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Central Shopping Mall v Pantip Plaza


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I've noticed that many people who used to swear by the plain vanilla basic phones often find themselves upgrading to a 'smart phone' as they discover more and more what a smart phone can do to simplify daily chores. Sometimes, for some, it's hard to admit that change can be good.

How does it simplify daily chores? Frankly, if I had all the capabilities of my computer in my pocket connected to a satellite, I can not imagine how that would significantly assist in my daily chores? Please do let me know what am I missing?

Alarms, reminders, notes, grocery lists, online recipes, GPS (maps), address book, camera. All these things can aid in our daily chores. Except doing the dishes and taking out the rubbish.

When the wheel was being invented would you have questioned that?

I do not find any of that would simplify my daily chores. I do not need a map or GPS to get around nor do I need alarms to keep me on schedule. A simple list on the back of an old receipt is occasionally helpful but only used occasionally.

To suggest that a smart phone is anywhere near the wheel as a useful invention is a far reach of the imagination.

I have a couple of smart phones and a high performance laptop. Love 'em, but they really are just toys, nothing more.

When somebody cures cancer with an iPhone, then I'll be impressed.

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Someone once said that you could judge a man's wealth by how many keys he carried... until he was rich enough to have someone else carry the keys for him. Me, I have several different notes to carry, a couple of lists I need to reference when I'm out and about each day, and God knows I need the alarm reminders or I'd never stop reading my book! I never seem to remember the number of the color ink cartridge for my printer, or the account code for a bank wire transfer should I happen to be passing by my bank. I guess we all have different needs. Some folks see smartphones as toys, others see them as tools.

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There are a number of iPhone apps that can help you quit smoking which is the best cure for lung cancer so far...

Yes indeed.... This app helped 3 mates stop... https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/allen-carrs-easy-way-to-stop/id585624864?mt=8

Try carrying around a TV and DVD player everywhere you go when you get those cravings.

Smart phones are just what they say they are. To stay with Noah and his Ark is just pride, join the 21st century, all are welcome.

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The major problem with the 600 baht Nokia skinflint model is that so many expat retirees have them, it's easy to get phones mixed up, especially now that they reduced the color choices. Other than that, it's a great phone, with large buttons and easy to figure out.

Edited by NancyL
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