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Giant saltwater crocodile kills Australia fisherman


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Steve was shooting a new series for his successful wildlife television series, and he was swimming with camera crews, who must have filmed Stingray, the killer Ray that is still out there.

Why has this film footage never been released?

They said it was too dramatic to release.

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Why did they have to shoot it?

Idiotic, that's why.

The Croc was shot when it was only. doing something that it does naturally. There's no signs there telling the croc it can't eat fishermen......it was the fisherman ignoring the signs on the bank about entering the croc infested waters.

Sad to shoot the croc.

The man gambled with his life & lost, how's that the crocs fault.

There's too many of the buggas now, but that's only according to us humans.......the crocs are the last of the living dinosaurs ....... VERY effective hunters that kill with precision.

I feel sorry for the mans family, especially the wife BUT he knew the risks, he took his chances and now he's most likely wedged under a log somewhere awaiting to be consumed...... he will end up as croc poo.

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Why did they have to shoot it?

Idiotic, that's why.

The Croc was shot when it was only. doing something that it does naturally. There's no signs there telling the croc it can't eat fishermen......it was the fisherman ignoring the signs on the bank about entering the croc infested waters.

Sad to shoot the croc.

The man gambled with his life & lost, how's that the crocs fault.

There's too many of the buggas now, but that's only according to us humans.......the crocs are the last of the living dinosaurs ....... VERY effective hunters that kill with precision.

I feel sorry for the mans family, especially the wife BUT he knew the risks, he took his chances and now he's most likely wedged under a log somewhere awaiting to be consumed...... he will end up as croc poo.

Michael Jackson was super rare http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-19/part-albino-croc-shot-after-fatal-attack-a-1-in-100-million/5681462

Agree it's idiotic to shoot them just natural selection that's all.

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Why did they have to shoot it?

Idiotic, that's why.

The Croc was shot when it was only. doing something that it does naturally. There's no signs there telling the croc it can't eat fishermen......it was the fisherman ignoring the signs on the bank about entering the croc infested waters.

Sad to shoot the croc.

The man gambled with his life & lost, how's that the crocs fault.

There's too many of the buggas now, but that's only according to us humans.......the crocs are the last of the living dinosaurs ....... VERY effective hunters that kill with precision.

I feel sorry for the mans family, especially the wife BUT he knew the risks, he took his chances and now he's most likely wedged under a log somewhere awaiting to be consumed...... he will end up as croc poo.

Michael Jackson was super rare http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-19/part-albino-croc-shot-after-fatal-attack-a-1-in-100-million/5681462

Agree it's idiotic to shoot them just natural selection that's all.

Yes a Darwin Award candidate from Darwin 55555555

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In Australia just about everything that walks, crawls, slivers, swims or flies is a danger. There are apparently around 72 species that can/will kill a man/woman if need be. A kangaroo can disembowel a man in a blink of an eye an emu can do the same.

yep . . . and you can even die from laughter, simply by looking at a Duck-billed Platypus.

Which are poisonous so you wouldn't be laughing is stabbed by their spurs.

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In Australia just about everything that walks, crawls, slivers, swims or flies is a danger. There are apparently around 72 species that can/will kill a man/woman if need be. A kangaroo can disembowel a man in a blink of an eye an emu can do the same.

yep . . . and you can even die from laughter, simply by looking at a Duck-billed Platypus.

Which are poisonous so you wouldn't be laughing is stabbed by their spurs.

Well, right there you see . . . you've elaborated my very point - Whilst one is falling about in total hysterical apoplexy from gazing upon this utter joke looking hoax of an animal, the bloody little thing will creep up and bust a non lethal spike into you which only when combined with said laughter, will trigger a devastating cardiac arrest and/or asphyxiation . . . !


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In Australia just about everything that walks, crawls, slivers, swims or flies is a danger. There are apparently around 72 species that can/will kill a man/woman if need be. A kangaroo can disembowel a man in a blink of an eye an emu can do the same.

Man is more dangerous than all of them put together.
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