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Myanmar tests local man travelling from Bangkok for Ebola

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So the man turns out to have malaria, not something worse, good ! smile.png

But the questions remain, how was he able to pass through Bangkok airport without their supposedly-adequate measures spotting that he had a high-fever, or aren't they looking at outgoing-people too, and why on earth did the Thai authorities have to ask Burma if any of their nationals had been on the plane with him ?

It was a flight from Bangkok, the chances were very high that there were Thai passengers too, and surely the AoT and the (un-named) airline would also have records of who was on the plane ? wink.png


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Again I say...ban people from West

Yes, all evil is flom West, falang-dam, falang-kao, all the same!!!

Wilcopops post # 12

Facile comment.

No-one said it would NEVER happen - and so far according to this report, it hasn't


There is no Ebola infection in Thailand!!

Well, it reminds me the word of a thai "medic", and they are representatives of the hi-so here, just think about the rest......

He basically said that there were no bad viruses in Thailand and all those nasty things comes from foreigners (!)


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well well well, I know it is not confirmed but to all of those who said it would never happen, never say never. There was ALWAYS a chance of this happening

According to the link below, the virus can only be transfered through body fluids right? So unless he has transfered his saliva, sperm, vomit etc to every woman/man he has been with on the flight and has seen since arriving in Bangkokwai2.gif its probably only him who has anything to worry about. If its confirmed that is, he could just have the flu.. wink.pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_disease

It is not airborne in the same way as influenza is, but a cough or sneeze onto a surface will suffice enough if then touched by someone else, they rub their eyes, touch their mouth. Someone who is that ill is sweating, touches many doors, items in a store etc, yes it isn't as contagious but it is no joke. Why do you think every doctor and specialist wears a full chemical body suit when dealing with infected people?

Aw, you got me there... Where did you find this info?


well well well, I know it is not confirmed but to all of those who said it would never happen, never say never. There was ALWAYS a chance of this happening

According to the link below, the virus can only be transfered through body fluids right? So unless he has transfered his saliva, sperm, vomit etc to every woman/man he has been with on the flight and has seen since arriving in Bangkokwai2.gif its probably only him who has anything to worry about. If its confirmed that is, he could just have the flu.. wink.pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_disease

It is not airborne in the same way as influenza is, but a cough or sneeze onto a surface will suffice enough if then touched by someone else, they rub their eyes, touch their mouth. Someone who is that ill is sweating, touches many doors, items in a store etc, yes it isn't as contagious but it is no joke. Why do you think every doctor and specialist wears a full chemical body suit when dealing with infected people?

Aw, you got me there... Where did you find this info?

Last I checked, mucus is a bodily fluid. The virus may not last too long outside the body, but it will probably last for enough time for somebody to touch the surface and pick up the virus ... an escalator hand rail for example.

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