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time to say it: This Chinese on Scooters Dangerous to Everyone!


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Not that I have anything personal against Chinese tourist

But cannot ignore that there is a problem !

Chinese tourists riding on motorcycle/ Scooters this is a problem ! Dangerous problem!

First of all it is a problem for themselves, But that's their problem....

But the danger and the biggest problem is the danger to other drivers !

Every day I see hundreds of Chinese tourists on the roads around chiang mai

They do not know how to drive ! They have no idea of ​​traffic laws !

And if they have.... then they ignore them !

im Sure you saw so meny times a Scooter stopped in the road (the Middle of the road!!!)

and 2 Chinese open a map and trying to figure out where they are....
OMG ! You can not get off the sidelines to do this ?!

I see a lot of Chinese girls Riding a scooter, and can see Immediately they do it in a first time in the life,

10 min ago she rent a scooter and now she drive on the road And another passenger riding in the back...
So dangerous !!!

im sure millions of Chinese its good for tourism business

but its time to say also....It is a danger on the road !

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its them on bikes that are a proplem as well,yesterday a farang family 4/5 on bikes all stopped in usion right in front of me and had a chinwag which way to go,good job im road wise after 12years driving in cnx,and always exspect the unexspected,and of course have good brakes.they did a u turn in the end,back were they just come from??????

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Well said, UG. I agree completely. Nothing to do but stay alert and watch out for them.

The Chinese women with the long legs and very short shorts make it all worth while. I watch for them, too.

Ah those Dalian girls.....


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The renters are at fault with zero control.

Something that needs to be at the top of the junta's todo list along with the illegal food stalls and overpriced lottery tickets.

Fairly quiet on the roads today.only saw a few Farang breaking every rule in the book but that's OK I guess.

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On bicycles, on motor bikes or walking, they are a menace. They make Thais seem like impeccable drivers. I have nothing against them, other than that.

Lets add their obsession with taking photographs while stopping in the middle of the road. Maybe its normal behaviour in China

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On bicycles, on motor bikes or walking, they are a menace. They make Thais seem like impeccable drivers. I have nothing against them, other than that.

Lets add their obsession with taking photographs while stopping in the middle of the road. Maybe its normal behaviour in China

Well, let's say it like that:

10 years ago, you would not have survived more than 1 hours with a behavior like that in Shanghai. The only city, I ever experienced, where taxi drivers hit on the accelerator instead of the brake, when you crossed the street.

Changed at least a little bit, when in view of the many letal accidents they introduced a law that drivers causing a letal accident have to pay a certain allowance to the family of the victim.

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Btw: typical gobblin behavior,

if your are alone, they are free to "target" you.

If you are in a group of 3 or more, the right of way is going over to the group: stopping,taking photos, walking slower than my grandgrandma ...

Edited by BernieOnTour
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The thing I don't understand about the chinese tourists stoping in the middle of the road to check their iPads, doing crazy u-turns, driving around corners on the wrong side of the road etc etc is that they wouldn't do it in a chinese city back home as it would too dangerous! When they come to Thailand on holiday they seem to lose all sense? It might be because they have left the communist controlled home country and feel truly free? Another thing some of them do is just step out into the road when they want to cross. Never mind looking left and right, just step out and start walking. The same thing no way would they do that in China. Something weird happens in their brains when they leave China behind. Very odd.

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The thing I don't understand about the chinese tourists stoping in the middle of the road to check their iPads, doing crazy u-turns, driving around corners on the wrong side of the road etc etc is that they wouldn't do it in a chinese city back home as it would too dangerous! When they come to Thailand on holiday they seem to lose all sense? It might be because they have left the communist controlled home country and feel truly free? Another thing some of them do is just step out into the road when they want to cross. Never mind looking left and right, just step out and start walking. The same thing no way would they do that in China. Something weird happens in their brains when they leave China behind. Very odd.

You have to understnad the Chinese mentality. They do not care about surrounding they totally selfish. It is absolutely normal parking on Bike lane in Bejing or even driving against the traffic. They do not mind any rules.

I once witnessed a group of chinese tourist when the tourist guide handed the scooter to them. You could clearly see they NEVER sat on bike, So how could you expect they know or follow the traffic regulations? One chinese crashed immediately when sat on the scooter and moved other ten seconds later. I must admit i laughed my ass off.

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You can blame this shockingly bad movie for the influx of Chinese tourists.

Hoping that the fad will wear off soon, like fads always do.

From what i've heard they are all in the "keeeneow" dept, so no big loss when they stop coming.

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Haven't been to China so I dunno (from experience) what they would do there, traffic-wise. But I bet one of the reasons there are so many of them in Chiang Mai is Facebook, and I bet they post stuff like "Hey, in Thailand you can just walk across the street without even looking and the Thais will stop for you, something we would never do in Shanghai."

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Haven't been to China so I dunno (from experience) what they would do there, traffic-wise. But I bet one of the reasons there are so many of them in Chiang Mai is Facebook, and I bet they post stuff like "Hey, in Thailand you can just walk across the street without even looking and the Thais will stop for you, something we would never do in Shanghai."

There are dozens of videos on youtube showing accidents on the streets of China. Accidents happen everywhere, but it's pretty bad in China. One of the highest rates of fatalities in the world.

One reason they've suggested is many are new to driving. With China's increasing wealth, more have money to buy things like scooters and cars. I can't remember the stat, but when I was in Beijing 5 years ago or so, they said something like 5,000 new cars were being added to the streets every DAY! They drive like they own the road and definitely don't care about pedestrians. We saw several who were hit just in out 1 week stay there. One was a street cop directing traffic. He didn't make it.

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On bicycles, on motor bikes or walking, they are a menace. They make Thais seem like impeccable drivers. I have nothing against them, other than that.

Like UG says I have nothing against the Chinese either, I rarely come into town so though I have heard the stories never paid them much attention but last week on a yellow songtaew on the 118 from Doi Saket a group of Chinese ran across the road to catch the songtaew with total disregard for their lifes and traffic nearly causing a major accident in the process they all jumped aboard the bus ice lollies in hand laughing with what seemed to be complete indifference to the acccident they nearly caused.

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There really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

Put these two together with a motor vehicle that they can't handle, and you've the recipe for disaster.

Fortunately for them, they drive very slowly. Unfortunately for the rest of us on the road, we have no

clue what they are going to do next, and it often turns out to be something we would never expect,

such as stopping in the middle of traffic, two bikes abreast, opening a map and discussing where they should go.

The other drivers on the road find themselves swerving to avoid them, and crash into other cars and other people

while the Chinese tourists are completely oblivious to the fact that they've just cause another accident.

Thais are not the very best drivers, and neither are we foreigners. But I've NEVER seen us stop in the middle

of traffic and open a map. I've never seen us in a group of 4-6 bikes stop and block the entrance to a parking area

while a line of cars and bike pile up waiting to get in.

As I said, there really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

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There really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

Put these two together with a motor vehicle that they can't handle, and you've the recipe for disaster.

Fortunately for them, they drive very slowly. Unfortunately for the rest of us on the road, we have no

clue what they are going to do next, and it often turns out to be something we would never expect,

such as stopping in the middle of traffic, two bikes abreast, opening a map and discussing where they should go.

The other drivers on the road find themselves swerving to avoid them, and crash into other cars and other people

while the Chinese tourists are completely oblivious to the fact that they've just cause another accident.

Thais are not the very best drivers, and neither are we foreigners. But I've NEVER seen us stop in the middle

of traffic and open a map. I've never seen us in a group of 4-6 bikes stop and block the entrance to a parking area

while a line of cars and bike pile up waiting to get in.

As I said, there really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

I wonder how it is everyone is convinced it's Chinese riders.

I've seen Thai's do things that are beyond comprehension, and that's most days.

Foreigners that have been here awhile tend to "monkey see, monkey do" as well. They're not much better.

Common sense is not so common here. Sadly.

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Thai people are just way too polite to show their aversion. A quick loud warning toot from your horn does wonders. I don't mean we have to turn the place into Ho Chi Minh City but when they cause an obstruction let them know, otherwise they remain clueless.

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The Chinese are only doing what Thailand wants them to do. Proof of this is that Chinese visa requirements have been relaxed as they have been coming here in droves, acting the way the act and driving the way they drive.

The rest of us foreigners could learn from them. Drive the way they do, but be careful.

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There really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

Put these two together with a motor vehicle that they can't handle, and you've the recipe for disaster.

Fortunately for them, they drive very slowly. Unfortunately for the rest of us on the road, we have no

clue what they are going to do next, and it often turns out to be something we would never expect,

such as stopping in the middle of traffic, two bikes abreast, opening a map and discussing where they should go.

The other drivers on the road find themselves swerving to avoid them, and crash into other cars and other people

while the Chinese tourists are completely oblivious to the fact that they've just cause another accident.

Thais are not the very best drivers, and neither are we foreigners. But I've NEVER seen us stop in the middle

of traffic and open a map. I've never seen us in a group of 4-6 bikes stop and block the entrance to a parking area

while a line of cars and bike pile up waiting to get in.

As I said, there really seems to be a lack of awareness combined with a lack of common sense.

I wonder how it is everyone is convinced it's Chinese riders.

I've seen Thai's do things that are beyond comprehension, and that's most days.

Foreigners that have been here awhile tend to "monkey see, monkey do" as well. They're not much better.

Common sense is not so common here. Sadly.

You're absolutely right! They may not be Chinese.

But they are Asian, usually in groups of 4 or more, all on rental scooters, all holding maps and/or large mobile phones, the women wearing relatively dressy clothing - often quite flowery while the guys are dressed really dumpy... and when I walk past them, I hear them speaking (loudly) what I believe to be Mandarin. It could well be Cantonese. I'm really not sure. I do know for certain it's not Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bahasa Malay or Thai.

However, I do agree with you; common sense is not so common here.

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The thing I don't understand about the chinese tourists stoping in the middle of the road to check their iPads, doing crazy u-turns, driving around corners on the wrong side of the road etc etc is that they wouldn't do it in a chinese city back home as it would too dangerous! When they come to Thailand on holiday they seem to lose all sense? It might be because they have left the communist controlled home country and feel truly free? Another thing some of them do is just step out into the road when they want to cross. Never mind looking left and right, just step out and start walking. The same thing no way would they do that in China. Something weird happens in their brains when they leave China behind. Very odd.

City folk in many places in China aren't allowed motorized transport.

They don't drive like that in China because they aren't allowed to drive at all.

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Slightly off subject but Wawee food court mall inside the moat has taken to instruction for the Chinese... This is posted on the inside of the door in the toilet stalls in the men's bathroom... I can only assume the women's have a similar albeit longer instruction manual...

Would love to see the 2 step translation so I know I'm also doin it right?...


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