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Officially i can't do anything but raise my elbow everyday,because i am retired.But i fly under the radar by helping people around the village.Even planting rice for the King last week.They said i could drive the tractor,but there was no tractor.Good of the King to lay on a few bevvies after.

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I live on a small soi where there is a big garbage pile. I keep saying to myself that one of these days, I'm gonna buy a bunch of garbage bags and bag it all up. There are three big garbage bins right in that spot, but there's always a pile there. The collectors never get it all. Of course if I want the spot to always be free of the eye sore, I'm gonna have to do this regularly.

My contribution is going to be much more humble than what others have said here.

Thanks for starting this thread.

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Having lived on this soi for 3 years now, I've been getting a bit annoyed with the condition of a section of the concrete road. It's only about 3 meters square, but it is at the junction of another road, and the merging of the two roads is a mess. Excess cement was just more or less dumped and allowed to harden, but not before a car or two had driven through it, leaving ruts frozen in time.

Over six months ago I asked my neighbor who is on the township board if he could find laborers to straighten out the work, I would pay for the materials. As an aside, I know this man quite well, having gone with him and his wife and another couple to vacation together at Hua Hin a couple years ago. He drives by my house almost daily, so we see a lot of each other.

He finally got back to me saying that he figured it would cost me about 7,000 baht! I even clarified if he had intended to remove all the old concrete and start over, but he said "No." Good grief, that's a lot for 3 or 4 bags of cement and maybe--though not really needed--a couple pieces of re-bar. I told him that it was too expensive. I then asked about repairing it with asphalt. He said it should be cheaper, and he'd look into it.

Actually I think the job could be done for not much more than 1,000 baht--if that! I'd even have considered as much as 3,000, although that amount is also wildly excessive. Nonetheless, several times while he would drive by as I was working in the garden along the street he'd stop, and we'd discuss it a bit more. He claimed he was always doing a bit more checking, etc.

Actually I think he's hoping that I forget about the whole idea. He's most likely embarrassed having told his boss or his boss's boss that the rich farang could be tapped for whatever amount they desired. But there's another face-saving dynamic going on as well, I suspect. They don't like the idea of foreigners seeing deficiencies in their running of the government here, and then our taking over and trying to correct what they messed up. That aspect for sure is not what I'm all about.

If it would ever be allowed in this country, could you imagine the nightmare of being a sitting board member on a government agency here?

I was--and still am--simply wanting to get the road smoothened out a bit better, that's all. And, of course, now if on my own I were to do it under cover of darkness, they'd surely know who was responsible. I wonder how that would go over?! Best not find out.

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I donate blood sometimes. I give money to the homeless sometimes. I will soon pay taxes. I spend my money.

I am waiting for someone to say sperm donation. There's gotta be a lot of that around these parts.

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