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A re-entry permit means nothing at the Southern Borders

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Some posters should really go back and read what the topic starter has written!

I am on a 1 year extension based on retirement, so I duly applied for a single entry re-entry permit at Chaengwantana
they stamped my passport with a 90 day permission to stay. I still have over 9 months left on my initial extension

Extension! Re-Entry permit! 9 months left -> 90 day stamp!

This is defintetely an abuse by the immigration and he should go to CW to correct this!

Revenge for not bribing.

All that questioning for a person staying on a retirement extension etc., completely groundless bullying,

No multiple Non O visa,

No "reporting date stamp" (nonsense).

One should really look for the anonymous whistleblower possibilities to report this.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Wrong date on a stamp is an administrative error which should have been corrected on the spot. These errors are common at land border crossings.

Sure, mistakes are made, but under the circumstances I really assume a deliberate act.

Reporting: sure not complain about the wrong stamp but about the impudent asking for a bribe.

I remember the recent story from Phuket airport about the "fee for express service".

The boss confronted with the facts simply disputed in spite of numerous cases/witnesses.

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Best options with borders like this is either hard ball & get a stamp or use other options such as flights to avoid scamming borders.

If minimal people use the crossing then they won't be making much out of scamming & can sit in border hut & rot. Main reason you got so much corruption is people pay up too easily & don't make effort to be prepared for some hassle.

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Wrong date on a stamp is an administrative error which should have been corrected on the spot. These errors are common at land border crossings.

Sure, mistakes are made, but under the circumstances I really assume a deliberate act. Reporting: sure not complain about the wrong stamp but about the impudent asking for a bribe.

I remember the recent story from Phuket airport about the "fee for express service".

The boss confronted with the facts simply disputed in spite of numerous cases/witnesses.

An "administrative error" makes the corruption scam very difficult for prosecutors, if not impossible. Everyone makes "mistakes" it's only human after all.

Equally difficult to catch are the intensive interviews given to pax who fail to tip. Interviewing at border checkpoints is the primary job function of immigration officers. Does anyone not expect them to perform their duties to the best of their abilities?

The Phuket situation is special. Phuket is a world unto it's own.

Any successful crackdown on these activities will need to involve large placards at every post, displayed in seven languages, in bold print. "Tipping is absolutely forbidden." followed up by plain clothed undercover Caucasian officers tipping with marked money. It would not be at all difficult.

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For cases like this it would be enough to film it with camera glasses and upload to social network within a circle of interest on corruption, there are various that are followed by Thais. You would see quite a good stirring and that should teach them for a while.

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"You made me look at my Passport. I came in from Vietnam about 2 weeks ago and the stamp gave me 90 days. So it looks like that was wrong too. I am leaving again next Friday so it shouldn't be an issue. Sorry for the wrong info."

90 days was wrong for the situation you posted about, but it might be right for you. It depends on what visa or extension you have.

just to clarify

if you enter Thailand on a re-entry permit and have a retirement extension then surely the stamp of 90 days indicates when you need to do the 90 day report - you retirement extension is still live and dated as it should be - 12 months from when it started

For as long as i can remember when i come back they date entry stamp with date by 1 year visa expires. At least 10 years I've checked each time i come back since I'm worried they might not put right date on it. Once at airport i checked and they had given 30days 9or stamped it 30 days later) so lucky i checked before i left immigration i went back and showed my multi entry (which i get every year) plus my 1 year and officer smiled said sorry and amended it with his signature. So it does IMO matter a lot and nothing to do with 90 day reporting at all.

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