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Briton Arrested For Killing Thai Girlfriend

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At what point did I say that all Thai women are money grabbing whores ? I dont think for one minute that they are. What I do believe is that a TG whatever here background, being where she works or where you met her is all irrelevant, they come from a Thai society that says you take whats on offer, thats how they are brought up. This attitude is installed into them from a much earlier age, an age long before they appear in a Pattaya bar !

We call this sort of generic thinking about a single race racism. Not all Thai's are scammers to say any race of people are brought up the same regardless of their class, wealth, education, social setting etc is just bilge. The attitude you describe may be true of some people (regardless of their country I might add - these people exist everywhere) - it may even be more true in a poorer country where the carrot is that much bigger - but it is not true of the whole Thai race, or any other. Its like saying all Muslims are terroist because that's how they are brought up - its rubbish pure and simple.

Maybe you just mix witrh the wrong sort too often, or maybe you don't mix with Thais at all, but just pick up on other peoples posts and use these to found your views.

Answer this for me. Mr. A buys a condo for his TG who he met in a bar, and Mr. B buys a condo for his TG he met at the local school, is Mr. A the bigger fool or Mr. B ? Of course, Mr. A all day long however, if both girls did a runner who would be the biggest fool ? Point is its all about letting your guard down, not about which one is more likely to scam you !

OK, scenario 3 - Mr C marries a sweet English girl who then starts screwing the next door neighbour, empties the bank accounts, runs up all the credit cards and then does a bunk. Who is now the biggest fool. How about none of them - or all of them - depends how aware of the character of the PERSON (not race) before they married them. If you go into anything with your eyes closed you are more likely to end up with something that is not to your liking than if you know what you are getting in to.

I notice guys like Wolf along with many others who like to make a point that there TG is not a bar girl and never was, by making this point exactly who is the one differentiating the 2 classes of Thai girl here ?

And how many times have I encountered this twist of logic. Actually if you read the note in context I was agreeing with Terry that it is possible to meet a Thai girl who is not from the bar scene, but difficult. Why would I, or anyone, need to try and prove to you, or anyone else, who or what their wife/GF is/was - we are all hiding behind pseudonyms so it would not matter a jot.

We use our experiences as points of reference - this is how we can testify to our understanding of a given topic. If the topic was about cars and I say that my Jaguar costs a lot of money to drive after someone else says that Jags are lovely to drive, then am I showing off that I drive a Jag, or am I just testifying to my knowledge of the topic from experience? (By the way, I don't drive a Jag).

Isnt this topic about a guy killing his TG for ripping him off ? Or is it a thread for farangs to come on and convince us (or themselves) that there girl is different !

It was , but as with all such threads, it turns into a discourse into related matters - it was not I that redirected this subject thus, I merely felt the need to reply to some threads that were appearing. That's why they call it a forum rather than just a news feed.

MGID sickness is rampant amongst !!

No idea what MGID is, but I'm more worried about other extreme views that are showing through here and there in some of these posts.

We call this sort of generic thinking about a single race racism. Not all Thai's are scammers to say any race of people are brought up the same regardless of their class, wealth, education, social setting etc is just bilge. The attitude you describe may be true of some people (regardless of their country I might add - these people exist everywhere) - it may even be more true in a poorer country where the carrot is that much bigger - but it is not true of the whole Thai race, or any other. Its like saying all Muslims are terroist because that's how they are brought up - its rubbish pure and simple.

Well, said Wolf...only you missed out one important thing here I think: nor are Thai girls and boys brought up the same way. They are treated differently, just like rich or beautiful or young girls are treated differently from poor or ugly or old ones in any society. Would falang Bill have been so eager to lay a bar business on an older, poorer, uglier Thai woman? Or would a Ms. Falang Billie invest in a business with an old, ugly, poor Thai man?

The point I'm trying to make here is that falang men get taken advantage of in situations involving Thai women who work in bars - or anywhere else- because they really think they are smarter, richer and more powerful than the girls whose bodies and or time they are buying. You can buy a woman's body for a few hours, and you can buy her a business if you like, but you can't buy respect or love... especially if you don't know how to give them in the first place ...and no amount of sickening,self-pitying tantrums about the "tricky Thais" will change that. Touche. :o


................................OLDIE FIGHTS BACK!.....................................

The later pages of this topic are now tending to be far removed from the original premise. Much of the stuff coming out now, with one or two exceptions, is pure bumf.

From the start, there have also been attacks on the older generation and the so called age gap between them and their pretty Thai escorts. All the venom has been directed by the younger generation who also suggest that the oldie is unable to fraternise wih women in his own country.

I suggest that this is jealous nonsense and in reality it's the youngies with their little beer bellies and their dead fish eyes and unable to hold their drink,[it's only piss, guys,] and completely devoid of any worthwhile personality, who are found repulsive by women in their own country.

Most of you don't even know what it's like to be really ALIVE. You will only find this out, when your possible extinction is at hand.ie; another human being wants kill you. I've tried it myself, in the Queens name, in 1957.

While I'm writing this, my wife is earning most of the bread, as a top exec. with a large shipping co. in Bangkok. Later I will collect her 11 year old daughter from school.

My beautiful, sexy and gracious wife is 25 years younger than me and life couldn't be better.

OK guys. Time to get real! I've seen you staring at my wife and then a sly glance at me. I've itched to confront you, but she has restrained me.

Not any more. Lets have a rumble. I could handle myself as a lad. Reckon I still can. You can recognise me. 6ft 2ins/ 14stone/grey hair and thick 'tach. If there's three of you, then maybe you can take me down. But munch on this, ass wipes. One of you won't be getting up again!

Bye Bye

................................OLDIE FIGHTS BACK!.....................................

The later pages of this topic are now tending to be far removed from the original premise. Much of the stuff coming out now, with one or two exceptions, is pure bumf.

From the start, there have also been attacks on the older generation and the so called age gap between them and their pretty Thai escorts. All the venom has been directed by the younger generation who also suggest that the oldie is unable to fraternise wih women in his own country.

I suggest that this is jealous nonsense and in reality it's the youngies with their little beer bellies and their dead fish eyes and unable to hold their drink,[it's only piss, guys,] and completely devoid of any worthwhile personality, who are found repulsive by women in their own country.

Most of you don't even know what it's like to be really ALIVE. You will only find this out, when your possible extinction is at hand.ie; another human being wants kill you. I've tried it myself, in the Queens name, in 1957.

While I'm writing this, my wife is earning most of the bread, as a top exec. with a large shipping co. in Bangkok. Later I will collect her 11 year old daughter from school.

My beautiful, sexy and gracious wife is 25 years younger than me and life couldn't be better.

OK guys. Time to get real! I've seen you staring at my wife and then a sly glance at me. I've itched to confront you, but she has restrained me.

Not any more. Lets have a rumble. I could handle myself as a lad. Reckon I still can. You can recognise me. 6ft 2ins/ 14stone/grey hair and thick 'tach. If there's three of you, then maybe you can take me down. But munch on this, ass wipes. One of you won't be getting up again!

Bye Bye

<deleted> is that all about ? ? ?


................................OLDIE FIGHTS BACK!.....................................

The later pages of this topic are now tending to be far removed from the original premise. Much of the stuff coming out now, with one or two exceptions, is pure bumf.

From the start, there have also been attacks on the older generation and the so called age gap between them and their pretty Thai escorts. All the venom has been directed by the younger generation who also suggest that the oldie is unable to fraternise wih women in his own country.

I suggest that this is jealous nonsense and in reality it's the youngies with their little beer bellies and their dead fish eyes and unable to hold their drink,[it's only piss, guys,] and completely devoid of any worthwhile personality, who are found repulsive by women in their own country.

Most of you don't even know what it's like to be really ALIVE. You will only find this out, when your possible extinction is at hand.ie; another human being wants kill you. I've tried it myself, in the Queens name, in 1957.

While I'm writing this, my wife is earning most of the bread, as a top exec. with a large shipping co. in Bangkok. Later I will collect her 11 year old daughter from school.

My beautiful, sexy and gracious wife is 25 years younger than me and life couldn't be better.

OK guys. Time to get real! I've seen you staring at my wife and then a sly glance at me. I've itched to confront you, but she has restrained me.

Not any more. Lets have a rumble. I could handle myself as a lad. Reckon I still can. You can recognise me. 6ft 2ins/ 14stone/grey hair and thick 'tach. If there's three of you, then maybe you can take me down. But munch on this, ass wipes. One of you won't be getting up again!

Bye Bye

John, its yet another case of MGID syndrome, as you can see its rife !

He starts off well by reminding us that the thread is going off topic, then slips back into MGID mode. Then wants to fight people who want to argue it !!

I think this condition should be taken more seriously, forget killing Thai birds, its the farangs wanting to kill the farangs we should be worried about !!! :o

Now was MGID syndrome to blame for the poor Thai girl who got wasted ?..... maybe so .....


...or maybe the guy treated her like a money grabbing, gold digging, whore, and she decided enough was enough and found a better man. The fact is we don't know and speculation just shows prejudice either way.

...or maybe the guy treated her like a money grabbing, gold digging, whore, and she decided enough was enough and found a better man. The fact is we don't know and speculation just shows prejudice either way.

100% spot on!

What is all this nonsense about MGID? Surely you cant believe that it is impossible? There has to be some cases of SGAD (some girls are different) or MGIYAHALMT (my girl is young and hot and loves me totally)????

...or maybe the guy treated her like a money grabbing, gold digging, whore, and she decided enough was enough and found a better man. The fact is we don't know and speculation just shows prejudice either way.

Mmm, now is skydiver really having a pop at the younger generation ?

Wolf, personally I think what hes actually saying is hes got a better bird than you, does your bird bring back the bread while you sit and your arse doing bugger all ? Have to say, its a lot to beat...... :o

The point I'm trying to make here is that falang men get taken advantage of in situations involving Thai women who work in bars - or anywhere else- because they really think they are smarter, richer and more powerful than the girls whose bodies and or time they are buying.

Hi fruity, I think we could reword that to say 'the foolish get taken advantage of in situations involving con artists because they are gullible'.

Whether there are a larger percentage of fools that are farangs, or con artists that are BG's, I don't know. Whether the farang population that is attracted to LoS overlaps significantly with the percentage of gullible, lonely men, we can only guess.

Some men undoubtedly use the women as holiday playthings, and as such, may be thwe girls believe that they are Mia Noi and the fact that the guy has set them up and given them presents is part of the (if not the only) perks of the job. Would you give back your wages and benefits in kind when you leave your job?

Alternatively, she may have been out to get his stuff, then she deserves the same from her next Thai boyfriend who will hopefully do unto her etc. She, of course, did not deserve to die either way.

As Ab said "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time".

Wolf, personally I think what hes actually saying is hes got a better bird than you, does your bird bring back the bread while you sit and your arse doing bugger all ? Have to say, its a lot to beat......

Erm, no.

She does put toothpaste on my toothbrush though :o and makes good food and, and, and...oh, well, he wins :D


...or maybe the guy treated her like a money grabbing, gold digging, whore, and she decided enough was enough and found a better man. The fact is we don't know and speculation just shows prejudice either way.

100% spot on!

What is all this nonsense about MGID? Surely you cant believe that it is impossible? There has to be some cases of SGAD (some girls are different) or MGIYAHALMT (my girl is young and hot and loves me totally)????

You never know, maybe they could all be different strains of the disease. Upto now the MGID strain seems to be the most popular ! :o


Its sad to read another instance like this one. Condolences to all involved.

As mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think this guy is a psycho. It seems to be more of a crime of passion. It doesn't make it right, but it lends more to the notion that this was an isolated event and that the guy is probably not as serious a threat to society as a psycho killer. Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Everyone to their own.

Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty.

yeah, that's what makes this world crazy...emotional responses..."kill em" "hang em" He shouldn't be free, he's obviously a sad, pathetic, sick person..and yes it is a crime of passion..he should be in jail...and he will suffer. He's not a pyscho, so , he will suffer when he's sober to realize life as he knew it is over AND the women he did care for he killed..sick people do sick things, terrible things..but it's NOT all farangs either. Plenty of Thai people are killing each other in the south over what????? Religion?? give me a crime of passion anyday..as truly sad as it is the Thai women made a choice, a bad choice out of greed and her own manipulations for money..she shouldn't have to pay for it with her life, I'm not saying that..however, maybe it's time Thai women stop looking to farangs for their meal ticket..and made healthier choices..


:o , but been asked to let people know that Terry57 has been sin binned for a couple of weeks, so if you want to keep in touch while he's serving his sentance, then he can still PM - thought I'd post it here as he's been most active in this Thread :D

PS: Mods - don't shoot the messanger. :D

................................OLDIE FIGHTS BACK!.....................................

The later pages of this topic are now tending to be far removed from the original premise. Much of the stuff coming out now, with one or two exceptions, is pure bumf.

From the start, there have also been attacks on the older generation and the so called age gap between them and their pretty Thai escorts. All the venom has been directed by the younger generation who also suggest that the oldie is unable to fraternise wih women in his own country.

I suggest that this is jealous nonsense and in reality it's the youngies with their little beer bellies and their dead fish eyes and unable to hold their drink,[it's only piss, guys,] and completely devoid of any worthwhile personality, who are found repulsive by women in their own country.

Most of you don't even know what it's like to be really ALIVE. You will only find this out, when your possible extinction is at hand.ie; another human being wants kill you. I've tried it myself, in the Queens name, in 1957.

While I'm writing this, my wife is earning most of the bread, as a top exec. with a large shipping co. in Bangkok. Later I will collect her 11 year old daughter from school.

My beautiful, sexy and gracious wife is 25 years younger than me and life couldn't be better.

OK guys. Time to get real! I've seen you staring at my wife and then a sly glance at me. I've itched to confront you, but she has restrained me.

Not any more. Lets have a rumble. I could handle myself as a lad. Reckon I still can. You can recognise me. 6ft 2ins/ 14stone/grey hair and thick 'tach. If there's three of you, then maybe you can take me down. But munch on this, ass wipes. One of you won't be getting up again!

Bye Bye

And I had absolutely no idea that viagra made men aggressive! Maybe that was Kun Bill's problem, too? :o


Its sad to read another instance like this one. Condolences to all involved.

As mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think this guy is a psycho. It seems to be more of a crime of passion. It doesn't make it right, but it lends more to the notion that this was an isolated event and that the guy is probably not as serious a threat to society as a psycho killer. Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Everyone to their own.

Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty.

yeah, that's what makes this world crazy...emotional responses..."kill em" "hang em" He shouldn't be free, he's obviously a sad, pathetic, sick person..and yes it is a crime of passion..he should be in jail...and he will suffer. He's not a pyscho, so , he will suffer when he's sober to realize life as he knew it is over AND the women he did care for he killed..sick people do sick things, terrible things..but it's NOT all farangs either. Plenty of Thai people are killing each other in the south over what????? Religion?? give me a crime of passion anyday..as truly sad as it is the Thai women made a choice, a bad choice out of greed and her own manipulations for money..she shouldn't have to pay for it with her life, I'm not saying that..however, maybe it's time Thai women stop looking to farangs for their meal ticket..and made healthier choices..

Not half as crazy as kicking terry of the thread !!

Sometimes this forum baffles me, we try to prevent tragedy's from occurring in the future by educating the numb nuts who come to Pattaya & fall in love with hookers, only to be silenced by the moderators ! :o

I think I will start a thread warning people against the dangers of AIDS and that condoms should be worn, or maybe not, I might get booted off !!!

Shame on you !! :D


Apparantly it was for being off-topic (Hijacking the thread?) as opposed to what he actually said.

He's hovering though. Cuurently reading this thread are:

10 User(s) are reading this topic (5 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

4 Members: wolf5370, fruittbatt, taxin, terry57

If you shout loud enough at the screen Terry, we may just hear you :o


Its sad to read another instance like this one. Condolences to all involved.

As mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think this guy is a psycho. It seems to be more of a crime of passion. It doesn't make it right, but it lends more to the notion that this was an isolated event and that the guy is probably not as serious a threat to society as a psycho killer. Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Everyone to their own.

Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty.

yeah, that's what makes this world crazy...emotional responses..."kill em" "hang em" He shouldn't be free, he's obviously a sad, pathetic, sick person..and yes it is a crime of passion..he should be in jail...and he will suffer. He's not a pyscho, so , he will suffer when he's sober to realize life as he knew it is over AND the women he did care for he killed..sick people do sick things, terrible things..but it's NOT all farangs either. Plenty of Thai people are killing each other in the south over what????? Religion?? give me a crime of passion anyday..as truly sad as it is the Thai women made a choice, a bad choice out of greed and her own manipulations for money..she shouldn't have to pay for it with her life, I'm not saying that..however, maybe it's time Thai women stop looking to farangs for their meal ticket..and made healthier choices..

Have you considered that for a Thai woman (and her family) choosing a rich farang partner could be considered a "healthy choice", since the marriage could ensure the security of them all. I agree with your sentiments, but I think part of the problem here is that falang tend to justify their arguments in terms of their own cultural values, and ignore that Thais don't necessarily share your way of seeing the world. :o


I think part of the problem here is that falang tend to justify their arguments in terms of their own cultural values, and ignore that Thais don't necessarily share your way of seeing the world.

Bingo! Not so batty after all :o


Its sad to read another instance like this one. Condolences to all involved.

As mentioned in a previous post, I don't really think this guy is a psycho. It seems to be more of a crime of passion. It doesn't make it right, but it lends more to the notion that this was an isolated event and that the guy is probably not as serious a threat to society as a psycho killer. Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Everyone to their own.

Are your stupid or what.The guy obviuosly planed killing this girl.and should get the death penalty.

yeah, that's what makes this world crazy...emotional responses..."kill em" "hang em" He shouldn't be free, he's obviously a sad, pathetic, sick person..and yes it is a crime of passion..he should be in jail...and he will suffer. He's not a pyscho, so , he will suffer when he's sober to realize life as he knew it is over AND the women he did care for he killed..sick people do sick things, terrible things..but it's NOT all farangs either. Plenty of Thai people are killing each other in the south over what????? Religion?? give me a crime of passion anyday..as truly sad as it is the Thai women made a choice, a bad choice out of greed and her own manipulations for money..she shouldn't have to pay for it with her life, I'm not saying that..however, maybe it's time Thai women stop looking to farangs for their meal ticket..and made healthier choices..

Have you considered that for a Thai woman (and her family) choosing a rich farang partner could be considered a "healthy choice", since the marriage could ensure the security of them all. I agree with your sentiments, but I think part of the problem here is that falang tend to justify their arguments in terms of their own cultural values, and ignore that Thais don't necessarily share your way of seeing the world. :o

Yes, so true ! What I have been saying all along. Farangs simply refuse to see it from the eyes of the Thai.

Was chatting to a guy I know the other night, had a big bust up with his TG, in the heat of the moment over reacted and gave her a little slap, TG parents well aware of it, complete with black eye etc.

The Thai bird wanted to dump him but the parents talked her out of it, farang is still in idiot mode like hes just got off the boat, convinced the night he met her in the bar was her 1st night of working in a bar, even though she knows Pattaya like the back of her hand, usual stuff.... anyway he thinks its because the parents like him, forgives him etc...

He swears its got nothing to do with the fact that the house hes building in Udon Thani hasnt been completed yet ! When I suggested this he got quite angry & said it wasnt like that, told me I had a bad attitude, needed to get with the real world etc, etc.

Problem with farangs is this, because this sort of thing would not happen in the western world (i.e. force the daughter to stay with the guy for material reasons) they think it cant surely happen in Thailand, how wrong can you be !

Apologies for the story being of a slightly violent nature, im sure you can understand the moral of the story. :D:D


Yes, but your story is still a BG story.

Fruity talks about the cultural differences and outlook, he didn't state, or even imply, that they were all brought up to look for some stupid farang to fleece, he merely stated that they look for different things in a man rather than just their young-studliness (OK I made that term up, but you get the gist).

In Thailand, in a purely Thai relationship, if the man knocks the woman about and then they split up because of it, all too often she ends up with nothing.

Sounds to me like the parent of the girl in question are looking out for her well being (for the long term). If they have a marriage, then they both deserve to get something out of it - especially if she has had to put up with him knocking her about! (sorry, I don't believe in a 'little over reaction' ending in a black eye as a one off occurance - at best its probably the begining of a long line of 'over reactions').

At worst, her parents are gold diggers and she's a typical Thai girl doing what her parents bid her (i.e. staying with him). You/he are also assuming this is because the house isn't ready yet, it may be that wife beating is not looked on in Thailand in the same way as in the West and the parents do not see this as a reason to give up the chance she has been given of a better life for her and their grandchildren. Its all cultural. That's what Fruity was hinting at (by my understanding of his post at least).

Yes, but your story is still a BG story.

Fruity talks about the cultural differences and outlook, he didn't state, or even imply, that they were all brought up to look for some stupid farang to fleece, he merely stated that they look for different things in a man rather than just their young-studliness (OK I made that term up, but you get the gist).

In Thailand, in a purely Thai relationship, if the man knocks the woman about and then they split up because of it, all too often she ends up with nothing.

Sounds to me like the parent of the girl in question are looking out for her well being (for the long term). If they have a marriage, then they both deserve to get something out of it - especially if she has had to put up with him knocking her about! (sorry, I don't believe in a 'little over reaction' ending in a black eye as a one off occurance - at best its probably the begining of a long line of 'over reactions').

At worst, her parents are gold diggers and she's a typical Thai girl doing what her parents bid her (i.e. staying with him). You/he are also assuming this is because the house isn't ready yet, it may be that wife beating is not looked on in Thailand in the same way as in the West and the parents do not see this as a reason to give up the chance she has been given of a better life for her and their grandchildren. Its all cultural. That's what Fruity was hinting at (by my understanding of his post at least).

My post was also meant to be purely on a cultural thing, not about wife beating or whores. Hence the reason why I apologized for the story involving such things. For people like wolf who are unable to see beyond sex and violence here it is again.....

Was chatting to a guy I know the other night. Thai bird wanted to dump him but the parents talked her out of it, he thinks its because the parents like him.

He swears its got nothing to do with the fact that the house hes building in Udon Thani hasnt been completed yet ! When I suggested this he got quite angry & said it wasnt like that, told me I had a bad attitude, needed to get with the real world etc, etc.

Problem with farangs is this, because this sort of thing would not happen in western CULTURE (i.e. force the daughter to stay with the guy for material reasons) they think it cant surely happen in Thailand CULTURE, how wrong can you be ! :o


Slightly off topic but staying on the subject of violence in a relationship.

Was watching TV last night, one of those badly acted out Thai soaps. I asked my GF why they always blank out smoking, but almost every episode they show a guy belting the crap out of girl ?

This is what she said ......"Because smoking is bad and they dont want children to see it in case they copy"....... :o

Dont you just love Thailand :D

For people like wolf who are unable to see beyond sex and violence here it is again.....

How did you work that out? Low blows only hurt if you use the right ammo matey (I think you're just sore 'cos I warned of your line of thought expressed in this thread as being racist earlier).

I'll try again and see if you can understand me this time...You do not know if she has stayed with him for material reasons - this is your assumption - the culture does see domestic violence in a significantly different way to the way we do in the West and it is likely that the parents do not put enough weight on the fact that he hit(s) her and do not see this as a reason for them splitting up. In the same way as some parents will tell there daughter's to forgive the son-in-law other indescretions.

You seem to allow your bias to direct your thought and this clouds your view and gives a blinkered conclusion.


A friend of mine who is married to a Thai lady and has children spoke to me about age....

When you walk down Walking Street you take look in your wallet and take one year off of your age for every 1000Baht in your wallet............................

For people like wolf who are unable to see beyond sex and violence here it is again.....

How did you work that out? Low blows only hurt if you use the right ammo matey (I think you're just sore 'cos I warned of your line of thought expressed in this thread as being racist earlier).

I'll try again and see if you can understand me this time...You do not know if she has stayed with him for material reasons - this is your assumption - the culture does see domestic violence in a significantly different way to the way we do in the West and it is likely that the parents do not put enough weight on the fact that he hit(s) her and do not see this as a reason for them splitting up. In the same way as some parents will tell there daughter's to forgive the son-in-law other indescretions.

You seem to allow your bias to direct your thought and this clouds your view and gives a blinkered conclusion.

The bird in question told my GF this was the reason why she was not leaving him, its not my assumption !

I think your the one who is sore from MGID syndrome, because some falang came on before with a better bird than you !

Wolf, if you persist in arguing with me I will be forced to tell you how young and handsome I am, and how much better my bird is than yours in both looks, riches and everything else that yours isnt.

I dont want to do this but you may give me no option ! :o


Now that's a fact you held back - kind of puts a different light on your little story doesn't it? Just makes it another bad-BG story, and nothing to do with Thai culture but with the fact that either she or her parents are con artists.

Sure tell my your age. I'm 36 - been married 8 years to my Thai wife who is just a few years younger than me. We have two kids and are still very much in love thank you very much.

I actually had a laugh about the guy with the bread-winner-wife. Sore, nah I'm happy, so no need to be jelous of anyone - and you?

In my opinion My Girl Is Different - I think everyone is different, that's what I've been saying all along, there's bad people and good people and its bugger all to do with their nationality - my girl is special (to me granted) and I would not want it any other way. I have no need to compare her to any one as I have no interest in trading her in for a 'better' model. There is no need for me to shout to the world anything about my wife as I am happy and why should I make those less lucky sad or those that think they are more lucky proud. Chok Dee to all.

looks, riches and everything else that yours isnt

...and how does my wife look, ever seen her? How rich is she? am I? What else "isn't" my wife. Pray do tell where you get this information. Or are you the child you seem to be - my dad's bigger than your dad ner ner ner!

So, now tell me how old are you and how happy are you? - shame me

Now that's a fact you held back - kind of puts a different light on your little story doesn't it? Just makes it another bad-BG story, and nothing to do with Thai culture but with the fact that either she or her parents are con artists.

Sure tell my your age. I'm 36 - been married 8 years to my Thai wife who is just a few years younger than me. We have two kids and are still very much in love thank you very much.

I actually had a laugh about the guy with the bread-winner-wife. Sore, nah I'm happy, so no need to be jelous of anyone - and you?

In my opinion My Girl Is Different - I think everyone is different, that's what I've been saying all along, there's bad people and good people and its bugger all to do with their nationality - my girl is special (to me granted) and I would not want it any other way. I have no need to compare her to any one as I have no interest in trading her in for a 'better' model. There is no need for me to shout to the world anything about my wife as I am happy and why should I make those less lucky sad or those that think they are more lucky proud. Chok Dee to all.

looks, riches and everything else that yours isnt

...and how does my wife look, ever seen her? How rich is she? am I? What else "isn't" my wife. Pray do tell where you get this information. Or are you the child you seem to be - my dad's bigger than your dad ner ner ner!

So, now tell me how old are you and how happy are you? - shame me

Wolf, your becoming boring now. Im outta' here.....

62 year old man, 26 year old woman. Pattaya.

Hmmm, do you think he somehow deluded himself that she wasn't just in it for the money? Think he just lost control when she shattered his illusion?

This poor girl lost her life because she picked a psycho as a mark.

Condolences for her family, and Mr. Farang needs a long dark time in a Thai prison.

Any number of variables could of led to the argument, not just money!

The news clipping says she was trying to separate from the man (for reasons unknown).

Surely a scheming thai bitch would not want to get away from someone investing dosh in her??

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