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Aussie dad has 'no right' to take baby says Thai surrogate


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Aussie dad has 'no right' to take baby says Thai surrogate

BANGKOK, August 12, 2014 (AFP) - The Thai surrogate mother of a baby born with Down's syndrome Tuesday said his Australian father had "no right" to take her child after the couple accused of abandoning the infant declared they would try to get him back.

Seven-month old Gammy has been at the heart of a surrogacy scandal since it was revealed his biological father David Farnell and his wife left the baby with surrogate mother Pattaramon Chanbua, taking only his healthy twin sister Pipah back home to Australia.

In their first interview since sparking a global controversy, Farnell, 56 -- a convicted child sex offender -- and his wife Wendy claimed they had wanted to bring their son home but left Thailand in fear Pattaramon would seize Pipah.

"We have been trying (in Australia) to make sure first that Pipah is safe and no one can take her away from us," he told Channel Nine on Sunday, explaining that as she was born in Thailand she was not yet legally Australian.

"When we know 100 percent that she is safe with us, we can go and try to get our boy back."

But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee.

"If he wants to get my baby, it will be impossible for sure. No matter how hard he fights, there is no way that I will let that happen," she told AFP by telephone Tuesday.

"If he wants to see the baby, I will let him see, but he has no right to take my baby."

There have been various contradictory versions of the events that led to Gammy being left behind in Thailand.

The Farnells, from Bunbury in Western Australia, previously said they were told Gammy had a congenital heart condition but not Down's syndrome, and left him because doctors said he would not survive.

Pattaramon maintains the Thai agency who managed the surrogacy said the couple wanted her to have an abortion -- illegal in Thailand -- once medical tests revealed the boy had Down's syndrome, but she refused.

During the interview Sunday, Farnell denied he and his wife had asked her to have an abortion but said it crossed their minds, also admitting they had not tried to contact Gammy since they left Thailand to check on how he was.

Doctors have since cleared the boy of a heart condition and he lives with his surrogate family in Chonburi province, 80 kilometres (50 miles) east of the capital Bangkok.

Following reports on the scandal, the Thai government has proposed tighter controls on commercial surrogacy .

Canberra has since urged it to allow for a transition period before implementing any ban on commercial surrogacy to protect earlier arrangements made by Australians.


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Call his bluff, hand him the baby, he would sh*t himself... or more hopefully Gammy will all over him.


What has happened to the agency, have they crawled back under their rock?

Edited by Basil B
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"Doctors have since cleared the boy of a heart condition"


Wasn't this the crux of the case 2 weeks ago?


'Have since'? But during pregnancy said he had, and after birth said he had a day or so of virtual survival?


For Pete's sakes, get the facts right in the beginning. Time to leave it to the lawyers now.

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"But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee."


In other words: He can have the boy if he coughs up another $14,900 plus agency fees.


This case is getting very confusing. There are so many contradicting statements from both sides that it's become near impossible to determine the true situation.


One reason more to make surrogacy illegal. It's not meant to be (and I mean that without religious undertones). if you yearn for a child but cannot conceive one for one reason or another, adopt. I wish they'd make adoption procedures much easier. There are literally millions of orphaned children in the world who would deserve loving parents.

Nail on the head!

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"But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee."


In other words: He can have the boy if he coughs up another $14,900 plus agency fees.


This case is getting very confusing. There are so many contradicting statements from both sides that it's become near impossible to determine the true situation.


One reason more to make surrogacy illegal. It's not meant to be (and I mean that without religious undertones). if you yearn for a child but cannot conceive one for one reason or another, adopt. I wish they'd make adoption procedures much easier. There are literally millions of orphaned children in the world who would deserve loving parents.


So its not even her egg.


Strewth almighty.  This is going to get even more complicated.

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Definitely getting complicated.

Yet I do not see why a convicted sex offender should have either child to take care of.

As for the Thai woman, I am finding it hard to believe her story either. So many twists and turns in this.

Overall, I hope that everyone involved does what is best for the children in this and future (better) guidelines are set for any other surrogate pregnancy.

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i believe she only see,s the money value in this sad topic,,,we all see how thai children are dragged up over here...give them the boy back take some more money and carry on with your miserable life..its financial not for the love of a child..most disabled are locked away out of sight....anyway...oooh the shame they bring on the family/pathetic..

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Call me a pessimist, accuse me of tarring Thais with the same brush but............... seems to me the Thai mother is fighting for a kid she didn't want before.

Suddenly, this kid is getting donations from all over the world, more notably Oz. Hundreds of thousands of baht are coming in for this kid and she is the beneficiary. Am I being overly pessimistic?  I think not. bah.gif


A kid she did no want???


It was her who refused an abortion, she did not dump the kid in an orphanage, she cared for it with money put aside for her other children, she has been the only one to love and care for it for six months.



Basil.......if you can't see what's happening here...so sorry.........she wants money!....

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Let us not mix the issues.


On one hand if the Oz father is a pedophile - how is he allowed to have the babies?

On the other hand the Thai 'mother' has been in this for the money from day one.  Why should she be allowed to keep the babies?


Whichever way I look at this case - neither party should be allowed to keep the babies. 

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"But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee."


In other words: He can have the boy if he coughs up another $14,900 plus agency fees.


This case is getting very confusing. There are so many contradicting statements from both sides that it's become near impossible to determine the true situation.


One reason more to make surrogacy illegal. It's not meant to be (and I mean that without religious undertones). if you yearn for a child but cannot conceive one for one reason or another, adopt. I wish they'd make adoption procedures much easier. There are literally millions of orphaned children in the world who would deserve loving parents.


I thought the egg was from his mail order Chinese bride ?

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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.


So you are a true supporter of those that rape and abuse children.  I feel so very very sick.  You are disgusting and support for paedophiles should be against Thai Visa Rules.

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"But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee."
In other words: He can have the boy if he coughs up another $14,900 plus agency fees.
This case is getting very confusing. There are so many contradicting statements from both sides that it's become near impossible to determine the true situation.
One reason more to make surrogacy illegal. It's not meant to be (and I mean that without religious undertones). if you yearn for a child but cannot conceive one for one reason or another, adopt. I wish they'd make adoption procedures much easier. There are literally millions of orphaned children in the world who would deserve loving parents.

I thought the egg was from his mail order Chinese bride ?

In another article it claims it was from a Thai donor (not the surrogate). Just to complicate it a little more
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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.

But in this case what he is accused of is definitely not that type of case.

He was convicted of fiddling with pretty young children. I cannot believe that he would be allowed to adopt or foster in oz, so why he is allowed to have a surrogate is absolutely beyond me.
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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.
So you are a true supporter of those that rape and abuse children.  I feel so very very sick.  You are disgusting and support for paedophiles should be against Thai Visa Rules.

Chooka, did you get past grade 3 mate? Cause if you did it doesnt show at all.

Honestly, I suggest you need to brush up on your basic English comprehension skills. Or take a Valium. Or just do the international gene pool a favour and have an irreversible vasectomy (you might want to look that word up).

Either youre a hysterical dolt or you doth protest too much (I suspect this latter allusion went over your head with the rest of the post).
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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.

But in this case what he is accused of is definitely not that type of case.

He was convicted of fiddling with pretty young children. I cannot believe that he would be allowed to adopt or foster in oz, so why he is allowed to have a surrogate is absolutely beyond me.

Point taken.

My point was more that none of us know the true details of this guys offence so to get hysterical is uncalled for.

And every human I have met has at least one uncomfortable skeleton in their closet, even Chooka (based on his post Id say ESPECIALLY Chooka). The stoning scene from 'Life of Brian' comes to mind.

It was a call to cut the valueless rants against the enemy within that are sooo easy to spew forth and whom we can all agree to hate (witches, commies, kiddie fiddlers, politicians, used car salesmen) and see the human side of this guy and the situation.
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"But Pattaramon, 21, said they could never take her child, who she says was conceived after another Thai donor's egg fertilised by Farnell was implanted in her on the promise of a $14,900 fee."


In other words: He can have the boy if he coughs up another $14,900 plus agency fees.


This case is getting very confusing. There are so many contradicting statements from both sides that it's become near impossible to determine the true situation.


One reason more to make surrogacy illegal. It's not meant to be (and I mean that without religious undertones). if you yearn for a child but cannot conceive one for one reason or another, adopt. I wish they'd make adoption procedures much easier. There are literally millions of orphaned children in the world who would deserve loving parents.


I thought the egg was from his mail order Chinese bride ?


Have kids do you? Or firing blanks still?

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Some overly inflammatory posts containing overly derogatory comments have been removed. This is very sensitive issue, if you cannot post in a rational manner, don't bother posting. 


9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Point taken.

My point was more that none of us know the true details of this guys offence so to get hysterical is uncalled for.

And every human I have met has at least one uncomfortable skeleton in their closet, even Chooka (based on his post Id say ESPECIALLY Chooka). The stoning scene from 'Life of Brian' comes to mind.

It was a call to cut the valueless rants against the enemy within that are sooo easy to spew forth and whom we can all agree to hate (witches, commies, kiddie fiddlers, politicians, used car salesmen) and see the human side of this guy and the situation.



Well, when you are convicted of something as serious as this in a serious (developed) court system, I think it would be fair to say that the judgement is sound.  What he has been convicted of, is paedophilia by any description, not an accidental night at home with a 15 year old dressed up like a 20 year old.  


He can have his human side, but I wouldn't want him anywhere near my kids, because for all his remorse, I don't believe paedophiles can be "cured" and it relies on his will power to stop him reverting to type.  It is one hell of a skeleton believe me.  

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Call me a pessimist, accuse me of tarring Thais with the same brush but............... seems to me the Thai mother is fighting for a kid she didn't want before.

Suddenly, this kid is getting donations from all over the world, more notably Oz. Hundreds of thousands of baht are coming in for this kid and she is the beneficiary. Am I being overly pessimistic?  I think not. bah.gif


A kid she did no want???


It was her who refused an abortion, she did not dump the kid in an orphanage, she cared for it with money put aside for her other children, she has been the only one to love and care for it for six months.



Basil.......if you can't see what's happening here...so sorry.........she wants money!....



Yes, she wants money, that's why she did it in the first place, but then she has had the child for over six months without money other than the money she got for doing the surrogate thing, that money she wanted for her other children.


Now everybody is picking holes in her story, another egg by another woman??? where's the agency on this.


She would not let him have have Gammy? threatened to call the police, OMG!!! they and the agency had a water tight contract did they not.


Where did the name Gammy come from, gammy as in gammy leg, yes, a sick joke.


For crying out loud, he has done time as a paedophile, OK he has served his sentence, but you do not expect a person who has embezzled the bank they worked for to work in a bank when they get out, not even  fifty years on.


Whey does he not just crawl back under a stone like the agency has, yes she no angel, but worst of all the surrogacy thing is all wrong and it should be banned until there are no kids left in orphanages. 

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Yes, she wants money, that's why she did it in the first place, but then she has had the child for over six months without money other than the money she got for doing the surrogate thing, that money she wanted for her other children.


Now everybody is picking holes in her story, another egg by another woman??? where's the agency on this.


She would not let him have have Gammy? threatened to call the police, OMG!!! they and the agency had a water tight contract did they not.


Where did the name Gammy come from, gammy as in gammy leg, yes, a sick joke.


For crying out loud, he has done time as a paedophile, OK he has served his sentence, but you do not expect a person who has embezzled the bank they worked for to work in a bank when they get out, not even  fifty years on.


Whey does he not just crawl back under a stone like the agency has, yes she no angel, but worst of all the surrogacy thing is all wrong and it should be banned until there are no kids left in orphanages. 








The Thai surrogate mother of baby Gammy has claimed that Wendy Farnell, Gammy's Australian and apparent biological mother did not actually supply the egg which Pattaramon Chanbua carried.

Ms Chanbua, 21, told Fairfax Media the egg was donated by another Thai woman via a surrogacy agency, but the sperm did come from David Farnell. The couple currently have custody of Gammy's sister Pipah who lives with them in West Australia.

'They are not really related with the baby … I am not really sure they will give real love to Gammy’s sister', Ms Chanbua said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721118/Gammys-surrogate-mother-claims-Australian-mum-did-not-supply-egg.html#ixzz3AC3VHCoT 
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unfortunately, this case will show just how weak and unprepared thailand legal system for complicated cases like this....


You watch, they will straddle the fence not knowing what to do, how to proceed reach unreasonable decisions and then backtrack...


It will become even messier w/o gov/state leadership w/o strong legal clarity and clear decisiveness...


A pedi and a rental rabbit trading jabs in the press and have we heard anything from the Thai gov giving a timeline/outline/what the process will be?



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both sides are making lots of claim but pattaramon seems to be seeing the dollars signs that the baby boy is generating and wants to hang on to get as much as she can. She had no trouble taking the money to do it  so does this mean she will give half of it back, I doubt it, she sees a very comfortable lifestyle developing for her. The were told he was dying originally and threatened with having the girl taken back as well, several twists here to consider.
I have no faith in the parents but the sex charges were around 20 years ago and he hasnt re offended since so it may be over, he has also raised another family without committing any offences against them, doesnt mean he is angelic but the problems he had may be past, guess we will never know. After all, how many in here did some pretty stupid/chargable things in their younger lives but grew out of it as they got older.
People need to look at this with an open mind, I hate sex offenders with a passion but the fact these offences are very old now does tend to make me wonder if he has changed for the better over the years.  Besides, we all know how newspapers/reporters tend to make things out a lot worse than they are, it is what sells the papers, lies and innuendo are always money makers, this is far from over.......

Agree. Paedophilia offences vary from the hideously henious to those concocted by the so- called victims and that never occurred at all. Or that are statutory in nature but hardly paedophilia (like a 16 yo sleeping with his 15 yo girlfriend).

Schoolkids in Australia who post naked photos on Facebook of their underage friends are put on the sex offenders register, for Gods sake! It might be unsociable behaviour but its not paedophilia.

And the perpetrators of underage sex crimes were often victims themselves.

Painting them all as demonic is simplistic, unhelpful, naive and, in the case of many posters on this forum, I would feel safe in postulating is outright hypocritical (in thought if not in deed).

Burn the witch! Kill the commies! String up the paedos!

Methinks many of you who howl for blood at the first whiff of paedophilia DO PROTEST TOO MUCH.


So you are a true supporter of those that rape and abuse children.  I feel so very very sick.  You are disgusting and support for paedophiles should be against Thai Visa Rules.


Sorry but, "Once a Rock-Spider, Always a Rock-Spider." there is no guarantee that this guy has mended his ways, just a case of him perhaps not being caught/reported. I totally support the Thai Surrogate and commend her for her stand against this "creature."

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