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Russian tourist found dead in Phuket hotel with 7 stab wounds


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Reminds my of the case when they found a body 30 years ago in a locked suit case hanging off a pier in Naklua. Police verdict was worse case of suicide that month. Seems like their level of detective work has remained consistent despite logic.

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Reminds my of the case when they found a body 30 years ago in a locked suit case hanging off a pier in Naklua. Police verdict was worse case of suicide that month. Seems like their level of detective work has remained consistent despite logic.

let's not forget the farang about 4 years ago who committed suicide by decapitating himself and then jumping off a bridge.
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Police concluded that he committed suicide.


How in the name of anything holy did they come to that conclusion. Defensive wounds on both arms, 7 stab wounds to the chest and they close the case as a suicide???? Unbelievable.

Probably because they have seen the body, and all you have is conflicting, unreliable news reports.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

With all the cameras any hotels have around , I guess it will be easy to see with whom this guy came back before his death ....

Much too obvious!

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This is almost in line with the discovery of a body in an apartment some years ago in Pattaya where the deceased,found face down on the bed, his hands tied behind his back and a plastic bag tied over his head.

Girlfriend Noi contacted the BIB who soon concluded that it was a suicide.

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Not exactly Nippon style ritual suicide. More brilliant police work. No wonder this police force has won so many international prizes. Do they get training to come to the suicide conclusions? Stabbing yourself 7 times, and mysteriously getting defensive woulds in the process? The American crime labs would have a field day with this one. Here no crime labs are necessary. It is a good thing they are not necessary, as they are only stocked with equipment that is a generation old. In this case, they call the same police officer who built the third stage rocket boosters for NASA, and he came to this astounding conclusion himself.

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The gashes on both arms would plainly be sustained in defense, unfortunately not sufficient to prevent the outcome. If this was not so tragic it would be comical. A strong contender for the "head in a plastic bag hanging from a Bangkok bridge" as being the most ridiculous suicide in history.

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Suicide is a possibility. A guy in severe depression, perhaps on drugs (crystal meth is rife in Phuket) could slash his arms and then stab himself in the torso multiple times. Not saying this was the case, but why is everyone so eager for a murder? Too many episodes of Dexter me thinks.

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Suicide Sure why not its Russian If Thai there would have been an investigation

Gashes in both arms and 7 knife wounds to the chest Not even an insane person can deal with the pain that a self inflicted wound would cause if self administered . How on earth could he have given himself 7 wounds

Looks like an out of control hand did it.

Common do you expect us the believe that this is suicide . Words do not come to me about what I think about this investigation

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You've gotta love the Thai Police........ Reminds me of a case of a former colleague of mine who had married a Thai lady, moved to Suphanburi, and mysteriously after one year of moving all his assetts to Thailand in his wifes name, was found in a pond behind his house. He was found to have been shot, stabbed, tied up, and with a plastic bag on his head.......... Verdict: Suicide ! I think even Houdini would of been proud of that little feat of magic........ Mind you, the investigating officer was a relation of his wife.......... And all lived happily ever after in my friends nice new house.............. Amazing Thailand........ Sorry for the young Russian man, mind you i can see a Russian investigation coming, and you can bet that will not be pretty........ I bet the LB will soon revert back to Somchai very quickly.......

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All I know for sure is how ridiculous this country behaves without an ounce of common sense.

From the top down, the RTP believe that they can say what ever they want without substantiation.

What is really offensive is that they think that they are believable.

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According to antoher news source his wrist were slit, and there were no other wounds.

Somehow that seems more likely, and makes suicide a plausible cause.

I would not trust the media here to get their fact straight the first or second report, so shouting 'injustice' seems premature.

The usual suspects jump in at any opportunity to slag off.Havent you realized yet that the report is there to wind you up.The true story will evolve later.

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Suicide?? "deep gashes on both arms" possibly defensive wounds. Did he change hands to stab himself in both arms before fatally stabbing himself 7 times in the chest. There is no way I would turn up to a crime scene like this and go nothing to see here it's a simple suicide. This would be treated as a suspicious death possibly murder.

Multiple personalities?

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Reminds my of the case when they found a body 30 years ago in a locked suit case hanging off a pier in Naklua. Police verdict was worse case of suicide that month. Seems like their level of detective work has remained consistent despite logic.

let's not forget the farang about 4 years ago who committed suicide by decapitating himself and then jumping off a bridge.

You got it wrong mate,he decapitated himself by jumping off the bridge,rope too long.Worst front page i have ever seen.

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