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Is there any where else than speaks more annoying non-native English?

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(Warning: Light-Hearted Rant)

No offense to Thailand but the bargirls and I would say 20% of the locals that talk to me in English have what has to be the most obnoxious tone and voice of non-native English, and what's especially annoying is they respond in this even when I talk to them in Thai and know the Thai they are saying. So in a light-hearted way, I have to ask: is there any country that has a more annoying tone of non-native English - certainly haven't heard it from Burmese, Laotians, Chinese, Koreans or Nipponese English speakers, and Indian English actually sounds kind of funny. Surely you must know this type of annoying English, I don't have an mp3 or like this but much prefer being talked to in Thai because of it.



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[quote name="manarak" post="8232821" timestamp="1407823073"]
I'm non-native and far from perfection in English, but I'd like to know for sure: how many errors are there in the following sentence?[quote]

Is there any where else than writes more annoying non-native English?[/quote]

I could be wrong but bena is referring to the OP's title.

*zoing* Edited by BuddhistVirus
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Bloody Kiwis. Wretched people, wretched accent.



Translate this bit of Kiwi:  'Bug Duck'


I'll help you - in Orstraylin it translates as 'Beeeg Deeek'


Lesson concluded, you may now return to your crayons and colouring-in book.  whistling.gif

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[quote name="BuddhistVirus" post="8233627" timestamp="1407834407"]

[quote name="manarak" post="8232821" timestamp="1407823073"]
I'm non-native and far from perfection in English, but I'd like to know for sure: how many errors are there in the following sentence?[quote]

Is there any where else than writes more annoying non-native English?[/quote]

I could be wrong but bena is referring to the OP's title.


Thank you, my hero.
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I wonder which accents the Thais think are most annoying from foreigners who either speak, or at at least try to, in Thai ?


Perhaps they would be to polite to criticise someone who had made an effort to speak another language, even if their accent was not to their taste.


Some accents can sound a bit funny and others rather cute - but when someone's speaking in not their native tongue I always admire their effort.   



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I also marvel when some Scottish with a heavy brogue speak english....completely different than any other sound or noise......also played against a team of Cajuns a few times....if my life depended on it I couldn't tell you what they were saying......
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OP, I haven't read a single post of yours, that you are not trying to bash the Thais.

What is wrong with you?

Are you so unhappy here?

Why are you still here then?

I would suggest, for your peace of mind, pack your things and go back where you came from.

No good for you and no good for us either reading your rubbish.

Not trying to bash Thais in general, but pointing out a common trend - most common among bargirls or the like even though I don't go to such places, just sometimes am approached by these hookers. In fact most of my Thai friends in my little bubble aren't like this, but going outside the bubble once again I am the "f-rang" and that's when I get it more. Me: "Kor Tod Na Kop, or Chek Bin Kop". Grating obnoxious voice: "You, Twen-tee Baht". LOL

So do u expect this forum to come a place where people just don't talk about any negative/annoying things? I mean I specifically framed the question to ask about other countries. And you have to admit that this specific kind of accent is jarring. I can imagine Singaporeans' English being even more jarring.

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Admittedly it's written English, not spoken, but has anyone noticed the 2 errors in the title description for this forum?

Namely: Thailand is legendary for it's entertainment,

              Discuss Night Life, restaurants, bars, music, movies, concerts, expat life, fun, or just a chat about


Maybe TV uses the same proof readers as The Nation (only joking George).

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No offence to thailand!!?? lol. and I wonder what they think of your non-native thai??

Well maybe so, just today some Thai friend told me I speak Thai (f-rang Thai) more like a robot than like Thais speak it (where it is more like singing a song). So I have to study.

But the OP wasn't talking about "Tinglish" (just English with some transfer from the native language), but a kind of English that a few locals I come across speak. I think it may have to do with the intent, like the annoying english is ones who are annoyed speaking it but are just interested in extracting cash or mojo (like a book I came across referenced in the language forum called in thai "how to use english as a weapon to extract money out of the pockets of foreigners" LOL). Maybe same with Singaporeans who 

Not to bash all Thais, most are kind-hearted in my experience.

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No offence to thailand!!?? lol. and I wonder what they think of your non-native thai??

Well maybe so, just today some Thai friend told me I speak Thai (f-rang Thai) more like a robot than like Thais speak it (where it is more like singing a song). So time to study.

But the OP wasn't talking about "Tinglish" (just English with some transfer from the native language), but a kind of English that a few locals I come across speak. I think it may have to do with the intent, like the annoying english is ones who are annoyed speaking it but are just interested in extracting cash or mojo (like a book I came across referenced in the language forum called in thai "how to use english as a weapon to extract money out of the pockets of foreigners" LOL). Maybe same with Singaporeans who seem to regard us as colonizing devils.

Not to bash Thailand or Thai people, most are kind-hearted in my experience.

Edited by squarethecircle
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Op claims he knows how to speak thai and comments how annoying the Thais sound when they speak English to him yet has he ever thought that his thai probably sounds so terrible that the Thais would rather not hear him speak. Seriously don't know why so many farang are so hung up on English accents from various nationalities yet don't ever bother to think how funny they sound like when they speak a foreign language with accents that is totally off in that language. FYI thai is a tonal language so you have to pronounce the words exactly as they are sure when op spoke his broken thai with his farang accent t must have sounded totally like an alien language to the Thais.
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