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I was in the process to get married with my gf and after I fixed the 400,000 baht requirement, and everything else, I bump on the French Embassy and their requirement to authorize me to get married in Thailand.

First why I need to ask permission? Am I not supposed to take this decision with my future spouse and big brother should stay out of my personal affair?

Then, they ask a lot of documents, where I live in France, my taxes etc... well is this related to marriage? In my case I am 10 years out of France and do not do any business in France, so how I can answer to these questions?

I thought it was just a matter to check if I am married already which I am not and can be verified very easily!?

Finally, they ask 2 month delay minimum (but can be whatever more!)... then where I will stay and with which Visa if they take all this time?

This is totally awful, does anyone here went to this process and is there a way to expedite it?

Here is the sh*t for the ones who can read French: http://www.ambafrance-th.org/IMG/pdf/mariage_2013.pdf?4243/49f8e02127039f81b87b69c622987ac516419e94


Its normal dude . If u want marry with Thai lady . Its Thailand ask to show ur income .not France embassy & u need show paper ur not married its take abt 5 week . They will show some paper in town city wre u live in France for 3 or 4 week ur going married .example if someone sont allow u get married he have to prouve it .example ur in divorce or something like that . Translate paper & get paper ur single take easy 6 week

But for income its Thai immigration ask its normal . Problem as u said u was not in France if u was in some country did u get some paper salary so normally they can accept .if not u should ask them example l m rich Lol .

Before u married make contract .if u have already condo car ex .u have to do paper everything u have before u married then when u divorce if u married in Thai . She can take only half wat u buy when u was married


Go to Cambodia . I guess ur French Lol . I m also French u can go Cambodia and take visa 20 dollar 30 day + another 30 days or take business visa 25$ u can extend to 1 year . I have friend girl Khmer in Phnom phen . She can help u for find room u can find easy guest house in siem reap or Phnom phen under 10 dollar day .or u can ho Malaysia to Penang u dnt need visa ur France u can stay 3 month just take look how much guest house for make ur budget

Why l need permission is French rules

Certificat de capacite de marriage . If ur French u need it .its rules


I just call the Embassy, have to wait mid October to just get an appointment to start the process, this not includes +2 months to get the papers done, so 4 months minimum just to get the certificate... <deleted>?

Do you suggest I move to Cambodia with my girlfriend? I went to Penang already, nice place, 2 hours from here.

But I really want to stay in Thailand

Je parle en Anglais car la regle sur ce forum est de poster en Anglais, sinon ils effaceront le thread.

Go to Cambodia . I guess ur French Lol . I m also French u can go Cambodia and take visa 20 dollar 30 day + another 30 days or take business visa 25$ u can extend to 1 year . I have friend girl Khmer in Phnom phen . She can help u for find room u can find easy guest house in siem reap or Phnom phen under 10 dollar day .or u can ho Malaysia to Penang u dnt need visa ur France u can stay 3 month just take look how much guest house for make ur budget

Why l need permission is French rules

Certificat de capacite de marriage . If ur French u need it .its rules


I was going married in 2006 when l hade 22 years but l didn't . Lucky

Yes l been to French embassy for make translate paper cost expenssive but u can go another office is much cheaper . As l told u certificat of marriage .first u need put all document to french embassy make translate paper ur document & ur gf its take time then when u complete all document then they will send paper to france

they need send from France embassy in Thai to France then show in ur city ur going married they will keep show for 4 week to 5 week then waiting paper back to Thailand .

U can go try ask tourist visa in Laos . U take some prouve ur doing for married .

Everyone want stay Thailand not only u but its rules start procedure and complete take easy 2 month . Many people come Thai make document bcs u should be here for give them document its take time after that wait certificate of marriage take 45 days many guy back country .but dont worry this certificate its available for 1 year and normaly ur gf can go take certificate alone

.its everything up to ur budget .dont make overstay . Better u go to Penang or another country waiting . Its just 2 month Thailand will not move xd


Thats totally unfair, germans as well are bullied by their own government. Need tons of papers of the thai girl which is non of their business.... I hate may country...

British guys just swear something like an oath at the embassy and get the damned paper showing that they are single...


This is a complete putain de nightmare, especially if you don't live in BKK.

Me too, I just want the bloody paper saying I'm not married. The process to get it is 10 times longer, more expensive and more complicated than to get actually married.

Most idiotic thing is that they need a freshly printed birth certificate to start the process. But you also need to give one to pick up this affirmation to marry. By the time it is ready, the birth certificate has expired and you need to get an new one! How can a birth certificate become expired????? 3 months and 3 trips to bkk, two with the future wife, a pile of useless documents, just to get a stupid piece of paper saying I am single, how retarded is that? Just give me my paper already and mind your f business you bunch of useless retards.

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