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Thailand gets tough of jet ski scammers


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I would really hope the whole jetski business is eradicated from the beaches here in Thailand... They are as useless as chlamydia !!!

I agree. Shut 'em down completely. Let 'em sell the machines to another 3rd world country. Buyers beware: Each jetski will have one bit of damage. That one bit of damage (per machine) has reaped millions of baht for jetski scammers. I've heard the extortionists will fill the dent with something (putty or vaseline or...?) and perhaps spray it over to match the jetski color. then, when the machine returns, they'll quickly wipe the junk away and, voila! instant dent - which much have been caused by jetski renter. Oh, goody, let's demand 60,000 baht. If they make a fuss, we'll settle for as low as 30,000. ha ha ha

p.s. south Asians (Indians, Pakistani) seem to be prime targets. I'm surprised some enterprising farang haven't taken some dynamic and/or clandestine action to deal with it brusquely. I have some ideas on that, but would hesitate to publish them here.

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Perhaps The NCPO should get TAT to do a survey among visitors and residents to find out exactly what they do and don't want before making assumptions which could be harmful, rather than helpful, to boosting the domestic and international tourist trade.

Lots of sensible ideas, but whoever expected TAT or Thai bosses to be sensible? They're adept at putting their hand out to get payments, ....but not much else.

A survey? The only survey that TAT could possible put together would be one which asked the following questions:

>>> What is it you like best about Thailand?

>>> Have you see the beautiful temples in town?

>>> Do you like Thai cuisine?

>>> What is your favorite Thai dish?

....fluff like that. TAT doesn't give a gnat's ass what farang tourists are really thinking. they just want to shuttle us to the most expensive venues, have us spend lotsa money, then 10 days later: 'bye bye, see you.'

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Am I the only one who is bored to death of this subject, and the so called getting tough on Jet Ski scammers.

I never hired one, and don't understand the 'go for it whilst on holiday' attitude of hiring a powerful machine, and with areas of innocent swimmers who could be injured, because of lack of control. It's a direct similarity to a moped driver being put into a Jag XK8, and putting one's foot down in sports' mode.

The subject bores me - as nothing real ever gets done about it on a legal sense. However, it is the visitors'/travellers' responsibility to decide what is of their interest. There's always morons who want to <deleted?k about beaches to impress. How many Grandpas/Grandads does one see hire a Jet-Ski?

For a subject that bores you, you do seem to spend an awful lot of time on it. In fact you spend more time on it than you allow them to do it. You give them one hour and a half and start whining on it. As UI have said previously you probably never got up to take a leek in that time much less go and see if the announcement had made any changes.

I know for some like you in can be complicated but some things' take time There is no magic it takes planning and time to put it into action.

Now go back to your whining. Thaksin is not coming back on a big white horse to save Thailand from honesty. Live with it or move to Dubai and get closer to him there.

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This thread seems like deja vu. Didn't we have this same exact announcement a few months ago? And i think a few of these same responses too!!

Not really they announced that they were going to clamp down on the jet ski owners and had come to some sort of agreement with the operators.

This one is being more definite about what they are going to do. I haven't heard any complaints since the last announcement so I do wonder. It would seem that there has been some so they are increasing the pressure on the operators.

As for the same responses that is all they know how to say if it is Pro reform.

Seems to me they had to go at the taxi drivers three times. We were in Phuket two weeks ago and while I feel the cab prices where high as compared to here in Chiang Mai or Bangkok they were all the same. So apparently they have made some progress there. Didn't try the tuck tucks so can't say as to the price on them. We strictly cabbed it. Nephew paid.

Taxis in Bangkok are at least 50% cheaper and always have been ,used them for 12 years

Thanks for backing me up on that. I have only used them in Bangkok a few times.

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There is a simple solution to solving the jet-ski scammer problem; DONT HIRE ANY JET_SKIS WHILE ON VACATION ! Problem solved !! Not rocket-science is it? ALL tourists steer clear of ALL Jet-ski operators. There. I've said me half-penny's worth !

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Plenty of complainers before the coup about nothing being done, and plenty afterwards now that action is being taken.

Go Thai Army, Navy, Marines and others.

The complainers are still complaining. They are hard wired into complaining. With out it they would have no enjoyment in life.

Notice on this one the announcement was only out an hour and a half and the complaining was in full overdrive.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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Getting tough, means imposing fines into the millions of baht, confiscating the equipment permanently, or for sustained periods, thereby imposing financial hardship, and in the case of proven acts of intimidation or violence, against their customers, prison terms of one to five years, where the inmate gets the enjoy the company of his new boyfriends. In addition to permanent forfeiture of the equipment, the license, and the franchise. Permanent, and not subject to appeal, bribes, etc. That is getting tough. Anything less is just useless, meaningless, PR type jawboning, by man children without any real sense of purpose in life.

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Nobody expected the illegal restaurants on the beaches to be dismantled either. And yet now they're gone.

Why don't you be a little patient and see what happens rather then whining that it won't? One thing about the junta is they've kept their promises so far and when they say they'll do something, there's no long wait for the bureaucracy to take action, it gets done in a matter of weeks.

The scorched earth that was demolishing the small restaurants was great propaganda, really easy Big Show, note as of yet, not one OrBorJor who allowed this to happen has been brought to book, not one.

Be patient? Where're the taxi meters then? How long does that take to organise and who's feet will they be treading on? And do desist from using the word 'whining' when posters have valid cause for complaint/scepticism. It's rude. And childish.

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Sorry, but I read the same pile of s@#t a couple of weeks back. In that article they mentioned the "Merry Elephant logo" and all the other policies they are going to enforce.

Where I live the Mafia run mini-buses stopped for a week or so. They're back up and running. Now they're hiding a bit farther round the corner (Victory Monument still) out of the armies sight.

Nothing is going to change with that or the jet skis.

Propaganda at it's finest..

Ah yes but where's "round the corner" for the jet skis?

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Am I the only one who is bored to death of this subject, and the so called getting tough on Jet Ski scammers.

I never hired one, and don't understand the 'go for it whilst on holiday' attitude of hiring a powerful machine, and with areas of innocent swimmers who could be injured, because of lack of control. It's a direct similarity to a moped driver being put into a Jag XK8, and putting one's foot down in sports' mode.

The subject bores me - as nothing real ever gets done about it on a legal sense. However, it is the visitors'/travellers' responsibility to decide what is of their interest. There's always morons who want to <deleted?k about beaches to impress. How many Grandpas/Grandads does one see hire a Jet-Ski?

For a subject that bores you, you do seem to spend an awful lot of time on it. In fact you spend more time on it than you allow them to do it. You give them one hour and a half and start whining on it. As UI have said previously you probably never got up to take a leek in that time much less go and see if the announcement had made any changes.

I know for some like you in can be complicated but some things' take time There is no magic it takes planning and time to put it into action.

Now go back to your whining. Thaksin is not coming back on a big white horse to save Thailand from honesty. Live with it or move to Dubai and get closer to him there.

Have you bothered reading the article?

Issuing operators with a "Merry Elephant logo" might take time, it's also absolutely useless. If the talk was of an outright jet ski ban on Phuket beaches it would be a different debate.

Also, congrats on managing (once again) to bring Thaksin / Dubai into it. your obsession is unparalleled. So before accusing anyone of political slant how about you keep your own absolute political partisanship and unbridled junta cheer leading that taints you every post under control and let others discuss what they think should or shouldn't be done regarding jet skis without making it another Thaksin/Coup thread?

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Tatsujin, on 18 Aug 2014 - 17:46, said:
Lingba, on 18 Aug 2014 - 17:43, said:

Don't believe it...I'm in Phuket and there's been all this talk since the coup...everything from the jet ski boys changing their ways to eliminating all together...so far nothing has been done..they remain at large and the scams continue....Doesn't look like the army can crack this nut...

Yes, lots of talk . . . and NOW they are doing something about it . . . give it more than a few hours before you expect to see results . . . smile.png

"and NOW they are doing something about it" well not yet, but we hope they do, but hey, even if they come up with "regulations" do they have the authority to impose them, in most countries they would need to be passed by the government, not individual government offices at the wimp of some pumped up official. Even police, in most countries can not "make"/"change" laws they are there to enforce them.

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Still misses the point though. Jet Skis should have a pre-paid deposit (1 or 2k max - cars are 5k!) and insurance that covers all eventualities above and beyond the deposit; and illegal for charges outside of this and rental fee (under existing extortion laws). Sign with fixed dimensions and font size, in Thai and English explaining all that, in full sight at every rental location, along with the number of the tourist police for disputes. full stop.

Furthermore if the deposit is not refunded in full the operator should fill in a form in a triplicate book detailing the damage of which the renter is given a copy, a copy along with photos of the damage should be lodged with the agency overseeing jetski rental to prevent charging more than once for the same damage.

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Next, politicians and army brass can get issued 'Merry Elephant' badges and decals. They can add them to the multiple service citations on their dress jackets, if they have any available space there.

There is a simple solution to solving the jet-ski scammer problem; DONT HIRE ANY JET_SKIS WHILE ON VACATION ! Problem solved !! Not rocket-science is it? ALL tourists steer clear of ALL Jet-ski operators. There. I've said me half-penny's worth !

Easy for you to say, because you are aware of the problem. However, many people come to Thailand who, though they may have spent hours researching their vacation spots, may not have found mention of the jet-ski rip-offs. TAT isn't going to tell them, neither are travel agents or Thai officials. I know of scams which you don't know (a big one going on now at Golden Triangle), and you probably know of other scams which I'm not aware about. It's mostly up to Thai officialdom to clean up their backyard. Tourists shouldn't be required to spend hundreds of hours researching every possible rip-off scenario in Thailand.

Plenty of complainers before the coup about nothing being done, and plenty afterwards now that action is being taken. Go Thai Army, Navy, Marines and others.

The complainers are still complaining. They are hard wired into complaining. With out it they would have no enjoyment in life. Notice on this one the announcement was only out an hour and a half and the complaining was in full overdrive.
If it weren't for complainers, very few would even know about the jet-ski extortionists. Even with complaining, Thai authorities took years to see about finding a fix. Pardon us for being cynical, but Thai officialdom has often said it would do something tangible about ending the jet-ski problem, yet they continue to drop the ball. Even their current solutions are faulty. It's like putting band-aids on a hemopheliac's gash.

I know a woman who smokes tobacco and drinks beer. Every day I hear her claim she's going to stop "tomorrow, for sure." It's been going on for months. Go figure.

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Simple what to stop scam easy and not cost a dime Make it illegal for any tourist to operate a jetski post it at immigration at all border crossing and airports. If tourists want to ride jetskis stay home to do. Save the seas around Thailand for swimming and diving only . Those things are noisy unsafe with drunk tourist on them and idiots scamming them if jetski are seen on or around beaches arrest the rental shops owner.

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Throw them in jail for life, this scumbags have destroyed Thailand's reputation for decades and now its payback time. Hope they arrest the police who was involved in the scam too, they are even worse, mafia in brown uniform should be there to help and serve not to beat up and rip off tourists.

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"Rental shops complying with the new service standards will be issued with a Merry Elephant logo by the Department of Tourism to display. This emblem acts as a guarantee that they are trusted jet ski operators."


Merry shark more like it.

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Ban them. Everyone hates jet skis anyway, nasty noisy things. Beaches should be peaceful places with sailing craft.

The world's gone to shit.

why do people post total crap? "everyone hates jetskis" they have a world championship race meeting in jomtien every year, i hear its usually packed. and i rode them for 10 years and ended up as a champion for 1 season.

next youre gonna follow up with "ban motorcycles, everyone hates them", arnt you?

its a shame we cant ban nasty small minded idiots from posting on TV, it would make better reading.

.....here come the other haters to have a bash at me now.......zzzzzzzzzzz

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tomyumchai, on 19 Aug 2014 - 16:28, said:
Jeremy50, on 18 Aug 2014 - 19:55, said:

Ban them. Everyone hates jet skis anyway, nasty noisy things. Beaches should be peaceful places with sailing craft.

The world's gone to shit.

why do people post total crap? "everyone hates jetskis" they have a world championship race meeting in jomtien every year, i hear its usually packed. and i rode them for 10 years and ended up as a champion for 1 season.

next youre gonna follow up with "ban motorcycles, everyone hates them", arnt you?

its a shame we cant ban nasty small minded idiots from posting on TV, it would make better reading.

.....here come the other haters to have a bash at me now.......zzzzzzzzzzz

Crap comes in many forms, but usually from those who do not consider the interests of the majority. Jet skis have their place but not near public swimming areas, they are noisy, water polluting machines, often ridden by non considerate poorly skilled riders who have little knowledge of the dynamics of the vehicle they "control."

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What a scam! The enlightened ones have spoken the tourist are safe now. The only thing safe is the income from the few connected ones taking their cut of the money made extorting the unsuspecting tourist trying to enjoy their vacation on a beach in Thailand.

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I would really hope the whole jetski business is eradicated from the beaches here in Thailand... They are as useless as chlamydia !!!

they look like incredible fun for thrill seekers and I think it is wrong to spoil things for people who enjoy them. They could be operated safely on less attractive beaches or in areas where swimming is not allowed. Regulation is the answer and I think it is a selfish response to ban everything that some people do not like. Are there I wonder any inland water areas, lakes, where this hobby could be indulged more safely?

I suspect though that the majority of posters here are right - no matter what changes are made, will only be enforced for a few weeks and will then slip back into the old ways

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I would really hope the whole jetski business is eradicated from the beaches here in Thailand... They are as useless as chlamydia !!!

they look like incredible fun for thrill seekers and I think it is wrong to spoil things for people who enjoy them. They could be operated safely on less attractive beaches or in areas where swimming is not allowed. Regulation is the answer and I think it is a selfish response to ban everything that some people do not like. Are there I wonder any inland water areas, lakes, where this hobby could be indulged more safely?

I suspect though that the majority of posters here are right - no matter what changes are made, will only be enforced for a few weeks and will then slip back into the old ways

I agree with the first paragraph.

I don't side with the "majority" in this instance. But then, I am an optimist and prefer the wait and see approach.

An example is the helmet law. While not universally enforced or observed, it has not gone away as so many forecasted. The same can be said for signal lights and stop signs. Many in my area said they would be ignored, which was the case for some time. However, a majority of drivers seem to obey them.

Again, I can only watch and wait.

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