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Acceptance of Muslims in Thai South 'will cut violent attacks'


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Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

THE MINORITY ARE IRRELEVANT watch this video which is the best explanation that anyone can give when someone like you jumps are screams Islamamphobia or the majority of muslims are peaceful THEN GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSES for them again.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

You're wrong.

Pretty Normal answer from a Liberal when they are presented with the truth either call the person a racist or just say your wrong LOL

I rest my case

I wouldn't call you a racist, however your post is full of misinformation and right wing propaganda. Your 25% stat in particular is just pure nonsense. There is no basis for this or any way of assessing such a figure except through right wing 'lets make up a statistic because we want it to be true' propagandists.

The Thai Muslims in the South do have genuine grievances, none that justify the actions of terrorist scum, but they do exist. The changes made when the degree of autonomy they had enjoyed was withdraw, and the subsequent events that led to the death of a large number of people protesting at these changes, were the catalyst for the current situation.

Nothing justifies terrorism for me, those who kill in the name of god or political viewpoint are deluded or blind to any truth but the one in their own heads. However, it is wrong to condemn all Muslims because of the actions of those who kill for 'the cause'.

All that does is alienate those Muslims who do not support violence.

Intolerance and the divisive politics of this ilk damage society and ultimately lead to the situation we see in the South.

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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

Diamond King, you probably shouldn't read this, as while I am not a "lefty liberal", I do believe that the most intelligent & reasonable voice on this thread is Bluespunk.

"25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide"

I know of no reputable agency anywhere that claims 25% of Muslims are terrorists. I think you'd be hard pressed to get even the Pope to back you on that one.

"..their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah"

I suggest that this probably the same with Christian missionaries. Not all Muslims are proselytisers, nor are all Christians.

"iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up"

Well, Indonesia's numbers are already pretty well up. Over 200 million Muslims. That's 50 million terrorists by your reckoning. Yet when some extremists blew up Australians in Bali, the Australian Federal Police were extremely complimentary about the cooperation they received from Indonesian (Muslim) police in tracking the b-------- down.

And have you not noticed that there are Muslims peacefully co-existing with Buddhists in many parts of Thailand? I have - in Mae Sot, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, and Pai to name a few towns that I know reasonably well. No bombs, killings, even angry words there. Buddhist friends have invited me to join them in a new Muslim restaurant that they found that does great Kao soi.

The problems on the Malaysian border stem from the British colonial era, when the British "gave" that piece of land - which was populated by Malay Muslims - to the Thai King. The people there still resist that today. I totally disapprove of the acts of violence, but understand the historical motivation that drives a desire for autonomy. Personally, I don't see why they aren't given some "limited autonomy". It worked to stop those Welsh nationalists burning down houses 40 years ago.

You should probably educate yourself on how it all works within ISLAM because it is very clear you have no idea based on your examples above.

First how many muslims are extremists well here is a link with a gazillion polls and you get all spectrums depending how much of the country is controlled by Muslims and it has both pro and con on the number of extremists in the Muslim world either way there is a Big number of them that want us dead.


The difference between Muslims and Christians is they are not killing and exterminating muslims to take over countrys such as in Iraq Syria and Nigeria


This is ALREADY Muslim country that means they already live under Islamic Law meaning any other religions are a 2nd class citizens and persecuted by the Muslims, churches being destroyed just as they are in other countires around the world

Any country that has already established an Islamic state will of couse have acheived their goal

Muslims living in peace around Thailand

Yes that is because they are a tiny minority, as they become more in numbers this is where the problems start to arise

This video should shows you how it works there are 3 stages to Islamic Jihad, i doubt you will watch the video without just calling it as the Liberals usually do Islamaphobia but any normal sane person that can see the truth has to agree with it


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Probably said over and over again already but how's about the Muslims have respect for the majority populace they live among? Not going to happen; my way or the highway (ie: die!). Not that any respect afforded them would make a difference; they want their own state with zero tolerance to boot... the nutty brigade that is.

And neither will Thais go out of their way; they are pretty xenophobic when it comes down to it. This will go on for a loooong time.

Edited by daveAustin
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"I see it all the time at Big-C and around town. They act quite condescending toward Thais. "

Yes I have sat with older Muslim men down there and watch how they whistled and called out at the Thai women driving by. Hypocrisy at the core. Also having the audacity to write articles about needing "acceptance" with all the murders of monks, their security guards, young soldiers from Issan, etc. This article is BS.

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With Islam there is no separation of the State and the religion.

This, I think, lies at the fundamental root of the problem. A Muslim sees it as his religious obligation to promote Islam, which effectively means the end goal is to establish a caliphate.

Some choose to do it "peacefully" and others go for the violent option.

The "peaceful" option is, for example, shown in Britain. Taking advantage of the "multi-culturalism" , they arrive, build mosques, hold Shariah courts, gradually infiltrate the schools and move into politics. Slowly moving towards their aim. Slowly chipping away, bit by bit, as they work towards their goal.

The short term ambition is to increase the Muslim population of the world from the current 1.5 billion to 2 billion by 2020.

For those in the deep South of Thailand, the only "acceptance" they will accept is to be allowed to form an independent caliphate, and thereby being able to tick off another part of the globe as governed by Islam.

Just go and ask any Muslim, anywhere in the world, where his allegiance lies.

The answer is "Islam".

Go and ask the rest and you will be answered, "I am Swedish, I am French, I am Italian, I am Thai".

Plenty of analysis that does not support your supposition that the large majority of Thai Muslims in the deep South are seeking seperation from Thailand, this is an agenda being promoted by a small minority; the militants.

Whilst it's off topic, as are some of the comments in your post, have a look at the ten most common myths about Muslim immigrants.


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"Nonsense. Islam has its extremists like all religions"

Please provide links to extremists in Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, or that matter of fact any in the recent Catholic, or Christian jihad activity.



Buddhists…..Burma and Sri Lanka both have had extremist elements attacking minorities.

Christians…….Central African Republic and other African countries [remember the LRA?], Serbia and Croatia, Russia's record in it's Muslim majority regions is not good, though I admit, improving.


Extremists exist everywhere.

commonality seems to be a thing called GOD

whatever that is

it seems to be worth killing and dying for

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Part of out Track project extended across the border at Pedang basar , so I spent quite a bit of time there . The locals Speak Malay, Women wear the Hajib, take Malay currency and have there day off on a Friday , they don't seem like they are falling over themselves to integrate with Thai's imo

Correct and it is the same all over the world just watch this video which CLEARLY SHOWS its the same in every country they dont want to assimilate they want to dominate

For those that take the time to watch it you will see THE EXACT SAME thing happening in every country they are in

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.
Which is exactly the sort of thing we were told about global communism in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That was incorrect. As are many of the wild allegations being made about Islam and the end of the world as we know it.

Extremists are called extremists because they are.

What they represent is not the mainstream view.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.
THere are

Which is exactly the sort of thing we were told about global communism in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That was incorrect. As are many of the wild allegations being made about Islam and the end of the world as we know it.

Extremists are called extremists because they are. What they do not represent is the mainstream view.

I don't know about this 'end of the world' talk you are referring to. But, I do know that there are plenty of uneducated people out there who are making wild accusations about Islam. But, this does not change the fact, that, unlike the propaganda spread about communism, the violent aggression of Jihad Muslims is REAL. And it is, in fact, spreading. There were not Muslims setting off bombs and killing random people in Thailand 20 years ago.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

And before all of the ideologies you mentioned, a long time before, were the Muslims.

And they are still here.

And they hate us.

And have for over a thousand years.

The difference is that they now have oil money and a lot of it.

Make no mistake all this turmoil is funded, in one way or another, by the Saudis.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin uWall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.
THere are

Which is exactly the sort of thing we were told about global communism in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That was incorrect. As are many of the wild allegations being made about Islam and the end of the world as we know it.

Extremists are called extremists because they are. What they do not represent is the mainstream view.

I don't know about this 'end of the world' talk you are referring to. But, I do know that there are plenty of uneducated people out there who are making wild accusations about Islam. But, this does not change the fact, that, unlike the propaganda spread about communism, the violent aggression of Jihad Muslims is REAL. And it is, in fact, spreading. There were not Muslims setting off bombs and killing random people in Thailand 20 years ago.

Wasn't the same conflict in the sixties and seventies being played out in the South?

May not have been bombs going off (I don't know if there were or not), but there was a lot of violence and death.

The dismantling of the apparatus set up after the conflict ended, not Islam, led to the current violence.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.
Which is exactly the sort of thing we were told about global communism in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That was incorrect. As are many of the wild allegations being made about Islam and the end of the world as we know it.

Extremists are called extremists because they are.

What they represent is not the mainstream view.

Absolute rubbish.

Mainstream Muslims, the so called moderates, do not condemn the extremists and are complicit in their non action nor speaking out against them.

One Muslim man, a doctor, has publicly condemned what is happening currently in ISIS...and now has received death threats over his stance. All this in Australia of all places, one of the most easy going countries in the modern world.

Not true. Many Islamic scholars, community and religious leaders have condemned violence in the name of Islam.

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.

Off topic:

Nonsense, have a look at the history of the Cold War

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Not true. Many Islamic scholars, community and religious leaders have condemned violence in the name of Islam.

Your ignorance is so blantant on this subject its not even funny

When muslims speak out about something UNISLAMIC or against Islam it is in the tens of thousands demonstrating on the streets of Europe and America just like the recent demonstrations on GAZA where Muslims came out in droves to support HAMAS and Gaza

THAT is leaders speaking out as well as so called Moderate muslims demonstrating

That has NEVER HAPPENED when Muslims commit atrocities in the name of Islam, when have we ever seen demonstrations AGAINST these so called Extremist in the numbers that showed up to support HAMAS


And you know why ?


they send a few scholars to verbally denouce it (called TAQUIYA) to apease us

Its very clear where Muslims allegianes lie and that is to ISLAM first and foremost

Before you call me ignorant you need to take a long hard look in a mirror. Equally your ignorance isn't funny, however it is dangerously worrying.

Islamic scholars and leaders have spoken out against terrorism and the scum behind it. You ignore this because it doesn't suit your argument that all Muslims support violence. Those who speak against violence do so because they recognise it is wrong.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Not true. Many Islamic scholars, community and religious leaders have condemned violence in the name of Islam.

Your ignorance is so blantant on this subject its not even funny

When muslims speak out about something UNISLAMIC or against Islam it is in the tens of thousands demonstrating on the streets of Europe and America just like the recent demonstrations on GAZA where Muslims came out in droves to support HAMAS and Gaza

THAT is leaders speaking out as well as so called Moderate muslims demonstrating

That has NEVER HAPPENED when Muslims commit atrocities in the name of Islam, when have we ever seen demonstrations AGAINST these so called Extremist in the numbers that showed up to support HAMAS


And you know why ?


they send a few scholars to verbally denouce it (called TAQUIYA) to apease us

Its very clear where Muslims allegianes lie and that is to ISLAM first and foremost

Before you call me ignorant you need to take a long hard look in a mirror. Except your ignorance isn't funny, it's dangerously worrying.

Islamic scholars and leaders have spoken out against terrorism and the scum behind it. You ignore this because it doesn't suit your argument that all Muslims support violence. Those who speak against violence do so because they recognise it is wrong.

No actually I study this stuff inside out its happening all over the world wherever Muslims lay their heads I have posted video above that I know you have not even bothered to watch because if you had you would have to denounce what muslims say and what the Quaran says.

The Quaran is gods word to muslims and no muslim will question it not even a moderate muslim and when you know that and have read the Quran like I have you will then see who the real ignorant and uneducagted one is

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I remember the good ol' days when it was just the Communists who were trying to take over the world. When them pesky Commies were the ones wanting to rape our women and kill our children and steal the cars from our garages and break our tv sets - or at least make us watch Russian documentaries on steel production - a fate, at that time, worse than being beheaded. We nearly had an extinct planet as the USSR made friends with Cuba and thereby threatened the USA. A whole spy industry was built around them evil Commies. Books written. Movies made. They had evil mishappen faces, cold, cruel eyes, harsh accents and wore clothes that looked like hessian bags. They mistreated their women (most of them were so ugly we didn't sympathise at all. If they were gorgeous, they would fall in love with an English spy and flee to the West). They didn't even drink beer, only some poisonous stuff called Wodka. Then them damned Commies stuffed it all up by tearing down the Berlin Wall!! Hollywood was furious.

After the Russkis it was the Chinese Hordes - the Yellow Peril. They are still a possibility to be recycled for the future, but Hollywood won't make movies about them due to economic considerations. (Maybe some subtitles and if the movie is a hit in Beijing you're made for life). For a little while those North Koreans had a bit of a go at being the official enemy of freedom, Macdonalds and six-packs. They weren't up to it, even with help from Dennis Rodman. Now of course it's the Muslims. I wonder who'll be next????

Unlike the Russians and Chinese, the Jihading Muslims (Specifically) have made it clear through aggressive action they are intent on forcing their will on anyone they can. They (Jihading Muslims) are making themselves out to be the 'bad guys', not Hollywood.
Which is exactly the sort of thing we were told about global communism in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That was incorrect. As are many of the wild allegations being made about Islam and the end of the world as we know it.

Extremists are called extremists because they are.

What they represent is not the mainstream view.

Absolute rubbish.

Mainstream Muslims, the so called moderates, do not condemn the extremists and are complicit in their non action nor speaking out against them.

One Muslim man, a doctor, has publicly condemned what is happening currently in ISIS...and now has received death threats over his stance. All this in Australia of all places, one of the most easy going countries in the modern world.

He was threathened via social media by the Oz guy with IS in Syria, not the local Muslim moderate community leaders who have supported him and others condemning IS


Edited by simple1
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Its time you stopped playing the "its not me game" Bluespunk, you are the problem just as much as your so called enemy extremists. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Sit there telling everyone that you are misunderstood, that it is only a minority doing all this in 26 countries across the globe. Its time you Muslims then stood up for what you believe to be the true peaceful Islam and vanquish these spots from your record. Where are your armies fighting to restore your good name? Surely any side or religion would support them right?


I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

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Not true. Many Islamic scholars, community and religious leaders have condemned violence in the name of Islam.

Your ignorance is so blantant on this subject its not even funny

When muslims speak out about something UNISLAMIC or against Islam it is in the tens of thousands demonstrating on the streets of Europe and America just like the recent demonstrations on GAZA where Muslims came out in droves to support HAMAS and Gaza

THAT is leaders speaking out as well as so called Moderate muslims demonstrating

That has NEVER HAPPENED when Muslims commit atrocities in the name of Islam, when have we ever seen demonstrations AGAINST these so called Extremist in the numbers that showed up to support HAMAS


And you know why ?


they send a few scholars to verbally denouce it (called TAQUIYA) to apease us

Its very clear where Muslims allegianes lie and that is to ISLAM first and foremost

Before you call me ignorant you need to take a long hard look in a mirror. Except your ignorance isn't funny, it's dangerously worrying.

Islamic scholars and leaders have spoken out against terrorism and the scum behind it. You ignore this because it doesn't suit your argument that all Muslims support violence. Those who speak against violence do so because they recognise it is wrong.

No actually I study this stuff inside out its happening all over the world wherever Muslims lay their heads I have posted video above that I know you have not even bothered to watch because if you had you would have to denounce what muslims say and what the Quaran says.

The Quaran is gods word to muslims and no muslim will question it not even a moderate muslim and when you know that and have read the Quran like I have you will then see who the real ignorant and uneducagted one is

Oh I do see. Believe me I do.

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I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

If you have read the Koran and the hadith then and look at the news, you should be having a problem with Islam, it certainly has a problem with us the non believer, it is written.

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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

THE MINORITY ARE IRRELEVANT watch this video which is the best explanation that anyone can give when someone like you jumps are screams Islamamphobia or the majority of muslims are peaceful THEN GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSES for them again.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

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Its time you stopped playing the "its not me game" Bluespunk, you are the problem just as much as your so called enemy extremists. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Sit there telling everyone that you are misunderstood, that it is only a minority doing all this in 26 countries across the globe. Its time you Muslims then stood up for what you believe to be the true peaceful Islam and vanquish these spots from your record. Where are your armies fighting to restore your good name? Surely any side or religion would support them right?


I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

Like i said before your posts contain no substance or validity, I have posted a lot of evidence to support my stance you on the other hand like a typical lefty sympathizer only throw insults when you cannot debate against the facts actually presented.

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I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

If you have read the Koran and the hadith then and look at the news, you should be having a problem with Islam, it certainly has a problem with us the non believer, it is written.

He has not and is ignorant and does not even know what he is talking about just a typical lefty Liberal sympathizer

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