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Homeless Swede found on Bangkok street


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"Mr. Leif Christer didn’t want to go back home because he was afraid that he might be blacklisted and wouldn’t be able to travel to Thailand again."

That about sums it up.

This is not correct. But of course black listing and potential jail time was on his mind.

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^In this thread we see the best and worst of people with much judgement based on few facts. People, even stupid people, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect no matter what mistakes they may have made. Of course those that are most heartless and rush to judgement have never made a mistake in life, nor repeated the same mistake. I don't know the truth about this case but the old saying that you cannot judge another unless you have walked in their shoes seems apt.

What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

I'm interested in the industrial accident given that it has been reported in the Swedish press and the employer was convicted so it was obviously something significant.

Lye (sodium hydroxide) can be very hazardous in an enclosed or heated space, leading to permanent chemical burns of the skin (acid burns), blindness and significant scarring. The pharmacist reported providing some medical device for his injuries, yet I didn't see specifics in the reports about what exact injuries that he sustained. If his injuries were severe and that led to a divorce, loss of family and or his career it gives some insight into backgrounds issues.....

Without breaching the guys privacy (not that this is being respected here) as you obviously know a lot having met him and helped him, can you please expand a little on what injuries his sustained?

He had severe burns on his body, and had to stay in hospital for a month or so. After the accident, his health became worse, and waiting for trails etc, the trauma ended up with bad mental health which I guess led to the loss of his family as well.

For scandis: http://www.helahalsingland.se/halsingland/hudiksvall/akeri-riskerar-boter-for-arbetsmiljobrott

Edited by mortenaa
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feel pity but it's not Thailand's fault. He should be sent home and not allowed back for his, and Thailand's, good. Good luck to him I hope he pulls himself out of his self pity and misery (doubtful). Feel sorry for his kids.

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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.
Thailand is a country you need to be a strong willed person. Make sure you control Thailand not allow Thailand, especially Pattaya, Patong etc control you.
Will power and control are not viable options to those suffering from mental disease, drug or alcohol addiction.

People suffering from those diseases are easily manipulated and taken advantage of. I hope he is repatriated and finds the help that is readily available in his home country.

As a side note, there is an extensive network of AA and NA groups in Thailand. Google AA or NA Thailand for more information.

One Day At A Time

Although i agree addicts can be manipulated, normally and quite typically it is they the addicts, that are the master manipulators. Typically they blame their problems on everything and everybody except them and alcohol. Quite typically alcoholics can lose everything themselves without needing halp from anyone(thai female)

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Mirror foundation........they never cared about any foreigner in the past before so why now?


The Boss (nuling) screwed up and they are in desperate need of new PAID volunteers and UN funds.

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Well no requirement for me to post any negative diatribe about this poor homeless bloke who suffers from mental illness and addiction, the moral and mighty of TV Forum have spoken.

I agree there is no requirement for you to post anything. Particularly if it contributes nothing to the discussion. Best to keep rubbish to yourself.

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He had severe burns on his body, and had to stay in hospital for a month or so. After the accident, his health became worse, and waiting for trails etc, the trauma ended up with bad mental health which I guess led to the loss of his family as well.

For scandis: http://www.helahalsingland.se/halsingland/hudiksvall/akeri-riskerar-boter-for-arbetsmiljobrott

That article has nothing to do with this guy.

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This old chestnut again... I had this situation posted on my facebook the other day, and my reply will be the same, Get off your arse, get to the Embassy (Swedish, one of the nicest in the world) and get your arse home...... But unfortunately we all know the reason why he's in this predicament, he's pissed it all away, now he's trying to gain sympathy,,,,,,, wrong place mate, It's in the dictionary between shit and syphilis !

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

You could read about it in Bangkok post two days ago. And they also had interviews

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

You could read about it in Bangkok post a couple of days ago. With interviews

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He came here in November. He came here in January. And then he came here on this trip....................and he had one million when he came here according to himself

On which trip?

The news article states that he came to Thailand with this money.

What it doesn't state is when.....................wink.png

According to several posters, he has been on the streets for years.

Make your own mind up, and don't be controlled by only what you read.

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

Your post is ridicilous considering a couple of newspapers and at least ten internet and Facebook forums already have been writing about it. And of course it's true. One of the 3 Girls working in a pharmacy that have been giving him food and helping him every was a victim. He tried to break into her apartment also. And she felt sorry for him and started to help him.

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If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

They can't take his passport. And only people that never have stayed in Sweden repeat over and over again here about the generous Swedish social service.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He came here in November. He came here in January. And then he came here on this trip....................and he had one million when he came here according to himself

On which trip?

The news article states that he came to Thailand with this money.

What it doesn't state is when.....................wink.png

According to several posters, he has been on the streets for years.

Make your own mind up, and don't be controlled by only what you read.

He came here about 4 months ago April-May. And before that he had one trip in Nov and one in Jan

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If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

They can't take his passport. And only people that never have stayed in Sweden repeat over and over again here about the generous Swedish social service.

Maybe they cant take his passport but I think they should take it because he seems unable to use it responsibly. As for Swedish Försäkringskassa (Social Sevices) they are exceptionally generous compared to others in Europe. Oh and also Jag har bott i Sverige i många år.

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I just recently started seeing this guy,, He was sitting, begging directly across from a bar I was sitting on the railing in on Nana 4,,, I watched him for several hours,, Of course I could tell he was broke, hence the begging,, but several things, "struck" me about him,,, that seemed, "off",,, From his looks, I assumed he was just recently homeless,,, He appeared to be somewhat, "cleaner" than most homeless,, his clothes were not in rags from constant wear, and seemed fairly clean, he was fairly clean-shaven, as in what looked like maybe only about a weeks growth, including his head/hair, which it appears he shaves... NOT that homeless can't shave,, but someone that's drunk, begging, to eat, get drunk, seldom cares about spending $ for that,, He smokes, OK,, no problem, BUT again, I can't seem him spending $ on expensive cigs instead of booze,, when he could beg for them,,, AND he happens to smoke Marlboro,, MORE expensive than your standard, low priced Thai brands,, AND was carrying a PACK, not begging them one at a time from strangers.. So it's obvious he's making enough $ to at LEAST support his habits... NOT passing judgement here,, just my observations,,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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He came here and found out what it's all about. Unfortunately, his addiction made it impossible to get by. He should go home, before he destroys himself, and destroys what's left of his esteem, if indeed he has any left. Why stay near Nana? He would find more help in the woods!

Maybe the Thai police should keep him sleeping there, bringing him daily meals to support him so he has just enough to survive.

He will be a terrific example for all the other day-dreamers and misfits that come to this country for all the wrong reasons....

I've found that a persons true worth is shown by their compassion and generosity to those less fortunate, particularly of those suffering from mental illness and addiction.

Agreed, DrLom, mental illness is a very serious disease but something different entirely from a drug or alcohol induced depression. Also, I believe he had a choice, as where many mentally ill people donot. I've worked with drug addicts almost all my life, and if anything, donot feel too much compassion, as they are sky high or stoned most of the time, a luxury not many of us could afford.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And this was posted on the news or by you on a LINK here?

I saw on the News "No Family!".

When someone decides to help out a guy, you should at least do some research about his background story. This is what we did. He has been previously married.

I don't have time to research every drunken bum that walks ours streets here. Besides all that, when you make a post here, expecting other people to believe you, it is also your responsibility to show some proof, and not for us to go around checking if you are a liar or not.

But on this occasion let me take you on just your words. That I will agreed with you when you said this 45 years old and was married and has 2 kids. Should this change my feelings about the whole thing? In a way it does, but not in your favor. After pissing up all his money here or losing to some woman younger woman with big promises, what does he have left to give his kids. What has he given them in the past for support? It is better for me to think he had no family!

There are many alcoholics who live out productive lives. Only a very few small percentage end up on the streets. There are also many people suffering through severe depression and also live productive lives and don't resort to living on the street either. Many a time I have seen a man in a wheelchair here, with no legs, who is well dressed, clean shaven, and seems to get by fine, and is not sleeping in some dirty corner somewhere.

As one poster already mentioned, the last thing he needs, if he is depressed, is alcohol! I don't doubt for a second that many times in this mans life someone tried to help him and to stop drinking. Perhaps his wife! Or his parents! His brother or sister! His Boss! And now people like you! Knowing even right now you are not going to make a difference.

You and your friends can keep throwing money at him until one day you to realize it is useless. For a person who is in this way, yet refuses help, except financial to get drunk again, and refuses to help himself, in my book is useless to any society. He is the one who needs to change. Not Us!

I wish him well, and hope he gets well soon, but I will not bet even one Baht that he will.

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If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

They can't take his passport. And only people that never have stayed in Sweden repeat over and over again here about the generous Swedish social service.

Maybe they cant take his passport but I think they should take it because he seems unable to use it responsibly. As for Swedish Försäkringskassa (Social Sevices) they are exceptionally generous compared to others in Europe. Oh and also Jag har bott i Sverige i många år.

The Swedish Försäkringskassa has nothing to do with this. And they will not give him 1 baht. They will not be involved in this

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If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

They can't take his passport. And only people that never have stayed in Sweden repeat over and over again here about the generous Swedish social service.

Maybe they cant take his passport but I think they should take it because he seems unable to use it responsibly. As for Swedish Försäkringskassa (Social Sevices) they are exceptionally generous compared to others in Europe. Oh and also Jag har bott i Sverige i många år.

The Swedish Försäkringskassa has nothing to do with this. And they will not give him 1 baht. They will not be involved in this

i agree they will not help him while he is here in Thailand. But when he returns they will start giving him generous welfare payments. My point was that if he wants a warm climate he can travel to Spain or Italy and continue to receive these generous payments as he has not left the EU. That way he doesn't need to be penniless again which he would be if he returns here.

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Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

Your post is ridicilous considering a couple of newspapers and at least ten internet and Facebook forums already have been writing about it. And of course it's true. One of the 3 Girls working in a pharmacy that have been giving him food and helping him every was a victim. He tried to break into her apartment also. And she felt sorry for him and started to help him.

Lol you seem to be like the 10 yr old who believes if it is on the internet it must be true - there are also articles and multiple websites predicting a tsunami in BKK next year , I suppose you believe that as well! Goodness me!

Like nearly every gullible person you also seem to believe everything that is printed in the Thai press. Do you personally know this pharmacy woman or a victim of his alleged criminal conduct, can you pls give us the date and location of the alleged offence(s)? Can you please reference exactly where she stated that "he tried to break into her apartment also". You seem very sure of that, pls do refer your exact quote.

Pls do advise when a criminal complaint was lodged, the court date and the outcome of the case. I somehow doubt that you can do any of that but you do seem to know all about this obviously based on firsthand knowledge........

The point is, unless someone has lodged a criminal complaint and the matter has proceeded to court where he has been convicted, no allegation regarding illegal conduct can be considered factual. People can say all sorts of things about others as this thread shows, people are making many ridiculous conclusions and judgments based on little or no info.

The ridiculous aspect of people stating that he did "such and such criminal conduct" is that they seem to be either basing it on Thai press reports - which conveniently are suddenly 100% accurate and true in all aspects of these articles when we all know the opposite is the norm - or they purport to know this as fact and yet can't refer to any criminal justice proceedings.

I have no idea either way and I really don't care if it did or didn't happen. I'm just not so gullible and naive to believe FB postings, nor postings on TV. Show me evidence of criminal justice proceedings and such allegations will then have some credibility.

Otherwise, they are indeed potentially defamatory. Even homeless people can sue.

Edited by Lakegeneve
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Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

You could read about it in Bangkok post a couple of days ago. With interviews

It is the same point as the one made above, that without a criminal complaint and subsequent finding of guilt in a court there is no evidence of anything. I can't believe how naive and gossipy people are.

1) The article is based on an interview with a woman, they do not state that they interviewed him. So everything in the article is based on another person versions of what happened previously to the guy. There is no statement from the police regarding alleged criminal conduct.

2) I'm not sure if english is your first language but please reread the article. It states; "said she befriended Mr Christer after he tried to break into a condominium room in Nana where her colleague lived, a few months ago because he mistook it for the room of his girlfriend. He went there to ask for his money back from the woman, she said."

Again this is according to her version, he tried to break into a condo of a colleague - NOT HER room - because he mistook it for his girlfriends rooms. Criminality requires intent. In this case the women is stating that it was a mistake, that is her version. She is not stating that he broke into her friends home and stole anything. Only that he TRIED under the mistaken impression that it was his girlfriends place. That is her version.

So from that you made one alleged mistaken attempt, you are brazenly foolhardy to state that he was "breaking into peoples homes in Nana". For you that is a fact. A fact based on misinterpretation on your part which then suddenly became not just one incident but multiple ones.

So not only can you not read but you then exaggerate the one incident into many. Then you go and do the most stupid thing that one can do in Thailand which is make a statement on the internet which exposes you to a potential criminal defamation complaint!

And all because why? This persons welfare was of such importance to you?

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feel pity but it's not Thailand's fault. He should be sent home and not allowed back for his, and Thailand's, good. Good luck to him I hope he pulls himself out of his self pity and misery (doubtful). Feel sorry for his kids.

Any further news about the lady who took every stitch from him ??? allegedly ---- There must be a million who have been conned, because of initial trust.

( once you have withdrawn the money-transaction finished put in a Thai name for trust---your done big time. How many have recovered monies back from the girlfriend/boyfriend.??) easy come easy go. a few more safeguards are needed here to protect the easily exploited. If this ex exists she wants doing big time, no matter what problems he had-to me that's another chapter.

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He had severe burns on his body, and had to stay in hospital for a month or so. After the accident, his health became worse, and waiting for trails etc, the trauma ended up with bad mental health which I guess led to the loss of his family as well.

For scandis: http://www.helahalsingland.se/halsingland/hudiksvall/akeri-riskerar-boter-for-arbetsmiljobrott

That article has nothing to do with this guy.

Yes it does .. Here is more: http://www.arbetarskydd.se/nyheter/olyckor/article2500626.ece

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