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Hi everyone.

So after admitting to BNH in Bangkok with some stomach issues my gallbladder finally became inflamed again. I decided to go ahead with surgery it was 10 minute decision and up I go to surgial unit. Procedure was carried out by Dr Yongsun. Weird thing in Chiang Rai on ultrasound I had some small stones 3-5mm in Chiang Mai only 1 in BNH Nothing!!!

Anyway first day was on something similar to morphine as pain from gas was intesnse day 2-3 were better but in terms of PAIN its horrible. I limited my painkillers to celebrex 400mg once a day and one tylenol before sleep since day 2. Been off painkillers since day 4. Flew back on Friday (had to carry some heavy bag think was a mistake stiches got sore)

Anyway here are some questions:

1. Nausea this seems to come and go in waves I cant seems to pin point what is causing it. Its worth saying out my stool test showed bacteria Aeromonas (given cipro for 3 days).

2. Sometimes severe lower abdominal pains (intestinal areas). Today was quite severe burnign that made me sweat, I popped on a loo and my god DID whatever was coming out BURNED like pure acid. Is that bile? Does this go away?

3. Dizziness now this wasnt there that much on days after surgery but starting since yesterday it has been pretty intense making driving difficult, going to shopping center I loose concentration the more things around me the worse it gets.

4. When can I sleep on my right side or stomach? stitches specially the one under belly button is the most painful one.

5. Tiredness that seems to be there as well TODAY IS DAY 6 post op.

Worth mentioning I was diagnosed with Celiac disease but mild or just beginning according to the doc.

Thank you


Hi. I had my gallbladder (and an accompanying gallstone the size of a large olive) removed two years ago at the general hospital in Sakon Nakhon, via laparoscopic surgery, and had none of the symptoms you are describing. In fact I had absolutely no problems whatsoever. Every patient is different of course, but those are pretty acute symptoms you are experiencing. I was told the biggest danger post surgery is infection and internal bleeding. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but if it were me I would seek an immediate appointment with a suitably qualified surgeon or specialist. At least get yourself to a local doctor tomorrow and get it checked out.

Hopefully someone more qualified than me will chip in, but seriously - it's not like you've got a bit of a headache or a sore toe!


The nausea could be due to the cipro or other meds but at 6 days post op the pain is unusual, as is the dizziness.

See a doctor.


I had my very badly infected gall bladder removed while in Kuwait. Left a very large scar but it was a long way from my belly button..

Also advise to see a surgeon for his opinion.



Hi. I had my gallbladder (and an accompanying gallstone the size of a large olive) removed two years ago at the general hospital in Sakon Nakhon, via laparoscopic surgery, and had none of the symptoms you are describing. In fact I had absolutely no problems whatsoever. Every patient is different of course, but those are pretty acute symptoms you are experiencing. I was told the biggest danger post surgery is infection and internal bleeding. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but if it were me I would seek an immediate appointment with a suitably qualified surgeon or specialist. At least get yourself to a local doctor tomorrow and get it checked out.

Hopefully someone more qualified than me will chip in, but seriously - it's not like you've got a bit of a headache or a sore toe!

Same here, had mine removed in Chiang Mai 8 years ago appx by Dr. Sandhu Trichak.

In and out in 24 hours, I think a couple of stitches around my navel and no problems since.

Sounds as if you have unusual symptoms especially pain.

Head back to the Dr. or a local Dr. as mentioned above, for a check up.


I think you should immediately follow up with a physician. I do not believe you should be having this experience as described. A concurrent condition you note, and cirpofloxin (perhaps!), could be compounding your experience. Please don't procrastinate this. The body can be quite adept at masking until something is quite serious, especially GI/Biliary. Please consult someone smarter than the PC.


I had stayed at BNH for almost a week, 3rd day after surgery I asked for one more ultrasound everything was normal. Doctor said if I had a bleeding I wouldnt be walking around or even talking to him and it has been 8 days since op already.

I stopped taking cipro, feeling a little bit better. Dizziness not so bad and nausea seems to be a bit better. What bothers me is this dull pain under right ribs (like before I had GB out but much milder) still uncomfortable.

yesterday I went to Chiang Mai Ram to a surgeon who specializes in this field and He was suppose to originally do this surgery for me on 26th (but I couldnt wait cuz of the pain). He was the worst doc I visited (surely because I decided to do it in BKK) since he wasnt like this before surgery. He peeled of stitches, said OK and sent me back home, I asked a few questions and he said no its not normal and just carried on walking. <deleted>?

  • 7 months later...

Good thread I found through the search, so thanks everyone.
I am meeting with a surgeon tomorrow morning to review mys ultrasound and catscan.
I have had what are believed to be 6 gallbladder attacks in the past two weeks.
For the past 3 days I have been fine but have watched my diet to the point of complete insanity and am eating under my needed calories.
I almost wanna test eating something bad to make sure I still have an issues before tomorrow.
But, it seems like if their is an issue that the tests show that it should come out.
I have a family history of gallbladder issues and my grandmother waited so long she ended up with infections that effected other organs.


By the way.. I would be very grateful if someone could share some information on gallbladder disease symptoms and treatment..

Something like this What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease? Just in case anybody has smth useful to read..

Thanks in advance for any contribution

Do a liver gallbladder flush. It might just help you without the need for surgery or medication or radical diets.



By the way.. I would be very grateful if someone could share some information on gallbladder disease symptoms and treatment..

Something like this What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease? Just in case anybody has smth useful to read..

Thanks in advance for any contribution

Soem good overviews:




Please disregard advice re so-called "liver flush"es. they do nto in any way "fludh" the liver and the liver in any event is not where the problem lies. These mainly comnsist of consuming a large amount of an oil plus a purgative such as epsom salts. Consumption of a large amount of oil will, it is true, cause a large discharge of bile into the intestines. In someone with gallstones this may trigger a massive and very painful attack of biliary colic, not at all wise.

The combo of oil plus purgative results in loose stools full of bile and oil, the bile emulsifies the fat in a way that produces soapy blobs and those who promulgate this type of quack cure lead people to believe these are stones being passed. they are not.

See http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/flushes.html


By the way.. I would be very grateful if someone could share some information on gallbladder disease symptoms and treatment..

Something like this What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Disease? Just in case anybody has smth useful to read..

Thanks in advance for any contribution

Soem good overviews:




Please disregard advice re so-called "liver flush"es. they do nto in any way "fludh" the liver and the liver in any event is not where the problem lies. These mainly comnsist of consuming a large amount of an oil plus a purgative such as epsom salts. Consumption of a large amount of oil will, it is true, cause a large discharge of bile into the intestines. In someone with gallstones this may trigger a massive and very painful attack of biliary colic, not at all wise.

The combo of oil plus purgative results in loose stools full of bile and oil, the bile emulsifies the fat in a way that produces soapy blobs and those who promulgate this type of quack cure lead people to believe these are stones being passed. they are not.

See http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/flushes.html

Have you ever done a liver/gallbladder flush? I don't think so.

I have done a couple of them and I didn't produce any stones but I did notice an improvement in health as a result of doing the flush.

It really is a bit of an 'oil and grease' change and many people as you can see on the forum on the above link have benefitted enormously from them.

Scaremongering about doing the flush is just that as I have never heard of anyone dying from a flush yet I have heard many people have died from surgery!

Quoting quackwatch means nothing as they are anti everything and have lost lots of court cases as well.

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