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Michael Brown shooting: Obama calls for calm


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There are some serious revelations here. I have noted, like so many, the militarization of LEA in the US. Nothing but bad can come from changing the mindset of law enforcement to military-like. It therefore follows that when this mindset is adopted either outright, or by deportment and equipment, the enemy becomes those whom you serve. It cannot be otherwise. America is a police state and citizens are increasingly seen as those who must be managed.


Ethnic minorities in the US have both a valid point frequently- regarding LEA targeting or profiling blacks, and also their tendency to embrace victimization to softly attack the majority, even where there is no real product of discrimination. Therefore, increasingly, when they don't get their way as a collective they destroy or manipulate through White-Guilt (a corruption of blood or Bill of Attainder for crimes no white person alive today ever committed). They destroy because if left alone, in a vacuum, this is what they would do anyone. It cannot be otherwise. If destruction is your first refuge when enraged it can hardly be called a restrained characteristic. This is a base quality of those who declare "Victim." How do you respond to such guilt ridden hostage taking of the national dialogue of local issue? In this case, the local issue, the police officer is now guilty before even investigated. I have a problem with people behaving like animals but I have a greater problem with law enforcement in America today. American cops are increasingly the bad guys. Whether this is true or perception it does not matter; both are equally as horrible.


The Yenta-Wash-Woman-Obama wades in yet again to another local issue. Why? By wading in he achieves a few things. He defines himself as a leader of those rioting- exclusively, and he commands the office of the Presidency behind their actions granting ipso facto legitimacy. Obama is a fool, but a dangerous one.


“ the enemy becomes those whom you serve. It cannot be otherwise. America is a police state and citizens are increasingly seen as those who must be managed. “


I agree with this .

Publicus seemed reluctant to speculate on the reasons why this is happening,  Why do you think police forces in America have so dramatically changed this way? What is it in your opinion that has made the authorities look upon those they are serving (and those that are paying the taxes that actually pay their salariesblink.png ) as their potential enemy?




For many years I worked in the shadow of LEA throughout the US, training them, advising, etc. This was mostly done under the auspices of EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center) and JTF (Joint Task Force). In this marriage military was restricted to this type of line finessing, but only National Assets such as Seal team 6 and Delta could conduct direct actions in US because they fell under direct control of the National Command Authority and were not restricted by posse comitutus. Usually, only the large cities and applicable federal agencies had SWAT or CT (Counter Terror) capabilities. A few things changed this, and the environment in which those few changes took place (changes in the American landscape) synergized those few changes and made them near dastardly.


Following 9/11 there was a real need to look at everything from small town America to the large cities with a new eye. As soldiers finished tours and returned the LEAs became populated by people who had real stories to tell, and valid fears. Always a restriction, funding for training and new "toys" would soon be available from the Feds, and local legislators responding to constituents fears from the 24/7 news cycle of terrorism further funded these departments. Obama emphatically stated he wanted a standing civilian force capable of being overwhelming capable. He was referring to a national police force, many surmised. Indeed, he has enacted or expanded programs transferring massive amounts of weapons to various LEAs. Moreover, the little discussed Fusion Centers around the US mix Homeland Security, Military, CIA, and local sheriff's deputies, etc. It is only a matter of time before there is a de facto synchronization, or sorts. Whether implicit or explicit, this has happened. That this has happened is remarkable but hardly alarming because something vital is missing. There is no legislative glue to bond them all together into a comprehensive force with assigned roles and duties. Or is there? Under the provisions of Executive Orders, either via FEMA or other (the EO escape me right now) the Federal government does have the glue for continuity of government operations. Every nation needs this but the requirements are quite vague.


There is a camaraderie, a brotherhood of sorts (women included) that takes place in both law enforcement and the military. This bond is quite real and can be a problem because it acts as an echo chamber as well. As returning vets and militarizing police forces increase their posture their capability nearly demands they increase the scope of what they plan for. Armored truck now? Plan for scenarios that enable us to use the armored truck, etc. The cycle of increasing military posture and planing for contingencies necessarily cast the actors-citizens- in light that does in fact define them as the enemy. I know this is a gross generalization but few better explanations touch on the psychology of how good ole boys, and inner city cops, and sheriffs, and rural deputies are all succumbing to behaviors that are actually very King George-ish.


You guys can itemize and punch holes in my theory all day. I know. I see holes too. But I remain concerned for what was America and the road it now travels. Few results are positive because in reality, the real enemies of America will occasionally hit, and in an abstract way, this will reinforce the entire militarization mentality. What is most shocking and also wholly suggestive, is the Obama Administration's insidious recasting of politically opposed citizens as terrorists and threats. This ranges from entire classes of people such as returning veterans, antiabortion folks, talk radio, etc, ad nauseum. When it is realized that America has basically conceded some of the Bill of Rights already, under any pretext, to the NSA and others, then you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace. Bad things can happen with such a mixture. (I believe this above; however, I also believe you could not accidentally stumble into such a broad militarization without a format. The chances of all of this being simply opportunity and evolution is incredulous to me).


I know some of you can throw punches at me; okay. I have tried to answer a brother's question. Thank you.


Edited by arjunadawn
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Some here must be terrified of their own shadow or need some serious calming meds. Everything some write is rooted in hysteria be it plaques, government spreading viruses, impending WW3, impending world financial collapse and now government arming police to oppress the public!!!!!

RE: Acquisition of Vehicles and Assault Rifles

Why is it necessary, because the bad guys have assault weapons and Kevlar piercing weapons such as 5.7 pistol. Cartels are even using Barrett 50 cals these days.

Police departments were heavily criticized after incidents like the North Hollywood bank robbery where an entire police force lost control against 2 robbers armed with fully automatic weapons. Cops armed with handguns and shotguns had to resort to borrowing AR-15s from a local gun store before the situation was brought under control leaving 12 cops and 7 civilians shot.

Unfortunately, cops need this stuff as back up due to the types of weapons on the street.

RE: Equipment used in Mo.

As for Mo., tthank god they are employing what ever means necessary to try and keep the peace in Mo. We would see more wide scale looting and violence comparable to the LA riots if they sat by, did nothing and begged for everyone to stay calm through a bull horn.

RE: Protest in Mo.

Peaceful protest my arse. These idiots were rioting, looting, burning local businesses and threatening the businesses' occupants. Are the cops supposed to just stand by, let the idiots burn the city down and do nothing to try and stop it?

BTW, the cop involved in the shooting was treated at the hospital immediately after the incident for a beaten face. The local Sheriff's office also removed itself from the investigation.

RE: Militarized state

Put down the crack pipe and stop peering out the curtains. I see nothing but peace, good hard working people and a great place to live every single day. No one is oppressing us and trying to keep a good man down or protect the government from the people. Incidents like this are protecting law abiding citizens from a bunch of hoods and thugs that care nothing about the poor kid shot. They just wanted a bunch of free wheels, tires, TVs and electronics. Incidents like this only reinforces the need to provide police with riot gear and protection.

RE: Your agenda???

I suppose some of you that apparently hope for bad things to happen to a country and people you apparently resent or to a wonderful happy way of life. Are you deeply disappointed when extremely isolated incidents like this are thwarted and kept under control.

I suppose therr are sad, nutty types sitting around hoping for mass civil unrest, chaos in the streets and would like nothing more than to see a bunch of street thugs and hoods raze and loot an entire city and watch the city go up in flames. Truly sad if that is the case.
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You gotta love the guy with Michael Brown that day and the so called witness. Corn rolls, earrings covered in tattoos and you also gotta love his story.

This is what happens when you get an uneducated idiot fabricating a story. I see it day in and day out as a lawyer. It leaves me scratching my head wondering is this the best they could come up with? Does anyone really buy this?

Sometimes one has to employ some common sense and basic analytical skills opposed to emotion when evaluating circumstances of an event.

Trust me, if that cop did anything wrong at all, he will made an example out of. The sad part is that he will always be marked or live in fear and doubted by some less than desirable types even if he did absolutely nothing wrong.
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I grew up in Ferguson, Missouri. I know it well. It has been through some changes since I left 40 years ago. That QuikTrip store that was looted and burned was on the site of a gas station that was owned (during my childhood) by neighbors of ours.
My brother is an emergency room doctor at the nearest hospital, which is called Christian Northwest. Moments ago, I read email from him in which he said that his hospital's internet speed was drastically slowed down by Twitter tweets inviting people to come loot a shopping mall. There was an unusual number of Illinois (about ten miles away, just across the Mississippi) license plates in the area, responding to the invitation, presumably. East St. Louis, one big slum except for the casinos, is just across the river.
Sorry if this sounds racist. It seems to fit a pattern.

Yes, East St. Louis is a bad, rough place. I used to race at Gateway Speedway 2 times a years. Crap hole.


I don't think people know where Furgeson is.  It is very close to East St Louis.  The below is the movie clip that made East ST. Louis famous.



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There are some serious revelations here. I have noted, like so many, the militarization of LEA in the US. Nothing but bad can come from changing the mindset of law enforcement to military-like. It therefore follows that when this mindset is adopted either outright, or by deportment and equipment, the enemy becomes those whom you serve. It cannot be otherwise. America is a police state and citizens are increasingly seen as those who must be managed.


Ethnic minorities in the US have both a valid point frequently- regarding LEA targeting or profiling blacks, and also their tendency to embrace victimization to softly attack the majority, even where there is no real product of discrimination. Therefore, increasingly, when they don't get their way as a collective they destroy or manipulate through White-Guilt (a corruption of blood or Bill of Attainder for crimes no white person alive today ever committed). They destroy because if left alone, in a vacuum, this is what they would do anyone. It cannot be otherwise. If destruction is your first refuge when enraged it can hardly be called a restrained characteristic. This is a base quality of those who declare "Victim." How do you respond to such guilt ridden hostage taking of the national dialogue of local issue? In this case, the local issue, the police officer is now guilty before even investigated. I have a problem with people behaving like animals but I have a greater problem with law enforcement in America today. American cops are increasingly the bad guys. Whether this is true or perception it does not matter; both are equally as horrible.


The Yenta-Wash-Woman-Obama wades in yet again to another local issue. Why? By wading in he achieves a few things. He defines himself as a leader of those rioting- exclusively, and he commands the office of the Presidency behind their actions granting ipso facto legitimacy. Obama is a fool, but a dangerous one.


“ the enemy becomes those whom you serve. It cannot be otherwise. America is a police state and citizens are increasingly seen as those who must be managed. “


I agree with this .

Publicus seemed reluctant to speculate on the reasons why this is happening,  Why do you think police forces in America have so dramatically changed this way? What is it in your opinion that has made the authorities look upon those they are serving (and those that are paying the taxes that actually pay their salariesblink.png ) as their potential enemy?




For many years I worked in the shadow of LEA throughout the US, training them, advising, etc. This was mostly done under the auspices of EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center) and JTF (Joint Task Force). In this marriage military was restricted to this type of line finessing, but only National Assets such as Seal team 6 and Delta could conduct direct actions in US because they fell under direct control of the National Command Authority and were not restricted by posse comitutus. Usually, only the large cities and applicable federal agencies had SWAT or CT (Counter Terror) capabilities. A few things changed this, and the environment in which those few changes took place (changes in the American landscape) synergized those few changes and made them near dastardly.


Following 9/11 there was a real need to look at everything from small town America to the large cities with a new eye. As soldiers finished tours and returned the LEAs became populated by people who had real stories to tell, and valid fears. Always a restriction, funding for training and new "toys" would soon be available from the Feds, and local legislators responding to constituents fears from the 24/7 news cycle of terrorism further funded these departments. Obama emphatically stated he wanted a standing civilian force capable of being overwhelming capable. He was referring to a national police force, many surmised. Indeed, he has enacted or expanded programs transferring massive amounts of weapons to various LEAs. Moreover, the little discussed Fusion Centers around the US mix Homeland Security, Military, CIA, and local sheriff's deputies, etc. It is only a matter of time before there is a de facto synchronization, or sorts. Whether implicit or explicit, this has happened. That this has happened is remarkable but hardly alarming because something vital is missing. There is no legislative glue to bond them all together into a comprehensive force with assigned roles and duties. Or is there? Under the provisions of Executive Orders, either via FEMA or other (the EO escape me right now) the Federal government does have the glue for continuity of government operations. Every nation needs this but the requirements are quite vague.


There is a camaraderie, a brotherhood of sorts (women included) that takes place in both law enforcement and the military. This bond is quite real and can be a problem because it acts as an echo chamber as well. As returning vets and militarizing police forces increase their posture their capability nearly demands they increase the scope of what they plan for. Armored truck now? Plan for scenarios that enable us to use the armored truck, etc. The cycle of increasing military posture and planing for contingencies necessarily cast the actors-citizens- in light that does in fact define them as the enemy. I know this is a gross generalization but few better explanations touch on the psychology of how good ole boys, and inner city cops, and sheriffs, and rural deputies are all succumbing to behaviors that are actually very King George-ish.


You guys can itemize and punch holes in my theory all day. I know. I see holes too. But I remain concerned for what was America and the road it now travels. Few results are positive because in reality, the real enemies of America will occasionally hit, and in an abstract way, this will reinforce the entire militarization mentality. What is most shocking and also wholly suggestive, is the Obama Administration's insidious recasting of politically opposed citizens as terrorists and threats. This ranges from entire classes of people such as returning veterans, antiabortion folks, talk radio, etc, ad nauseum. When it is realized that America has basically conceded some of the Bill of Rights already, under any pretext, to the NSA and others, then you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace. Bad things can happen with such a mixture. (I believe this above; however, I also believe you could not accidentally stumble into such a broad militarization without a format. The chances of all of this being simply opportunity and evolution is incredulous to me).


I know some of you can throw punches at me; okay. I have tried to answer a brother's question. Thank you.






 Thanks for such a comprehensive reply to my question.


So with your background, surely you must have at some stage heard discussions between such LEA officials as to what possible scenario they are preparing for? Apart from the threat from outside the country are these preparations being made because of some kind of a possible economic related event within USA?


I had heard nothing about Fusion Centers before. And is there such as thing as FEMA camps or are they only a figment of a conspiracy theory?


You said most poignantly “you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace”


this is one of the most incredulous and saddening parts of this whole process to me.

What happened to the spirit of America that beat the British Empire? How could the population in general not have seen all this coming under their noses and not care -in particular these days when they have so much information at their fingertips.

I'm not even American but I once had a great passion for your country for what it used to be like before it started to change beyond all recognition.


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 Thanks for such a comprehensive reply to my question.


So with your background, surely you must have at some stage heard discussions between such LEA officials as to what possible scenario they are preparing for? Apart from the threat from outside the country are these preparations being made because of some kind of a possible economic related event within USA?


I had heard nothing about Fusion Centers before. And is there such as thing as FEMA camps or are they only a figment of a conspiracy theory?


You said most poignantly “you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace”


this is one of the most incredulous and saddening parts of this whole process to me.

What happened to the spirit of America that beat the British Empire? How could the population in general not have seen all this coming under their noses and not care -in particular these days when they have so much information at their fingertips.

I'm not even American but I once had a great passion for your country for what it used to be like before it started to change beyond all recognition.


It's not America man.  It's East St Louis.  There are places in America where white people don't go and that's one of them.  No offense and it's been a while since I've been there if I'm wrong anyone with more recent experience feel free to correct me.  When last there I was on business and had two bodyguards.  Not one, two.  I don't know maybe it's better now. 

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 Thanks for such a comprehensive reply to my question.


So with your background, surely you must have at some stage heard discussions between such LEA officials as to what possible scenario they are preparing for? Apart from the threat from outside the country are these preparations being made because of some kind of a possible economic related event within USA?


I had heard nothing about Fusion Centers before. And is there such as thing as FEMA camps or are they only a figment of a conspiracy theory?


You said most poignantly “you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace”


this is one of the most incredulous and saddening parts of this whole process to me.

What happened to the spirit of America that beat the British Empire? How could the population in general not have seen all this coming under their noses and not care -in particular these days when they have so much information at their fingertips.

I'm not even American but I once had a great passion for your country for what it used to be like before it started to change beyond all recognition.


It's not America man.  It's East St Louis.  There are places in America where white people don't go and that's one of them.  No offense and it's been a while since I've been there if I'm wrong anyone with more recent experience feel free to correct me.  When last there I was on business and had two bodyguards.  Not one, two.  I don't know maybe it's better now. 



But surely you can't simply attribute  this to East St Louis being some kind of a “ no go zone “ for white people? Los Angeles is home to a lot of wealthy white people but it still didn't stop South-central Los Angeles turning into an effective war zone in 1992?


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 Thanks for such a comprehensive reply to my question.
So with your background, surely you must have at some stage heard discussions between such LEA officials as to what possible scenario they are preparing for? Apart from the threat from outside the country are these preparations being made because of some kind of a possible economic related event within USA?
I had heard nothing about Fusion Centers before. And is there such as thing as FEMA camps or are they only a figment of a conspiracy theory?
You said most poignantly you not only have a militarization you have a dolt populace
this is one of the most incredulous and saddening parts of this whole process to me.
What happened to the spirit of America that beat the British Empire? How could the population in general not have seen all this coming under their noses and not care -in particular these days when they have so much information at their fingertips.
I'm not even American but I once had a great passion for your country for what it used to be like before it started to change beyond all recognition.

It's not America man.  It's East St Louis.  There are places in America where white people don't go and that's one of them.  No offense and it's been a while since I've been there if I'm wrong anyone with more recent experience feel free to correct me.  When last there I was on business and had two bodyguards.  Not one, two.  I don't know maybe it's better now. 

Don't think it is any better. We used to have PCA GT3 Cup Car race at Gateway in East St. Louis twice a year. I want to say we stopped going in 08/09 ish. That place was awful. Track was fun though the Nortern banked corner of the oval was used as part of the road course and we could hit mid 180s coming off the bank down the front straight. White knuckle high speed left flat turn into infield road course was a doosey coming off the front straight.

But yes, that is a rough, gang ridden place . St. Louis in general can be pretty bad as is Memphis. Something about those Mississippi Delta cities.
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But surely you can't simply attribute  this to East St Louis being some kind of a “ no go zone “ for white people? Los Angeles is home to a lot of wealthy white people but it still didn't stop South-central Los Angeles turning into an effective war zone in 1992?

There are places in America where the police and fire departments don't go.  If you call in a fire it simply burns.  If you call for the police they don't come.  You are on your own.  Lawless places like you imagine in Mad Max.  Detroit 13th precinct.  South Side of Chicago.  East St Louis.  It's an attitude.  You need to see it to understand both the police and resident feelings. 


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Do a lot of  wealthy white people live in South-central Los Angeles ?

 Of course not, but can't attribute the underlying problem which is causing this tension only to economically challenged cities or regions

More attributable to racial diversity. Find racial diversity and you find high crime. Call it what it was.
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I'm watching CNN and they are assiduously avoiding mentioning where Ferguson is.  No mention of ST Louis at all.  Gross negligence in reporting.  It would be like talking about Hammond Indiana.  You would think just a little town in the Midwest.  Hammond is a rough town ten minutes away from the South Side of Chicago. 

Edited by thailiketoo
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I'm watching CNN and they are assiduously avoiding mentioning where Ferguson is.  No mention of ST Louis at all.  Gross negligence in reporting.  It would be like talking about Hammond Indiana.  You would think just a little town in the Midwest.  Hammond is a rough town ten minutes away from the South Side of Chicago. 


Okay talking about reporting you've just reminded me of another aspect of all this that doesn't make sense.

When F430murci says some of us are” rooted in hysteria “- no simply inquisitivetongue.png

you have probably heard Al Jazeera has video footage of the police “deliberately targeting journalists “following the arrest of two of them ?blink.png  Now what could possibly be the justification and rationale for that?


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This sounds like it has gone far beyond a race relations issue because it's just been reported that   the Anonymous hacker group (which has nothing to do with black versus white relations) has publicly released the name  of the police officer responsible for the shooting of Michael Brown and have vowed to release his photo and address if authorities do not respond today.

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Today I saw a night time video clip of LEAs holding a "line" on some street. Very far away a number of people were protesting- screaming, daring, who knows. But hey were no closer than 100 meters. Of the three things required to establish threat (capability, proximity, intent) the protestors likely only had intent- at worst they wished the same harm upon the LEAs. Yet an LEA sniper trained a laser target designator on the chest of a citizen no nearer than 100 meters away! How shocking. Everyone a day past basic pistol marksmanship knows you don't put your finger on the trigger until your ready to shoot. "Painting" a target with laser splash to intimidate is effectively the same thing. I doubt this is a valid deterrent tool. American police are increasingly "the" problem. It is with great remorse I note this because under American common law background regional sheriffs have great power and can choose, or not, to enforce Federal mandates.
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Michael Brown is being described as a newly enrolled college student.  He was going to study Heating and Air Conditioning installation.  You need to go to college to study HVAC installments?


It would be money well spent as opposed to marketing majors.  I can think of a lot of Thai women that would be much better off had they gone to college and studied HVAC and of course a minor in plumbing. 

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Imagine living under this.


“Young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.,” African-American John McWhorter, an English professor and linguist at Columbia University, noted last year.

He continued:

Hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying “You get what you deserve, white boy’ (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch ‘for Trayvon’ (Mobile, Ala.).

[I]t’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.



Edited by H1w4yR1da
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Rioting is not the answer.


Would they do it when a Mexican or white dude gets shot by police undeservedly?


Hell no.


The type of people using this as an excuse to riot are the same types who rioted in London a few years back, they were merely criminal scumbags who had nothing other than looting in mind.


Call out the army, declare martial law in the district and shoot these scum on the spot.


Rioting isn't the answer and neither is looting, but what you are doing is conflating the criminals with the genuine peaceful protesters. And why did you have to bring race into this? Just because people don't protest every incident doesn't mean they shouldn't protest some of them.

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Imagine living under this.


“Young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.,” African-American John McWhorter, an English professor and linguist at Columbia University, noted last year.

He continued:

Hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying “You get what you deserve, white boy’ (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch ‘for Trayvon’ (Mobile, Ala.).

[I]t’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.




What on earth are you trying to prove with your post? Don't you think society as a whole and culture has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence and that it has nothing to do with their skin color? By putting the poor people together in the projects and cheaper housing districts it created a cycle of crime, this is a social problem not a racial one.

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What on earth are you trying to prove with your post? Don't you think society as a whole and culture has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence and that it has nothing to do with their skin color? By putting the poor people together in the projects and cheaper housing districts it created a cycle of crime, this is a social problem not a racial one.


No.  Poor people have been rising out of slums and on to a better life since the dawn of time.  There was a time in NYC all the poor people and gangs were Irish.  There was a time when all the poor people and gangs in Chicago were Italian. 

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Today I saw a night time video clip of LEAs holding a "line" on some street. Very far away a number of people were protesting- screaming, daring, who knows. But hey were no closer than 100 meters. Of the three things required to establish threat (capability, proximity, intent) the protestors likely only had intent- at worst they wished the same harm upon the LEAs. Yet an LEA sniper trained a laser target designator on the chest of a citizen no nearer than 100 meters away! How shocking. Everyone a day past basic pistol marksmanship knows you don't put your finger on the trigger until your ready to shoot. "Painting" a target with laser splash to intimidate is effectively the same thing. I doubt this is a valid deterrent tool. American police are increasingly "the" problem. It is with great remorse I note this because under American common law background regional sheriffs have great power and can choose, or not, to enforce Federal mandates.



 Someone in uniform shares your sentiments from yesterday




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Today I saw a night time video clip of LEAs holding a "line" on some street. Very far away a number of people were protesting- screaming, daring, who knows. But hey were no closer than 100 meters. Of the three things required to establish threat (capability, proximity, intent) the protestors likely only had intent- at worst they wished the same harm upon the LEAs. Yet an LEA sniper trained a laser target designator on the chest of a citizen no nearer than 100 meters away! How shocking. Everyone a day past basic pistol marksmanship knows you don't put your finger on the trigger until your ready to shoot. "Painting" a target with laser splash to intimidate is effectively the same thing. I doubt this is a valid deterrent tool. American police are increasingly "the" problem. It is with great remorse I note this because under American common law background regional sheriffs have great power and can choose, or not, to enforce Federal mandates.



 Someone in uniform shares your sentiments from yesterday






This man was a marine. It is still meaningful. However, active duty soldiers are prohibited from participating in such events in uniform, with good reason. When that day comes we will be re-living the late 1850s/1860s. It is inevitable that lines will be drawn, crossed, and people of conscience will decide "Here. Now! No more." The problem is the leviathan amassed against this once free people is so awesome and terrifying that there is no place to run, hide, assemble, educate, and regain freedom. The power of the American government, if assembled for truly nefarious ends, knows no limits. It is truly a dizzying scope of power. Indeed, much of the world has noted recently that the once late great USA has insidiously morphed into something unfamiliar, and unpalatable. Even stars burn brightly before they burn out.


I recognize those who assert America has lost god and had therefore lost its manifest destiny. They are correspondingly correct that a nation without values and collective glue (this is also the common result of unlimited immigration where no effort is made to assimilate) will manifest as the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah did but I am not a christian and assert god will not save the USA by praying. Likewise, the progressive socialists assert an endless consolidation of power in a beneficent central government could hardly be abused (only be a stretch can my nation any longer be called "beneficent"). In both cases the unrestrained amassed power will always distill into tyranny. There are few other roads the consolidation of power in the hands of fewer and fewer can take. There is a very palpable reason the framers enabled the context of the constitution to empower Men should the very thing the framers' feared come to pass- despotism! They believed, as they evidenced in their own lives, that should government become abusive of their limited duties, the People reserved by Natural Rights (Locke; Jefferson) the power to overthrow by arms such tyranny. American is undeniably just short of such days. (I personally believe this is the desired aim of Obama (Alinsky- Rules for Radicals). Under no imaginings have I ever seen Obama willfully stepping down. I just intuit this degree of malfeasance in him. Thus the fracturing of such places as Ferguson make the crisis for Obama to enact policy or implement authority. See R. Emmanuel, CoS Obama). Jeez, there's few elements of municipal or federal government in American that have any remaining restraint. Such is my opinion.

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Imagine living under this.


“Young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.,” African-American John McWhorter, an English professor and linguist at Columbia University, noted last year.

He continued:

Hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying “You get what you deserve, white boy’ (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch ‘for Trayvon’ (Mobile, Ala.).

[I]t’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.




What on earth are you trying to prove with your post? Don't you think society as a whole and culture has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence and that it has nothing to do with their skin color? By putting the poor people together in the projects and cheaper housing districts it created a cycle of crime, this is a social problem not a racial one.



The average black person in America has far more opportunities today than the average white person.  Police, corrections, and fire departments lowered their entry level requirements years ago, in order to hire these people.  The building trades did the same thing.  No one "has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence."  

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Imagine living under this.


“Young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.,” African-American John McWhorter, an English professor and linguist at Columbia University, noted last year.

He continued:


Hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying “You get what you deserve, white boy’ (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch ‘for Trayvon’ (Mobile, Ala.).

[I]t’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.



What on earth are you trying to prove with your post? Don't you think society as a whole and culture has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence and that it has nothing to do with their skin color? By putting the poor people together in the projects and cheaper housing districts it created a cycle of crime, this is a social problem not a racial one.



The average black person in America has far more opportunities today than the average white person.  Police, corrections, and fire departments lowered their entry level requirements years ago, in order to hire these people.  The building trades did the same thing.  No one "has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence."  



You really think it's that easy? Of course no one intentionally put them there, but racism is still inherent in a lot of communities especially in the south among-st employers, if you deny that then you are denying reality. Being spoon fed doesn't help either, affirmative action makes people lazy and stops them from being able to stand on their own. So what are you suggesting then, that black people are born criminals and that this isn't a social issue?

Edited by doctorproc156
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Imagine living under this.


“Young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.,” African-American John McWhorter, an English professor and linguist at Columbia University, noted last year.

He continued:


Hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying “You get what you deserve, white boy’ (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch ‘for Trayvon’ (Mobile, Ala.).

[I]t’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.



What on earth are you trying to prove with your post? Don't you think society as a whole and culture has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence and that it has nothing to do with their skin color? By putting the poor people together in the projects and cheaper housing districts it created a cycle of crime, this is a social problem not a racial one.



The average black person in America has far more opportunities today than the average white person.  Police, corrections, and fire departments lowered their entry level requirements years ago, in order to hire these people.  The building trades did the same thing.  No one "has put black people into an endless spiral of crime and violence."  



You really think it's that easy? Of course no one intentionally put them there, but racism is still inherent in a lot of communities especially in the south among-st employers, if you deny that then you are denying reality. Being spoon fed doesn't help either, affirmative action makes people lazy and stops them from being able to stand on their own. So what are you suggesting then, that black people are born criminals and that this isn't a social issue?



Huh!!!  My statement was very clear.  How did you get "black people are born criminals and this isn't a social issue?"  I simply stated, the average black person in America has far more opportunities today than the average white person.    

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You really think it's that easy? Of course no one intentionally put them there, but racism is still inherent in a lot of communities especially in the south among-st employers, if you deny that then you are denying reality. Being spoon fed doesn't help either, affirmative action makes people lazy and stops them from being able to stand on their own. So what are you suggesting then, that black people are born criminals and that this isn't a social issue?



I wouldn't say blacks are born criminals but the facts show they have a propensity to be attracted to the criminal lifestyle. Lots of black singers sing the praises of gangsters, drugs etc.


I think most if not all black people that have studied hard and made a go of their life are absolutely ashamed by how badly their fellow race can behave. Just as I am ashamed by the white jet trash on this forum that treat Thais as third class citizens in their own country.


Latinos don't seem to have the same chip on their shoulder as blacks when they suffer discrimination and poverty of equal measure. However Latinos are doing quite well for themselves.

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I don't think I would want to be a police officer knowing how well armed some of those civilians are, but then again, I don't think I'd want to be a civilian knowing how well armed the police are either.   

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