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Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

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We want to be black, they want to be white. We are stressed, they are not.

They may be less stressed (or at least give the appearance of it) while being in familiar and comfortable circumstances, but when confronted with authority - people more powerful than they are - they become very stressed indeed.... far more than the Farangistanis, who have a more egalitarian outlook (where even rich kids can't kill a cop with their Ferrari and get away with it - if they can't cover it up in time).

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I have about worn out my delete button. I doubt if I have ever deleted so many squabbling posts in one thread since I became a moderator.

Please post in a rational, civilized manner without the petty bickering that took over this thread.

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> so you would actually brag about the low price and let people know what you got

It's totally the same in Thailand. I think your friend is trying to impress you by showing you that he only buys expensive stuff, and he might be thinking that you're trying to impress him by saying that you don't need top-end luxury stuff, that you can live like the poor folks.

>I made a small "faux pas" in telling some friends how interesting I thought the Hmong culture was,

While the majority of Thailand looks down on minority groups here, there are still lots of Thai folks who are interested in it.

Next, lots of countries are not happy with their minority groups, and think foreigners are being stupid for their fascination. Try telling Romanians that you are interested and fascinated by gypsies. Only recently have the Japanese become interested in Ainu and Okinawan history.

>Back in Farangistan paying for a hooker means you're kind of a loser

You obviously don't work in the business world in the west. Strip bars and whoring is standard for high-levels sales. There are groups of men Thailand that look down upon taking prostitutes, and are too embarrassed to do (or at least to admit it someone else!).

I think you are hanging around with some trashy folks, and making the mistake of thinking:

1) they are all or Thailand

2) that your experiences represent your own country

There are people in Thailand with your views and interests, but you're hanging out with a shallow group of people that you don't really share opinions with. I recommend you find Thai people who share the same kinds of ideals and interests that you do, they are totally out there.

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manarak, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:45, said:

Well, one of the reasons why things hi-so lo-so are reversed, is because Farangistan's hi-so class is much smaller than here and hidden from view.

Rich people riding the bicycle around town or bargaining second hand cards are very rare in Farangistan, and hookers are expensive too, so people rationalize and suddenly become virtuous, LOL.

Did you notice also how malls, airports, bus and railway stations in Thailand try to make you comfortable and offer seating, while in Farangistan seats there are very rare?

Notice how streets in Farangistan are quiet and enjoyable, while the malls are shit, and it's the opposite in Thailand?

I think things like the above over here are closer to "normal" than in Farangistan.


I like the name "Farangistan" 555

Oh boy, you certainly don't live in my "Farangistan" where we have numerous seats at ALL the locations you mentioned and malls are well patronised, but will grant you one thing right, streets are quiet, and I'm primarily speaking of the suburbs, and thank god for that.

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Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

Yep. Sent some guys out to buy me white emulsion. They came back with black.

IN and OUT gate to the motorcycle park at Tesco Lotus. About 50% use the wrong gate.

I consider my self lucky when they do get it right.

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AYJAYDEE, on 19 Aug 2014 - 00:02, said:
isawasnake, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:57, said:
AYJAYDEE, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:54, said:
isawasnake, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:46, said:

The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

as anywhere, things will cost what the market will bear

What a cop out comment that is, to me you lost the debate... Some of what isawasnake said is true, there are many products, made/produced, in Thailand that most Thais can not afford, and I'm talking of food, many can not afford top shop at Big C or Tesco, but survive on locally sourced food, eg grubs, frogs, bamboo etc. Yes, I know, your comeback would be they consider these a luxury, but remember, they were brought up on it, because their families couldn't afford to shop for better food.

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96tehtarp, on 19 Aug 2014 - 10:33, said:
"I notice how things are sometimes completely reversed here, almost comically, from back in Farangland"
Isn't that why so many expats choose to live here instead of farangland?

Um, I would suggest many live here because it's easier, not because things are reversed. Some also live here because they fail to live in a more law abiding society and others because they married a Thai.

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pgrahmm, on 19 Aug 2014 - 10:49, said:

They are not.....we are - and saying they are reversed simply because "we" are here now too.....

I believe the OP said "reversed" compared to his home country. Your comment is a little off.

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OK maybe I gave some bad examples to start out with, but the whole point is I constantly see things that are flat-out reversed from how they are in the west. No judgment implied as I said in the beginning. Like the two sides of the yin and yang come to mind: Anyone got any more examples?


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Regarding reversal,Thais hang out their clothes to dry inside out to prevent the colours fading- rare in the UK due to the failure of the sun to shine..

Thais take off their shoes before entering the house whilst Westerners traipse their mud and filth through the living room.

On birthdays the Thai birthday boy has to buy his mates the drinks rather than the reverse- for putting up with him for another year.

In the UK as a nipper I was constantly giving up my seat to elders on public transport, here it's the opposite.

In Thailand sitting passengers offer to hold bags and babies of standing passengers. In the UK they would be accused of theft or kidnapping.

In the UK flashing car lights mean you go first, here they mean I go first.

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What a silly thread IMHO. What's reversed? I dont see anything reversed, its just different. What I do not understand though is why a great number of foreigners sit around for countless hours comparing it all the time and then complain about it.

Life here is so easy if you just take it for how it is.

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What a silly thread IMHO. What's reversed? I dont see anything reversed, its just different. What I do not understand though is why a great number of foreigners sit around for countless hours comparing it all the time and then complain about it.

Life here is so easy if you just take it for how it is.

There are several examples in the thread. People here spend a boatload of dough on skin-whitening treatments and lotions here, and in Farangistan, it's the opposite, as someone said. You don't see that this is reversed?

I'm with those who didn't see that the OP was complaining about anything, just observing. I'd also wish that there were more open discussions without people flying off the handle here.

Regardless of the reasons, I like how in nightclubs here, young attractive women stare at me, but it's the opposite in Farangistan.

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I haven't smoked for 12 years but it comes as a surprise to me when you say smoking "roll-ups" is in a way looked up to by comparison to smoking "tailor made". In my day people were thought not to be able to afford "tailor mades" if they smoked the loose tobacco. In fact all smoking is looked down on back home now

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Is the Dalai Lama a real Buddhist? You of course know he wears a Rolex watch and has for most of his life.

that doesnt necessarily mean he is attached to it. he may be an arahant, he may not.

Are you guys serious? The dalai lama has a rolex? Surely a joke, please explain.

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manarak, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:45, said:

Well, one of the reasons why things hi-so lo-so are reversed, is because Farangistan's hi-so class is much smaller than here and hidden from view.

Rich people riding the bicycle around town or bargaining second hand cards are very rare in Farangistan, and hookers are expensive too, so people rationalize and suddenly become virtuous, LOL.

Did you notice also how malls, airports, bus and railway stations in Thailand try to make you comfortable and offer seating, while in Farangistan seats there are very rare?

Notice how streets in Farangistan are quiet and enjoyable, while the malls are shit, and it's the opposite in Thailand?

I think things like the above over here are closer to "normal" than in Farangistan.


I like the name "Farangistan" 555

Oh boy, you certainly don't live in my "Farangistan" where we have numerous seats at ALL the locations you mentioned and malls are well patronised, but will grant you one thing right, streets are quiet, and I'm primarily speaking of the suburbs, and thank god for that.

where are you from?

I described Europe, namely France, Germany, Switzerland. Streets are quiet everywhere, except traffic, and almost all businesses on city streets are closed, except during the short business hours. No 24 hour shops except Gas stations, no sidewalk vendors, no streetfood... it's quite dead.

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In the west, children give up their seats on public transport to adults (or used to). In Thailand, adults give up their seats to children.

In the west, if a driver flashes his lights at you, it means you go first. In Thailand, it means "I go first, get out of my way".

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yawn! By the way the loose leaf tobacco here is not organic as you sound like you think it may be. Tobacco is one of the most heavily sprayed agriculture crops. Toilets flush reverse as well, what do you make of that?

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I think everything the OP mentioned does happen in Western society but to a lesser extent; as societies develop and education gets more universal, meritocracy prevails these attitudes remain the domain of the undeducated or super-rich.

My experience of Thailand over the last decade is that these attitudes are slowly being eroded here too.

I recently showed some Thai businessmen snapshots of a second-hand car lot.....including BMWs, Mercs etc all around 150 to 300k. Far from saying they wouldn't buy one they looked sick as pigs as most of them had spent millions of baht on similar models only to find out that even the hoi polloi can drive around in that stuff in Europe. i guess they also felt they'd loss face. then they realise how their government was ripping them off with import duties.

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Cultural differences are fun.

How you noticed how many western countries are trapped by Freudian psychology?

Billions in shrinks, "medicine and branding people with Aspergers, ADHD and such stuff?

Not in Thailand.

Instead you go to a truth sear who can read the feature in cards.

As pointed out in the original post about sex for money.

In for example the Nordic countries its illegal for the John to pay for sex. They spend billions in police resources to lock up people who pay.

Paying for sex is the ultimate sin. BUT.. sex for fun is ok. Travel to Iceland and be scared as a man. The women sit in the bar drinking beer and ogling you male bodies. You are just a piece of meat!

Asian culture: Sex for fun = bad. Sex for money = ok (its just a work).

I wonder if its religion that does it in Thailand?

My ThaiGF constantly talks about how her grandmother, her mother all where good women and how she is a good women. "Good women don't enjoy sex". (and I know she enjoys it. I heave learnt a few trick after almost 30 years in the field experimenting. For me its all about making HER happy)

Western Countries: Political Correctness. Frankfurt School. The media controlled by funny nose people.

Asia: Face, religion. Nationalism.

Well: Thats why I live in Asia not in Farang country.

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