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Low iron levels. Low TIBC please advise


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I recently had a number of blood tests done.

The only anomaly was low TIBC

Iron study: Normal
Serum Iron ResultItem 10 Aug 2014 Specimen ( )
Serum -
Serum Iron ( 59-158 )
Total Iron Binding Capacity ResultItem 10 Aug 2014 Specimen ( )
Serum -
TIBC ( 228-428 )
208 L
Serum Iron ( 59-158 )
UIBC ( 112-346 )

My hair has been thinning for sure in the last 3 to 6 months and thus the low iron levels explain this.

I tried one of my wifes iron tables a month ago and I felt terrible. Major headaches- felt like my head was going to explode. I felt ill for a few hours. What sorts of foods and how much daily do I have to eat to get this back to normal.

Or can you recommend a vitamin specifically for this

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Be like Popeye - spinach.

and what should help on the spinach? it doesn't contain so much iron as people believe.

Without the nutrients in green leafy vegetables like spinach it is difficult for a body to metabolize iron.

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Be like Popeye - spinach.

and what should help on the spinach? it doesn't contain so much iron as people believe.

Without the nutrients in green leafy vegetables like spinach it is difficult for a body to metabolize iron.

shhh dont tell H90, he'll get a headache ;)

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Be like Popeye - spinach.

and what should help on the spinach? it doesn't contain so much iron as people believe.

Without the nutrients in green leafy vegetables like spinach it is difficult for a body to metabolize iron.

Your body, maybe.....for the rest of us:

"However, spinach contains iron absorption-inhibiting substances, including high levels of oxalate, which can bind to the iron to form ferrous oxalate and render much of the iron in spinach unusable by the body. In addition to preventing absorption and use, high levels of oxalates remove iron from the body."

From Wikipedia

So better use a nice beef steak instead of the spinach, which also tastes better.

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Be like Popeye - spinach.

and what should help on the spinach? it doesn't contain so much iron as people believe.

Without the nutrients in green leafy vegetables like spinach it is difficult for a body to metabolize iron.

Your body, maybe.....for the rest of us:

"However, spinach contains iron absorption-inhibiting substances, including high levels of oxalate, which can bind to the iron to form ferrous oxalate and render much of the iron in spinach unusable by the body. In addition to preventing absorption and use, high levels of oxalates remove iron from the body."

From Wikipedia

So better use a nice beef steak instead of the spinach, which also tastes better.

Thanks, I learn something everyday here on TV.

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Your body, maybe.....for the rest of us:

"However, spinach contains iron absorption-inhibiting substances, including high levels of oxalate, which can bind to the iron to form ferrous oxalate and render much of the iron in spinach unusable by the body. In addition to preventing absorption and use, high levels of oxalates remove iron from the body."

From Wikipedia

So better use a nice beef steak instead of the spinach, which also tastes better.

Thanks, I learn something everyday here on TV.

Cool stuff...now I can ditch it and grab a bigger steak next time.

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You do NOT have low iron levels!!!! Your serum iron is normal. In iron deficiency anemias the TIBC is increased whereas yours is decreased. So whatever else may be wrong you do not have iron deficiency anemia and there is no need to increase your intake of iron.

If the iron panel was done because of anemia found on blood count then the anemia is of a different origin. I could advise better with more information e.g. why the tests were done, what your blood count (CBC) showed, medical history, symptoms etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi to the legendary Sheryl,

I visited the hospital as I was experiencing strange feelings in my chest and because I have noticed that my hair is thinning this year badly and still is this month.

Below are the general blood tests. What do you think is causing the TIBC to be low and how do I get it back to normal.

I have been diagnosed with minor heart issues such as enlarged aaorta, mytrol valve prolapse. The technician said that there was mild regurgitation when I did a stress test echo. Ive also been diagnosed with minor 'ventricular extrasystole

Since going to that dr Ive since given up booze, vitamins (which made me feel ill) and on gluten free. I feel a lot better. However I would still be interested in the TIBC reading. Thanks for your time.

Complete Blood Count ( 10/08/2014 15:27:00 )
Complete Blood Count
Specimen.....................: EDTA blood
WBC Count....................: 6.65 10^\3/ul (4.00-10.00)
RBC Count....................: 4.85 10^\6/ul (4.00-6.00)
Hemoglobin(Hb)...............: 14.4 g/dL (14.1-18.1)
Hematocrit(Hct)..............: 42.7 % (37.0-54.0)
MCV..........................: 88.0 fL (80.0-96.0)
MCH..........................: 29.7 pg (27.0-31.0)
MCHC.........................: 33.7 g/dL (30.0-34.0)
RDW..........................: 12.7 % (11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count...............: 209 10^\3/ul (140-440)
WBC Differential Count;
% Neutrophils................: 51.9 % (40.0-60.0)
% Lymphocytes................: 40.6 % (12.0-44.0)
% Monocytes..................: 4.8 % (4.0-8.0)
% Eosinophils................: 2.4 % (1.0-3.0)
% Basophil...................: 0.3 % (0.0-1.0)
Platelet Smear...............: Adequate
RBC Morphology...............: Normochromic,Normocytic
ABO Blood Group ( 10/08/2014 15:51:00 )
ABO Blood Group..............: Group O
Rh Blood Group ( 10/08/2014 15:52:00 )
Rh Blood Group...............: Rh(D)Positive
Hemoglobin Typing ( 12/08/2014 11:04:00 )
Hemoglobin Typing
Specimen.....................: EDTA blood
MCV..........................: 88.0 fl (80.0-95.0)
MCH..........................: 29.7 pg (27.0-32.0)
Hb A.........................: 97.20 %
Hb A2........................: 2.8 % (2.0-4.0)
OF test(Osmotic fragility)...: Negative
Hb typing....................: A2A, Normal or non clinically significant thalassemia
Comment: Report From N Health Central Laboratory
By Montri Kakaw,MT. 2626
Lipid profile ( 10/08/2014 15:41:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Cholesterol..................: 142 mg/dL (0-200)
Triglyceride.................: 65 mg/dL (0-149)
HDL-Cholesterol..............: 50 mg/dL (>40)
Direct LDL-Cholesterol.......: 89 mg/dL (0-130)
VLDL.........................: 13 mg/dl (0-40)
Creatinine ( 10/08/2014 15:41:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Creatinine...................: 0.89 mg/dL (0.70-1.20)
GFR (African-American).......: 113.07 ml/min/1.73 m2
GFR (Non African-American)...: 93.29 ml/min/1.73 m2
GFR Comment..................: Reference from National Kidney Foundation.
Blood Urea Nitrogen ( 10/08/2014 15:42:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Blood Urea Nitrogen..........: 11 mg/dL (6-20)
Microscopy&Fluid Analysis
Urine Examination ( 10/08/2014 15:46:00 )
Urine Examination
Physical Examination;
Urine Type...................: Mid-stream urine
Urine Volume.................: 10 mL
Urine Color .................: Yellow
Urine Turbidity..............: Clear
Chemical Examination;
Urine Specific Gravity.......: 1.010 (1.003-1.030)
Urine pH.....................: 7.0 (4.5-8.0)
Urine Leucocytes.............: Negative [Normal : Negative]
Urine Nitrite................: Negative (<=10 mg/100 mL)[Normal : Negative]
Urine Protein................: Negative [Normal : Negative]
Urine Glucose ...............: Negative [Normal : Negative]
Urine Ketone.................: Negative [Normal : Negative]
Urine Urobilinogen...........: Normal [Normal : Negative]
Urine Bilirubin..............: Negative [Normal : Negative]
Urine Erythrocytes...........: Trace (5 ery/ul) [Normal : Negative]
Microscopic Examination;
White Blood Cell.............: 0-1 cells/HPF [Normal : 0-5 Cells/HPF]
Red Blood Cell...............: 0-1 cells/HPF [Normal : 0-2 Cells/HPF]
Squamous Epithelial Cells....: 0-1 cells/HPF [Normal : 0-5 Cells/HPF]
Gram Stain ( 10/08/2014 16:57:00 )
Gram Stain
Specimen Type.....................: Urine
Gram Stain........................: No Organism Seen
TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ( 10/08/2014 15:54:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
TSH..........................: 0.711 uIU/mL (0.270-4.200)
Method.......................: ECIA
Homocysteine ( 12/08/2014 11:10:00 )
Homocysteine..................: 12.63 umol/L (5.00-15.00)
Comment: Report From N Health Central Laboratory
By Nukool Jaiklang,MT.2670
Free T3(Triiodothyronine Free) ( 10/08/2014 15:54:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Free T3......................: 3.17 pg/mL (2.00-4.00)
Method.......................: ECIA
Free T4(Thyroxine Free) ( 10/08/2014 15:54:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Free T4......................: 1.40 ng/dL (0.93-1.70)
Method.......................: ECIA
Serum Iron ( 12/08/2014 08:22:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Serum Iron...................: 78 ug/dL (59-158)
Comment: Report From N Health Central Laboratory
By Charunee Luesaopa, MT.12533
Total Iron Binding Capacity ( 12/08/2014 08:22:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
TIBC.........................: 208 L ug/dL (228-428)
Serum Iron...................: 78 ug/dL (59-158)
UIBC.........................: 130 ug/dL (112-346)
Comment: Report From N Health Central Laboratory
By Charunee Luesaopa, MT.12533
Vitamin B12 ( 12/08/2014 11:08:00 )
Specimen.....................: Serum
Vitamin B12..................: 272 pg/mL (211-911)
Comment: Report From N Health Central Laboratory
By Charunee Luesopa.,,MT. 12533
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forgot to mention that the dr commented about the TIBC:

TIBC cannot interpretation alone it need to correlation with serum iron and Hematocrit. Your serum iron and hematocrit were normal it mean just variation and no need to treatment due to just supporting Lab which not so specific disease.

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What the doctor told you is correct. In the context of normal blood count and serum iron levels this TIBC result is of no clinical significance at all.

you do not need to do anything in regard to it.

all the test resultd you list are normal. Possibly the chest discomfort was gastritis, which would square with feeling better after stopping an oral medication (vitamins) and changing diet. Howeve wiith yout cardiac history cardiac cause should be excluded. I assume EKG was done and normal? Have you had a stress test?

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