they have to find something to be angry about.




And digital nomads affect you and you 2 wives and properties without wheels on them in what way? Do prey tell enlighten me as to the cause of your resentment?


I've been here for 7 years since I was 26 I moved here because I rather like the place not because I'm unwanted elsewhere, and until I started reading TV I wasn't aware that my presence here caused such distress to other expats.



It doesn't cause any distress at all for expats. What causes the distress is your failure to get with the program.


Thailand has laws much less strict than your own country but you can't and won't get your head around it.


These visa rules have always been in place but now they are being enforced strictly due to the amalgamation of Asean labor laws next year. Get it?


Falungs have not been singled out.



Well if it doesn't cause you any distress then why the need to post offensive comments labeling people "unwanted" due to their occupations? If you don't have any visa issues why even bother looking at these threads unless it's because you somehow derive enjoyment out of winding people up. All I see is stilted opinion no one has posted any reasons why online workers disadvantage themselves or any official statement from Thai governance that pertains directly to online workers.


The Thai government has also made no provision such that an online worker who is not employed by a Thai company and with a valid working permit can be permitted to stay long-term or otherwise in the Kingdom for that particular reason.

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I doubt you could find a single Thai in the entire country to do what one of my friends does online.. He's one of a handful of people worldwide with a certification that enables him a very high income lifestyle..

So yes, these people do do something many Thais cannot do, provide a global derived income without Thai clients or employers.. How many Thais live that way ??

So if there is only a handful worldwide then he most likely the only one in Thailand period. So proves nothing about all the others working here online.
Anyway this is so off topic, the topic was options for young and with money. Not i work or my friend works online.
To the OP you can get job, get married, Elite card or investment visa.

Always my friend. Also I doubt he is one of only a handful in the world. That would mean there is a school out there that only has certified a handful of people to do what he does. I dont believe that. Schools market and promote their programs to get students enrolled that's how they make money and if this very high qauilified person makes so much money schools would be telling students their potential wealth making capabilities and students would be lining up. I bet you have friends that used to be Navy seals, special ops, CIA etc. too.

What he does involves sports certification.. He's one of 2 westerners in Thailand I know with this qualification and one job this summer for 2 or 3 months will net him about 150k usd..

The point is, there is not a Thai who can do it.. Yet he won't get the specialized visa mentioned earlier. He doesn't need to.

He has options, including the elite card.. But a lot of what people spout is factually incorrect.



Serious question.


He does sport certification via the internet ?


How does that work. Genuinely interested.


I've just sent my application form for the elite card, time to move on to better things than shitpost and circlejerk on visa issues. have fun retirement visa geezers wai2.gif

great! Word of advice, if you don't have a Work permit keep your on line work to yourself. No need to advertise you're working.
I don't think anyone's been grassed up, but all it takes is someone who doesn't like you.

The Thai government has also made no provision such that an online worker who is not employed by a Thai company and with a valid working permit can be permitted to stay long-term or otherwise in the Kingdom for that particular reason.


Such a provision would be ripe for abuse. It's absence doesn't imply genuine online workers are unwanted.

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I suddenly remembered something:


Back in 2011, two big honchos from the Department of Labor and the Department of Immigration in Chiang Mai gave a radio interview.


Here is what they had to say:




He added that there is no “freelance” work permit, that one must be sponsored by a company. However, when asked about specialists offering advice for overseas clients in overseas markets, he felt that so long as they did not offer that advice to Thais or foreigners in Thailand that would be acceptable.




The Thai government has also made no provision such that an online worker who is not employed by a Thai company and with a valid working permit can be permitted to stay long-term or otherwise in the Kingdom for that particular reason.


Such a provision would be ripe for abuse. It's absence doesn't imply genuine online workers are unwanted.


I see it means they are not-unwanted but if they were really, really, wanted their would be some visa/immigration provision to show they are not -not-unwanted.


And digital nomads affect you and you 2 wives and properties without wheels on them in what way? Do prey tell enlighten me as to the cause of your resentment?
I've been here for 7 years since I was 26 I moved here because I rather like the place not because I'm unwanted elsewhere, and until I started reading TV I wasn't aware that my presence here caused such distress to other expats.

It doesn't cause any distress at all for expats. What causes the distress is your failure to get with the program.
Thailand has laws much less strict than your own country but you can't and won't get your head around it.
These visa rules have always been in place but now they are being enforced strictly due to the amalgamation of Asean labor laws next year. Get it?
Falungs have not been singled out.

Well if it doesn't cause you any distress then why the need to post offensive comments labeling people "unwanted" due to their occupations? If you don't have any visa issues why even bother looking at these threads unless it's because you somehow derive enjoyment out of winding people up. All I see is stilted opinion no one has posted any reasons why online workers disadvantage themselves or any official statement from Thai governance that pertains directly to online workers.

Thailand has said you must have a permit to work.

It has included online money making in its' definition of work.

Thailand does not offer a permit for online work.

"unwanted" by Thailand, not the expats in my books. But really not included in Thailand's plans at this time.
I think most expats here wouldn't care less if digital nomads were able to stay and get work permits. I wouldn't.

Arguments tend to do this, someone jabs the other gets defensive. What riled this argument up is that the question was about options for under 50's to stay. The questions were answered and then promptly rejected by onliners. And a touch snotty the rejections were too. Now it's just gotten nasty.

I'm sure the questions about under 50's with money was raised during the Immigration/Thai Visa meeting and I'll be interested in the results.
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I see it means they are not-unwanted but if they were really, really, wanted their would be some visa/immigration provision to show they are not -not-unwanted.


Criminal elements could claim to freelance online and stay indefinitely with a one-man work permit. Its unworkable.


Instead people just work online on TR / Ed visas and as the link above shows, they don't consider it a problem. It being unwanted is a myth perpetuated on these forums.



Thailand has included online money making in its' definition of work.



It hasn't

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I see it means they are not-unwanted but if they were really, really, wanted their would be some visa/immigration provision to show they are not -not-unwanted.

Criminal elements could claim to freelance online and stay indefinitely with a one-man work permit. Its unworkable.
Instead people just work online on TR / Ed visas and as the link above shows, they don't consider it a problem. It being unwanted is a myth perpetuated on these forums.

Thailand has included online money making in its' definition of work.

It hasn't

Are they not requiring a work permit for working online long term in Thailand?
I was under the impression the were.

You can turn it around any way you want -- if online workers were wanted in Thailand there would be provisions in the visa, extension, and labor/work-permit provisions to accommodate them.



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@ LivinLOS
"I doubt you could find a single Thai in the entire country to do what one of my friends does online.. He's one of a handful of people worldwide with a certification that enables him a very high income lifestyle..
So yes, these people do do something many Thais cannot do, provide a global derived income without Thai clients or employers.. How many Thais live that way ??
Then your friend could easily afford an "elite" card or a work permit to live here...He's lucky.

He can.. He has many options available to him..

The point of what I quoted was the statement that they are not doing a job that cannot be done by a Thai.. In many cases that's factually incorrect, they are doing jobs that Thais cannot do, and in doing so do not present the threat to the Thai labor pool.



The point I would make is that is 1 guy who is how you say "exceptional" that no other Thai person can do.

If he or anyone can make a living online I personally have no problem with it & doubt if that person would be caught.

The problem is living in Thailand under what visa.

Obviously if he is under 50 he can't get a retirement extension...but he could get a tourist visa ..& work online in the gray area..as long as he is not soliciting Thai customers here in Thailand & he has money deposited in a foreign bank account.

Or he could get a work visa...(but if he is that talented why would he work in Thailand.)

The fact is a person working online needs some kind of visa to live here...

At the moment there is no Visa in Thailand that allows a wealthy under 50 person to live in Thailand except for the "elite" card, and the other options such as Ed Visa,marriage etc that have already been mentioned in previous posts..albeit with some strings attached.

Unfortunately some of us are talking facts & others are talking wishful thinking.

Working online is not the issue to me..it's the visa to live here.


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Whether the pool is large or not. it is the stated objective of the Thai government to provide jobs and training for university Comp Sci graduates -- but people on here repeatedly post they don't need any help or want to hire 4 Thais to sit around and do nothing. Just give us the visa and we'll buy a condo.


You can turn it around any way you want -- if online workers were wanted in Thailand there would be provisions in the visa, extension, and labor/work-permit provisions to accommodate them.




So you've turned track from trying to prove that they're not wanted as you could find absolutely no evidence to support your claim and are now saying that, they're not wanted because no official statement has been issued? It would certainly appear that you're the one turning things around anyway they want to support you're views, lets face it you're just arguing for the sake of arguing because your bored.

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